RSVP now for Photoshop Week 2017 and watch all 42 classes from the world’s top Photoshop and Lightroom experts for free.
Photoshop is an essential tool for any photographer and graphic designer, but they’re certainly not the only ones who can put the powerful (and ubiquitous) software to good use.
For freelancers, entrepreneurs, small business owners, crafters, and any other creative professional, it helps to have even just a working knowledge of how to use Photoshop. In the best case, it can actually make a hugely positive impact in your business.
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From more engaging social media images, to vastly improved product photography, and even more professional-looking web content, there are countless small (but also big!) ways that you can expect to improve your business just by getting familiar with Photoshop.
Learn everything you need to take your post production images to the next level. RSVP to Photoshop Week 2017 and watch over 42 classes for free.
Here are 4 of the top ways entrepreneurs and freelancers are using Photoshop to move the needle in their businesses today.
1. DIY Marketing Materials
Instead of outsourcing your marketing materials, like signs, stickers, or brochures, learning Photoshop means that you can make all of that in-house. Not only does this allow for more creative control over the materials circulating about your business, it’ll also save you the money you’d spend on an outside hire.
2. Better Social Media Profiles And Content
Sharable micro-content? Check. Attractive, eye-grabbing cover photos? You’ve got it. Even just a small amount of Photoshop knowledge can help you turn your great raw materials into better, more compelling, more share-worthy social media marketing elements.
Create the kind of simple images and other design elements that bolster your social media presence yourself, and you’ll see increased engagement and a lot more return on your time spent on social media.
3. More Streamlined Communication
Whether you’re a freelancer, a business owner, or just a person who sometimes has to send out contracts and other forms, having documents that are all stylized and personalized really ups the overall appearance of professionalism. Internal documents, too, like HR paperwork and other forms, can be greatly improved with just the addition of a logo and branded typeface. It’s a small detail, but having pretty, streamlined communications does make a big difference.
4. Improved Sales
There are no two ways about it: Product photography matters, and it can be the difference between a sale and no sale.
Widely hailed as one of the most important elements of eCommerce, great product photography doesn’t begin and end with the click of the shutter; being able to edit and improve the photos you take, even if just with your iPhone, is key. Easy photo editing — like making adjustments to color or shadows — can make your products look more appealing, and help potential buyers see the value in your goods, without spending any extra money on the photography itself.
So, what’s it going to be? RSVP now for our free Photoshop Week 2017 and learn from the best in the world, how to become a Photoshop master.