There is no guidebook to becoming a successful freelancer (though there is an online class for that).
As a freelancer, you’re mostly you’re your own teacher, and you have to figure out the path you’re going to take with growing your business. Thankfully, there’s now a lot of support available for freelancers and solopreneurs from communities like Freelancer’s Union, Freelance Lift, and others.
After all, more than one in three workers in the United States are freelancers, according to a recent study from Upwork. Many individuals and organizations are providing independent workers with highly valuable tips, advice, and information on how to succeed.
Here are some of the greatest cheat sheets, infographics, and resources we’ve found for freelancers.
1. Determine Your Estimated Taxes [Blog Post]
Tax time can be a big problem for freelancers. Many wait until the last minute to pay, or underestimate how much they owe.
With’s detailed post on estimated taxes, you can calculate how much you’ll owe and find out when it’s due (hint: it’s quarterly).
2. Who is Freelancing? [Infographic]
This infographic posted on Bit Rebels shows exactly who is freelancing around the world, as well as their work habits. For example, South American freelancers work the longest hours, clocking in 49 per week compared to the United States’ 39 hours. It also turns out that women are a minority when it comes to freelancers, with 76.6% of freelancers being men, and 43.8% of freelancers are self-taught.
3. Scoring Outsourcing Gigs [Cheat Sheet]
When freelancers first start out, they might look to job boards like Upwork and Fiverr for work. For individuals in that position, Lise Cartwright of Outsourced Freelancing Success created this cheat sheet called, “Freelancing Success on Outsourced Sites.” It’s a step-by-step guide on making your profile, finding gigs, and ensuring that clients are legitimate.
4. Increasing Your Freelance Success [Blog Post]
Brent Galloway of Your Freelance Career posted an article on 10 tips for succeeding at your freelance career.
They include getting contracts for every project, explaining your process to your clients and being transparent, and knowing your numbers i.e. your site traffic, revenue, and the amount of interactivity with your content.
5. Are You Destined to Become a Freelancing Star? [Infographic]
An infographic produced by The Creative Group outlines how freelancers can work with businesses, as well as what it takes to become a freelancer. If you enjoy a variety of tasks, can work under pressure, and are willing to market yourself constantly, you are a fantastic candidate for freelancing.
6. Utilizing LinkedIn to Your Benefit [Cheat Sheet]
This cheat sheet, which was made by Digital Boot Camp and posted on The Work at Home Wife blog, covers how freelancers can effectively use LinkedIn. It goes over everything from how to set up and improve your profile to networking on LinkedIn Groups and requesting reviews from your clients.
7. Calculate Your Hourly Rate [Infographic]
This handy infographic right here on CreativeLive is perfect for freelancers who are having trouble coming up with their rates. If you’re just starting out, or you can’t afford your current lifestyle, you can use this in-depth graphic to walk you through the process of calculating exactly how much you should charge your clients.
If that’s not enough, check out this post on Lifehacker.
8. Writing Sample Query Letters [Blog Post] has a highly valuable post on sample query letters for writers when they’re pitching to different publications.
If you’re a freelance writer, make sure you subscribe to the site’s newsletters, which showcase job postings and writing contests.
9. Increase Your Wages [eBook]
Are you a freelance writer looking to make more money? Then purchase The International Freelancer’s guide, which will show you how to make an extra $1,000 this month.
It’s only $9.99, and includes advice on negotiating wages, how to repackage stories, and how to contact editors.
10. Steps for Starting Your Freelance Business [Blog Post]
By Regina’s post on 12 essential steps for creating your own freelance business shows you exactly what goes into a solopreneur career. She recommends developing a content plan, determining your pricing, figuring out your contracts, seeing which payment systems are right for you, and more.
With these cheat sheets, blog posts, infographics, and resources, you can get your freelancing career up and running or improve your already existing one. Though you’re on your own, with a little research, you can determine the best plan of action to succeed.
If you need more hands-on learning, try out a CreativeLive class on business and freelancing. For instance, right now they’re offering “How to Make a Living Selling What Your Make” and “25 Ways to Jumpstart Your Business.”
Whether you’re starting your freelance career, or looking to grow your existing business, download our Free eBook, The Essential Guide to Launching a Freelance Career.
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