In this clip from AdoramaTV, Photoshop Hall of Famer Dave Cross tells Tamara Lackey how Photoshop has transformed his relationship with — and understanding of — photography.
Dave dabbled in photography for a bit in high school, but it didn’t captivate him as much as working with computers did. Dave remembers the exact moment the flip switched — and his fascination with Photoshop prompted him to pick his camera up again. “I had an idea for a [Photoshop] tutorial, and I was spending an hour going through stock photos,” Dave recalls. “And then I had an idea — I thought, or I could take my camera and take a photo to use in this tutorial. As soon as I started doing that, it turned completely around, until I loved photography and it’s a big part of my life — I have my own studio now, and I love it, but I came Photoshop first, photography second.”
That moment then turned into an entire career. Dave, now a world-renowned Photoshop expert, remembers another career-defining moment — this time during a conversation with a handful of photographer peers. “We were having the traditional, ya know, get it right in the camera vs. fix it later in Photoshop [discussion], and I sort of stuck my hand out and said, ‘I think you’re missing a middle part, which is take advantage of Photoshop to do things you can’t do in camera alone.’”
Watch the rest of Dave’s AdoramaTV interview below!