The wedding planner and the wedding photographer are the two most important people on any wedding day, second to the bride and the groom. The wedding planner is tasked with planning and orchestrating a seamless, gorgeous event — and the photographer is responsible for capturing the beauty and emotions of the day. In order to pull off a successful event, it’s essential that the photographer and planner have a solid working relationship before, during, and after the wedding day itself. Here are three ways wedding photographers can surprise and delight their wedding planner partners-in-crime:
The Big C: Communication
Some photographers don’t read my timeline, don’t return my emails, don’t return my phone calls — so I can’t even get a cell phone number for emergencies. As the wedding planner, I personally strive to support my vendor team. I want to be able to adjust the timing or modify the timeline to make it easier for everyone. I like to incorporate the photography schedule, because the photographer takes a huge role alongside the wedding planner in executing the flow of the day. The photographers that work well with planners will read the timeline and take a few minutes to reply and confirm or make suggestions. The photographer may know something that the planner does not, as he /she may have worked at the venue many more times the planner. Communication of ideas and needs are crucial — by both parties.
Changing Shoot Locations
Many times the first look is TBD, as it should be, unless the bride and groom have something specific in mind. TBD for the location is fine — as the photographer needs to check lighting conditions and foot traffic, and scout out options. Problems often occur with the large group photos (i.e., bridal party and family photos) My role is to communicate to the bridal party and the family at the rehearsal on where and what time to meet for photos. If the photographer decides to change the location and it’s not close to where everyone is meeting, getting 20-40 people to move sometimes is difficult and will cause a delay. The worst is if you need a golf cart to move them because the new location is beyond a walkable distance. Okay, not the worst, the absolute worst is if you change your mind and move them again. Now the bridal party and family are getting frustrated. In addition, the photographer is less likely to get all the photos they need in the remaining minutes they have left before the ceremony needs to start. Plan accordingly!

After the Wedding & Sharing of Images
After the wedding, It’s great when the photographer takes the time to send over to the planner and other vendors photos of the wedding. Bonus is if they send teaser images for vendors’ Instagram and all other social media within a day or two. The planner would prefer to post a professional photo over an iPhone pic any day. And I’m sure the florist or linen company or lighting vendor would all love that as well. In addition, it’s mutually beneficial to the photographer — as they will get credit and their images are shared on many platforms instantly. Jasmine is especially great at this and probably the only photographer I know that has mastered this and is consistent with sending images from every wedding we shoot together.
Make sure to check out more awesome tips in The Complete Wedding Photographer Experience.