Speaking with Sue Bryce for the Profit. Power. Pursuit. podcast, I wanted to find out how someone so open, vulnerable, and approachable could also be so confident and self-assured. Sue doesn’t just have presence and poise—she has a conviction about the value of her work that borders on bravado in the best possible way.
Sue has no qualms telling women, “I want to take the best photograph of you that you’ve ever seen.”
Can you say that about your work? Do you?
There are so many creative and idea-driven business owners who love their work, delight in their ideas, but don’t have that conviction. It shows in the way they talk about what they do, market what they offer, approach sales conversations, and price their wares.
Sue says, “People who devalue money devalue themselves.”
And, I think the reverse can be said as well. People who devalue themselves devalue money. If you find yourself constantly cursing the need to sell, if you find yourself regularly decrying the almighty dollar, you might want to reconsider what you think about yourself.
When you find deep-rooted confidence in your work and in your self, you can come into a much easier relationship with money. Sue does a lot of hard work on herself and her personal growth to facilitate that relationship. And that, I found, seems to be the connection between her openness and vulnerability and her unwavering confidence. It’s a beautiful combination. Sue says, “I don’t believe in self confidence, I only believe in true service with purpose. Thats how you find the confidence to sell yourself.”
Listen to Sue’s interview on the Profit. Power. Pursuit. podcast and subscribe to receive new episodes automatically.