Mother’s Day is an awesome opportunity to celebrate the mamas in our lives, and a corsage is a great way to get crafty with your gift-giving. Adorn the mom in your life with a corsage on Sunday, and she’s sure to get accolades from everyone she encounters. This DIY corsage, which is surprisingly cinchy to make, could also make a great pre-prom craft, if your high schooler is looking for a way to save some money and get creative.
Here’s how you do it:
First, you take flowers out of their wrapping as soon as you get them home.
Our bunch passed as color-blocked arrangement for the day until we had time start assembling the corsage.
We started off with some sweet pea for fragrance, ranunculus for color, thistle for texture, pieris for lines and gingko leaves to act as a base, though of course you could use whichever buds suit your needs.
When it is time to get started you want to pick your best blossoms.
Create a foundation from complementary stems. In this case the sweet pea and gingko make a perfectly balanced backdrop for the rest of the bunch.
Trim off excess flowers and clean up your stems.
Focal flower up front!
Basic twine to wrap things up.
Cut that corsage down to size. We went for natural, unwrapped stems, but you could use a small piece of ribbon on the stems, if you’d like to get fancy.
Admire your handiwork.
Tie off the twine and hide your knots.
Pin it to the smiling mom in your life. We were short on corsage pins, so we just ran a safety pin through the twine on the backside of the shirt. It proved to be a handy way to prevent pin pricks when receiving that thank-you hug!
Then go crazy. Corsages for ALL the MOMS! And new grads! And prom dates! Because everyone loves a corsage.