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CreativeLive makes inspiring creative classes accessible to everyone.
Unleash Your Creative Superpowers with National Novel Writing Month
Everyone’s got a book in them. NaNoWriMo is all about getting that book out. If something has been holding you back from writing your novel—whether it be lack of time, lack of motivation, or just plain fear—National Novel Writing Month is designed to get your creative juices flowing and help you leap into your novel with abandon.
One part writing boot camp and one part rollicking party, National Novel Writing Month is celebrating its 20th year of encouraging creativity, education, and the power of the imagination through the largest writing event in the world. This year, NaNoWriMo expects more than 400,000 people will start a 50,000-word novel in the month of November.
CreativeLive is joining NaNoWriMo in celebrating diverse voices and encouraging everyone to tell their stories. So we’re kicking off the month with an inspiring week of writing classes and conversations with some of the world’s most successful authors, who will inspire you and help you prepare for an amazing month of writing.
The week will feature:
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