Creating your marketing objectives
Lesson 13 from: Brand Marketing Bootcamp: Build An Actionable Marketing PlanScott Lancaster

Creating your marketing objectives
Lesson 13 from: Brand Marketing Bootcamp: Build An Actionable Marketing PlanScott Lancaster
Lesson Info
13. Creating your marketing objectives
The definition of strategy
03:39 2The 4 stages of marketing
03:16 3The difference between strategy & tactics
03:46 4The 6 laws of marketing
09:56 5Understanding Creative & Distribution
02:16 6The 4 marketing P’s and how to use them
05:08 7SWOT Matrix and how to use it
02:28 8Porter's Five Forces
04:4360/40 Law of marketing
04:04 10The marketing funnel
06:27 11Analyzing your competitors
07:14 12Deciding your target audience
06:59 13Creating your marketing objectives
11:42 14Pricing your products perfectly
08:16 15Watch this before arranging your marketing strategy
02:21 16Awareness, finalizing your awareness tactics
03:52 17Partnerships and affiliates (free tactic)
09:40 18Blog writing & SEO
07:26 19Podcasting
07:10 20Public Relations
05:58 21Giveaways
07:18 22Word of mouth
06:21 23Valuable courses
08:09 24Social media overview
05:28 25YouTube
09:36 26TikTok
03:58 27Twitter / X
04:48 30How to create better content in half the time
07:54 33Why start-ups should never use paid advertising for awareness
06:21 34Education & Consideration
01:33 35Workshops & Webinars
08:39 36Social Proof
06:55 37Effective Email Marketing
05:34 38Utilizing FAQ Sections
05:31 39Portfolio & case studies
07:39 40Leveraging product comparisons
03:26 41Tips to increase desirability
07:22 42Harnessing the power of Google reviews
05:20 43Sales & Conversion
02:28 44Psychological tricks to convert customers to buying
08:25 45Building a list of customers ready to buy
08:46 46Irresistible Offer
08:31 47Persuasive Sales Page
07:35 48Promotions & Free shipping
04:24 49Improving conversion rate (PIPE FRAMEWORK)
06:39 50Customer Retention
03:43 51Expanding your product range
07:18 52Asking for feedback & refining your product
03:37 53Loyalty programs and the subscription model
06:43 54Gifts & Surprises
05:02 55Finalizing your marketing strategy
07:40Lesson Info
Creating your marketing objectives
So now we know who your target audience is and we've assessed your competition. It's now time to arrange your marketing objectives. Now it's super important that once we actually define our objectives and we have our strategy in place, we then select the correct tactics to help us achieve our objectives. And this is super important because if we just start diving in and saying, OK, I want to invest time in youtube and Instagram and Facebook and blah, blah, blah, you're not going to be doing anything with purpose and you're probably going to be wasting a ton of energy and resources on doing the wrong things as opposed to doubling down on what is actually right for you. It's a little like going for your weekly shopping and not having a list to work from. You are basically just gonna pick up anything that you find and it's probably gonna waste a ton of time, a ton of energy and you'll end up buying things that you don't necessarily need. So in this lesson, we're gonna be covering how you ...
can find your business objectives that you are going to be able to achieve with the tactics that we put in place in the course within 12 months. And once you do find them, you should add them on this slide of your brand guidelines. Now, in order to find your business objectives and your marketing objectives, you need to first be realistic with what you can achieve within that time period. And then once you found the objectives, you can then work backwards and define the tactics that are going to help you get there. Step by step. For example, a 12 month target could be to have 1000 monthly users on your software product. Or if you're an e commerce company, it could be to have 500 Wales. Now, the 1st 12 months of starting a brand or company is always a huge learning curve. Ultimately, you're wanting to learn more about your target audience, you're wanting to learn more about what makes them tick how you can sell to them, what they like about your product, what they don't like how you can improve it and lots and lots more. So in order to find your key objective, so this is the most important primary objective that you're going to set for your business. You need to think about if you could make one single thing a reality. For example, 1000 monthly users of 500 product sales, you can look back on it and think we're on the right track. We have product market fit and this milestone has to be realistic. You can't just say, ok, I want to earn $12 million by the next three months. It just isn't going to happen unless you know, something that I don't know which is entirely possible. But in the last 10 years of me doing this exact process again and again and again and again, I have never seen that happen. And I think that being realistic with your goals is super, super useful because it helps you to stay on track and it helps you not to get disheartened if things are not going as planned. Now, once you have your 12 month objective, it's now time to start breaking things down into separate milestones and your milestones should be focused along that long term journey and just making it a little bit more manageable. So for example, if the 12 month objective is to get 1000 monthly users, then the first step to that is to actually get 100 users through one single marketing channel within three months. So all you want to be doing in the very beginning is just finding out what channels work and what works to help bring users on board. And then the next step, once you actually find the channel that works and you have 100 monthly users through that channel is to accelerate that and start digging into why that works and how you can double it and triple it over the next three months. For example, if you were acquiring those 100 users from youtube and you were posting one video a week, then that channel simply works and you should maybe post three videos a week or four videos a week. And that is going to very quickly give you an indication as to how much you can scale that particular channel to get monthly users from it. And the next milestone that I'll probably set, I'm trying to reach 1000 monthly users is to probably set up some sort of affiliate program. So the people who are actually signing up can market my business for me and actually get paid for it. So can you see how we've broken down the big goal of 1000 monthly users into three milestones that seem far more achievable and far more logical using tactics that we can do every single day, for example, to get from zero to 100 users, we were going to use youtube or whatever other platform to basically find the channel that can achieve that. And then for the next three months, we were going to double down or triple down and generate more content to ultimately accelerate the process of gaining followers. And then for the next six months, we were basically going to set up some sort of affiliate program to accelerate the process even further. And when I'm making the decision as to how I'm going to be a, I mean, those customers or users, I'm looking at where my competition is weakest, I'm looking at, do they have a really popular youtube channel or are they more popular on other platforms? And can I really take youtube by the horns and really utilize it to build my following and build my customer base once you have those measurable milestones in place, and you understand exactly what you're trying to achieve over the short term, then you can just simply set of habits every single day and tactics which again will do a little bit later on the course to achieve those goals in a nice simple, smooth, easy and measured way. For example, imagine I'm a solo prone with no money and no team. But I've got a fantastic software product and all that I have is time to market it. All paid advertising options are completely off the table because I have no money to actually invest in paid advertising. So I simply have to look at free content marketing, I guess. So I know my competition has a pretty big following across every single platform. So my next option is to basically look at where my target audience spends the most of their time. And let's say, for example, that my target audience spend most of their time on youtube trying to find solutions to the technical faults that their current software is basically doing. So we should be looking at using youtube ultimately as a platform to show our expertise to offer solutions to that particular target audience to basically start to build a relationship with them. At that point, I can then think, OK, do I have the resources, the talent or the time to make it happen and really invest in building a youtube channel, which has the value and the essence, which is going to attract a target audience that I need. So can you see now how we're using the research that we did for our target audience and also our competitor analysis to make better decisions going forward, we're making more educated decisions instead of just investing our time equally across all platforms and all efforts. And then just hoping for the best and seeing what works. Now, once you've actually written down and planned what you want to achieve within each of those objectives and milestones, it's now time to confirm exactly what you want to achieve within that objective and at what date. So going back to the youtube example, if we are essentially looking to generate 1000 monthly users through youtube, and we have essentially found that this channel is working. And I know that if I invest more into this particular channel, it is going to allow me to basically reach my future objectives and future goals, we should looking at developing systems. So what do I mean by systems? Well, the system is ultimately templates building a team putting in place sops so standard operating procedures so that no matter who manages that particular aspect of the content creation. It's always the same, it's kind of like a mcdonald's conveyor belt, right? The Big Mac is always the same at the end no matter who makes it. And this is something is super important. When you are ultimately building a business, you can only fall to the level of your systems, ok? And creating extremely efficient and effective systems is without shadow of a doubt, going to be a competitive advantage for you going forward. It's going to save you time. It's going to save you effort, it's going to save you tons of resources. So really focus on building systems in the very beginning because it's going to be super important going forward. Now, once you fill in the slide and your brand guidelines connected to this lesson, you're going to start feeling a lot better about your marketing strategy and ultimately how things are coming together before you kind of knew you needed a marketing strategy. And you didn't really know a whole lot about what a marketing strategy was, but now you understand not only what you're gonna be doing, but what you're trying to achieve how you're going to achieve it. And most importantly, you now know why you're doing all the things that you're doing does that make sense? And that's one of the most powerful things because there's a lot of entrepreneurs out there and people trying to create marketing strategies, whether it be for themselves or for clients and they just haven't got a clue. They're just guessing. And I don't like guessing. I like knowing what I'm doing. And II I know that when I'm dedicating my time or money or energy to anything, I know that I am looking to get the best result possible. And that is just ultimately the result that I want every single time I want the maximum potential return on everything that I invest and something that you may be wondering as you're working through this course is, is marketing really supposed to be this simple? Shouldn't it be more complex? And you know, to be honest, you're not wrong, you can make any topic or anything as complicated as you want it to be and to be fair. Most founders do. But put it this way, if you had 10 marbles in front of you and you had to push those 10 marbles as far as possible at the same time, how far do you think they'd go? On the other hand, if you had one marble that you focused on out of the 10 marbles and you push that one as far as you could, how far do you think that one would go? Now, the lesson here is not groundbreaking and it's not rocket science, but it's actually really important. It's because most people struggle with focusing on doing one thing exceptionally well and instead they focus on trying to spread themselves too thin and they ultimately end up disheartened because they don't get any results. This is one of the saddest things in all of business because there are tons of people who have a great amount of potential when actually developing a brand or making a product or marketing or whatever it is that they're doing. But they don't focus, they don't give it their all, they don't give it 100 and 10%. They just give it 90 you know, and then they just end up burnt out because they are spreading themselves too thin and they're not getting the momentum that they need. They're pushing all 10 marbles at the same time. And that can only last for so long until you realize these marbles are not going to where they just keep coming back. Now, this lesson I've learned the hard way many, many times and obviously I can't force you to do something that you don't want to do. So you do whatever you think is best. But what I can guarantee is that I've worked with thousands of founders and people who have tried to develop marketing strategies and tried to market their businesses and brand and they sometimes think that they know better and they think, yeah, I know Scott said just to do this, but I'm just gonna completely ignore them and I'm gonna do this and this and this and this and this and this and that. And then they're doing like a million things and then they end up coming back to me and saying, oh, Scott, nothing's working. Like what, what do I do? And then they tell me what they've been doing and then I tell them, why don't you just pick one, just pick one and just do that for six months, see what happens, develop that channel. And that's it because at the moment you're completely mediocre on every single thing that you're doing because you can't just focus. You are up against people who are the best at what they do on those particular platforms. And you don't have the resource of the time or the expertise to get good because you're spreading yourself too thin and you're just trying to rush everything doesn't work. It is the stupidest decision anyone can make to try and beat everyone at everything. You can have anything that you want in life, but you can't have everything. And that is the truest quote I have ever heard. But anyway, enough of my quotes and my ranting and raving, I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson. See you soon.
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