Introduction to Workshop
04:31 2The Anatomy of a First Impression
15:24 3The Truth About Online Business
06:18 4Etsy is a Tool For Your Business
10:30 5What is Shop Cohesion?
11:57 6Common Etsy Mistakes to Avoid
13:52 7Product Photography Overview
46:09 8Your Product Photography Checklist
02:58How to List Titles Properly
12:38 10Shop Cohesion Checklist
05:39 11Examples of Best-Selling Etsy Shops
22:32 12Get Your Shop Found On Etsy with Tim Adam
13:21 13Etsy Shop Critiques with Lisa and Tim
1:00:15 14The Etsy Buying Process
07:42 15Copywriting for Etsy
15:56 16Find Your Ideal Customer
13:11 17How to Stand Out On Etsy
09:04 18Find New Customers For Your Etsy Shop
20:39Lesson Info
Find Your Ideal Customer
Your ideal customer is always asking, "What's in it for me?" And your ideal customer isn't something that I put into this presentation. It is something I really dive into in Copywriting For Crafters but the idea of your ideal customer is a fictional profile of a person that has the same tastes and the same interests and there's a lot of questions that go along with that. In the purchase materials I included a workbook that will help you work out that ideal customer for yourself and I've discussed it before. So I didn't wanna take up too much of our time here today. When I say your ideal customer I mean a fictional profile that matches your brand, matches your taste, matches your style point and wants to hear that message that you keep sending. They are gonna be the perfect receptor for the brand message that you're sending and I will say this again, but there is as much to know about your ideal customer as there is your best friend or your spouse. There is always more to know. There is...
always more to love and respect. There is always more to be careful of as you learn their personality. Just like you would any good friendship, the ideal customer is something that will evolve with you over the time. And I feel very fortunate after five years of working with ideal customers that I get them, that we know each other and that there's a mutual respect that we both get a lot of. We both get a lot out of that relationship. So your ideal customer is always asking, "What's in it for me?" And more so in the very beginning when you're just getting to know each other. They wanna know what's in it for me and they don't really wanna know very much about you and that's not, I'm not trying to offend anybody but they don't. They're more focused on them, themselves as we all are. When we go shopping, we're shopping for ourselves. We're not trying to do any sellers any favors, we're not trying to buy a product because somebody's listed it online, we're shopping for ourselves and that's where you meet your buyers. So that's really important please. I'm wondering if all of that inward facing copywriting that's happening is because as makers, we're told that people wanna know your story. They wanna know about you, they wanna know your process and I feel like that's where a lot of that is coming from. Absolutely and I contribute to one of those. I wrote a blog post that is one of my most popular. It's called Five Etsy Myths That Are Ruining Your Business. And that's, that's one of them. That the customer really is there, invested in you. And that's not true because, the customer doesn't even know you yet. They haven't even met you yet and I think that gives us a false sense of you know, self centeredness, of self importance and that's not fair and just as you know you've gone shopping, you're not coming to say, "Oh I would love to know more about this seller "before I buy this product." You're thinking about your own needs. And you're thinking about what's in it for me. But it's definitely I think a myth, that is perpetuated because of the Etsy marketplace absolutely. Do you think that that language and that type of copywriting does live, I mean can live in your about me section? Of course, it belongs there by all means. Because if you think about the momentum of that relationship and you think about why the seller, why the buyer starts to go to about me, it's because they fall in love. Like they're thinking you're everything. You're a perfect match. I'm in love with the aesthetic, I'm in love with the styling, I'm in love with your price point and I wanna spend a lotta time with you. And then they're coming to learn a little bit more about you. And about me, is right there to capture that and help currency for that relationship to grow stronger. And also for them to connect with you offline. Or I'm sorry, off Etsy. In a way, 'cause they're gonna start looking for your social media accounts and things like that. But yeah, you know, I think if Etsy was a brand. So this is why I think that myth took off, if Etsy was brand, it is a brand, Etsy's three adjectives are handmade, authentic, maker. So we're getting a lot of advice off Etsy and they're telling us you know, they're gonna tell us what any business would tell us, build the brand. So they're saying tell the maker's story because for Etsy and Etsy's business, it's all about the maker's story. But for your business and in your product listing, it's not the best choice. I think that's important to separate the two. So, that ideal customer is asking what's in it for me? And that's how we go shopping. We're really thinking about ourselves the whole time. And everything we are going to work on, throughout this section. Not just what we worked on today but also in the market, your Etsy shop's a sold out success and advertising your creative business. It's serving to answer that question. What's in it for me. From the buyer's perspective. So our marketing is gonna be also very focused in how we're serving the customer. We're going to stay there. And, with everything you're building, I like to just keep asking myself, or sharing online, or posting or whatever, what's in it for them when I post this? Is this, 'cause sometimes people get a little bit caught up and they just start posting or they feel like they wanna say something so they'll say anything and they keep saying things that don't, aren't really relevant or consistent to the brand message. So, it's a good rule of thumb to kinda question, if I post this, what's in it for them? What are they gonna get out of it and is it gonna be something, and sometimes it is about you. Especially on social media. Sometimes you're giving them a piece of your personality and people enjoy that. And so yeah, that can be sprinkled in absolutely. So not to say that your social media starts going, strictly by the book, strictly the brand message. Sprinkle in more about you because if they're paying that much attention on social media, they definitely wanna know more about you. And, but try to have that kind of in the back of your mind. Try to have good reason for every share that you make, every offer that you give or any request that you make. Make sure that it's something that is going, that there's something in it for them. And I really like my emails to have purpose like that. I don't like to email my customers unless I have a very strong answer to what's in it for them. Whenever I send this out. Again, we're gonna talk about emails and things like that in market your Etsy shop to sold out success. The ideal customer has a buying thermometer. And this is a really interesting point too, that I think we don't think about very often but everything that you do is either warming them up to the sale or cooling them off. So in a product listing, is something that I think is very important in copywriting. As you're leading them through, remember you're joining them in their mind and their mental dressing room. You are either warming them to the sale, by helping them, enhancing their vision, telling them the benefits or you're cooling them off and turning them off and saying you aren't for me after all. So they have a buying thermometer and you wanna also be careful. Answering what's in it for me, keeps that buying thermometer hot, keeps them, their temperature warm. Regardless of whether you're building a storefront or you're building a marketing campaign, the customer wants to know things like, what will this product add to my life? That's something very general that they're thinking. Like what is, when I bring this home when am I going to bring it home? What's it gonna look like when I'm wearing it? What's it gonna look like when I hang it on my wall? Those type of things. How will it feel, they're thinking of, especially online they get to start thinking, the textures they wanna kind of know, you know, the weight, the quality of it all. And how will I benefit from this purchase? And just to go, oh wait. How will I benefit from this purchase means, a lot of times we're looking for a solution when we go shopping online. So if I'm, if I'm shopping jewelry, I'm not typically just shopping jewelry, I'm looking for a piece to enhance something that I'm gonna wear and so the question becomes, if I buy that, is this gonna go into my pile of unused, unworn things that don't really match my taste and style 'cause I like shiny things and I bring it home without really questioning it, or is it gonna be a new beloved piece in my closet? Is it really gonna be used and worn and they're always thinking that too. Am I bringing home the answer? You know, am I gonna bring home something that's gonna add to my quality of life and really matter? And of course they're thinking things like, "How big is it?" and can they get a sense of scale. They probably want safety pins in the pictures wherever you can, you know (laughs). Nobody knows how big a shirt is or what it's gonna look like on them unless there's a safety pin laying beside of it. Just a joke. But make sure that the photograph is giving them a good sense of scale. Make sure the listing and the product features is giving them a good idea of how big it is, or how heavy it is, or those important factors of the listing. And always remember that they're imagining it, when you're talking to them in the product listing, you're talking to them at a place where they are imaging bringing it home and putting it to use. So you wanna give them a good reason to do that. You wanna help them do that. More importantly, and as I said before, the number one thing is that, is this going to deliver the results that I'm looking for? Or will I be stuck with the same challenge? The example that always comes to my mind when I think about delivering results or getting stuck with a challenge is when I'm trying to decorate a wall in my home and I'm trying to put art together. There's, for me there's no better place to search for art, or look or shop for art than Etsy. I love it for you know, the art and the artists that are on there and all of the different creative options that I have. However I've bought photographs from Etsy photographers and then they come home and they're floating on my wall because I didn't size it right and I you know, and then they turn into a wasted pile somewhere that I don't know what to do with. And then you gotta be really careful. So I love when sellers, like we had said before, show mockups of that product. Show me really how big on a wall. Because I need to know, is it gonna be floating and make no sense, is it gonna cost me a lot more problems to, now I have to find things to match around it which is a lotta work if you've ever done that type of thing. Or is it gonna solve it and really give me a beautiful wall, that people are gonna admire, that I'm gonna enjoy looking at every day? And that's what the customer wants from you. Came out and Anoushka says, "How do you define your ideal customer "when you haven't really sold many items? "Do you think of them as someone you know "and you'd like them to buy? "Or simply some fictionary character?" And you have a workbook right, that is with purchase in the bonus materials about guiding people through these questions they can ask themselves and pinpointing their ideal customer? Yeah I sure do and at first it starts out as a fictional character. It absolutely does. Before you get a lot of customers, it's always gonna start out as a fictional profile that you're gonna build out over time and a workbook, the workbook that I've placed with the purchase of this class really helps with that because it's gonna help you build it online and then as you get actual customers, you'll find that your actual customers give you things to smile about, or you, that you'll have an interaction with a customer that you are so proud of it. 'Cause you think like, "That's what my customers are like?" And then when you're doing that, those are notes for your ideal customer because you wanna always be finding more people like them. But it does start out as guesswork in the beginning and you're just kind of thinking, "I have a product," and you know your product better than anybody, "who is looking for this product? "What are they like?" And you go through the basic set of questions and you know, we've always, advertising marketing started out as a very demographic based thing. Old advertising, old marketing was about how old are you, you know, they did those age brackets, 18-24, 25-34, it used to be very demographic. Where do you live? You were either married or you're not married and that's how we were advertised to. We were on mass market. That has evolved greatly so that now it's more about interest space because we use things like Facebook and we tell it, the TV shows we like and we tell it you know, that we have children at this school or that we went to this college. We tell Facebook and things like that, so much that demographic based marketing is outdated and so when you're building your ideal customer, you start to more think about interests and where am I going to touch them? And I'm gonna show you how that plays out beautifully for your marketing campaign in Market Your Etsy Shop.
Class Materials
Bonus Materials with Purchase
Ratings and Reviews
Overall, I thought this presentation was filled with lots of useful information about creating an Etsy store. I am new to Etsy so this was a good introduction to a lot of things I did not know that... I needed to learn about. I also pricked up a lit of good tips especilly from the QAs. However, the organization of the presentation was a little confusing. The slides noted general topics but the lecture tended to meander. I found myself writing a lot down but I will have to go back later and try to re-organize my notes to put everything together. I viewed a free broadcast so I did not have the course materials to use as a guide.
Please have Tim Adam from Handmadeology come teach a class or two or three. That was the best part of this class! Seems like the 3 classes that Lisa teaches could be combined into a two day class. So much repeat info between the classes. Time is valuable when you are an entrepreneur. Basic info is out there...focus on the next level info to present.