Episode 4: Taima Jacaman of RnBeats
Lesson 1 from: Creative Insights: Behind The Scenes of Street Dreams RadioMaachew Bentley

Episode 4: Taima Jacaman of RnBeats
Lesson 1 from: Creative Insights: Behind The Scenes of Street Dreams RadioMaachew Bentley
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1. Episode 4: Taima Jacaman of RnBeats
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Episode 4: Taima Jacaman of RnBeats
Okay. Mhm Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Mm Hi, all news Matthew Bentley Boehner raised in queens new york and I'm the music director of ST Dreams Radio, our platform was born to serve at the soundscape arms and legs of our magazine. We broadcast weekly music mixes film, vineyards and a wide range of creative podcasts. This collaboration of monthly interviews with creative lives takes us behind the scenes, behind the psyche of our host and into the depths of our creative processes, their creative inspirations, their creative direction and their creative insights. This month we dive into the mind of Tajima Yakima, the co founder creator host DJ, extraordinary of our and beats one of our favorite. How do you put what I'd like to say, actual R and B smooth jazz segment. So welcome to Yuma. Hello, how you doing? That's great. How you doing? Did you like, did you like your intro? Pardon? I loved it, it was great. I felt very special. Thank you. Awesome. So we like to do, obviously, as I just menti...
oned, is to dive into how our beach in your case began. Um, whether it's before street between radio before even working together. Uh, some of the things that inspire you inspire you visually sonically, uh, and eventually where you'd like to take some of those inspirations in the future. Uh, so just for those who are tuned in at the moment and those who don't know, you give us a brief intro as to who you are, where you're from. What's your background, how music became important or a very valuable part of your story and how R and B may have started before we met. Okay, so I started staging in 2015. I really just wanted something to kind of keep me busy and just start a new hobby. I've always been into music. My dad used to DJ back back in the day. My mom uh yeah, is the next music playing in the house and whatnot. I also had super long commutes to work about like an hour and a half to two hours each way every morning. And I was kind of just tired of pressing next on my ipod. It was like, you know what, let me learn how to DJ, I'm gonna get some mixes going bumby, super secretive about it. Um So then one day I accidentally posted it on SoundCloud twitter, I posted my SoundCloud link on twitter, and then people started hitting me up to DJ their parties and I was like, I'm not a DJ, I'm a virtual DJ guys, don't don't don't get me into. And finally, like, I would D J here and there would do a terrible job. But then in 2017, my friends down at apartment, 202 100 were like, hey, do you do you want to like a residency here? And I was like, hell, yeah, so I kind of push myself into that that way. Um and I told myself if I'm going to get paid for this weekly, I have to be the best I could be at it. So that's how my little journey started, and then I've been lucky to be jail across the world, play with a bunch of wonderful people, meet a bunch of wonderful people like you guys, and yeah, it's been a great, great time. Okay, so how did Orange Beach start? Was it? I mean, you mentioned some of the kind of the the impetus of it, you know how it began making your own mixtapes for yourselves, And accidents are sometimes serendipitous where, you know, an opportunity presented itself for you, but was R. And B. It's supposed to be something uh that was exclusively R and B. Like, this is how you started out, was it like just kind of designed around the music I grew up listening to uh maybe it has something to do with, maybe with your background, maybe your parents were R and B artist, who knows? But give us some insight onto where that began, you know, or maybe it's a name that you and a french starter, who knows? Right, So give us some some history. Oh, back in 2017 again, I was living in Toronto for a few months and I was out to lunch with one of my friends and I was like, you know what? I would love to start a R and B party and as a joke, I said, I said I'd call it R and beats, I was like, huh? I like the sound of that. So when I got back to Montreal, I started a bi weekly little party with myself, my friend DJ six months and my friend lou Phelps, we were doing uh well, bi weekly party and I really wanted something to be R. And B influenced, but not strictly R and B. I felt like a lot of R and B. Parties in general are all old school stuff, so I just wanted to bring something new to the table and kind of have a mix of old school and new school, but not limit myself to R and B, hence the name are and beats. So it's going to be with some other beefs straight up beaches, a genre, you know, and I'm learning that more and more as we get into this world of like tagging the genre of music on your mixes, attacking the genre, music on your production. Uh now, when it comes to R and B, or even your show is not even, there isn't even an argument is almost as the most popular show on our platform. And uh as far as I'm concerned, you represent an audience now that I'm gonna go ahead or nothing, but you represent an audience that is uh what would otherwise be out of reach for myself, you know? Um So what are some of the things that you do or have done in this show that kind of blends those worlds together? Right? Like I grew up in the same way as you mentioned, like, oh, head like old R and B. You know, the usher Dancing in the rain, like choreography, R and B. Carl thomas, summer like that world. And then now we have a world of music or the world of artists that are kind of multifaceted, they can sing and they can wrap or they can, you know, merge the worlds and, and kind of give us a melodic standpoint, so long winded question. But being in Canada, being part of that world, you could say some of the major R and B artists of our time, our Canadian or or identify with Toronto and lots of major cities in Canada uh one that's a sense of pride, right? There's something to be fired about that. But how did you, did your parents listen to all this older stuff where you just aware of it? Oh yeah, my parents definitely listen to all those, those auntie and uncle type and my mom had all the R and B albums when I was growing up and she would just listen to Luther Branch draws 24 7 as a kid. I hated it. I was like, come on, I don't want to, I want to listen to my rap songs. But the car was strictly Luther Vandross, same with my dad and my dad loves funk, he loves salsa, he loves compa, so it's really just different worlds I guess, just coming all together. Um My sister and I bonded over music growing up. We have like a 2.5 year age gap as a kid, it's kind of a big age gap, so she didn't want to hang out with me. But when it came to music we were sharing the laptop, we were on limewire looking for new songs and yeah, we were downloading things that we should not be listening to. A couple of cut that out. Yeah, but it was great, it was great music nonetheless. Fire awesome, awesome. Um So let's let's dive into uh episode one. Um and some of the kind of in suppose, I mean, like when I do gather from your show is that, you know, palette driven kind of, he provides, right? Like, cosy vibes, like that's what R and B is to me at least, or that's just kind of what, But I hear whenever I listen to any of your mixes, so putting together episode one again, is this your first Rmbs mix? Or is this like an extension of something that you are already doing from the mix standpoint? Not necessarily parties, But is this the first time you've got to build out a show around these vibes that you always talk about or what this mix represented? Yeah, this was my first orange beets mix. My other mixes I had on my Soundcloud were more of like future beats, edits, type of type of sound, and I wanted to try something new, I guess, and also I don't like doing mixes so before iron beads high, like four years ago, so it's good to be back. Okay, I didn't know that. All right. Um so what inspired this first mix outside of us, asking you to be a part of the team? Like part of the team, don't? It's just I'm more like an in person type of type of gal, you know? Mhm. My my inspiration behind it was me being sad and in my fields because we were a month in quarantine and I was just really sad as you can tell, very love donkey type. Uh are you like that by in general? Yeah, I'm a softy and simple. Okay, I'm embarrassed, but it's okay. It reflects my mixes and my mixes. So what about what about the choice of artwork? You know, or the imagery that you did start with? Mike Mike is our art director of guys. So um was that a collaborative effort? Was that more of uh hey like these are just like stupid tom provide that I had laying around or Pinterest vibes that I had laying around or it was just kind of like hey here's the music mike, tell me how you feel and put it together. So basically the artwork itself was uh I asked one of my friends who is a photographer. Peggy also known as Peg A Feira and she, I was like hey do you have any like R and B. Feeling type pictures you have that I could use as um as some artwork for my new mix. And she's like yeah, so she sent me a few and I was like this is kind of sexy, like it, so we use that and then for the mood board I kind of just went through twitter and um tumbler and just kind of found pictures that made me feel feel feel like like how I would feel listening to the mix. So it's like that those pictures represent what the mix makes me feel. There we go. So what what are some of those tags I guess? What are some of the things that in general as well, what are some of the things that you outside of making makes itself? But it's something that you type in or do you think do you think your algorithm starts to feed you these things at this point? Are there you go out and move forward outside of your mix right? Like the other did you grow up in a way where you got like posters on the wall of moods? You know I don't want to I don't want to burn this work down to the ground. But this is literally one of our more moodier shows. So is that something that you do recreationally or is it just for work? Bit of both. I'll find. Well now especially I have R and B. It's before. I would just save pictures I liked for my background. But now my background on my phone has been my dog for the past three years and I'm loving it. So I don't need that anymore. But now I have a mix to do. I basically whenever I see nice pictures that I like, I'll save it and then I'll just go through through them when I'm ready to post my mixed things that you like scroll for hours. Yeah. And until I find the pigs I like and then we go from there, send them to mike and he brings it to life. All right. So what they're simple since you don't use it for your background on your phone anymore and this and now you have a radio show of your own. What are some other use cases for the moves you use right Like and this is just me getting to know you to write. I've never asked you about your work like the back end of the music that you choose and there is no other show. This is one of the more thematic shows of our, of our, of our platform. So, um, I would love to know like this is, I mean, I believe that it's used trips like cozy fireplace fogs, right? Like sweatpants virus. So what are some other use cases that you found to be best or better for you of the images that we're talking about? Nothing much just really sometimes outfit in school, I guess. But I'm not even that. I'm not really a word type Miguel unless I need it for a project. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Fair, Fair, fair, fair. I'll use my words whenever I'm creating projects, events, stuff like that. What if I'm just vibing man? I heard that. So let's move on to, uh, episode to write. Uh, you heard episode two, this is, you know, you've got on your feet wet, uh, the first round and we get to see a picture of you. Here we are. So, uh, but I do want to talk to you about two things for this episode. Uh, one that is consistent across your entire show, which is your font choice and uh, and your, your, what are some of the favorite songs or steps from the favorite? Are these done live? Are these kind of like program mixes? Like, you know, does this, is this a narrative that we can start to see throughout your show? Um, so with my mixes, I basically, okay, I go through my library. I as I always find uh, the song I want to start with and I work around it. Okay, so I'll start off with, let's say here, I have pyramids. So it's like, okay, I guess we'll be in more of a funky type vibe this episode and we work from there. It's a lot of trial and error until I'm very peculiar with particular, sorry, with my, my song choices and my transitions. So I'll sometimes make that 30 minute mix. It'll take me about 34 or five hours. I will reroute okay, if I have to, you know, actually live. I love that. Okay, okay, now this script, like, did you grow up writing script? It's a it's a weird question because a lot of lot of friends, I grew up, I grew up learning cursive and cursive was like, not a sexy thing. And while this isn't exactly curse of them to find you chose uh what about like your font choice throughout the scope of your mixes? Um there was also, was this your choice? It's just like, might give you a couple of them somewhere a little sexy, somewhere not so sexy. So mike, send me some options. And I felt that this song kind of reminded me of like a handwritten letter. Mm And in my head, my R and B. Show is like love, even if it's not R and B. I do throw in some dance holiday because it's one of my favorite genres. So we all live. But but yeah, it's still revolves kind of around love. Okay guys, so in my, in my head cursive is kind of like a love ish fun, you know, I don't know if that makes sense. No, absolutely. Once you said love letter, I got it, I was like, oh, word. Uh yeah, have you written a love letter before? No, nah, not me, no, come on man, you got like, you got the sexiest show on the platform and you're not writing love letters, You never ever wrote 11 0 has someone's written love letter with Henry, wow, but this is when I was in elementary school, but then she got like, it's sorry if I just work, I don't know if I'm not anyways, uh um yeah, when I was in fourth grade, I had a little love letter like in my locker and it was from this kid, but I didn't like him. So I went up to him and I laughed at him and the homeboy pushed me on the floor. Yeah, it was traumatic. You've got Why don't Yeah, so you laughed at him because he was being romantic with you and you got pushed or shoved and that's why you don't like love letters. I don't I didn't say I didn't like them, but I'm not gonna write one because I'm not trying to get that treatment again. But you were the bully narrative, if that happens, but you were the bully. I don't know mean that rare. You started it. I did, but I didn't use violence because on brand on brand. Absolutely no violence. Just show vibes, just show up. Um, so let's move on to episode three. Uh, which which track to infuse kind of, well, think about your show is that it's seemingly almost always uh current music, as you mentioned, mixed with some older, older vibes. And then what I what I did notice in the Mixed number three, or episode number three, is that you started to incorporate some of the some of the mixes or edits that you were mentioning before, that you used to play with or make mixes for yourself uh in this case, was this the first time? And I could be wrong. Was this the first time you got to actually confused old timer with this, up to date, like episode three. I know what I'm I know how to run my own show time up. Uh kind of, I mean, yeah, I just got I just wanted try something new, I don't want anything to be super repetitive, so I was like, you know what? Let's add a little, a little edit here and there, let's add dancehall edits. This is actually one of my favorite episodes. Yeah, see I knew it, I knew it, I love this episode. Um and so speaking of which, like the same exact episode in the same kind of movie and the way you put it together of, yeah, reminds me of one of your home, you know, hometown legends at this point, Katrina and that era of edits, right? Like that was from a production standpoint with the first time that I was really being done across the board. You know, like this is the first time the students, this dude and his peers were just like taking old records from the R and B space or taking old vibes from the kind of smooth, smooth jazz, R and B, blues, rhythm and blues, ah have to worry the word heritage, you know, and and if it's something new now, is that something that it might be a stupid question, but is that something like intrinsic to you? Because you're from that generation one? And I mean, damn, they're a pair of viewers. So is that something that you identify with? Or it was just like a trend? Um I mean, I think all of much or is it a Montreal? Yeah, I think what influenced by that sound in one way or another, when I started to go out heavily back in like, 2014 2015, that was playing at the club. So, that's kind of what I saw, and I wasn't really traveling back then either. So, it's kind of just like, that's what I saw. So that's what I liked. It was great. I mean, epic time in life, time in music. Uh and, you know, not a Grammy award winning, you know? So, you got to love it. Gotta love it. He loved to the next segment. I do want to talk to you about because I think this is arguably one of the more important parts of everyone's show um is color palettes. And choosing, in your case, choosing everything from super muted to nudes too. One would call a pop of color in this case, as you see ahead of us. Uh I mean, some of these are some of my favorite colors by default, but what are some of your favorite colors? And what? Some of these colors start to emote per mix. And did you do it that way? Or was the color chosen after the mix was made? Each mix. So, the colors are kind of based on the artwork. So, I'd like to match big color of the background, I guess. Yeah, with the either the hue of the picture or just like a colour in the picture of the artwork. Okay, so you're doing like, radiates, but like, I know it's deeper than that because and I only know this because I know you and I know you have eclectic taste anywhere from long nails and like really doing it up and like Yeah, I mean like, I know, I know, I know colors matter, you know, I know colors matter and it's not like a random image chosen and you just selected a color out of it. Um because maybe that may have been the case for any other thing, but when it comes to music, I'm sure you like pull the lilacs or or the thiel's or the cerulean or the kind of peaches from different from actual real inspirations. Um what are some of your favorite colors? And what out of these six mixes so far? And have you ever used them for your nail polish? I'm serious. Yes, I've used all of these colors for my, for my nails, we go crazy on him, but um, yeah, the colors are solely just based off the picture. Um, but it also like, it's also a mood I guess. Okay, like the color sets the mood as well, but like, if it's a more chill vibe, I'm not gonna put a bright yellow, you know what I mean? We're gonna go with more subtle colors, more toned down colors just to make everything fit and what my favorite colors are definitely a purple and orange, purple and orange. Okay, Okay, okay, so, so yeah, purple is my favorite color too. So, uh, is that, is that, is that learned? Right? Like, is that something that you grew up appreciating in some sort of like a design space or is this like, oh, like I know that these colors instinctually mean or represent these other things. The coalition and it doesn't need to be intellectual right. It doesn't need to be like just like pantone because you know, you don't have to 17 like no, I don't, I don't, I don't believe that cozy aligns with crazy intellect color choice like that. You know, that's a bit stretched. But tell me a little bit more about your, your correlations with colours and your mixes. Well, growing up, I feel like, I don't know if everyone feels this way. Not but colors represent moods and I think that's super important. Hence why we wear white, uh, white weddings and black. Two funerals. Blacks more of a somber type color. White. So happy color. I know their colors. But yeah, but when I think of uh, like, let's say if I think of love or lust or stuff like that, it's like breads and emeralds and stuff like that. So do you, do you, do you use, I mean it's popular today, but do you use uh uh huh different um, actual mood lighting or do you, do you study any of that? Do you use that in your room to use that to kind of put yourself in a mood to do certain things? You know, like red lights are like, you know, sexy, right Or? Yeah, yeah, exactly. Do you do that as a, as a kind of uh trigger to put you in a, put you in a different space to make music or do you do that when you're not working at all? No, I mean I do it for my twitch. I don't have a thing, I don't have like a green screen or anything. So I have my little mood lights. Sometimes it's pink, sometimes it's red, sometimes it's green, it really depends on my mood, my mood that day. Other than that. No I unfortunately do not study. No I don't mean like no no no I know I know I know but it is something cool to study and like the effect the effects of lights. So I think. I know. No I mean it's like a it's like apps for it now you know you have to know anything you just tell, you know you put the little string of lights in your bedroom or whatever and just kind of like have them fluctuate throughout the day or fluctuate when you get home from work, fluctuate. You know sometimes they'll pick up on the volume or things like I mean it's all like algorithmic now but I was just curious. I was just curious. So towards episode four, our last um episode of season one um what what where were you, where were you in your mood? It was this kind of like, because I know we on, you know, on the back end, you and our talk or you and the team talk about, you know, closing out chapter one, our season one and how we want to like move things forward. But was episode for any of that for you or was it just like another, another notch in your story? It was more of, I was definitely in a better place, you know, 14 had me really sad, we're gonna talk about that too, so just you know, we'll save that for later, but tell me about the mood you're in. Yeah, episode four, I kind of was, I started seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and I was like, okay, we're gonna get out of this. Um But again, still in my fields, it's always I'm Courtney. Uh But yeah, it was just, you know, it's wintertime, it's snowing, that's a super like that's cuffing season. And I was just not cuffs, I was like, you know what, I'm gonna make some music for y'all, I'm gonna make a mix so y'all can, y'all can enjoy yourselves. And that's what I did, definitely, definitely one of the warmer mixes for colder time for sure. Um So coming into the new season, she's in uh two, episodes five and six. We don't have to get political, but there is like, you know, we'll get actually we'll get into the politics of what's going on, where you are stationed uh for those watching, timer is in Quebec Montreal to be specific. What was the one? What's the actual tell? I'm in various we don't Montreal adjacent. Uh episode five. You get to actually collaborate right? And you decide to collaborate with a local friend of yours, someone I've heard DJ myself uh well and leading up to this episode, I know you were like super super hype about it and you actually wanted to start to bring other people onto your onto your show to express themselves. What's it like collaborating with folks? And in this case a friend of yours, dead is local. Uh what's it like collaborating on mixes? Is it like something where you both do it live? Are you doing you know one and done? Are you you know, are are you post production putting two mixes together? Uh huh. Um So at least in this case did you do that well for episode one of season two, we had my friend Geno from Toronto. Uh he's also one of my favorite DJs, he's he's amazing. Um He also has his own R. And B. Party called Sub Baby, so I thought it would be a really cool idea to kind of collaborate on that and combine both both of our worlds. So I kind of just told him the vibe, I was like do what you want, I like usually on the show I have a new R and B. Older and be some dancehall, some edits do what you want with it. So I definitely give them full creative uh control. Yeah, that's the word, you know, I've been up since like seven, um I give them full creative control and I definitely trust his his taste and I was very very pleased with the result of it. Okay, so so what what do you um expecting from further collaborations? Right? Like, yep, if in this case you guys know each other and you've done you've done a million events together and maybe you have even many mutual friends, right? What are some things that you are happy that he contributed to episode five or two, R. And B. Period that you would have otherwise not been able to or not not able to do. But he does he does he brought something to the table that you didn't think of. Um he did his live mash ups which were very cool, really loved it. It was amazing if you haven't heard it, go listen to it. But yeah, and he he got his audience as well in on my show, which is always a good thing. We I like I love when other people listen to my mix that might have not heard it, heard about it before, that? Well, honestly, collaborations are very important, just extends the reach. Of course, of course, now, like, this is insight for me to write like, you know, living or visiting uh Montreal Toronto, you know, Lieutenant full of times. I know that it's just they're both kind of smaller baby new york's right, like smaller microcosms of the big city. And I know sometimes nightlife can get quite small, right? Like, or or at least the people that you that frequently, people you see all the time. What are some things that you actually want to expand upon? You know, what are some things that you can do? You know, I know obviously you're in lockdown now or coming out of lockdown now. Um what are some things that you can do differently that help you kind of expand internationally with your show? Moving into episode 78 maybe even season three doesn't need to be tomorrow. But what are some of the things that's such a small city? Right? We just talked about some of your periods blowing up becoming these megaliths artists right now, from a DJ, creator, co creator, co curator, standpoint, someone who's a burgeoning artists in their own right. What are some of the things that you find um less the least barrier to entry to kind of bring you or bring what you represent? Bring once real to the bigger stage, definitely traveling? Okay, well, not getting out, it's just because it's a smaller city, sometimes, I feel like there's a ceiling and the only way to get to break through the ceiling is to kind of got out there and meet new people and, you know, collaborate on either parties or future r and beats mixes to just expand my community and their community as well. Okay, uh do you see any sort of like, production in your future? Like music production? Is that something that you'd like to do? It doesn't have to be, but it could be also an extension of what you're doing with Armed Beach now. Uh Maybe a a Mhm. I don't know. I mean, what is what is the next iteration of our and beats that isn't just mixes? I would definitely love to get into production. It's a lot easier said than done. Yeah. Take it from me. Yes, I know, it's great. Uh Well, yeah, it's definitely something I'd like to try. I need to get a bigger hard drive on my laptop before I start any of that, because it does take a lot of space. But yeah, I'd love to get into that. Okay, well, I mean, I, you know, for the audience that doesn't know, I know that I know that you're very ambitious, right? You have you have far greater sites than you could probably express at the moment. But um you know, how did that or how does that go into your show? And and how like what are some nuanced or like unique ways that you think or probably even or pipe dreaming about how to express our embassies in the future? Honestly just putting like making the show very personable. So just having the show kind of represent who I am. Like if you know me, like I'm soft as hell, but I do like to turn up it. So it's kind of like a bit of everything in my last mix. I have a bit of um like newer R and B, like west Coast R and B, which is more of a rap type feel to. So you know, I like to Sprinkle a bit of everything um and not create barriers and just stick to one certain type of music because I feel well okay repetitive to some people and I don't want that, I want every show to kind of be a new experience for them. Press the muslim, awesome. Mhm. Oh I'm super super, super, super thankful for sharing for you, sharing your journey with myself and others, tuning in from the from the Canadian, from across the Canadian border. Uh But in in closing uh do you find any of what's going on from from the event standpoint to be a barrier to you right now? Well, everybody's got everybody's got barriers right now, you know? But for the sake of uh sake of posture and posterity, uh let's not dwell on the on the bad and dwell on what potentially we can make or you when our and beach can make events to look like in the future. Would you want live streaming? Would you want to bring live streaming to events? Are there like, I don't know, are there like VR? Like, you know, how do we bring romance? And she's a club now, first of all, candles and a bed and I'm kidding. I'm sorry. I'm obviously from um so I would eventually, depending on who's paying for it, like, I'd love to get some sponsors and maybe have some uh live performances. Maybe some up and coming R. And B. Artists perform a song or two. I had done already be parties in the past which have been great and very successful. Okay, so just bring some live music into the mix. That would be amazing. Maybe do something like matchmaking, I don't know. Okay, just taking credit for people's marriages. I heard that. What? Give me uh give me three artists that you have on your next show, your next live show. Like, doesn't matter, like in in a in a, like a in the world, in a world where to go and money is not an issue and it could be your friend, it could be somebody you you love, you know, musically, um you're a fan of anybody. Three people, definitely a pop. Can Whoa, I love this man, I give him my first job. So I went, I'm joking. You definitely want it, but I love his music. Um Pope Can um I love drake, that's the, I know it's very basic, but I'm from Canada, I love me some andre and I also DJ for Shelia. So I would love to have her, I love her music, she's agree on becoming R and B artist. So you went on tour with her? Right? I did back in 2019 when in a european tour. Uh how was your first tour? It was good. I was tired. I was walked away from the Eiffel Tower and I went to bed. I regret it. Yeah, I'm sure there'll be many more opportunities. I haven't been in paris yet. It's nice. I was speaking to them in french because I was like, I speak french and they basically told me that my friend sucked and they were speaking to me in english and had no idea what they were saying. It's kind of, Oh my God, yeah, Canada. All right, all right, well, in closing again, I would love to, I wish you many more tours in the future because I'd love to see how you produce events. I think as a fan of your show, one of our biggest, you know, I'd love to see how you expand and bring our and beach from the bedroom, you know, and from the mood boarding into, you know, I RL real life, you know, on small scale, large scale, even visually, you know, I think there's a lot to be said. There was like, side note, there was this club in new york was growing up, I was a little too young. No, I mean I was like teetering on old enough to get it. And so I've been in there a few times, club bed. They literally had beds in there. Like, you know, we have like gazebos and like little nooks and boots and stuff. They had like beds. It means it was probably disgusting in hindsight, but I don't know maybe there's some iteration of that exists for R and B. It's in the future. Maybe it's not, not to that extent, but I'll stick to my matchmaking. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay, fair enough. Fair enough, mob. Thank you to Yuma. Thank you so much. Is there any closing words you have for our audience tune in to our and beats on mixed cloud and many other platforms ST James, ST James radio dot com. Peace.