Public and Private Communication
Lesson 1 from: Develop Good Communication SkillsDaniel Post Senning

Public and Private Communication
Lesson 1 from: Develop Good Communication SkillsDaniel Post Senning
Lesson Info
1. Public and Private Communication
Lesson Info
Public and Private Communication
This course today we're really gonna look at communication skills. The broad framework that I like to approach etiquette through is the framework of relationships, that fundamentally etiquette is about relationships, it's about the skill of investing in relationships, taking care with relationships and hopefully, ultimately improving the quality of our relationships, that's the way I like to connect this material that can often times feel esoteric and arbitrary and like it's coming from somewhere else to core values, core principles that I think we can all identify are important. That the relationships that sustain us, that really define our lives are important and they're worth paying attention to. Obviously there are arcs to relationships. We meet people, we interact with people in different environments and locations, we sustain relationships over time. Communication I like to think of as the skills that we use to sustain those relationships, it's how we persist in our courtesy, it'...
s how we make a practice of courtesy, how we engage in courtesy, in consideration, in respect, in honest communication with people over an extended period of time. So it's not a moment, it's not an interaction, it's not a single opportunity, but it's a continuation of that investment in each other. I want to begin by investing just a little bit in you by welcoming you here and saying, it is my pleasure to be here with you for another course. I also wanna share with you a little bit about what you can expect, specifically in the time that we're about to spend together. The big picture is we're gonna talk about relationships and how communication supports relationships. More particularly we're gonna look at different kinds of communication. We're gonna look at the power of written communication. We talked in a previous course, we talked in another course about conversation skills, those are your verbal skills, those are the non-verbal and conversational skills that you employ when you're with someone. Over a distance your written communication is gonna be fundamentally important. Those are the written words that represent you and represent the thoughts that you have to other people. We're gonna look at best practices for email, a common currency in the business world. We're gonna look at best practices for smart phones. These are not revolutionary concepts or ideas, these are practices and these are best practices and ways that we can all continue to hold ourselves accountable. I introduce the idea in a course that introduced etiquette concepts that smart phone manners are an example, they're a particular place in our lives where we all understand the expectations and yet we all fall just a little bit short. So I think of these as some really useful reminders for ways that we can hold ourselves accountable as much as the people around us. I also wanna talk a little bit about video and conference calls. These are more and more important as we have more and more people working remotely and doing business over great distances. We're then gonna shift gears a little bit, we're gonna look at social media. And social media is often times thought of as a social medium, a place where our personal lives are lived, but there are real impacts on our professional lives in this arena of life as well so I think it's important that we spend a little bit of time there. And then we're gonna dial in and look even more specifically at three particular social networks. LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. I don't know what is gonna be the My Space of today in terms of which one of these networks is not even gonna be used five years from now or 10 years from now, but I do know that the core concepts that we talk about are gonna apply no matter what networks we're talking about and I also know that these particular networks have a real impact on peoples professional lives today.