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Call to Action

Lesson 26 from: Don't Get Pushed Around: An Introvert's Guide to Getting What You Need at Work

Ilise Benun

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26. Call to Action

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Call to Action

Alright, so then my question to you. Are you still feeling pushed around? Do you now know what to do about it if you are? Maybe we can get a little participation here, as we wrap up. What are you going to do later today or tomorrow that's different based on what you've learned here today? Do you feel more confident? And, if so about what? So me personally I just recently started my job. I don't have, I guess, the confidence in the job yet. So, that kinda built my confidence. Learning the emails and the calling, but it does involve getting more relationships with other companies. Knowing people and knowing what to talk to them about. So, that really helped me with that. Excellent, I'm glad to hear that. Who else? Tiffany? I would want to stop making assumptions of what's really going on, what people are really thinking. I have a proposal out right now, and I touch base with the point person yesterday. He said, "Oh, we're so close to making a decision." And my negative brain starts...

thinking that it's ... "Oh, their gonna say no." Instead of, "Oh, they just haven't made the decision yet." Excellent. It really does take a lot of practice, and just reiteration of, "No I'm not gonna think that way, I have to think differently." Good, excellent. Anyone else? Laurie? Well, you encouraged me to do more network marketing, and going to the events. I've actually been avoiding them because I didn't know the questions. So, that really helped encourage me to look for more opportunities for that. Excellent. Yes, Kenna. At least I have one from, or a couple now coming in from home. There's always that pause. We have a Courtney Lightcap who says, "People don't push you around, your feelings do." That's a great take away, and the biggest thing she took away. And then Shawn. Actually this is really interesting. Shawn says that he is an extrovert, but he wanted to watch the class to learn about his introverted co-workers and how their approaching things from the other side. He structured an elevator speech that is more geared towards my introverted students. I realize that I may come on strong with others as an extrovert. So, that's really cool. Thank you for sharing. Tonya Lewis said, "I'd like suggestions on what to talk about during networking as well." One more, Jennifer says, "I realized I shouldn't focus on the internal feelings at networking events, and be in the moment." And says, "I can do this." Yes Jennifer, we love that. Yeah, you can do this. It's not hard. But, I just wanna reinforce this idea that it is your responsibility to yourself, to each of us, to do this, to make the changes, to grow, to learn the new habits. Just coming back to the original idea I started with, that life is an experiment. There's no reason not to try. You will fail. Actually, I don't think I made the point that failure is passivity. It's not trying, because if you try you absolutely can not fail. You can only learn. I know you have one more slide where you let everybody know where they can connect and get ahold of you from here on out. What's your favorite way? My favorite way is to sign up for my quick tips, because that is my email newsletter where I share information. New information usually about the new marketing tools or the new ideas behind self promotion or behind communication or talking to people. So, that's the best. If you like to learn by listening. The two podcasts are also good. So,, and the How design live podcast.

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Ilise Benun Sample Chapter
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Ratings and Reviews


It was interesting to learn from your program what experiences other people have in certain situations and how similar or different they are to mine. And that’s it’s ok to “own” your inner introvert, and to work with it instead of against it. The good thing is, the more self-aware we become, the more aware and sensitive we can be towards others, thanks to shared knowledge and programs like yours. So thank you Ilise, for an enlightening program. I look forward to going back over it sometime.


Was a great overall course with lots of tips and ways to frame in your mind what may be happening rather than making assumptions. I would have liked a deeper dive into dealing with conflict, people who just don't think and operate the same way, and getting what you need in situations where usual methods aren't working. Perhaps an additional course on that. Thanks


Was a great overall course with lots of tips and ways to frame in your mind what may be happening rather than making assumptions. I would have liked a deeper dive into dealing with conflict, people who just don't think and operate the same way, and getting what you need in situations where usual methods aren't working. Perhaps an additional course on that. Thanks

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