The 7 Steps to a Standout Webinar
Lesson 5 from: FAST CLASS: Start a Profitable Online BusinessLewis Howes, James Wedmore, Derek Halpern

The 7 Steps to a Standout Webinar
Lesson 5 from: FAST CLASS: Start a Profitable Online BusinessLewis Howes, James Wedmore, Derek Halpern
Lesson Info
5. The 7 Steps to a Standout Webinar
FAST CLASS: Start a Profitable Online Business with Lewis Howes, James Wedmore, Derek Halpern
1Turn Your Passion Project into Profit
18:05 2Create a Product that Sells
16:20 3Develop & Sell a Webinar
26:33 4Build Online Authority
12:39 5The 7 Steps to a Standout Webinar
22:08FAST CLASS: Start a Profitable Online Business with Lewis Howes, James Wedmore, Derek Halpern
Lesson Info
The 7 Steps to a Standout Webinar
So this is our 7th step webinar system. We talked a little bit about marketing webinars before uh the process went over two days ago. I feel like I've been here for a week now. So this is when you're on a webinar, here's what to do, Want to cover really quickly and say the seven steps and then I'll break down each one. So before the call, we call the meet and greets and called the pre party, you guys called the pre show banter for here, but that's the first part. Yeah, I'm gonna go into each part two, but um a lot of people try and reinvent the wheel and this is something where I learned webinars from, from Lewis and what I had to do was just watch him do a webinar as an attendee and I kept watching him and watching him, watching him don't reinvent the wheel. There's a process, there's an experience to take people through it and we do it every single time, whether it's a me on a webinar myself for Lewis or Alicia, it's the same exact process. And what's really cool is Lewis is gonna br...
eak out What to do every single minute of the webinar for 60 minutes presentation. Again, I like to keep things extremely simple because why over complicate things, make it simple for yourself, don't overthink this too much. So before the call is the meet and greet, then you've got the welcome your story and again, I'll go over each point here in a second, You got in the content, which is the majority of your presentation, you've got the pitch. You can call it the offer, we call it the pitch and you've got Q and A. And then final thoughts now fun of thoughts could also be final thoughts on the webinar. There's also final thoughts where you promote the webinar afterwards. So what Alicia did is she her final thoughts included. You call it follow through where she sent an email to let people know this morning that they should sign up here is the reason why and now she's getting double the amount of sales because she followed up. So you can kind of add a couple points here and there. But this is the basics of the webinar. So the meet and greet is very important because you want to get people excited about what you're gonna be covering, you wanna get them warmed up, you want to get some feeling like it's experience and not like, okay, I'm just gonna log into my computer and just sit here and take notes. You want them to feel excited and entertained. So with Alicia yesterday We got in there about a few minutes before, we didn't have enough time to really get in there 15 minutes early because we ran from this session over there and I did some Q and A for people in the beginning. I was like, hey guys, thanks so much for coming on here. What I want you to do is type in the question box, let me know where you're at in the world welcome them. He said, you know, thanks so much for coming on. We really appreciate your time and your energy for coming on here and let them know. Um, some of the information about the women are, so that's the beginning part, the meet and greet. Check and make sure they can see your screen. That's what these guys are doing before. Can you hear us? Okay? Let us know, type in the chat box that you can see us, that you can hear us, that everything's okay. Um Very important thing is social sharing. So what we did not do because again, we didn't have all the time in the world to put this together. She had less than 24 hours. It's usually on the first slide for 15-20 minutes before the Webinar begins. It's always important to begin on time, even though we don't, I don't always do it, but it's important to try to do this. Do as I do as I say, not as I do right, uh huh at the bottom of the screen, so we'll have like the slide that says like the title of the webinar, you know, an image of whoever's presenting some of graphic maybe. And then at the bottom will always put some text down here that says please retweet this or posted on facebook. You can say you can give them the sentence to retweet if you want them to with a link to the webinar, whenever we do that, we always see a spike in attendance and a spike in subscribers. So you're leveraging 500 people that are on there. Imagine if we had, we had 600 people in the Webinar yesterday around there. And what if half of them posted it to Facebook live 15 minutes before the Webinar, some of their friends see it sometimes you can double the attendance of the subscribers to the webinar. So you're increasing your list without doing any extra work really. You're leveraging the people on here that are already engaged. That's important request social sharing because that's going to really help you build your list from free everyone to get the meet and greet any other questions there. So just have fun with this. Be playful. I usually like to play music and I'm like pumping people up. I'm like, yeah, I tell him like what I did today, I'm like, I just got back from work out. It was like really hard, This is what we did, blah blah. I'll talk about salsa dancing. I'll just be playful. Right step number two, the welcome. So this is the introduction or the pre framing as James, likes to call it And this is basically just at the top of the hour, say your webinars at 2: PM Eastern Standard time, you want to make sure in the, in the pre party you're like, okay guys, we're about to get started in 10 minutes for this webinar on how to leverage linkedin to grow your business, you're not gonna wanna miss out. It's gonna be amazing, recover this, this and this. Get ready at the top of the hour, then do some more banter then every couple of minutes, okay? We're one minute away from the webinar or 30 seconds away, you're reiterating when it's about to start so they can get ready, prepare once you start. You want to make sure you go right into it. So welcome everyone to the webinar. Thanks so much for coming on. Here's what we're covering today. Right? So you got to frame some things, you can do some house cleaning or whatever you wanna call it. But basically making sure that everyone can hear you again and can see you because people log in right at the top of the hour, so they may not have heard what you said in the 1st 15 minutes pre party. So again, make sure you guys can hear me and see me. Ok, go ahead and type this in the question box that you can and also let me know you where you are in the world. Type that in. Then you're just listing off names For about to 60 seconds. Um and then the next thing you wanna do is go with the agenda, which we actually didn't do this again. The webinar was not perfect. The slides were not perfect. But the best thing is to have an agenda. So if you just say, okay guys, we're gonna get started. Here we go. And you just start talking, they never know what's gonna happen next. You want to let them know what's gonna be happening next. But more important than that, you want to let them know what's gonna be happening at the very end. So, always have the end in mind first. When you do that, you're able to I want to say influence, but you're able to basically keep people hooked every single slide to wait for what's happening next and what's happening for the end. Does that make sense? So the next is your story now, this is very important because you can't, like James said, you can't just unless your audience already knows you, you can't just jump on the webinar and say, I'm gonna teach you about linked in. So step one, you want to set up your profile. Step two, you want to do this. Step three critic group. If you don't tell the story about yourself and how you why you're the expert or if you don't have someone else who's interviewing you tell you the story about you, then you're not going to set the stage and people are going to be related to you. So, my point for there is you're gonna be about 10 to 15 minutes here sharing your story. So what I do is I go over my story about how I got into linked, in why I got into linked in what it's done for me, tell your story, why you guys travel the world in the twenties and why you want to help people, why you want to help young athletes become bigger, faster, stronger, or throw three miles faster. Why you want to help people become a best seller. Why you wanna help people create cool videos to help them sell products. Why you wanna help people with flipping apps? Why you want to help models feel more confident? Sexier Look, lighter on camera, get more paying gigs. Why you wanna help people while you want to do more photography people and make their the best memories ever for them from their their most important day, right? You want to make sure that you share your story on why you do this. If you show the emotional reasons why people are going to be feeling so much more connected to you throughout the entire presentation and they will listen to anything you say if you connect with them on a personal deeper emotional level, No four, the content. So, this is the meat of the presentation. This is the majority of the presentation and this is um Where you show we like to do a few different things. one facts or research data by backing up or having facts or news sites sharing something that's research and be able to show a screenshot of their research, the data where it's from. It's another form of social proof and credibility backing up your solution. So again you're gonna add data, case studies and the research and teaching. And I just want to cut you off there because when you throw in the data, one of the things that I think you can start to see what we're doing is connecting with people emotionally and then connecting with them logically Exactly. Because you can't just connect one or the other because maybe some people maybe I only connect on the emotional level. Maybe I don't care about the research but I want to know how it's going to make me feel when I have the solution, right? But other people may think I don't care what makes me feel. I just want results and I need to know that there's data that disproves that it's gonna give me results. Does that make sense? And what do we do yesterday we had you guys set up a webinar set the landing page are the registration page and create that. And we have a police here we said, okay you're actually gonna do it And get results within a day. And she made grand in a day what we usually do. You know you try to figure out a way that someone you can stop the presentation not stopping but pause what you're talking about and say I need you guys to take action on this right now and where to see the results to come in. So with length and there's something I can do that allows me to show results for people within seconds. So I pause and show this example to people when I say I want you to do this right now. Take action. So you can see the type of results here to get right in front of you when they see results they're more willing to buy because they believe that's going to happen if they see it for themselves. You believe that this works right? You've made 15 grand an hour. You're believer, right? For two years though you didn't know. But now, you know, you're like, okay, I'm gonna do webinars every month, Right? Yeah, for 15 grand in an hour I'll do that every day. Right? So you're introducing the solution which is your product or service uh when you're talking about the benefits of the product. So what would some of the benefits be of your product Alicia Last night, after we finished the webinar, I went to my hotel room and sent everyone there welcome email with their facebook private group. So community is the first thing and also their pre work they received all of that. So they get ready for and then all the schedule. But benefits writing, writing a book learning how to become a best seller on amazon using your book as a way to make more money in your core business. That's something that I teach during the weekend. So there's some of the product benefits becoming an authority, all these other things, right? This is important testimonials because this is another form of social proof of recommendations testimonials. So we had three, I think testimonials with Alicia's webinar and you want to make sure you have ones that fit for different ranges in your audience. So if you have speakers, if you have small business owners, if you have big business owners in your audience that want to become an author, then you try to get a testimonial for each one of those case studies, right? So here's a man who's this, a woman who's this, you know, someone who has no money, someone who has lots of money, right? You're trying to reach all these, someone who didn't have any time or had it for 10 years that they're trying to create a book. Someone who um you know, you're giving all those examples, you're trying to you're trying to answer the questions and the concerns that are gonna have that you already know, they're gonna ask you, what if I don't have the money, we don't have the time. What if I don't have the right idea and you're giving testimonials of people who said, you know, I didn't think I had the time to write a book and I thought about it for years. But once I got the courage to sign up and took that action and realized and went to Alicia's boot camp, I realized I did have the time and it happened so fast and here's the result that I got from it. Uh you know what? I never thought I had $10,000 to to find an editor to edit my book, to do the graphics to publish the book. I never thought I had all the money. But when I signed up release his course, I realized that you don't need all that and she showed me how to do it. And now I'm a best seller in a weekend. Right? So you're kind of going over these testimonials that are also talking about the biggest questions or concerns that your buyers or audience are going to have about your product and service, then you're going over the guarantee. I think it's important to always have a guarantee for your product. If you don't stand behind your product, then you shouldn't be selling it. So you can have a uh huh lifetime guarantee, a 10 day guarantee, 30 day, 60 day with information products, it's usually 30 to 60 days that you guarantee because there's some people out there that just buy them and then they refund them. If it's a physical product, You wanna, whatever your guarantee is for your physical product, right? If it's a cream, if it's a food, it doesn't matter then maybe there's different guaranteed days. But for the information products, it's usually 30-60 days. But again, we give 100% money back guarantee no matter what they say, if they used it all and they got made $100 million, but they want to refund, we'll give it to him because we just want people to be happy. So That's just part of doing business, people are going to refund, I think our refund rates around 5-7%,, But from 6, 7000 sales, I don't know, it's not that bad. Okay, what's going to happen? There are some ways you can decrease that, but we don't need to go into right now. So you got to guarantee and then you got the call to action. So you're kind of, you're building people up, there's different ways you can do this, but I'm gonna give you the best way. We did this. Actually not the best way, but it still worked. So we introduced the price right away, we said, we said we gave them a link right away to go and sometimes you want to do that. But I really feel like you should wait until the very end and kind of build anticipation for what it actually is and how much it's going to be. So you're kind of telling about the benefits what it is, but the call to action, you want to wait to kind of reveal the link or the number that they're gonna call in or whatever it may be to take action. You want to wait until the very end to do this because people will start dropping off here on the webinar, people start dropping off no matter what, they just want to come to the content. So I'm going to drop off. You can't get offended. They're not your buyers, but those that are wanting to buy, they really want it. You've built it up and they, you've had this amazing experience. They have all these emotions inside now. They're ready to take action. Do you have the call to action? Um and this is where you offer the price, You can do different strategies for a price breakdown with Alicia. I'll give you the example for her, she said, you know, usually on my three day workshop live, it's $1600 Plus. You got to pay for flights, you got to play for hotel in New York City, it's $300 a night plus food, this and that. It's around $2500 to come. Or $3,000 to come and do my workshop Now, the course I'm gonna be offering right now is $500. However, since this is the first time I'm offering it, it's going to be $297. A limited time only for the next two days. So you're offering how much value they're gonna get for the price of that. You usually have to spend not much just spending right now and it makes it seem so it's like a no brainer when you do this price drop down, it's a no brainer for them to take action. How many of you feel comfortable coming up to me and selling me a product without ever talking to me without ever knowing me. Just walked up to me and said, hey I've got this product, Buy it, buy, buy, buy, buy, would you feel comfortable doing that like that? How many people, how many people feel like I don't want to do a webinar to sell something because I'm gonna feel to sales e or to like a car salesman or two. Yeah. Question my dealt with that is that I've been in webinars where like they're like right there so sleazy and it's so desperate that call to action and if you call now, you know like the 1st 100 whatever and it's so like really often a lot and I'm like, I won't name any names, but there's one particular one, it's like for facebook um like those apps that um she was showing before and I'm like, oh he's so annoying, like it's just so sleazy to me like you don't want to be like that, right, well you know why they do that? Do you know why they do that? Because it works. It does not with me, but they're making a lot of money doing that and I'm not saying that's the way to do it. I don't like doing that at all because it's not genuine for me now there's a fine. There's an art. Yeah. Just selling. That was my question. Where is that line where you don't sound like you're still connecting? You're still, you know, it's an emotional thing as well or logical and they're still benefits and reasons to buy. There's an art and I think over time you learn how to do this or just dance with selling without being sales. E now I am pretty firm and confident when I'm on at the end of the webinar and I'm like, sometimes I say, listen guys, I want you to open up a new browser right now. I want you to type in linked influence dot com. I want you to go to the page, you're gonna see, uh, you're gonna see where you can enter in your name, your email, on your credit card and I want you to pull out your wallet. I want you to put that number in right now. Here's the reason why and I give them the reasons why again. So sometimes I'm very confident in firm with people. I'm like, if you're still on here and you're not taking action, then get off and just go do it yourself. What's the point of listening to me talk about this anymore. If you're not going to do this because I don't like to deal with people who are just wasting my time or wasting their time. You've got all the information. Great, I'm glad you came on. Thank you so much for coming on. I really appreciate it. Now, either go do it yourself or take action so I can help you do it even better with my training. And again, we want to make sure we emphasize this, that you don't want to be sales e you want to be confident. And you can even say, listen guys, I know this is going to help you, or I know this product is gonna help you get wherever faster, Because here's why I've got 7000 people who sign up for this. And here's testimonies I can go through. You. Just go through a few of them and say this is why it works. And you want to emphasize that if you don't sell, you're doing them a disservice question answers the next point. So, once you've gone through the clothes, um, where you tell people to buy this is the part where you're like, you know, and you're telling people each step of the way, all right, here's the agenda from the beginning. So you say the five things are going to be covering today. And so at each point of the agenda, you're letting you know, okay, um, now the next part of our agenda, I'm going to share my story. So here's a little bit my story. Okay, we're going to the next part of agenda, which is the content. I'm gonna show you about the six principles of becoming a best on the weekend. Now I want to move you guys, I want to keep you on schedule and on agenda. So you're basically saying, okay, I promise you there's gonna be an agenda and I'm gonna keep you on this agenda the entire time. So the next part of agenda I want to share with you and how you can take all this information we've got and take it the next level. You take them through the clothes, then you say, okay, I'm gonna continue onto the agenda after you close like I promised from the beginning and then we're going to the Q and A right now, final thoughts and goodbyes. How many points on this. Okay, so Give a final action item, so do this now. So again, you've gone through the Q&A. You're like, Okay, we're wrapping things up. It's been 75 minutes. Thanks so much everyone for coming on. You can have the presenters say, what's your final thoughts? One last hurrah of like, why did you sign up or why did you take action or do it themselves? Whatever it may be. But I would, I would say something like, you know what guys, we just went over 75 great minutes, thank you for all the positive feedback you've given in the chat box. I really means a lot to me. I'm glad that those took action or seeing results already from the webinar and you've got a choice right now you can either go off and do this yourself or you can take action and accelerate your learning with my program, right? So you can do this faster quicker and get the results you want again. Thanks so much. Have a great day. So something that's just a sign off, there's a lot of cool things you can do here. Lewis has done things. He's like, we want to hear your feedback. How did you enjoy this webinar? How can we improve this content? Put that into the question box. I've done things where um well say for all, thank you for everybody who signed up for those people who signed up, make sure the first thing that you do is log in the members area and click that community tab so we can hang out in the facebook group and when people that didn't, by the way I want to do that, I want to be the community. Hang out with you guys. Another thing, a cool little trick that you can do is that you say, let us know what's the best part about this, What's the thing you like most about this presentation and people did you guys like it, let us know if you like, if you hated it doesn't matter, tell us how you what you thought about it, you're usually gonna get just hundreds of comments of people like this was the most amazing thing ever. People like exclamation point caps, all letters crazy, like feedback. What we like to do is screenshot that so everyone can see it and we just posted up on the screen, like look at Jamie. Thank you so much. Jamie, kelly, sarah Jeff. You see everyone sees their own name in their own comment And everyone else sees. Yeah, there's 100 other people that agreed with me that it was amazing. So I might as well buy it right. It's given me that much help.
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