Creating Your Mission Statement
Lesson 3 from: FAST CLASS: Turn Your Talent Into a Business in 12 StepsBeate Chelette

Creating Your Mission Statement
Lesson 3 from: FAST CLASS: Turn Your Talent Into a Business in 12 StepsBeate Chelette
Class Introduction - Turn Your Talent in to Business
06:45 2Creating your Vision Statement
02:58 3Creating Your Mission Statement
02:44 4Types of Businesses
04:29 5What To Do with Your Idea
01:20 6Test Your Awesome Idea
09:31 7Competitive Research & Testing
06:21 8Creating Revenue Streams
02:17What’s Your Number?
06:23 10Funding Your Business
06:14 11Creating Customer Profiles
01:54 12Human Capital
02:17 13Organizational Structure
01:09 14Financial Responsibilities
02:32 15Legal Responsibilities
00:59 16Long-Term Growth Strategies
05:39 17Using Automation
01:28 18Your Creative Business Plan
01:47 19The Power of Your Story
01:20 20How To Make Money
01:43 21Marketing Strategies
00:25 22The Non-Sleazy Elevator Pitch
02:51 23Marketing Tips You Need To Know
03:43 24Thinking in the Long-Term
04:46 25Capturing Clients & Where To Start
03:13Lesson Info
Creating Your Mission Statement
So why would anybody want to buy your product? Like, what's the need that you feel for people who way already had some of that right? But people who kind of like been in a tough spot that need to have the tools and the method to help them get out of a tough spot. But so it's about the delivery process. I show this. So you guys know that I'm just like you? I drink beer. Otherwise they wouldn't let me back into Bavaria. And I like going on trips. The reason we built businesses is so that we can live lives that are meaningful to us. So in all this off, why do we you know, why do we even do the business building? And this is for me, Really. An important part of my mission here today is to help you to connect your own personal feelings in your own personal vision, with a lifestyle that's suitable for you. Because that is the art of creating a business. I'm not gonna lie. There's going, you know, building a business is hard work. This is joke about entrepreneurs where we work 80 hours so we ...
don't have to work 40 which is true, especially in the start up face. But if you do something that you truly love and you know transforming life, changing the way people feel about themselves or changing the fine all art world or you know all these little things, they're meaningful and they're really important. So it is so worth it. But my story is just like your story, and here is a great great testimonial from one of the photographers that I'm working with. I just finished the photo biz intensive, and he says, My biggest realization was that if I want to play with the big boys, I need to start acting like one, and that's it. That's it. You wanna play, you got to show up. Like you said, if you want to be professional in your business, started with a good linked in profile because otherwise nobody will take you serious because everybody's Googling everybody in Lincoln, all the shows up first, So if you show up first, then you better be looking good. You only can make one first impression, so let's make that a really, really good one. So let's go ahead and let's connect we via um, Lincoln and Facebook. So if you can follow me on Lincoln under, be official. It, uh you can join anyone off the to lengthen groups photography business or the women's code. And on Facebook, here are all my my links.
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