How To Create Real Time, Behind-the-scenes Marketing
Lesson 7 from: FAST CLASS: Your Social Media BootcampJasmine Star

How To Create Real Time, Behind-the-scenes Marketing
Lesson 7 from: FAST CLASS: Your Social Media BootcampJasmine Star
Lesson Info
7. How To Create Real Time, Behind-the-scenes Marketing
Promise Of This Class
08:10 2Class Introduction
02:35 3Identifying Your Dream Customer
08:15 4How To Engage With Your Dream Customer
06:15 5Assess Your Marketing And Engagement
12:14 6How To Find The Gap In Your Market
07:51 7How To Create Real Time, Behind-the-scenes Marketing
15:37 8How To Guarantee Social Media Success
08:30The Secret Of Growing On Instagram
00:55 10Branded Photo Shoot Tips And Tricks
12:01 11How To Start Building Your Brand On Social Media
12:29 12Social Media Aesthetics
05:01 13Branding Photoshoot Reveal
09:44 14How To Plan, Organize, And Create A Month Of Posts In One Day
02:44 15Why Facebook Still Is A Powerful Platform
13:40 16How To Use Direct Messages - Turn Followers Into Customers
09:38 17Creating Your Direct Message Strategy
03:45 18Getting Results From Your DMS
03:15 19Photo Shoots - Product & Family
10:14 20Using Hashtags To Grow Your Business
08:15 21Planning A Month Of Posts In One Day
14:40 22Your 45-minute Social Media Workflow
10:50 23Take Action
04:19Lesson Info
How To Create Real Time, Behind-the-scenes Marketing
What we're gonna get into right about now is a little bit about instagram stories. But before I start talking, let's show you guys a quick video. So one thing that I noticed about these two amazing businesses is that they don't talk about their amazing this enough online. I always come to believe that if you don't talk about your business, nobody else will. So this is a challenge here. On day one, they actually have to post 2 to 3 instagram stories, just letting people know where they are. I'm not giving them any kind of coaching because then tomorrow we'll be able to talk about an effective strategy to use for instagram stories. But here we're just seeing exactly where they are. My Capuchin hand. I'm here in Seattle working with Jasmine Star. We're doing some business mentoring, and today's the first day. It's pretty fun and exciting so far. I can't wait to see how this affects our business. And what's next Dress this week will be filled with lots more homework, a lot less photo shoot...
s. We'll be working on how just revamp everything with captions. Teoh everything social media and it's been amazing working with adjustment star and can't wait to Share My Way are finishing up our first day in Seattle with Creative Live and Jasmine Star and wow, what a day it has been a little exhausting but a lot of fun. And we had shoot. How many kids did we shoot in? Total 66 kids, a dog, a dog? So we have lots of content created on. We have a few more days left to spend with this awesome team. OK, so that's our leading Teoh our instagram stories and the reason why I had specifically asked the business owners to send us those clips is because I want to show where we were. And then I want to show how to get where we want to go, because what we want only people to see is like how good we are in our social stories. We don't always start there, but the only way you get better is when you know Oscar's back to criticism versus critique. If I just told you this is not very good, it could get better. That does you nothing. I have come to know and believe, and I will say again and again to that instagram stories, Facebook stories and now stories on Lincoln, our commercials for your business, and we should treat them as such. Now I know that there is this temptation. Like, Listen, if you're on a photo shoot, it just seems really natural. Like it seems easier. It seems like life is passing you a softball to be like, Oh, this is so interesting. I really just want to do social stories when I'm doing something interesting that's not as effective as consistency with stories when you have a strategy. So what happens on the days when you're not on a photo shoot? I know that everybody in this room knows an instagram stories is there are a lot of people online that don't have the full gamut. I'm gonna spend 30 seconds briefest update instagram stories and Facebook stories, and Lincoln stories disappear after 24 hours. You can save your stories within that 24 hours. The content on your stories doesn't appear on your grid so that you're not like feeling like you have to look at it for the rest of in all perpetuity. Stories appear at the top of your feet right when you open instagram at the very top you're gonna see circles those air your stories, and you will tap left to go back in a story you'll tap on the right side of your screen to go forward in the story. You can swipe to skip an entire story, and you could upload videos and photos from your camera. Roll into your stories and stories are an extension of your brand awareness. But a brand is what somebody thinks or feels about your business. Ah, brand is what people say behind your back and stories offer real time business up states. That is all you need to know about instagram stories. So, um, when people engage with your story, this is, ah, higher indication that they actually gonna be willing to buy from you. So on the inside of social curator, I've asked people, Harry, you guys using instagram stories to sell. We've had people put a pole like a yes or no poll on instagram stories and say, Have you ever considered working with a life coach? And anybody who clicks? Yes, they go to their stats and they see everybody who says yes, and then they send them a direct message and say, I'd love to chat more. I can offer free 15 minute session. So when we get into this, when people interact with your stories, you're gonna get indexed higher in the algorithm. So many of us. Statistically, this is very normal. You will have the highest number of views on your first story, and then it progressively drops. The strongest storytellers on instagram stories will have a level off and kind of stay here if what you're seeing is you sort of hear. And then let's just say for math sake, ah, 100 views. And then, by the end of your six stories, you have 10. That's a not OK indication that the stories that you're doing aren't really resonating. What we want to Dio is produced stories that keep people story after story after story, and we know we're not gonna keep 100% of the people that are watching. Studies have shown that people who stay after the third story 60% of the people who stay after the third story will stay for all of the stories and people who save all of your stories are going to be the hottest audience who will buy. So I pay special attention to watching where the drop off is so that I don't repeat that. So when somebody comes to my story and they swipe away, they made an action on behalf of the algorithm that they didn't want to see what I posted anymore. That goes against my account. When somebody responds to the A D M. If they send me a reaction like either the 100 like the heart, eyes, anything that's an action on behalf. When I put out a poll, when I do a slider and somebody takes an action on behalf, Oh, when they vote, they're taking an action on behalf, and it's indicating to the algorithm they want to. Seymour. So how do you use stories to build a business? You stay top of mind Stories offer a humanizing personal look on your very professional business, So our objective is to use our stories with a strategy. So when people interact with your stories, there's a higher likelihood of them singer posts. When people interact with your posts, there's a higher likelihood of them senior stories when people do not swipe away all good things. So now that we have the framework. What we want to do is understand how to get our followers to engage with those stories. So in order to get people to engage, we have to show them things that they want to see according to why they're following our account. Earlier today, I asked you, What are you selling? Who are you selling to and what's the gap in the market? So if you're a fitness coach, posting behind the scenes of your at home workouts would probably be interesting to your followers. If you're a wedding photographer showing behind the scenes on a wedding day, how you're styling mobile care how you're setting up the shoes. That would be interesting, because brides would probably want to see a behind the scenes of what you're gonna do on their day. What performs the best for me statistically is when I give a short 3 to 3 to five story tutorial on something on anything, people will stay. And then I've learned that when you use text, there's a higher likelihood of keeping people because they could just read and say, Is this for me? And when I add emojis when I add drawings. Remember all of a sudden or earned marketers and now our own art directors. So if you are gonna do a talking head video, you gotta shift it. You got to twist it. You gotta add gifts, gifts. Y'all. I can't even think about it. I always get so caught up. I think it's gift. The designer who created it said it's gift, and then some cool hipster was like, No, it's Jif like the peanut butter, which makes no sense. So I don't know. I'm just going to say whatever comes out okay, you have this little tiny dancing things, so it would not be so interesting if you saw me pour a cup of coffee. But it's not that interesting to see me poor cup of coffee, because that's not necessarily what you're there in my account for. If I was a barista, if I was a coffee aficionado, if I was a coffee blogger, that story would be amazing. Why? Because that's what you're there and following before there is no such thing as a right story are wrong story. It's just using a story that ultimately points back to your business, so this brings us to understanding. Why are your followers following you now? I get a lot of pushback from entrepreneurs. I get a lot of people pushback people who watch online because they're like jasmine. That's so systematic. You're taking the joy out of it. Okay? Okay. I am not on Instagram for joy. If I want joy, I would walk on the beach with my husband. My dog. If I want joy, I'd put on salsa music and dance with my parents in a living room. That's joy. Joy is not me showing how cool I am on the Internet. So if that's not my joy, then I need to be strategic. So if you would like to be in strategic, I invite you to start here using three options for your instagram stories. I believe that if you're getting started the best place to actually deploy a strategy educational instagram stories, promotional instagram stories and behind the scene stories. So I'm gonna break this down into an easy to understand methodology and then we can we can hot seat some of these like so, what would I do in this situation? So instagram stories. I am a baker. This is my educational instagram story template. If I'm like I don't know what todo I'm gonna share something to be educational. My story's gonna follow this template and insure to the explanation. What am I about to share? Tips one through three. Why? It's important and then a closing. This right here is six stories When you're first starting out and really trying to hone it I really believe in the dashes and not the dots. If you have a lot of stories that they turn into dots and you see that you ate keeping people the end turn those dots into dashes Can I get an amen? Yes. So let's give an example of how this is gonna work. I am a baker. So every time I sat New story Hey, guys, I'm at the bakery and I'm gonna teach you how to frosted cake in less than three minutes. What you want to do is you want to ensure that the cake is cooled and it's resting on a sheet of foil and I'm putting text over this tip number two using room temperature of frosting. Put far. Put four. Pete put four tablespoons of frosting on each corner. The cake and move it towards the middle. Tip number three using the sheet of foil. Having using the sheet of foil, you're gonna be twisting the foil as you're making a circular formation. The quicker you frost the cake, you're gonna get a continuous application to get that nice, beautiful appeal that we all know and love. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you don't have time to brush your cake, come on into bakery and I'll make it happen for you. That's a template. That's a template. And so here's the thing. I make templates because I'm not very good, but the templates allow me to find my voice that was educational. And here's the thing that we have to know that you are the best at what you do in 98% of people who are watching her stories will not be able to cross the case. So what does it do? Positions you even greater to be a professional? And for the 2% that do try to frost their own cake 1%. We're gonna try and be like, Well, this sucks. Now let's dig into Ah promotional instagram story Promotional. Interim stories are stories that want that you want your viewers to take an action. An action could be anything to book your services by your product. Sign up for your newsletter announcing a new product. That's all promotion. So this is the template that I use for my stories. Now a template is a just a suggestion. Step number one announcement. And when it comes to something that's promotional, get straight to the point when people feel like you're selling to them, they get really annoyed. You have one slide to make it happen to what's the benefit for them. Then you get into the what one and where it's a little flexibility and lastly, a call to action. So now we're gonna do another instagram story. Jasmine the baker doing stories to promote a particular thing. Okay, so story one, joining at the county fair, where I will be having a pop up shop displaying my newest cakes. What's the benefit for them? You'll have a chance to taste my new seasonal cake flavors, and you're gonna have samples to enjoy, and when you buy at the pop up shop, it'll be 10% off. You'll find my pops up at the country fair in booth. 123 And we'll be there from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Called action. I'll see you at my booth. Come and say hi and get that 10% off. You gave people the benefit to why they should buy. Any time you're selling something, you have to position it in a benefit to them and not directly as a benefit to you. So now we're going to get into a behind the scenes instagram stories. These air the most fun for most business owners. And this is what most business owners air using. So my invitation to you would be Can we be a little more strategic about our instagram stories that are behind the scenes? Because, yes, we care about your dog. And, yes, that we like that your kids watch cartoons, but we have to remember everything we put out is intended to ultimately attract. We want to get in. So these stories showcase what makes your business special. So what I did is I said okay, I'm gonna be a baker. What are some behind the scene ideas? And so I broke down some behind the scenes ideas with examples. So four ideas that you can apply to your business. I'm going to give examples as if I was a baker. So behind the scenes, a new aspect of your business. He was I want to show you the new Kate toppers that we got. We have kicked offers for weddings and for bridal parties. I'm gonna show you guys a picture right about now. Take a picture. Take a picture. You guys, we just got our pink cake stands in time for Easter. You, but cupcakes for case on them, I'm gonna show you a brief behind the scenes of what that looks like. I'm talking about my products or a new aspect of my business Favorite part of your business day. It could be just me taking a picture of Johnny eating a cupcake. Being very part of the day is when the kids come in after school and they get to have their favorite treat. My favorite part of the day is walking into the bakery at 4 a.m. When nobody's here and I get to make my grandmother's German chocolate cake recipe. What I am doing is creating a new emotional affinity when you don't know me, but you might like my grandma because I carry her recipe. Third idea. Customer insights Stories are great for testimonials if somebody sends you a d m screenshot the D M and then posted major stories with their permission. If someone comes in to write you a thank you note, if somebody just says something randomly in response to you online in an instagram comment and said, I just love how you did that you absolutely made my day. You can get that exact copy and put it in your stories and said, Chelsea said, I just made her day. Here's why. And then you go into a video of like your German chocolate cake. Personal aspects of your business Behind the scenes. You planning out what your spring recipes air going to be and then put a poll? Would you like to see red velvet cupcakes? Or would you like to see orange crush cupcakes? Your audience wants to vote on those things, so all of these are things that point back to your business. But it's still offer personal insights into what you dio
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Ratings and Reviews
Katrina Julia
GREAT class! I LOVE learning AND applying from Jasmine from IG, Social Curator and here on CreativeLIVE! I immediately started applying key things to expand my IG + social like stories + tips (already doing reels consistently) + setting up my launch plan. In less than 1 week already seeing over 2,000% reach and over 4000% growth in accounts engaged! Whoop whoop! Highly recommend all the things!!!
Rachel Tenney
This is by far the best social media class I've ever taken, and I can't believe the price tag! I've spent way more on many other courses that can't even compare. This is truly a whole blueprint and so well produced. I love Jasmine's humor and down to earth strategy. One of the best business purchases I've ever made!
ayman sadiq
thanks for sharing such beautiful information with us. I hope you will share some more info. please keep sharing.