Day 1
1Introduction to your Health
46:22 2Optimizing your Diet
24:18 3What You Should Eat
12:52 4Why Do We Get Fat?
23:37 5Foods to Avoid
30:41 6The Truth About Fat-Burning
37:05 7Nutrient Intake
26:27Making a Balanced Meal
08:40 9Fat Burning Chef George Bryant
24:41 10George Makes Raw Cookies
26:42 11The Mental Game
25:17 12Positive Routine
49:55 13Guest Dr. Sara Gottfried
23:06 14DNA & Hormones
26:14 15Fat-Burning Exercise
51:51 16Guest Dave Asprey
35:58 17How to Burn Fat Right Now
46:04Day 2
Lesson Info
The Truth About Fat-Burning
This one I'm going to be focusing on what you actually can do to improve your situation what you actually should be eating later we'll get into tomorrow actually how you should be training on dme or importantly how you should be thinking about all of these things. So the the main hypothesis that I subscribe to in terms of why things were going so wrong why so many people are oh peace in sick is fundamentally because we're malnourished which is a little bit bizarre when you think about it the first time because it kind of implies that we're eating too little that's not really the case was happening is we're not getting enough nutrients from the foods that we're eating we're also eating too many things well, we're exposed to too many things that are interfering with our absorption of nutrients so the food that were eating isn't being used by our bodies in a way that would improve health or maintain health in fact the things that we're doing to our bodies right now if you're or overweight...
or if you basically don't perform at an optimal level, you're doing things that are disrupting the natural way that your body should work so that's what we're going to try to do is give you a healthy functioning body once you have that, then you can follow these natural cues of your body's natural intelligence like hunger and like activity and walking once you eat the right foods wants to fuel in the right way, then you will be active because you want to be active, you have energy, and that makes it much easier to exercise and that sort of thing. So I love this quote from paul jam in a author of the perfect health that ignore dietitians who tell us to avoid salt, fat and tasty food. One of the most important things that we'll be doing in this course is learning that bring fun is part of a process, you know, enjoying the food that you eat, enjoying the way that you play outside and goof off on and move your body that's all part and actually essential to the process of lifestyle change because no matter how effective something is, if people don't like it, they won't stick with it. And the whole point of this is that you stick with it because that's what's going to improve your life. The reason that some people lived so well on experience, this incredible health, incredible physiques is because they follow a lifestyle that encourages that toe happen. And so that's what we're going to teach you to do so even more well, meeting dietitians who tell you to avoid tasty food so let's start with how do you give a gorilla heart attack? This has actually been replicated a few times I think it's an interesting way to think about all of this, basically what what we saw is when we started basically putting animals in cages is they were getting sick there also getting fat, and it wasn't just because they weren't exercising like they would in the wild it's due to other factors, and so one of them is the environment itself, there's another that is, is their diet. And so what happened was basically, you had these these gorillas that were becoming obese and sick and experiencing heart disease and bizarre things that they never would have found in the wild, and this was following a diet of thes formulated perfect scientific biscuits that they were eating them, they were basically supplying them with all the nutrients that a gorilla should need in order to be healthy and lean and live a long life problem was they were dying there, fat, they were having heart attacks, high blood pressure high tryg lyssarides they were even doing these bizarre behaviors like plucking in their own hair and eating it so, you know, they're like, what do we do about this? This is a problem, you know, people are seeing these gorillas that are, you know, having diarrhea and overweight, and they're clearly sick and people are just kind of pointing and making fun of him and it's they're dying this is bad for business let's try to figure this out and some genius game and it's like why don't we just feed them what they eat anyway which is you know veggies mostly fibrous veggies and so they did and this happened a few times and I'm kind of like summarizing a number of times that this happened but in one particular instance multiple guerrillas lost sixty five pounds there biomarkers improved and their odd behavior stopped and they basically don't have any of these issues anymore obesity heart disease high blood pressure if you look at this this is exactly what we're doing right now with humans we are trying to synthesize these perfect diet foods whether they're in a bar or a drink or some sort of packaged food or something might order from of restaurant and they're pretty much just formulated biscuits that should work hypothetically except you find that were obese we have heart disease we have high blood pressure high trendless rides and I don't know if we eat our own hair but we certainly participate in some bizarre behaviors I think we all can agree so what we find is that when you feed anand immel it's natural diet most of these bizarre things that that are problems that you know shouldn't be according to these formulated biscuits and science off a sudden they disappear that's what we're going to try to do with you folks now this is where uh, where it becomes very important that you focus on nutrition and making sure that you're well nourished it's scary when you're not here's what happens? Micro nutrient deficiency actually causes transgenerational damage, so that means if if you're a mother and you have child and you're too efficient that's translated to your children what we found this this took place many decades ago it's a lovely little study on pot injures cats and basically what what they looked at in this particular experiment was what would happen to cats fed a different type of diet originally there studying like the adrenal system of cats, and they found that, you know, feeding them a diet of hole of excuse me food that was cooked and deficient in some of the nutrients that cats would normally need like taurine wound up making the cat's sick, and they didn't live quite as long as you'd expect them to live. Then they started looking at what would happen if we basically had a group of cats that were fed a diet that they would normally compared to a group of cats over the course of several generations that were fed diet of cooked foods of pasteurized milk and condensed milk and that sort of thing as well as cooked meats what happens when you cook a lot of meets? This is some of the nutrients that are in those raw meats are no longer accessible or they're destroyed in the process of cooking them so what they found is that the first generation that was fed I should say the control group basically all the little kiddies were fine but for the cooked foods group of these passengers cats the first generation developed degenerative diseases later in life the second generation of cats developed degenerative diseases in mid life the third generation develop diseases allergies and soft bones and succumb to parasitic infections early in life and most could not produce produce offspring the ones who could right up into the fourth generation not a happy cat not a single fourth generation cat could reproduce and suffered from the most most of the degenerative diseases encountered in human medicine which is fascinating and terrifying because what that's saying is that the longer we eat a deficient diet or we do things that cause us to be deficient the more it affects the next generation on basically instead of starting starting at zero and starting it being a healthy child of the next generation you start is kind of like a crack baby and we I mean that's a horrible example and terrifying but it's kind of what what happens the same thing happens when you expose ah young developing body or even your own jeans when later you have children to either ah large amount of toxins or you don't absorb or get the nutrients that you should get you produce offspring that basically starts being susceptible. All of these horrible degenerative diseases and obesity is we'll see in a second, eh? So basically a diet that relies on d vitalized nutrients, which was a term that was coined with passengers. Cats leads to deficiency because, as I mentioned in one of the earlier pieces of the presentation, eh, a nutrient isn't simply absorbed when you isolated, you know, b six or whatever or vitamin a or anything else that's kind of like a compound, you don't just absorb it straight up and everything's fine, especially if it's synthetic it's more complicated than that. There are all sorts of compounds and basically things that your body needs in orders actually utilize those nutrients. And when you basically have a diet, which is the standard american diet that is made up of dead foods that are highly processed on, and thus deficient in nutrients than you tryto like, add them back in synthetically, which is what you find on the nutrition labels of most processed foods. Basically, all of the nutrients were gone to begin with or destroyed when they were processed, so they shoot all these synthetics back in your body doesn't know what to do with it. In a lot of cases, these vitamins can actually be damaging. To you, your digestive process, your fat burning process will be damaged by having too much of some nutrients, not enough of others. Some are very difficult to get, and so when you rely on a diet in the corner stone of your diet is dead foods, then you're going to get into trouble and it's also transgenerational for mice, so mice fed a fattening diet. Obesity becomes progressively more severe over four generations in one particular study, and then it applies to humans as well. In famine studies, malnourished mothers produce children prone to obesity and disease. And that all kind of makes sense when you think back to the genetics which I talked about in the first session, which is basically we're always adapting the things that are happening in our external environment as well as our internal environment or affecting the not only the way that our genes are expressed in our own bodies, but the genetic material that has passed along to our children in the next generation as well. So if we know that a mother or if the mother's body during a famine knows that food is scarce, it simply makes sense that the adaptation would be that you have a child that is more likely to store nutrients. It makes sense that you would need to cling on to every single bit of nutrition and energy that you could, um and one of the funny ways to think about all this is you know we're we're highly variable ahs humans and a lot of people are just like oh my god you're so natural naturally skinny or slim or you know those people who can eat whatever they want or seemingly so who have six packs and they're ripped or you know, girls who have six packs like how did they do that? Those people are the first to die in a famine that's the way that it's set up we're all set up a little bit differently those are particular adaptations most of us him kind of lead ourselves in that direction some people are born that way other people are born more likely to be obese so what we want to do not just for ourselves but for the next generation to make sure that we're getting is many nutrients as we possibly can so that we're not having crack babies so next I'd like to address something that I think is a mild obsession of a lot of folks especially as we're seeing all of these these technologies showing up in people's pockets right? You have these these aps and these websites that track down to every last hair on a strawberry how many calories aaron something and so you're constantly monitoring these foods and looking at the nutritional fax on the back to see you know how many calories you're taking in that day turns out it's kind of a flawed framework and a lot of the calories that are reported on foods especially packaged foods processed foods are incorrect and then you can also look past that and see that in each person's individual body they have many stories that show that you know one person who eats a certain amount of food compared to another person who eats the same amount of food exactly the same type of food puts on more weight people are different they have different gut bacteria they they have different genetic predispositions, metabolisms, age hormones all these things really factor into what happens when you consume food. But one of the most startling examples of this is something I just kind of thought about when someone asked me about this on my show it was just like, well, a calorie is a calorie right? It doesn't matter where it comes from, you just need to if you want to lose weight, you need to reduce your calories and I'm like, well, it doesn't really make sense that you know all of these things one can of soda one can of tuna for two medium apples have about one hundred seventy calories which by the way takes it takes about an hour on the treadmill of walking a little bit briskly to burn off one hundred seventy calories so when you have one can of soda if you follow this hypothesis anyway it's metabolically equivalent is having one can of tuna fish or two medium apples and I think we can all appreciate that doesn't really work that way when you have a soda your body responds with something is very specific your blood sugar tends to spike then you have a flood of insulin we'll get into why that's bad uh and then you have this crash and meanwhile you're not really getting anything that your body can you use your getting something that a lot of things everybody has to dispose off excess sugar oftentimes chemicals and other things that come along with it when you have a can of tuna it's it's almost pure protein your body reacts in a completely different way and the way that you feel after you eat it I mean when you have a can of soda you're usually pretty ramped up unless you're so resistant to it that your body fails to respond in the way that it should when you have a can of tuna I mean like nothing really happens you just kind of like a bunch of gross tuna um what's happening within your body is completely different when you have two apples the same thing happens um but these foods like this one in particular when you have a can of soda, a lot of people want mohr and it's designed that way especially diet soda like I know very few people who drink diet soda and they're just like have a couple of sips and that's enough I guess I'm done now um and that's because these foods are designed to make you want to chuck is much of them as you possibly can to eat as much of them as we can tour two in a less so I mean tuna isn't really designed that way by the industry is just like all right, here's some fish, a merriment I have a bunch of chemicals or mercury in it, but whatever here two medium apples it's like when you get an apple it is doesn't matter if it was completely manipulated by man to be uber sweet and big and then wax and all this other stuff it's like I know very few people I've never experienced this myself where it's like you eat an apple and you're like man, I really want another apple right now it doesn't work like that, so a calorie is not a calorie I'm going to show you why uh, fat carbs, sugar, even different kinds of fat, different kinds of protein these all function completely differently in your body. As I said before this science is new and a calorie is insufficient to explain what happens in your body on top of that it's largely manipulated if you're relying on whatever a company says in its food and the nutrition facts those are really easy to hack those really easy to kind of basically say well this food is healthy because it matches up with these numbers so they create food that matches up with those numbers so just be careful with that calories are a simple language to understand the amount of food energy that you're consuming so think of it as a general guideline if you eat tons of something it has a different effect and having a very small amount of something as important understand but the exact amount of calories isn't really reliable indicator of what it's going to do in terms of fat loss or building muscle it's not rocket science like I said before sugar makes you fat avoid sugar avoid the pseudo sugars newfangled sugars avoid artificial sweeteners which in in a lot of sites have shown that people just become mohr hungry they don't know exactly why but oftentimes people who drink diet soda over a long period of time gained mohr fat than people who drink pure sugar in soda so this this sweetness thing is something we're we're all designed to have an experience and crave because in our natural environment it was scarce but here it's in convenience stores airports carwashes like why are we buying food from car washes? It doesn't make any sense breaking news muffin tops are actually made out of muffins as it turns out the cards that you eat tend to be stored very efficiently as fat, so this is basically your body's response uh two different foods that you eat based upon the kleiss scenic index and then you might have heard these terms of four black scenic index glycemic load basically what it explains is what happens to your body's glucose level when you consume one food compared to another one? And so when you have a a can of soda or something candy, something sugary, even wheat you'll see this this huge spike right at the beginning where your blood sugar is just going through the roof and I think we've all experienced that that kind of jittery feeling on then, of course, the dreaded crash that happens right after that and you actually go below the level of blood sugar into like hyperglycemia type territory oftentimes as a result of that flood of insulin that's basically trying to get rid of thiss talks and too much sugar in your blood, which can cause all sorts of things that are terrible for you ask any diabetic and so then eventually you kind of come back up and the problem is when your blood sugar drops like that, you become hungry again so you're not getting energy from your food you're basically just spiking your blood glucose her body has too release all sorts of insulin, which rapidly stores it is fat and then you have this crash and you want to eat more not good news as opposed to something like a sweet potato especially a sweet but there with butter, cinnamon or other things that can kind of offset the the glass scenic load of you get this steady source of energy that yes when you raise when you eat any sort of carb or even protein because your body can turn that into basically sugar into sugar or some kind of pseudo clark carbon your blood basically when that happens you're releasing this slow burn of sugar to be used for energy over a period of time that's not really a big deal were built to handle that because the max desirable glucose level isn't really you don't cross that threshold when you eat normal foods especially when you eat them as part of a meal or you do certain things to offset that spike which could be adding on acid to a food like a like a vinegar salad dressing would do something like that or you could add butter on your potatoes and that the fat actually blunts that spike. So what happens when you eat a low fat food is that your blood sugar spikes even more because you don't have anything any any fiber generally or any fat or others sort of substance to offset that huge spike in your blood sugar so this is what happens when you eat a low glycemic index food. You get this bump that happens or the course of a few hours, and you get a bumping glucose, and then you get thiss bumpin insulin and insulin is extraordinarily important in terms of fat burning it's it's the thing that you want to minimize most of the time and use sometimes if you'd like to build muscle or do other very specific things. But mostly what you want to do is keep it below this level that that causes all sorts of problems, including fat loss, leading you down the road to diabetes, insulin resistance and all sorts of other problems. When you have sugary foods or foods that just drive up your blood sugar. For whatever reason, your insulin also spikes way up, and when you have loads of insulin, you store fat, you can basically be in fat burning mode, or you could be in fat storing road. And when you have loads of insulin, you were in fat storing mode, so minimizing the amount of insulin in your body bye bye following something that is relatively low carb, or at least low glycemic load that allows you to skip this part, which your body is and well adapted to handle basically can withstand it a few times, but over the course of time, your body becomes mohr. Uh and more resistant to that less and less sensitive to the amount of insulin that you have and all of a sudden you're going down the path of a type two diabetic, which is basically having insulin resistance metabolic disorder because you've been shocking your body with high glass scenic carbs for too long and you broke, so that partially explains why you can see teenagers just sitting down like chicken about just soda and eating a bunch of pizza or something else that's super high carb and you know they're eating loads of sugar, but they're still kind of bleed it's because they haven't broken their bodies yet there's still sensitive their bodies still working effectively, but if you do this for too long, most people just break down and that's why diabetes has gone from being something that was virtually unknown. It certainly wasn't wasn't an epidemic around the turn of the century to something that, you know, a lot of essence estimates are saying that at least one in three of us will develop over the course of our lives. This is unprecedented ah and it's a little bit crazy so here's what you can do to prevent it so this is adapted from the perfect health diet uh it's a wonderful example of what happens when you scale your carbs to different levels, so basically if you go super high carb diet if you recall from the earlier presentation that was recommended by the government door a lot of other folks for uh for high carb low fat you find that your body basically is so many carbs that it needs to dispose of them in some way and so you're not really using the glucose you have you have to get rid of it and so that's a stress on your body you can only do it for so long even if you're you know michael phelps or a marathon runner or a professional athlete like most football players live until there their early fifties because a lot of them are kind of doing this stuff it's this running on this high octane fuel in their body has to dispose of all this extra food all this extra glucose and it's a stressor when you go super low carb it can work really well for fat losses that tactic for a little while that's why you see atkins diet work on a lot of other kind of faddish diet will work because when you take the carbs out your body sheds a lot of the retained water so a lot of water weight comes off right at the beginning uh, carbs, water follows carbs and that sort of thing so all of a sudden your glycogen stores which your stored carbs in your liver as well as your muscles start to become depleted, eventually you go into ketosis if you're there for too long, certain people respond just fine with that sort of that other people don't respond well, it all so it could be beneficial to have a diet that's a little bit more moderate carb. So I'm going to be talking about this a little bit more later, but I'm not saying that you should eat no carbs, that you should even eat low carbs. I'm saying that we're eating too many right now. Uh, there is there's basically a range of carbs that you can eat and your body functions very well, it's different for every person but generally speaking, on the scale of things, if you want to lose a lot of weight really quickly, you can dial those down and it'll work at least short term. But in terms of long term as a lifestyle choice, most people find that somewhere in the range of seventy two, one hundred carbs a day and that can go up and down, we'll work pretty well for them because when you look back at humans, what they would be naturally eating in their environments, they would be eating foods that are high in fiber, nutrient dense, low glycemic index low, glassy mick load. And not a heck of a lot of carbs the carb sources that exist in like a paleo or ancestral diet are based off of veggies and fruits and fruits are actually kind of rare they're not something that most people would be eating all the time in their natural environment with some tropical exceptions there but what you find when you look at eskimos for examples they ate almost one hundred percent fat especially through the winter and they didn't have any heart disease or other problems like this or diabetes uh but we're seeing that because we have to dispose of all this junk your body doesn't know what to do we can kind of deal with it for a little while until until it breaks so if you want to lose fat than what a lot of bodybuilder's fitness models celebrities some athletes will do it's basically dial back your carbs, get rid of sugar, get rid of grains even get rid of things like white potatoes because they're surprisingly fairly high on the glass scenic index especially if you're getting them from potato chips or other like semi process they're very process foods uh when you dial it back, your body starts burning fat that's that's what you want to do the reason my podcast is called fat burning man is it's a bunch of puns but it's when your body functions correctly you're burning fat you're not running on sugar you know, disposing of sugar and running on this constant source of oreos you are burning fat from your your stored fat you're low vandals, your stomach, your legs or you're burning fat that you directly consumed and that's the fun stuff that's the sustained energy because when you we'll lie on carbs you going up and down, up and down all the time and that's what we're seeing a lot but if you want to lose fat and dialing back your carbs which necessitates dialing up your protein or you're fat and or both you start to see some pretty shocking results in terms of fat loss now atkins, I get a lot questions about this just like, well, listen pal, you just like the atkins diet. The answer is that they're all kind of different ways of explaining a very simple mechanism within the body when you eat too many carbs, you get fat this has been known for a really long time. Somehow we lost this knowledge along the way, but most of our great grandmothers know that starches and doughnuts and too many peace trees and that sort of thing too much sugar makes you fat that's what happens if you have a little bit your body can deal that it's fine, but if you focus on fat you know the cream on the milk back in the day that wasn't the thing that you disposed of and made you shake in your boots because it was going to give you a heart attack that was the most precious part of the milk. That was exactly what you I wanted to have more than anything else, they weren't drinking skim milk, it's ridiculous, you know, they weren't, uh, patting their pizza to get rid of the extra oils. It's, it's a little bit absurd how far we've taken this. So I'm not saying that core bs are bad. I'm not saying that that fat is good, necessarily I'm saying we shouldn't have to worry about this too much as long as we're following our natural diet, which would naturally be in the in basically the right equation of those macronutrients for our bodies to function well and function normally. So this is a basic dose response curve, and this could be applied to a lot of different things, and I will be applying it to quite a few different things in this case, we're looking at nutrients. So what happens when you you consume food is that a little bit of it doesn't really do much of anything to, you know, no matter how good or how bad that food is unless it's straight up high octane poison, um a moderate amount generally has a moderate effect and then you know you have too much and you die and surprising things that become toxic when you have too much and too little time our salt water and pretty much anything else you can think of you can kill yourself with that if you if you had too much too quickly so don't do that what you want to d'oh is basically have a wide variety of foods so that you're not od'ing on any particular type of nutrient or anti nutrient or cocks in that might be within that food. So the whole approach to this style of nutrition is maximizing your intake of nutrient dense foods while minimizing the toxic load of those foods and your body in general. And so if you look at this in terms of healthfulness and this is more illustrative than anything that's that's perfect from a scientific standpoint but it's meant to communicate an idea and that's that when you have a deficiency in something when you're in negative territory is bad for you right you're deficient in k two or vitamin d bad things happen there are lots of well documented effects of having too few one particular nutrient or another and certainly having a deficiency in a wide spectrum of nutrients which is what most of us are experiencing right now and then there's this this optimal range of quantity poor particular nutrient where it's not damaging it's basically allowing your body to function normally to burn fat rapidly to build muscle to basically get out of your body's way it's giving your body fuel to rock out and it's not giving it that much of the thing that would disrupt those normal behaviors those normal mechanisms to burn fat build muscle be strong happy healthy all that but then if you have too much of it then it starts to be toxic again and this could apply to almost anything from omega threes to certainly omega sixes to uh almost any food or non food substance you could find on this earth you have too much it becomes toxic so what we want to do with all of our foods generally speaking is hit that optimal range where you're not getting too much of anything in particular but you're certainly getting enough of almost everything that you need and filling in those gaps if if you might need to with either full like food style supplementation or some synthetic simplemente supplementation tio fill in the gaps there so that's what we're going to be aiming to do so we learned in the last session that a lot of us are very toxic we carry a lot of toxins within our bodies were exposed to them every day in the air that we breathe and what we put on our skin what we're exposed to even in vaccines in some supplements that we take certainly in the foods that we eat and what is on the foods that we eat so how do you actually reduce the amount of toxins in your body? Well number one you want to avoid them as much as possible by leading a clean life uh by spending a lot of time in nature outside of buildings that are kind of walking all these sorts of weird smells and fumes and that's really avoiding pollution in general all of that we all kind of know that pollution is bad for us try to get out of it as much as you can but there are certain things that you can do to make sure that you're not overloading on toxins from your food itself and that's really the uh that's the biggest bang for your buck right now if you want to get started is just make sure the food that you're eating is not toxic uh but you can help your body d talks if you will not by taking you know, twenty one day pills and doing some sort of crazy intervention that requires you to drink nothing but lemon juice and cinnamon and sass perella or whatever for thirty seven days or something else completely arbitrary it's about living a lifestyle that allows your body to naturally get rid of the junk it doesn't want or need so that you can function optimally so you can do that by drinking plenty of pure water basically like I said before get out of your body's way make sure you're letting it flush uh all of these toxins out as much as possible eating fibrous green veggies really helps things like flax and chia and that kind of like gelatinous stuff that happens when you expose them the water if you guys have seen those weird computer drinks with that kind of look like little eyeballs or fish eggs with that kind of school she exterior that stuff can can really help your digestion and help absorb a lot of that junk that might be building up in your system over time the best way to really reduce toxins and detox is by living a clean life style it's not about doing anything for seven days or thirty days or any period of time except for the rest of your life you want to make sure that this is a part of what you're naturally doing so that your body is always in a state of not being toxic but being less toxic so as I mentioned before tap water can be problematic it's a miracle but it's kind of an issue because it contains so many different things uh so we recently got a it's called burki filter filters fluoride chlorine and a bunch of other nonsense when you have pure water reverse osmosis water for example is one it's pretty easy to find even if you buy it from the store it's a different type of experience when you drink it, then drinking tap water, you drink tap water and you're kind of like a public pool most of the time, but when you have pure water, they're the subtle sweetness to it. That's, that's really nice that's what you want to aim for it's like this, it doesn't taste like nothing, it actually tastes good. Your body wants it, so aim for that you don't have to avoid tap water all the time. Being dehydrated is pretty much unequivocally bad, so you want to make sure that you're you're plenty hydrated, but try to get your water as clean as possible, and that will help a lot I just mentioned before eating green fibers. Veggies absolutely helps reduce your toxic load. We've known this for a long time. Some allergies can help there to clear l a and spirulina those sort of supplements can help move things along, so to speak. But mostly if you can't pronounce something, don't eat it it's not good for you. I love this quote, I trust cows more than tennis.
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Ratings and Reviews
Mary Kalabokis
Able is a well-researched and well-spoken presenter. I thought he was spot-on with everything he said. I really enjoyed listening to this course. It is very much in line with other authors and books that I have read such as Primal Blueprint's Mark Sisson, Tim Ferris 4-hour body, Wheat Belly, Why we get fat, Dr Mercola and many others. The concepts are simple and not difficult to implement. I believe he is in a group of people in that are emerging in forefront of today's health. I read some of the other reviews and the negative ones were so off base. He is actually full of important information that is accurate and that most of us prefer to ignore because it is easier to just go through a drive through. Thank you Able! You simplified some very complex and controversial topics in a way that was easy for us to digest. (Pardon the expression.)
Brian Roma
Abel James knows what he is talking about. I have lost 45 pounds in 8 months following these guidelines. This healthy lifestyle has completely changed my health and I owe it to Abel and the information that he shares.
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