Cohesion Strategy & Branding with Sunny Lenarduzzi
Lesson 5 from: Get Social: Connecting Your Business ChannelsSue B. Zimmerman

Cohesion Strategy & Branding with Sunny Lenarduzzi
Lesson 5 from: Get Social: Connecting Your Business ChannelsSue B. Zimmerman
Lesson Info
5. Cohesion Strategy & Branding with Sunny Lenarduzzi
Get Social: Connecting Your Business Channels - Day 1
1Class Introduction
07:59 2Make a Strong Impression Online
06:53 3Online Business Cycle
15:42 4Social & Publishing Platforms
12:25 5Cohesion Strategy & Branding with Sunny Lenarduzzi
38:00 6Build a Foundation with Published Content
25:22 7Systems for Sharing Content With Rachel Polish
17:15Understand Hashtags with Rachel Polish
22:11 9Promote Your Content with Rebekah Radice
48:17 10The Importance of a Facebook Business Page
17:14 11Facebook Strategies with Nathan Latka
26:28 12Build an Email List with Facebook
11:32 13Is Twitter Right for You?
11:02 14Understanding Twitter Best Practices with AJ Amyx
22:11 15Create a Twitter Video
16Use Live Streaming for Your Business
07:39 17Periscope Demonstration
23:54 18Strategies for Periscope with Brian Fanzo
27:54 19YouTube Content with Steve Dotto
31:26 20Think Visually for Instagram
20:46 21New Instagram Features
10:21 22Case Study: Cyrissa Carlson, Immerse Photography
13:41 23Difference Between Pinterest and Instagram
07:01 24Value of Pinterest for Your Business with Jeff Sieh
24:01 25Create Shareable Content
32:05 26Boost Your Reach Through Collaboration
19:13 27Stay Organized with a Content Calendar
07:03 28How to Grow Your Email List
14:29 29Case Study with Johanna Fritz
14:22 30Getting Started: CRM Tools With Morgan Sutton
28:01 31Social Media Tools with Morgan Sutton
27:16Lesson Info
Cohesion Strategy & Branding with Sunny Lenarduzzi
so I'm really excited because the next part of this presentation is with Sonny Leonard, Uzi and Sunny Leonard. Juicy is really the epitome of getting everything right when it comes to promotion and doing social media. And I had the pleasure of me being with Sonny recently. But first I want to give you like the story because I'm all about connections online. First and Sunny flew into my life on Twitter literally. Rachel posted on our business page one of Sonny's amazing Instagram tutorials, cause Sonny's a rock star on YouTube and she just surpassed 10,000 subscribers in seven months. I think it's a record. I do, and she flew into my life on Twitter. I connected with her. She's like, Oh my God, I'm a fan girl of yours, too, and like, Oh my God, I'm a funeral like let's get on the phone and actually talk by the way people pick up the phone and have a conversation with someone, because you never know where that relationship can go, and this relationship went. So far, Um, Sunny has become ...
a dream client that the SPC team has been working with, and she does it right she? Her branding is on point. It's clean. It's Chris. She's a little edgy, which I love. She loves black and white. Her smile is funny. It matches her name and her focus is always on point with her business. So it brings me great pleasure to introduce Sonny Tau. All of you. You were gonna just love her. She has so much to share on how to monetize your message. Wait. Get that right, Chris. Black bashing girl. Everything alright? Girlfriend Tate away. Hi. How are we? Good. I'm so excited to be her first of all. And my first question for everybody is who here loves what they dio But we love what we do. Who here wishes they could make some more money at what they dio everybody here. I'm sure everybody watching at home. So that's really what my journey has been in the last couple of months is turning my passion and my hobby into something that I'm actually making money from and turning into a business S o. I struggled for a while trying to figure this out. There's so much information out there, and there's so much to learn from about making money online. It can get really convoluted, but it's really not that difficult. That's we're talking about today. So my background is in broadcasting, and I was a journalist for years, and my goal in life was to report of the 2010 Winter Olympics. And I did it and I got there and it didn't feel that good because I wasn't doing it on my own terms. So I knew in my heart that I had to do something that was my own, that with my own entrepreneurial endeavour. And so I started a business six years ago all about helping people online grow their brand and increased sales, So I had to do it on my terms. So my mission now is to help other people figure out how to monetize their message, mostly using video marketing and social media. So what's the number one ingredient in building a business building? A profitable business? I'd love to hear some answers from the audience any any ideas. That's not a good sign. Yes, Andy, what's the number one ingredient? Solving a problem? Solving a problem is a great one, for sure, I guess. As an entrepreneur, though, what does it take in here for you to create a profitable business. I would love to your Yes, of course. Passion. Know that now that that's exactly what it is because, as I'm sure you all know, I mean, when you're building a business is an entrepreneur. There are many peaks and valleys on a daily basis. One second you think you're the best thing in the world. The next second you're wondering if you're gonna go out of business, so you have to have a passion, because that's what's gonna get you through those valleys. Eso broadcasting is my passion. And helping people is my passion and communicating and connecting with people is my passion. I've always known that since I was a kid, when I figured out that I could get paid to talk for a living, I knew that that was the career for me. So if it had to figure out how to create my own business out of it rather than working for other people, So how do you turn your hobby into a business? Well, I had a light bulb moment and it came in the form of a Jay Z song which, naturally, I mean what doesn't decide their Taylor Swift or Jay Z s. So my light bald moment was when I heard the lyrics to one of Jay Z songs, and it says I'm not a businessman. I'm a business man. So really the first step in creating a profitable business, of course, his passion. But second, you have to think of yourself as a business and as a Brandon and of Sue touched on this s o. I to change my mind set instead of working really, really hard and working away on the details of my business every single day, I had to start thinking thinking of myself as a Nike as a Lululemon as a corporate brand, and I studied what those brands did, And that's what helps you turn your hobby into a business because you start looking at all of your content that you're putting out online differently. You start looking at your strategy differently, and you start thinking with everything as a revenue opportunity, whether it's immediate gratification or it's down the road. So that's my first tip is really, really, really pay attention to that and start thinking of yourself as a corporation as a brand Of course we went over this in the words of Soupy Zimmerman. Hashtag dog you need you need compassion. So how do you turn your side? Hustle into a into a business and a profitable business? There are four main components components that I've implemented in my business. That worked really well and this is kind of the model to use moving forward, so of course passion. But the next thing that you want to make sure you're doing is your building authority. This is so important. Eso basically what that means is you are the expert. You are the go to expert in whatever it is that you do. That's why Soo is the instagram expert and I become known as the video expert across channels because I eat, sleep and breathe so every day on and this is a quick tip for everybody. When you wake up in the morning, have a list of bookmark sites in your industry or in your space Ah, and curate content for the day or for the weak and schedule that content to go out on social media because it positions you as an expert. If you're sharing valuable content in your niche that's going to track the right target audience for you. I love it. Thank you. Preach s. So whether you're a photographer and artist, that's something to keep in mind everyday. Curate that content. Also, you won't be looking at the trends moving forward in your industry and adding commentary to it and adding your opinion because that's gonna position you as a thought leader in the space. And there's this old school business mentality that said, That's ABC. Anybody else heard that term before? Always be closing. So instead change that to a BV. Always bring value. I offer free information. Land can be raised through for that one. Everybody thank you. Feel free, Do that home a tale. But I offer free information all the time. I do in depth YouTube tutorials every single week on video marketing and social media, and they take a lot of time for me to do. But I realize that I've seen the value of providing free information and giving a ton of value, because when you do have something to sell people arm or up to buy it because they already trust you and they know you and they like you and they know you're an expert in your field, so that's building authority. That's step number one. Next is consistency, and I know so touched on this a little bit. You have to be consistent in a few different ways. One of the ways that you want to be consistent is staying in your lane. It's really easy online. Teoh Get distracted by all these other things that are going on. You could get in a YouTube rabbit hole and watch a Jimmy Kimmel video are watching it Cat video over and over again. But what you want to dio is stay in your lane, and that's part of curating that content every morning. That's related to your niche, because that's what you want to focus on. So what I like to say is, keep it six degrees of separation from what your brand is all all about, so make sure that anything you're putting out if you're thinking of your ideal customer at the end of the day, is it relevant to them? Do they care? And is it helpful for them? Those are the questions you want to ask about every piece of content that you put out. Also, that's going to build trust with people. So consistency and another way of saying, and this is how I like to think about it. If you're dating somebody and they say, I'm gonna pick you up every Friday for a date That's our date night every week. So they show up the first Friday, the second Friday. They don't show up the next Friday. They don't drop. Then the fourth Friday, The show up. You're probably not happy with them by the 4th 4th Friday, it's the same thing online. You can't just put out a random blawg post in a random YouTube video and not have a follow up. You build trust with people and loyalty with your audience by being consistent in your content. That's another way. Your aesthetic again so touched on this and your tone are so important online people should be able to see a piece of content from you on any social platform. And no, it's yours before they even see your name. That's your goal. So that comes down to cropping, framing filters all of those things. Pick your brand aesthetic and pick your tone. This is simple, as do you use exclamation points. Is that something that's important to your brand? Do you use emoticons? Is it more serious? Is it fun? ISAT sarcastic. Pick a few words for your brand that you want to stick to you and that your guidelines for your tone online and your aesthetic a line next is engagement. This is a funny one because you would think, because it's called Social Media, it's a no brainer to be engaged with your audience. But a lot of the times people just broadcast and coming from a broadcasting background, that's an easy thing to do. But the most important part of being online is engaging back and forth and having a dialogue. Remember whatever pot from your on. Always try and think of how you can hook your audience into a dialogue and a conversation because it's so important in building. Your trust is well, and another way to increase your dialogue online is not waiting for people to find you or come to you, but initiating outreach. So one of the things that all do is I use hashtags that are really popular within my niche and a great way to find hashtags that are popular within your niche is picked. Five people who are doing a really good job in your industry or your space and study which hashtags they use or that come up a lot in that space. And then you go in and you search those hashtags, whether it's on instagram or Twitter and you find conversations you can insert yourself in. So this is a really, really, really important little tip, and something that I recommend you do on a daily basis is well, I said, Spend about 15 minutes during the day, just activating outreach with new ah potential fans or followers or members of my community. It's a great way to build your audience and again, a clear call to action. This is really important, something that's also miss you compete. Keep people on social media. You can keep building your community. The only way to convert your community and to customers is actually to have a call to action, to drive them to a different location. And that's what we're gonna talk about next. So this is the ecosystem online, really, that I think of. There's a lot of people that say Focus on one platform, stay good at one platform, and I do agree with that. To a certain extent. YouTube is my home basis for a social media platforms go, but I find it so important to leverage all of the social media platforms to filter back into that. So you need to be good at all of them. And I know what the one of the biggest issues that we have. A social media online. It's time we talked about that. And so I know everyone here has said that it gets really overwhelming and it's hard Teoh manage all these different platforms, but I think part of the reason it's overwhelming is because there's ah lack of knowledge around. How do you execute on them effectively and efficiently? So that's what we're gonna talk about today. The key things on each pot form you need to know to save yourself. Time to get the most are oi out of your efforts. So they all play a role in your social success, and you want to think of each social media platform as a little engine and it's driving traffic to your home base. Whether that's an e commerce site, whether that's your blawg whether that's a landing page where you get people to sign up for your email, whatever it is, your social platform always need to drive back to where you're going to convert your community into your customers. Whether that's again in the short term gain or the long term game. And the long term gain is generally an email list situation, because then you can continue to harvest those relationships with constant communication. So you want to figure out how to keep them running eso at the end of the day. Traffic equals results. So as I mentioned, I'm going to tell you about how to save time across all these different social platforms to drive traffic to your end, goal and result. I'd love to hear What is your your home base? Your conversion site online is that your website wants to answer that. Yes, so for me, it's hands down its my email list. Wonderful. And why is it here during the less? I guess that's a good question. It's where I feel I could get personal. And if I want to sell products and services, it's we're gonna have more of that conversation where people can get to know me and then hopefully trust in respect me. And then I want to purchase the problem that I'm helping themselves. Absolutely. I completely agree. And I think a really good thing to remember to with your email list is every other social platform God forbid, could disappear. But your email list is always gonna be there, so it enables you to continue that conversation about or what happens if an algorithm changes on a platform. Whatever it is, your email list is always there, so I love that answer. So you would be always driving teary mellis that would be on your home page or on the landing page. So let's talk about driving traffic for me. Video has being the most powerful way to drive traffic online, and the most powerful platform for me has been YouTube, and I get a lot of people asking me, I just don't get it. I make these videos, I get no views on them. It's just it's not working. I don't understand. So there's a formula to it, and these are the three key components of that formula. 60% of all views on YouTube are are driven by search so that means that people are looking for specific content. If you think what your own habits on YouTube, you're going on there looking for a how to video a review, a tutorial. So that's a really good clue as to what kind of content you want to be creating on YouTube. You want to be doing tutorials how to his reviews, because that's what people are looking for. So you want me doing them in your industry in your space, Um, so you need to position yourself to be found, and the best way to do that is by focusing on the key words that are relevant to your needs. So for me, it's social media, video marketing and branding. That's what I do my tutorials on. So I have one little story about how this will ecosystem comes together online with all these different platforms and why they're all important. So I did a tutorial on stab check that really didn't give it. I didn't get it all like I might as well research it and learn about Snapchat and figure out how it works. So did a ton of research on it. I did a really in depth tutorial, and it ended up ranking number one on Google and on YouTube because I used the appropriate keywords and I did a ton of research before I ever even hit record on my video. And that's a really good thing to remember is before you even make a video, do your research and know that it's gonna perform well. And it's gonna rank on page one or two based on the keywords that you're using and the search volume that you're using and another really good clue around. Creating any kind of content is pay attention to the questions that you're asked over and over and over again by your community. That's a great way to figure out what kind of content you should be creating your content around. So I created this stop statutory allow. It now has about 200, views in two months, and I didn't really use Snapchat all that often. I just wanted to help other people understand how to use it, but all of a sudden I ended up with hundreds of people on Snapchat watching my saps, and I didn't really know where they were coming from, and then I figured out they were all coming from YouTube. So it's all about cross promoting all of your different channels, and that keeps your consistency across channels as well. So if you perform well on one, use that and leverage it for your other platforms as well, and that will build your community a lot faster. So you want to drive action and conversions on YouTube with something called YouTube cards. YouTube cards basically allow you to put a link in your video to your website to your landing page. Jeremy um, to build your email list or to drive a conversion if it's an e commerce site so you can actually put that call tax and directly in your video. And a lot of people don't know how to use that appropriately. So YouTube is incredibly powerful. As faras search goes Facebook, obviously the biggest social platform, has the most reach, but is also the best for targeting your ideal customer. Um, and that is because you can actually target post to a specific demographic gender age interests you can instead of waiting for people to find your content like on YouTube. You can actually put it in front of their face on Facebook, so that's a great way to use Facebook. Another way that I use Facebook is using it with video teasers will do like a 15 2nd teaser for, ah, longer piece of content somewhere else or even for my landing page. If I'm trying to sell something or build my email list. Ah, and in that video similares YouTube cards, you can put a clear call to action button so you can drive people to a shop. Now, page. You can drive them to learn more about whatever it is that you're talking about in the video. So there's a bunch of different options to drive people to actually take action on a different site and get off of the social platform. So make sure that you're including clear call to action length. Next is Instagram. Yeah, and book. Who's with me on Instagram S O. C. When I actually shot a video at your house in Cape Cod. You won't talk about the set up for that video because I find that a lot of people get intimidated by video. Um, when it comes to the equipment, Yes. So this was super fun. We were at my house on Cape Cod. His son, he said. And I have this great blue door on my shed and Sonny's like, Okay, this is a perfect background and we have, I think, five devices in front of us I could do not. We have a yoga mat holding up one of her cameras with the tripod and Sonny's like Wait, just in case we don't get it, we don't captured here. Let's have a second camera over there. And then we had our mikes and so you had all the technology technology. You kind of rigour this up so that we think it. I think we did it in one take. We didn t Oh yes, because it doesn't and it wasn't perfect, but it was what we have the way had so much fun. And I think that's a really good take away when it comes to creating video content or any kind of content, use what you have and do what you can. So I use my IPhone for a lot of my videos and just a little tiny mike that you don't even necessarily need that. So just to get started and to start making video content because they convert so well. Don't worry about all the technical aspects of it again. We were using things from her garage. I just found things to put the camera on. So it's fine. Um, anyways, on Instagram, I use Instagram again as a teaser platform. So it's 15 2nd videos on Instagram, and so I'll use them to promote my YouTube videos or to promote a product or service that I'm selling. Um, and the most important part of Instagram is Hashtags. You need to know which hash takes perform well in your niche, because when you use them on your post positions you in the hash tag hub to be found by people that are interested in that space in that niche. Ah, and obviously the only place that you can drive traffic on instagram is in your bio. So that's prime real estate. Make sure that you're using your bio really well and that you have a link that drives to your conversion hub or your website. I just want to say I love how you do those teasers from Instagram Teoh YouTube and I think that this cross promotion that you that you're talking about is so important for people to hear because a lot of people don't know how to do videos on Instagram. I don't think that there's a strategy for videos on instagram and you're being very consistent with how you're you're focusing video, which you love back to you too. Thank you. Yeah, and it doesn't take much. You can even just do a point and shoot video on Instagram and just talk about what it is that you're trying to drive people to and give them a call to action The videos, they click the link in my bio for more, and that will drive people over there. Um, and on Twitter, if all the other platforms are about pushing, pushing, pushing to your conversion site your hub online Twitter for me is about pulling your audiences in and really creating that community. So you want to add context and you want to really harvest your relationships on Twitter? Eso One way that I do that is I use Twitter video because you only have 140 characters on Twitter. I use video to add more context to what my tweets are about and to put people to make people aware of where I want to drive them, too. So really important to make sure that even if its text or video, you're always adding enough contacts and enough of the hook for people to actually click the link to go to the next location again. Hashtags Air so important on Twitter you can search hashtags that are popular in your knees and find people in your geographic area that air talking about summer of similar thanks for small businesses, local businesses. This is a really important tool to use and, of course, adding clickable links that you can drive to a second location. Snapchat, always a little bit of Ah, were a weird one for people, and they're still trying to figure it out. But again, I didn't get it, and I thought it was kind of a useless platform for a while, to be perfectly honest. But now I love it, and you will see that more and more brands are adopting it at a really fast pace. So let me break down while of it. I feel like I've done this feel a lot in the last couple weeks, So why I love Snapchat is unlike other platforms where I could go back and I could go to your instagram profile in your instagram profile, and I can creep through that for the next layer. For the past three years, I really wanted Teoh, Um, but on Snapchat people, we have hours to watch my content until look at my content so it drives immediate action and immediate attention. Also, if you think of other platforms, there's always a feed. There's the Twitter feed the Facebook feed. You confined a ton of content immediately when you go on that site, but on Snapchat, you have to consciously buying the person you want to follow. And then you have to consciously click on their story to see any content. You have no idea what's in their story, so the amount of engagement and how many people are actually retaining what you're saying on Snapchat is a lot higher than other platforms because they're consciously choosing to be there and to consume your content. Also, people think of Snapchat is this own little hub. Don't think about it that way you can drive other places. Yesterday I did a Snapchat story, and I included the link to this Although you can't click on that link within Snapchat, people can screenshot it and then use that to go to the link on a different pot. Former, different web. Tell them exactly how you did it with your finger pointing. I love the whole process of what you did because I learned for you on Snapchat and I the way that you did that call to action in the video, I think would be very relevant. Of course. So basically I did it through video because they use video mostly on Snapchat. So basically what you can do is I did a little intro 10 seconds long, is that? Hey, we're creativelive were rehearsing. Make sure you tune in tomorrow. Cut that one Did another video. If you want to check up the broadcast tomorrow, click this link right here and I pointed to it. And then afterwards I added in text and just included the Bentley link. So I had probably 10 different people screenshot that and then use that to find the broadcast on their computer. So yeah, I think so. So that's a great way to drive action off of Snapchat as well. The other part of love about Snapchat is the 1 to 1 communication on other platforms. People have to publicly put a comment on something, and sometimes people are a little shy to do that. Or their little Tim dated Teoh get in touch with you, whereas on Snapchat it feels a lot more personal. You don't know how many followers you have on Snapchat. You can only tell how many views you have. So instead of focusing on the numbers, you focus on the 1 to 1 communication you're broadcasting to a big audience. You're seeing how many views were getting. But then you can take that communication offline in your private messages on Snapchat. And I've had a lot of people reach out to me for customer service, for feedback about my videos, for more in depth questions about what I'm doing. And anybody can implement that in their own social strategy on Snapchat. So keep that in mind and ask people to private, message you about specific things or run a contest that way. It's a great platform for that. Next is periscope, and I know Sue loves periscope on dime, big panting big fan of Paris Copas well, periscope is the reason I did my very first YouTube tutorial. They couldn't find a really great tutorial on it at the time, so I created one, and it kind of took off. And then I was like, Oh, maybe I should do more of the so periscope for me. Why it works so well is immediate access to you. So you're able to talk to people live. And that's so valuable. Because again, if you're able to have a live conversation, there's no editing. There's no trickery. People know that. That's just you in the moment. And so you can drive action a lot easier and periscope than in any other form. And Sue actually taught me this on periscope. In order to get people to turn from your community into your customers, always provide them with a second way for them to contact you. So include your phone number several times during the broadcast or include your email because that will allow people to take what you've taught them on periscope and then do a follow up later on. And then you can book a consultation with um, or they become your customers. That's happened to me a few times, and I know that happen with Sue a few times as well. And again, it's about adding really valuable information. So any time that I do a periscope, I always make sure there's a strategy behind it. What is my customer gonna learn out of it? What is my community gonna learn out of it? So I think that's a big take away for today. Matter what platform you're on, no matter what kind of content you're doing, always reverse engineer it and think about the end goal for your target audience and what they're going to learn from it. The final thing with periscope that I love about it is that you can actually repurpose the content so you can take that content and repurpose it on YouTube, for example, or you can take it and put it in little chunks and clips and do a Twitter video. Or you can do a little snapshot of what you said on periscope or add it to instagram. So it's a great way to create content and not just be not just be sharing other people's content so you can add these into block posts or whatever. All so, yeah, it's a great way to cross promote all of your different channels. And, of course, I need approximately preach. So I am on all these platforms and I am consistent across all of them as any Leonard, you see, So you can find me there. Yeah, thank you. That was great. So Sunny is an anomaly. She's on. How many? Six. She's on six and you more to. But you're in six, and you are doing them all well. But you are not overwhelmed because you have that strategy. Yes, I think it's because you enjoy it. I enjoy it. And I also find that I'm not doing this all day. Every day when it comes to YouTube content, I shoot four videos in one day, right? Save time. Um, and then Snapchat is a great way to make content on the go because you're not having to edit it. It's just shooting go. So I think it's about knowing the native features of every platform and knowing how to do it efficiently. Right? So I have a question. I I learned from you watching. So you have this Snapchat slide up people that we're watching literally. They their phone and started following you. Well, I'm gonna be really curious how many new followers I like that strategy. Snap codes about the great way. Teoh this So anyone could hold up their phone? Yes. And scan that or take a picture of it. And then you put it in Snapchat and you can add me. Okay. It sounds like we might need a whole snapped. Right? That was great. Thank you. Thank you, thank you. Thank you. So much questions for you from the online audio. Sure. Okay, great. Um so one question was, how do I know which one's which platforms are the best for my target audience. 45 year old plus high income clients. I don't want to waste time using channels they aren't on, right. I think it definitely depends on what business you're in. For me. It's pretty general. Um, so for somebody with that kind of clientele, I mean, lengthen is obviously a great platform. Depending if you're b two b or B two c. Facebook, I would say for anybody because you have the ability Teoh take action in targeting people directly. And because the audience is so big on Facebook, and let's be honest, it's a little bit of an older demographic now than it used to be. Eso if you're 45 plus Snapchat right now is not something that you want to be on, but eventually for sure. That's where your audience is gonna be great. And let's see, another question came from Immersed photographer who wanted to know What Social Media Management Program are you using are using hoot suite? I do use Hoot suite. I'm slightly biased. I worked with him a little bit, but I love Hoot suite for scheduling and managing Twitter and also creating search streams where I can find specific hashtags within my nation. Find the conversations that are happening in real time so I can engage in them. Eso who sweets one of them. But I actually use Facebook to schedule my posts on their um and I use something called later Graham for my instagram posts to schedule those and instagram videos you can schedule with later grammas. Well, great. And let's see, Leanne wanted to know about Snapshot chat. Yes. How do you get your name out there and Snapchat? How will people find me without knowing me? Hashtag searches. So this is an interesting question. The best way is with the snap code. So what a lot of people are doing and brands are doing is they're using their snap code as their profile picture on Facebook or on Twitter, and they're sharing it on Instagram as a photo. Because then people, like I said, can just take a screenshot of that. And then people who take screenshots and uploaded into Snapchat to actually find you and aggio and also one other thing on that you want to make sure you're using your consistent name that you have across all your social platforms on Snapchat as well. Because then people could just search you and then also back to periscope whenever I scope. I'm like, Are you following me on Snapchat? Because if you want behind the scenes of Serbia that cross promotion, you talk about it on your other platforms. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Thank you. You can find more from Sunny. Her hashtag is arms. Are her Tantalus Sunny Lenarduzzi under Juicy? She's yes, she's consistent everywhere, and her Web site is www dot sunny later newsy dot com, and Sunny just launched her website like last week, Right, Sonny was that last week, and it was a video on that website that you definitely want to go. So make sure you go give her some love online. I like my action takers. So for all of you out there, go ahead and send her a tweet at mentioned sunny usar hash tag and let her know what you learned because that was a great segment. Okay, so, guys, this is what you learned today. You learned a lot, right? The online business cycle, what it is and how and why you should be using it. You learned the difference between social and publishing platforms. You learned how to determine your messaging and set aesthetics and how to define your business goals. So I want to hear from you to hear if there's any more questions that are coming in either from my in person audience. Because I know you guys have some questions, right? Or from viewers online? Yeah. There's a couple from viewers online. Okay. One user wanted to know I'm confused about the 5 to 7 buckets to put your continent. Is this the same as the 5 to 7 words that describe you? the words that describe you. The content built on those words, Yes, so the bucket is just like a visit. Like if you can visualize putting those core values in a place, where would you put them? And every single thing that you do on every single platform should have something to do with one of those core values. And, like Sonny said, you want to be consistent. And if you're putting something online that doesn't line up to any of those values or your branding or your aesthetics, you shouldn't be sharing it just to share it like you should be sharing cat videos because everyone's gonna think they're funny and they get a lot of attention and engagement if it has nothing to do with your brand and your core values. So it's just a matter of being very consistent and knowing and let's go back to Let's do a focus group if you're not quite sure on what they are. And then another question is, is it a good idea to post the same image or message on all your social media accounts? Great question I get. Answer this one a lot. I don't literally cross promote everything I do on any platform. Occasionally I will take something as I showed you earlier. Maybe it's an image from a block post and I will share that on Facebook. I will share that on Twitter. I might share it on Instagram if it's instagram worthy. I'm very selective as to what I cross promote because I want to always be native to the platform. And Rachel's gonna be talking more about this later, so I know that it makes it easier for a lot of people to say, OK, I got this content. It looks great. I'm just gonna blasted out everywhere. Same thing everywhere. But that doesn't work. You really have to know what's native to the platform that you're on and you might need Teoh. Maybe you can use that image, but maybe you need to change the image. Maybe you do a text overlay. Maybe you just like, um, lighten it a little bit and make it feel more like it's native to that platform so you can repurpose it. I don't want to feel like you have to do a lot of different things. You can repurpose that visual content and use it elsewhere. but I don't recommend doing the exact same thing on every platform. Great. All right. So we have when you just want to know if anybody in the studio had any oclock guys have any questions I carry. Good to see you. Good to see you. I know you mentioned that Rachel will go over the cycle. Yes, indeed. Um, just when you were covering it, it seemed like promote is a lot like cell. And I'm wondering what is the difference? Well, selling is actually making the sale and closing the sale and collecting the money and making your business run in promoting it is putting it on all those platforms. And actually, you know, having your promotion. The promotion is where you're building that trust and values that people know that you're an authority in your space pushing him towards two different things. Yes, promote and sell is an actual Once you've done those those pieces of the cycle, it it's really easy to sell. You don't sell at the beginning. So here's an example on Instagram Instagram direct. I get them on a regular basis. People are asking me if I want to buy their jewelry by things that they're selling. Or I might even get a direct message tweet and someone's trying and or often on in an email. And I will be like, How do I know you? Who are you? And where have you come into my life like there's no context is no relationship. There's no connection. You need to build that relationship in that trust before you even start selling something, cause it's very awkward to be sold to you want you want, you want toe purchase what's being sold because you respect and like and have built trust with, um does that make sense? Okay, so you have a question. Well, I want to clarify if my thinking's right. You know, in the promoting versus selling, the way I'm thinking about promoting is you're putting valuable content out there that your audience is needing. So you're promoting the valuable contact and you do that with your podcast. I dio yes, and so that's kind of where I see promoting. And then you go down the cycle, and when you get to sell, yeah, you're gonna promote what you sell, But so it's two different places of promoting, and the one in the beginning is really just providing value, right? You're on and deal right, Yes. Providing value, always providing value and giving trust. And I love what Sunny said about giving from the heart and giving. This is really what has grown my business over the past year are these 3 15 minutes strategy sessions that I have on my website and I take them every Wednesday of the week and I haven't booked out in calendar so that their scheduled many of you sitting here have done a strategy session with me. Several of you have become clients because of that strategy session. This is the free. Let me solve your point. Paint point pain point. Let me help you. And this is you like Oh my goodness. I love your energy. I want to work with you know what you're talking about. How can I get more of you? Because this isn't enough. And so I know it used to be 20 minutes for me, and I'm like, I just can't give away 20 minutes of my time. It's too valuable. So I shortened it to 15 and that's been the magic number for me. But this is if you're not selling what you're doing, Give away free consults and for a time of, you know, during the week that works for you knowing that you are building your relationship when you do that and maybe they're not gonna buy from you. But guess what? Maybe they're at an event. Ah, live conference. Or maybe they're with their friends socialising and someone says, You know, I really need to understand how these instagram for my business and you can say, Well, I know the perfect person. I didn't use her from my business, but this is you need to get in touch with you never know who you're talking to, who you're connecting to. This isn't person to like when you're getting a coffee. You guys have no idea how many customers I get just from being nice and talking to people in line at the airport. It's crazy, so it's It's just like broadcasting what you do and putting value behind it. And if you're not getting customers or you're not selling what you're creating for a lot of the artists out there, send something for free to an influencer that you have a relationship with, and that you could politely ask them if they would post it on Instagram. Johanna did a drawing from for me this summer. That was adorable. I had my fedora on. I got my little anchor shorts on. She had a little bag like OMG. I love this. I want it to you Course I featured it on Instagram, and I'm sure she got more likes more followers, more views and hopefully sold more art. So there's ways that you could do free the right way. If you're not making money in your business, I really want you to think about that.
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a Creativelive Student
I have done several social media courses - nothing compares to this..... The emphasis consistently with each AMAZING presenter, about BRANDING YOU and STAYING ON POINT with all your social media efforts really hit home for me. I had never given it THAT MUCH THOUGHT.. WOW !! The audience participation sharing their tools and how they cross promote their list building and community building was a fabulous addition to the processes shared by the presenters... The clarity about each social media platform and how best to use was like a bolt of lightening to my brain, as was the organisational business training on managing your social media efforts . . . . I need this to refer to again and again .. .. . . I promised myself I would not buy another course BUT this one I cannot afford NOT TO BUY . I love love LOVE Creative Live!! Thanks Sue B, and all your brainy helpers, I have only 1 more wish and that is to have your team here at home with me . . S.I.G.H.
I was one of the fortunate ones to be in the live audience of this amazing course. Sue B Zimmerman brought a powerhouse team to the stage and they didn't hold anything back. This is one of the most complete courses I've ever taken. It's great for those just beginning all the way through to tips for those who already have a good handle on their social media. BUY this program. It is surprisingly inexpensive for the massive value it contains. Excellent!
Sangeeta Patil
Great course, fantastic content and fabulous speakers!! Feel like I am equipped so well already to get started and get going with social media marketing.
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