Lesson Info
Reply All
Okay. Now, the next thing I want to talk about his reply. All very controversial. But I have a very simple application for this. Do you apply all, Do you not? My answer is yes. You have to reply all if you're included on a big email and someone asks you a question, you have no choice but to reply all because if you don't reply all and you just reply to one person that begins its own separate thread and you're over here. You're thinking about talking about these other things. Meanwhile, everyone else on the reply all threat is going. Did Justin even reply to this email? Is he just gonna let this hang out there all day? Wow. Just is not very good at his job. I can't believe Justin hasn't replied to this. So you have no choice but to hit, reply all and send that message back and it shows everyone. Oh, wow. Look at Justin's great reply. This is a chance to show off. There's a chance of short born. Hey, I'm really good at my job. Look at my great email. Use bullet points. I've got white spa...
ce. I'm organized. I replied in a timely fashion. So reply all is an opportunity. Now here's another little topic. Pro tip with black and white and red all over. It's not a newspaper, it's your email. So before you send out that email, give some thought to Do you want this email making its way around the organization? Representing you? You say one thing the wrong way. You think it's on Lee going to this one person. It's going everywhere. Think about that email sitting on a chars death. Do you want your boss to read that email? Don't send it. If you don't want the rest of the organization to read it, I'm that serious. Okay, so remember, e mails are black and white and the red all over.
Ratings and Reviews
Romain Menu
I loved it. Clear and simple. No time lost and a guy passionnate about emails. That is enjoyable to watch and very instructive, thanks.
Lisa Houghton
I adopted these recommendations with great results. Even noticed that my boss started doing many of the same things in his email communications. Bring back MR CORPO podcasts! Bonus section, bonus section...
Janaka Rodrigue
Student Work
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