Painting the Fabric with Wax
Lesson 9 from: Intermediate Shibori Indigo DyeingKaari Meng, French General

Painting the Fabric with Wax
Lesson 9 from: Intermediate Shibori Indigo DyeingKaari Meng, French General
02:46 2Creating the Dye Vats
03:40 3Nui Overview & Fabric Preparation
03:48 4Stitching the Fabric
12:25 5Testing the Vats
02:40 6Dipping and Rinsing Cloth (Nui)
07:47 7Untieing the Cloth (Nui)
06:25 8Batik/Wax Resist Overview & Fabrication
08:32Lesson Info
Painting the Fabric with Wax
If you don't have access to stencils, you can always do a free hand with batik and make up your own designs, so by using smaller paintbrushes, you can take a piece of fabric. And again, I've got the cardboard underneath and do all sorts of designs. You can do something as simple as a polka dot design, which is just kind of dropping the wax onto the fabric and remember, a little wax goes a long way, so you don't you actually don't need a lot. You just need enough to cover the one little area that you're going to macon tear design. So even though you see some of the wax is a little bit thinner, that will still create a great resist, another simple design you could take your brush and simply dio lines and dashes really there's no limit tio batik you can come up with any sort of graphic pattern or floral pattern and use the wax almost as your medium to create design. So once the wax has hardened and it's cooled down a bit, I give it a couple of minutes just to make sure that it's nice and ...
hard and it has you've got the resist now kind of pushed into your fibers, then you can go ahead and take this piece and carefully put it into your water bucket and soak the fibers.
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Bonita Davis
The class was very enjoyable. Good for beginners or intermediate indigo dyers. I can hardly wait to try. Please do some more classes. Well worth the money. Highly recommend to anyone who loves Indigo.
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I love this class. What a wonderful and easy techniques, Only problem is streaming. this class stopped at least 20 times.