The Challenge Of Driving Consistent, Qualified Traffic
Lesson 3 from: Lead Generation with Facebook AdsBlitz Metrics

The Challenge Of Driving Consistent, Qualified Traffic
Lesson 3 from: Lead Generation with Facebook AdsBlitz Metrics
Lesson Info
3. The Challenge Of Driving Consistent, Qualified Traffic
Why generating leads is a hot skill in the market
1Why Lead Generation Is Important To Businesses
03:28 2Understanding The Market
05:29 3The Challenge Of Driving Consistent, Qualified Traffic
03:57 4There Are Many Ways To Drive Leads.
01:59 5The Framework Of Lead Generation
02:17 6Quiz: Why generating leads is a hot skill in the market
What’s a Lead worth?
The Value Of A Lead Depends On The Business
07:26 8Positioning Your Services (4;12)
04:12 9Quiz: What’s a Lead worth?
Driving leads with a chatbot
10Why Chatbots Are Effective
03:04 11How To Set Up A Chatbot For Your Client
10:04 12Growing A High-Quality Messenger List
06:18 13Tracking Success With Your Chatbot
07:55 14Building A Loyal Fanbase
04:31 15Quiz: Driving leads with a chatbot
Driving leads natively on Facebook
16An Introduction To Lead Forms And Facebook Canvas
06:00 17How To Set Up Lead Forms
05:29 18How To Set Up Facebook Canvas
04:23 19Driving Traffic To A Landing Page
10:18 20Retargeting Lead Generation Audiences
12:09 21Monitoring The Success Of Your Lead Generation Campaigns.
09:21 22Quiz: Driving leads natively on Facebook
How to drive high quality traffic
23How Do You Define A Good Lead
04:21 24How to use Attributes with your Chatbot
07:13 25Filtering Traffic With Attributes In Messenger.
05:41 26Quiz: How to drive high quality traffic
Tracking and adding value
27How To Track Lead Completions
16:25 28Optimizing Your Lead Campaigns
13:43 29Have Something To Offer
07:26 30How Leads Upsell To Future Sales.
05:16 31Quiz: Tracking and adding value
How to be an all-star freelancer
32Knowing Your Clients and Their Pain Points
04:26 33Delivering Through A Painless Process.
07:53 34Checklists - A Map To Driving Results
04:11 35Troubleshooting - When Things Go Wrong, Since They Do
03:50 36Quiz: How to be an all-star freelancer
05:11Final Quiz
38Final Quiz
Lesson Info
The Challenge Of Driving Consistent, Qualified Traffic
So driving leads in a lot of ways. It's like driving clicks, the website, it can be easy to drive cheap leads, but there's always a quality or quantity trade off Initially when you get the business collecting leads for your clients, you're of course gonna go after the cheapest leads, but make sure you keep this imbalance because it does neither you or your clients any good. If you collect 10,000 leads, but then zero them convert because they're garbage leads, they're the wrong target audience you were sending the messaging to or you collected them through ways where you're like giving away an ipad, but your client maybe is selling flowers. Obviously there's disconnect between the legion there. A lot of things make a weed bad quality but just make sure you recognize that the The power of equality lead is so much significantly more than the increased price. So maybe I can drive leads for $2.50. But the quality, we might cost $10. I'm gonna wanna still go after the quality and just recogn...
ize that at the end of the day, the client wants conversions. Yes, we all want a lot of leads and a big list but we want those leagues failed to convert. I want to know that if I send them content, they're going to buy it or they're going to take up my offer or they're going to message me back and they'll be okay with the price increase. If those are the kind of leads you're driving for your clients and clients care not just about the number of leads, but the quality is the most important part. And what we've seen on facebook as you'll learn in this lead gen course on fiber is that it's so easy to drive crap leads. And when that happens, what happens with the client, they'll say, oh Logan, you ran that campaign for me, man, those leads absolutely sucked. When really the issue was that client didn't follow up on those leads, right? So if we use a facebook lead at for example, or a chat bot and we deliver that lead and it's hot and fresh and they don't follow up and they don't have a sequence that follows. They don't keep nurturing. They don't call right away. They take three days to respond. That's no good or maybe their offer isn't very good. Maybe we're trying to sell something where it's a brand new product and they don't have any demand. And the issue is that no amount of selling is going to overcome. We're trying to help a client who maybe is brand new in the business, they're trying to sell something that's too expensive. Their, their, their lead magnet maybe isn't the right content. So understand that the common reaction when you run facebook leads is that the client will say, oh well these leads sucked and they'll, they'll blame facebook because they'll say, oh facebook's where people are hanging out and taking pictures of their food and going on vacation, but what you have to understand is that there's a, there's a whole process and the way you increase the quality of those leads is you make sure you tie their entire funnel together. You need to know what happens from the lead now even though technically they're paying you just to generate leads and you could say, oh it's your content or it didn't convert, that's not on me. I did the right targeting, I built the lead campaigns in the right way, you could say that. But ultimately you are being held responsible for the conversion. So you need to understand what happens from when you drive that lead to them could be off of a form, could be in a chat bot could be on a facebook lead ads could be inside canvas could be driving them into the store, right in store visit. I consider legion, you need to understand from that moment all the way to when your client makes money, what are the other steps and you have to be able to troubleshoot that? So there is your cost per lead to get people to the point of filling out a form which is free and then going from that all the way to a sale, which is a conversion rate. Right? So you have your cost per lead divided by your conversion rate is your cost per sale. You have to understand that even though initially their holding you accountable to the lead. So later in this course we're going to hop over to the laptop and show you how to optimize efficiently. But just recognize even early on that, like Dennis was mentioning, the quality of leads is more important than the quantity and seeing the whole specter of the funnel.
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