1Class Introduction
13:07 2Determine Your Learning Type
18:28 3Set Goals For Language Learning
12:47 4Active vs. Passive Learning
19:24 5Create Your Own Language Learning Schedule
24:30 6Technique: Emphasize Similarities
18:34 7Technique: Minimize Differences
38:10Technique: Language Immersion
10:47 9Work Learning Techniques into your Schedule
06:03 10Commit to a Daily Routine
18:16 11Celebrate your Achievements
08:09 12Discover Your Language Alter Ego
28:57 13Fundamentals of Pronunciation
07:30 14Pronunciation: Get to Know Your Mouth
20:39 15Playing with Tongue Twisters
04:58 16Acquire a Native Rhythm
26:52 17Alphabet and Writing Systems
01:59DAY 2
18Intro to Advanced Language Learning
03:12 19Understand Advanced Writing Systems
17:54 20Tackle Grammar
17:13 21Grammar Exercise
15:28 22Syntax: Get The Right Order
07:55 23Acquire Vocabulary
12:48 24Vocabulary: Recognize Rules & Patterns
05:34 25Create Your Own Language World
20:53 26Avoid Language Pitfalls
21:21 27Techniques For Empowering Your Memory
19:55 28Put Language into Practice: Speaking Fluently
10:45 29Bilingual Class Introduction
04:27 30Bilingual Home vs. Bilingual Setting
16:01 31Bilingualism and the Child
06:23 32Basics: Establish and Assign Roles
17:34 33Measure Language Exposure
03:54 34Creating Situations: Techniques For Bilingualism
37:48 35Common Pitfalls for Bilingual Learning
10:58Lesson Info
Commit to a Daily Routine
if you go back to my daily routine on. But what does it look like? What if we come up with them for ideas? Has anyone come up with a really nice idea that they'd like to share? Sandra also said she would watch TV series and podcast Great and music Not just music, but yeah, podcasts as well, which I think is a great idea. Definitely so popular out there right now. Yeah, and you can take them on the goal when you can listen to them when I watch them, whenever you want. Perfect Susie buying ingredients and stores from that language or on websites in that perfect, perfect idea. Perfect idea. Because then you get also tha you get to a real taste of the country. I mean, simply, products taste different, and then you have the instructions on there. You have the ingredients, you have the words you're really like your your being there in the first place, you you're gonna buy a tin of tomatoes and Italian or maybe Turkish Andi and you have already it's like the only thing that's missing these th...
e way you are. But as they said, we don't need to go somewhere to learn a language completely. We can do it from this, the comfort of our own home. It's simply about immersing ourselves in and put me into ideally routine on any other. Yeah, you know, especially well, it's almost everywhere now, but you would see in English and then it underneath in Spanish and to pay more attention to sign it. Definitely that is obviously posted. Your you? Exactly. Exactly. And that's something we're gonna be looking as, well. That's a great technique and is one of my favorite ones. We didn't see unfortunate in the Turkish challenge, but maybe I'll bring in a picture of my flat, and then you can see how it looked like when we were when we were actually living in Turkish because I were flat got turned into some massive side. Ege was like being on a bi lingual highway are monolingual. It was just all Turkish, so that's great. That's a really very nice way of, and it makes literally the language. Stick it, really. You've got it in front of your front of you the entire time when you're just walking past the entire time and you integrate it into yourself into your life into your into your your training floor and into your speech. So they're really, really nice ideas. And now we have key things to focus on. Please, Please, please don't cram things in. Don't throw everything in there and hope. I've got 30 minutes. I'm going to do five different exercises. Take your time. I appreciate what you're doing. Andi again make it consistent. It's much better to split up the exercises. You got 30 minutes. Do the five different exercises one every single day for 10 minutes and then do something else with the remaining 20 minutes. Or maybe before you go to bed. Lock up there. What you've been doing the idea again here is really is consistency is the key here. Andi, Again, we always have to remember this. We need to enforce our time. Monument skills. What we know. We need to be the only consistent We need to be responsible. We need to be aware of what we're doing, what time? The amount of time that we have. And we need to be thinking of the word on. I can't think of it. They did say before, not Reliant. Honest. There's No, but there's a word without and I can't think of. But we need to Really? We need to be, uh we need to be thinking about this on. Of course. Make it about you. Be arrogant in this case, show what you've got and customize it to reflect you your learning type on your daily life because you're essentially the person that's going to be learning this language. So you really, really need to be focusing on these at thes thes core aspects. And then you're all ready to go and put it into your daily routine. And there's no stopping after this because once you've got that down, then you got it down. You've got it nailed down and you're going to be really, really You've got a full on complete holistic approach now to learning the language on integrating every single aspect of it into your daily life shot. I was wondering about how many techniques in in your daily routine do you typically have because you have a bunch of techniques like it can kind of be overwhelming, of course. Exactly. So I suggest always doing a different technique on baby reducing the time so say do a pronunciation technique for five minutes. So where you've got, say you're going to do practicing, saying certain continent, are you just going and then you're gonna go and make breakfast and listen to the radio, and then you're gonna hear how these words probably not the word that you said autumn immediately, but you will see here was there very similar. And then you're just gonna This is gonna go into your brain. You need to obviously constantly practice this. So try and speak it every single day. We're gonna look at the advance part in how we can make ourselves become fluent. Speak fluently on the techniques that we can use. So it's really great technique that has got some really great taking is coming up to actually toe put that into place. But I think it's really great to you. Don't want overwhelm yourself. That's realistic. Thank you. Just thought realistic. Be realistic. Don't throw in seven activities. If you know you can only do four. And even if you there's no harm, there's no harm in trying and I don't want to say failing because we're not failing but re adapting, readjusting so by all means if you think you can do it and I think you can and if you've got the time, it's simply a matter of time. Put in a few different exercises in 56 a day, five minutes there, 10 minutes there. And then these are more active referring to active activities now, not listeningto the radio radio are watching TV. If you can put like a few in every single day you go, you commute into work, you're gonna do an exercise on the application or you're gonna do a grammar exercise. You're gonna learn how to conjugated verb for 10 minutes, and then you're going to see which verbs that would corresponds to. And then you get your pronunciation exercise. You've got three already there, and then you can be valuable cup section and where you're going to write down words that you think are important. I'll jot them down in your journal. We're going to see all those techniques tomorrow or a later stage, and, um, and that's four. And then we've just got another tune. Then you've got six has actually you can get more holistic than that. If that's too much, completely fine, Break it down to three and 313 or one day, three on the other. And then maybe analyze your strengths where you find an easier and always go with things that are easier and do a small bit of the stuff that you're finding difficult because it will. It will at some point, sooner rather than later stick, you will grasp it. So we've now updated our daily routine, and if you'd like, I will show you my weekly calendar about how my week usually looks like, which is slightly hectic. But let's say let's do a classical Monday, some one day I'm usually crying because Sundays past that I have to go toe work, which means that I'm going to get up at 6 So it's 6 30 I'm up. I'm in the shower and I'm listening to music in the shower song because then at seven lost maybe. No, I don't take 30 minutes. Tougher shell, but maybe I take five minutes to get out of bed and they never shower. At 6 35 on the Maybe I'm dressed and then 6 45 6 to about seven 7 Then I'm having breakfast and then I'm listening to music. I'm listening to the music auto, the radio and then I think 7 15 I want to be a worker. I've actually got a lot of time. Now. Maybe I'm a bit optimistic about 6 because I could either go swimming and I could go to the gym. If I go swimming the nation every in breakfast, I go to the gym. I should have you actually soulesseason on Jim or Swim Day. So I'm gonna go to work early so I can maybe do a pronunciation pronunciation exercise here with myself. I'm listening to because I've been listening to the radio pin, listen to music. So I'm going to do based. And then let's make this actually a bit more slightly more realistic cause he's very actually very only time. So let's say seven. They've got my company calling me a saying where mind and, uh maybe, but I mean sometimes, actually get up this early soul. It's, uh yeah, seven. A 8 15 8 15 and now it takes me about half an hour to get to work. I have a rather annoying commute for half an hour on most of the people in the boss or in the train look annoyed. I don't want to be looking at them depressive. So I've got half an hour to spare so I can do one big exercise or to exercises in. I can hear choose the language. I can choose where they want to carry on with the one language of them do or maybe even do another one. So here is up to me. I can depend on what I've gone for. I can dio one language or second language. I've got 30 minutes and then I'm going to be at work for most of the day. So I've got about a hours here where I'm needing Teoh somehow integrate this into my life. If I can't, it's not so. It's not so easy because obviously a hour working day, Then you have tow. Can't just tell. I had just sit there and say, Hey, sorry. I've got to learn this now. I'll do it in three hours later. I know you've got a deadline. I don't care. I can't do that. Unfortunately. So I need to really be be on the ball, and I need to see if I can fit this in somewhere. Maybe I can, on my break, read the newspaper online or in paper form. I like. I really like buying the newspaper at times is kind of nice to have something in your hand that's not a screen. I mean love screens by sometimes another old fashioned Oh, I could speak to a colleague. Unfortunate, really fortunate tohave Multilingual people around me so I can speak in this is that can do all the time at work. I mean, like, I know this isn't a very normal setting by can literally at work speak to people in 10 different languages, which I guess is what happens when you work for language company. We could all speak one language, but he wouldn't be that much for that. So I could be doing this and I could be throwing in. That could be speaking Catalan that I can be speaking German and it can be speaking French. And I could be speaking Dutch or whatever. They could be doing this from the comfort of my work on. Don't forget, while I'm doing my work, I've got my email in Portuguese. So my Gmail account is in Portuguese. I've got my desktop set up in German. I've got nothing in English, actually, at work. My work desktop is nothing is in English. Nothing. I've got programs in different languages chat in different languages so I could be doing this. I could be using these either to write in them auto, receive the information. Why? I've got the instructions on the wording in different languages. Now this might sound a bit intimidating, and it shouldn't be because I'm saying this in different languages. But there's no reason why this can't apply to simply one language. You could have all of this in your one language. Now what if you say, Well, I don't work with a computer and I don't I really can't do that. I don't have work colleagues that speak different languages. We still have, ah, load of other things that we can be doing. Wow, we're actually at work or while we're on a longer break, so maybe work if you can do a lot, do not seem to work overtime, are tuning out of work yourselves silly, but like be, take longer breaks if you can, and when you're learning, put that together, don't spit it up soul so often where you've got, say, in this case, like 15 15 or 55 But you can always have stuff like this. I mean, okay, if you don't work with computers, then then. But then again, we're always doing something with online without I mean this very classes online. So we've all got a phone. We've all got access toe, even if you don't primarily work with a computer. But we've got different ways. They're integrating it. We can even maybe on its ever having like a on our long lunch, we can have a lunch. We can even maybe me up with a tandem partner, language partner or online that we've been chatting to. We can we can text this person. We could make sure that we're communicating with this person in their language. And there are so many ways. And these these the techniques that will also be looking, that when we when it comes to speaking the language more fluently, which is really important. So, uh, please definitely stick around for that. It's really, really important. And you'll be surprised to see how many techniques we actually have that we can do this. So, actually We're only on about, say, we're not even anywhere near finishing work, so I've got lots of time to finish off this. Well, let's say we've done a few of these activities, and now it's like five PM and they can go home. That's a really German way of writing the time. So 17. So it's five PM and I've got another 30 minute commute and I could do a few things here so I could learn on my app again. I can carry on learning with my app. I can listen to music. I could go to the library, get a book out. I could get a little car in the library. Great selection of literature box. It cost me 10 your roles a year to be a member of the library, and it could get us many books out as I want. I think of 60 bucks I can get out on. I can do this, but what about if they don't have a library? Well, I can also have stuff online. I can be reading story short stories online in in simple, simple language, and they don't have toe denim, focus and visualize it and focusing on the written word. I'm not listening because I've been doing a lot of listening anyway, so I could do that in any way. I know I'm gonna watch my Siris in the evening so I don't have to be doing that. Then I think, Matthew, you need to get a better physical exercise or even do you sat on your chair the entire time and just speaking languages and you need to be doing something else so I can go jogging and I can even go swimming. Swimming? Yeah, I can take half an hour off if I go swimming that I'm not going to use the language I'm not gonna read. It's not really good for the other swimmers. If I go to the gym, however, then I can put on Instead of putting some motivational music art, I can listen to ah lesson in the language. A lesson that I've already done retaining this information that I've already done. I can go over this and see what I've understood already. Maybe that if it didn't lessen the in the morning or if I did it in the the night before the evening before, then I can do again when I'm home. I have not done that much activity. The active learning so far. So you may be fit in 10 to 15 minutes of grammar on on broke up, broke up. But the vote copies Great, because I can always have the vote cup around me because I can simply put that up in my flat. And that's something we're gonna be looking at tomorrow how we could do this in our very old in the comfort of our own our own four walls. So I have that on day. Then it's time to kick off the shoes, maybe open a glass of wine or a beer ideally from the place where we're with the language with learning and then, uh and then watch something nice. Maybe my favorite Siri's, maybe something completely different. Something that I've never seen before. Um, and yet it's in the language on, uh, what happens if I'm with people? They don't want to learn it. They don't want to watch it. Well, they've got English subtitles just like I have so And if they don't, then there really missing out, they don't want it, Then then the missing out. That's all I can say. You're missing out on a big thing
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Cris Merton
Matthew has a beautiful voice! It's so easy to listen to him and this lends a great deal of authority to his already clear and lucid content. Bravo!
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