Thoughts & tips on "outsourcing"
Lesson 34 from: Make More Time in Your Day: Become a Speed DemonJonathan Levi
Thoughts & tips on "outsourcing"
Lesson 34 from: Make More Time in Your Day: Become a Speed DemonJonathan Levi
Chapter 1: Introductions & Foundations
1Class Introduction: Structure & how to succeed
03:57 2Why do things quicker
05:14 3Where most people spend (or waste) their time
04:48 4Quiz: Chapter 1
Chapter 2:General Principles & Theories For Hacking Productivity
5The power of preparation
03:11 6Having clear priorities & goals - and making them "SMART"
07:38Organizing priorities with the Priority Star Exercise
09:19 8Setting deadlines & and making them real
04:18 9The Pareto Principle - our secret to being effective
03:57 10The "Bad" kind of multitasking, avoiding distractions, and meditation
07:43 11Batching similar tasks
03:48 12The "Good" kind of multitasking & the wheel of life
04:26 13Planning for structured rest periods
05:57 14Using small chunks of wasted time effectively
04:16 15Quiz - Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Speeding Up & Automating Computer Work
16Just how much time are you wasting on your computer?
06:44 17Automating meeting scheduling
04:56 18Text expansion - stop typing the same things over and over
04:24 19Speaking is faster than typing - and clicking
05:33 20Using custom gestures to speed up common tasks
03:43 21Launchers - act without doing
06:02 22Wasting less time reading and sorting through email
03:41 23Automating simple, repetitive tasks effectively across the web
05:03 24Watching lectures, videos, and podcasts faster
04:48 25Quiz: Chapter 3
Chapter 4:Speeding Up Health & Fitness
26Getting fit in fewer hours
04:10 27Spend less time cooking
04:02 28Sleeping less and feeling better
06:00 29Quiz - Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Automating Your Finances
30Monitoring your finances automatically
04:30 31Paying bills automatically
05:29 32Quiz - Chapter 5
Chapter 6: Delegation, Communication, & Saying No
33Some things just aren_t worth your time
11:21 34Thoughts & tips on "outsourcing"
06:18 35Speeding up decisions
09:14 36Speeding up communication
05:12 37Splitting Time Into “Maker” and “Manager” Days
05:06 38Quiz - Chapter 6
Chapter 7: Conclusion
39What we've learned, conclusion, and congratulations
02:51Final Quiz
40Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Thoughts & tips on "outsourcing"
in the last lecture, I advocated for hiring other people to do the things that you aren't efficient or optimal at now, I want to give you some tools, experience and resources that I like and have used for outsourcing common tasks over the last 10 years since being turned on to the idea of outsourcing by tim Ferriss. I have experimented a lot with outsourcing in every possible way. I've hired project based people for specialized tasks like design work or accounting. I've hired for one off assignments that takes someone an hour or so to do and as many of you already know, I routinely work with over a dozen people all over the world who feel various full and part time jobs ranging from editing this video, to designing my company's websites and brand assets to even personal tasks. For me first, let me say this, it's been a long journey, outsourcing isn't a simple easy button that you flip that magically makes all your work disappear like any other management role. In many cases it involves...
properly building relationships and your leadership skills, and in every case it involves properly understanding and explaining what you want done. My early foyers into outsourcing were an absolute mess. I would hire the wrong candidates, I'd give them the wrong explanation and I would watch as they made things like my company's entire accounting system even worse than they were before Now for this reason for years, I thought that I was better off alone doing everything I could all by myself and that outsourcing only needed to be done on a small per project basis, but I was wrong Over the last few years, I've really sharpened my skills as a higher er as a manager and as a leader and today I can safely say that I delegate the vast majority of what I can both in my businesses and in my personal life. In fact at the time of this recording, I'm actively working with around 20 different individuals from about 10 different countries to get things done collectively. So where do you even begin with outsourcing things in your personal or in your professional life? The first step, of course, is to clearly clearly understand what work needs to be done unless you or someone that you really trust to hire other people for, you have a very clear understanding of the job and of its special effect cations, how can you determine who's a good fit, How can you teach them how to do the job and of course how will you know, if they're actually doing a good job at it? This of course is one of the reasons that you will often want to delegate things only after you have done them yourself for a little while, it's also the reason why a clear job description or project specification is so incredibly important for any outsourcing project big or small. Now, once you've done that it's time to hire, there are many, many different ways to hire people in our hyper connected and globalized world, but the fact is you're probably not going to put out an ad in your local newspaper like your grandfather used to. Instead you'll probably end up looking online where you'll find a ton of great options depending on what it is that you need. If you're looking to hire someone for a quick project and you want a specialist, I really like Fiverr dot com. Fiber allows you to hire freelancers all over the world for small tasks for as little as $5. Service providers offer a quick one off services such as podcast editing, graphics design, video voiceovers and so on and they generally give you the ability to upgrade the complexity of the task and repurchase if you're satisfied, Fiber is great because it allows you to find specialists and work with them in a nonbinding transactional kind of way with the safety net of a marketplace and buyer protection. I can honestly tell you that in our business we probably spend $300-$400 a month on fiber for various tasks involving producing our podcast alone. With that said, if I look back on my journey as an entrepreneur and as a productivity geek, I can honestly say that one of the biggest mistakes that I made was not learning how to properly outsource and delegate sooner had I learned this valuable skill, I could have opened myself and my business is up to a world of highly skilled, affordable labor, much, much sooner allowing me to focus on other more important aspects of my business and of my personal life. I used to brag that I was too efficient for a personal assistant to keep up with me and that was wrong. I was just too damn stubborn and I was too lazy to properly hire and train the right person for the job. So those are a few thoughts on the various types of outsourcing. You might be thinking right now that it's something reserved for companies or for wealthy individuals, but you couldn't be more wrong if that's the case. Indeed, if you are to look around in your life and you look at your average day from picking up stuff at the store to researching things online for your job or your thesis, you'll find a lot of areas where you can actually spend a few measly dollars to get help. Now doing so will not only reduce your stress, but it will also allow you to do exactly what this course is designed to do. Free up your time for things that give you more value and more joy in life
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