Lesson Info
19. How to Exit with Confidence
Class Introduction: Build Trust and Increase Sales
03:12 2Why your Handmade Business Needs a Podcast
06:42 3What is a Podcast?
03:13 4How to Set up your Studio in 5 Minutes
04:48 5How to Launch a Podcast in 1 Week
05:58 6What Kind of Show will you Have?
03:02 7About the Interview Format
06:39 8About the Solo-Show Format
16:41About the Roundtable Discussion Format
07:55 10Which Format is Right for You
21:40 11Challenge: FInd What's Out There
03:25 12Choosing the Right Topic for your Podcast
14:19 13How to Make your Show Special
02:23 14Make Magic: Combine for a Unique Show
07:46 15Content Development Strategies
16:12 16Naming your Podcast Best Practices
07:34 17How to Introduce Yourself
11:34 18How to Write your Intro
03:48 19How to Exit with Confidence
09:00 20Where does your Podcast Live and Why iTunes Matters
20:06 21DEMO:How to Get your Podcast on iTunes
07:18 22How a Listener Becomes a Customer: The Customer Path
07:58 23Your Home Base: How to Set it up for Podcast Listeners
15:19 24How to Generate Content Upgrades
12:39 25How to Leverage your Podcasts to Sell your Product
04:53 26Question And Answer
06:58 27How to Launch your Podcast Successfully
18:06 28Defining "Success" for your Business
07:41 29Other Ways to Make Money from your Podcast
08:25 30How to Find Time for it all: Tara's Exact Workflow
25:19 31Wrapping it all Up
02:03Lesson Info
How to Exit with Confidence
Don't just end the episode by like "Well that's all I've got to say, so bye", right? You wanna make sure you end it with what you want them to do. So this really gets into where we're starting to make sales with our podcast because if you just fade away, they're not gonna know what to do. You need to tell them exactly what you want them to do and how you want them to do it. So, in podcasting we call it an outro. So you want yours to make a clear call to action so listeners know exactly what to do next. Now that might be a couple different things so we're gonna go over what that might be. The main thing is every episode, end it where you want them to go. That question of how do you get podcast listeners to go back to your website, you tell them verbally to do it every time. If you just put it in your description people aren't gonna read that. If you just hope that they find their way back they're not going to. So you really need to make it very clear. "Hey if you enjoyed this, go do thi...
s." So here's some of the invitations you can make. You can ask them to leave a review. Now you're gonna want to do this when your show is new because the more reviewed your show is the more people it's recommended to. "So if you loved this episode, "please go leave a review in iTunes. "It helps other people find the show." That's what I say. I do this, I ask for people to leave a review on a special occasion like my 100th episode, my birthday episode, things that I'm like, "If you like this podcast now would be the time "to show your love for it. "Go to iTunes and leave a review." You can also invite them to visit your site. "So to get more of what you heard today go to taraswiger.com." If you have your jewelry podcast it'd be like "If you want to see the piece of jewelry "that we discussed in today's episode "go to sundropjewelry.com." You also might invite them to get something free. Now we're gonna talk about specifically how to do this so we're going to talk how to give people downloads, transcripts, special things after, like later. But this is a really great call to action is to tell them to get the free whatever. So for me it's transcripts, sometimes it's workbook pages. For you it might be, say you're doing a product launch of your new jewelry line. "To get the free look book of my newest pieces before anybody else, go to mywebsite.com." You can also invite them to follow you on social media. So if you want to keep in touch, you want to get more followers, you want to connect in different ways "You can follow me on Instagram I'm @taraswiger." And I'm saying these sentences because that's exactly what you'd say. It's just that short. It's not like "Well to get this, and to get this, "and to get this, you can do this." You just say: "Get the free transcript at..." fill in the link. "Find my book at..." fill in the link, right? So when you are trying to decide what to say at the end of an episode, you want to Prioritize what matters most to you. What do you most want to get out of this? Like I said in the beginning, you might want to get reviews because you might want to get more listeners. Later you might want to be growing some new social media platforms. A new social media platform comes out and is the hottest thing, you might wanna recommend people follow you there. Like when I did Periscope live videos for a time I would invite people to go watch there. When I got more serious into my YouTube channel I invited people to go to follow me on YouTube. So, here's some things that you might be prioritizing. If you want to grow your listenership invite them to leave a review. Because that's, iTunes is gonna then see that people love your podcast and is gonna recommend it to other listeners. If you wanna make sales you tell people to go buy your stuff. I know it's straight forward. So to make sales you have to tell them where to go buy your stuff and to buy your stuff. If you're looking to grow a specific social media platform or your email list, you tell them to sign up for email, you tell them to go follow you on Instagram, whatever it is you want to do. If you, and I want to say something really kind of important here, about the follower growth. If you have decided to focus your attention and marketing on a specific tool because you found it really effective, like for me my emails convert or create sales at a really high rate. So it makes sense for me to send everyone to my email list. If you took Megan Auman's Pinterest class, and Pinterest is just blowing up and you're getting sales from it, then to make a sale instead of telling them to go buy it in the shop you might tell them to follow you on Pinterest. Because Pinterest has been a really effective sales tool. So you just want to send them to do the thing that's been effective for you. It doesn't always mean that it's gonna be I listen and then I buy, it might be I listen and then I follow you at this place where you're really effective at making sales and then I buy. We're gonna talk more about that in the next segment but just keep that in mind. These are also exactly what I would say. Like, "Leave a review." A call to action has a verb, you're telling them exactly what to do. And then if you want to grow your list, your email list, you can say "Get your free whatever when you sign up for my list." A more effective call to action would be "Go to this link to get your free thing." So you're telling them exactly where do you go. Get is kind of passive I would rewrite that if I could. So those are some things that you're gonna invite them to do when you end your show. You can say it at the beginning of the show. I'll often say if I have something big like Creative Live. I'll say "Hey before we get in today's show "I'm about to go be on Creative Live. "You can register for that at blah-blah-blah." And then at the end "Hey don't forget to watch me live "on Creative Live on Wednesday, go here to watch it live." And I might put that link, if that link is harder to verbally say, I'll say "The link is in the description "and it's on the show notes on my site." Because my site's a lot easier to say and spell. If it's like a long link, right? When I do a conference sometimes the link is like just really complex and hard to say so I link it up on my site and I send them to my site. Does that make sense? 'Cause that's kinda what you were asking earlier. Are there questions about this call to action or anything we've covered in this segment? Rachel was asking about the length of podcast. You know, obviously they vary. Yours is a nice length in terms of being able to listen to it on the go. You're not having to commit lots of time to be listening. So what would you recommend and she asks "Can a podcast be too short?" That's interesting. I think, no. For sure it depends on the content. If you have something to say you need to be able to say it fully and explain it and end. Do the intro, do the call to action. If you can get all that in and make it interesting, informative and not just be sales-y. Right, like you don't want your episode to be so short that it's like "Just go to my podcast, "or go to my website." If you can get something interesting in there there's not a too short. I know some people really love shorter episodes. I don't see how you could make, I'm really verbose, so I don't see how you could make it less than five minutes. But I know there are some really great like, news-y podcasts that are like, "here's what you need to know today." And it's three things and that's it. For your shop and I think that's the jewelry maker, right? Rachel? If you're gonna tell a story, if you can tell it in five to 10 minutes that's fine. There's definitely ways to get too long. If there's just a lot of not useful information, not interesting information, if you found yourself like going off on some weird tangent that isn't gonna be interesting to your listener you can cut that out. I wouldn't go, for most amateur podcast makers I wouldn't go over an hour. Just 'cause like you said it's a big investment. And people can binge past episodes if they want more of you. I think most of the episodes, and here it goes back to listen to what you love and see what you do. Because in most of our instances the people we're serving are similar to us in some key ways. Like how busy they are, what they have going on in their life. So even if you make jewelry and your listener doesn't make jewelry but she buys jewelry she might also be similar to you in age, in a lifestyle, and if you like a 20 minute podcast, she'll likely like a 20 minute podcast. And I don't know anybody that listens to podcasts that are two or three hours long because those are audio books. So if you want to do something for four hours, like write a book, write an audio book. Any other questions about, that was a good one about length. Yeah. I was gonna say I was listening to a podcast yesterday that was a three part podcast. So it was like a 45 minute, three times and they broke it up into three different weeks I think. I mean, I binged it, but. I'm saying, I think if you have something really long to say, break it up in a couple different segments. I love that. And it will also challenge you to find the interesting part to kind of like cliffhanger them, right? Into the next part of the episode, and then you can do the whole "Coming up in next week's episode "We're gonna cover this and this." I've done that with Q&A episodes when I get too many questions and I get into an hour. I'm like "I'm gonna end this, "we'll come back to your other questions."
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Ratings and Reviews
I design embroidery patterns and I love podcasts but I wasn't sure what I would talk about in my own podcast without being able to show pictures. After watching this course I already have 20+ ideas for podcast topics, plus I now know how to get a podcast up and running, step-by-step, AND how it fits with my business goals. Tara Swiger is an excellent teacher and coach. I filled page after page with notes!
Rhonda M.
Excellent, practical information.