Using Strong Language
Lesson 6 from: Powerful Communication Owns the RoomBill Hoogterp

Using Strong Language
Lesson 6 from: Powerful Communication Owns the RoomBill Hoogterp
Powerful Communication Owns the Room
1Students' 30 Second Speeches
09:22 2Communication Exercises
18:13 3Brain Works: Rewire, Refind, Reconnect
24:09 4Mirror Neurons
35:15 5Be Memorable: Paint Pictures, Evoke Emotions
42:40 6Using Strong Language
27:05 7Voice Modulation
52:32Body Language
26:15 9Power of Stories
29:41 10Dial Testing Student Stories
38:56 11Involve the Audience
45:04 12Body Poll Exercises
31:29 13Handling Distracted Audiences
25:25 14Using Names
17:27 15Team Presentations
23:11 16Active Listening
42:21 17Reading the Audience
14:05 18Think, Edit, Speak
30:00 19Imagine Your Opening
39:11 20Dial Test/Rating on Student Stories
38:40 21Students Present What They Have Learned
11:15 22Close with Action
44:10 23Putting the Pieces Together
22:13 24Map Out Better Meetings
17:20 25Power of Recognition
37:33 26Q & A
10:28 27Elevator Pitch
28:47 28Dial Testing on Student Pitches
52:51 29Motivational Speaking
24:37 30The 2 Minute Talk
33:03 31Improve Yourself Now
13:33Day 2
Day 3
Lesson Info
Using Strong Language
Okay, let's, do a quick excise and strong language, and then you're going to do your live cards, same thing before you can't show the card on camera and just gonna get up there and teach your thing. There is no perfect we learned mohr whether things work or don't work, we're all in this together, but first let's go back to what jackie wishes about strong language, it's four words that I want everybody to memorize. I want you to say them in exact order with me, everybody online as well paint pictures evoke emotions, say it with me, painting pictures evoke emotions if you're online, type it in just the top. When you said when you take notes, when you type or right, you're actually writing ingram's into your brain, you're making it even more that's why we remember things a little bit morally type, so when you paint a picture, you go around the filter and you go right into the memory centers of the brain, when you evoke an emotion, it has the same effect. He never put emotions into an audi...
ence. Well, I want my kids to feel this way I want my customers to feel this way doesn't work that way you can't put emotions into an audience, you can only draw emotions out. And the best way to draw them out was to feel them yourself when you paint pictures and evoke emotions it's double bonus points in the video game being being being being in terms of how memorable becomes all right, we're going to round two and whatever order the spirit moves you, whoever wants to go first, just get up to your card and then playing back. Ready? Who wants to go first? Gina, what sound does a cow make? And what does a cheater do when it really wants to get that antelope for dinner? It runs. And what does a human do when they have a goal and they're trying to get to it? What would you do that something I want you to think about? And this technique is really not about what you say, but about what you asked the audience to do. Whether it's the answer question or think about an answer in their own heads. Great, thanks, let's. Go next. Jack. The first power poulenc class I took said that there's a rule of thumb for powerpoint slides. You need ten slide twenty minutes and, uh, thirty something around right. But the whole presentation was done like this. Here's the rules of thumb for power point. You use bullets, it's ten, slides it at that all these rules of thumbs are just that the rules of thumbs what you really need to do is connect with your audience and give them the information they need great thank jack thank you and let's do what jack mitchell just did stay on stage until the other person comes up so we've always got someone station stop shooting your audience when you have power point don't use bullets power points are used to support your emotions they're used to evoke we used to punctuate what you're talking about get rid of the words they come out of you good come on jennifer when you were a kid and you were just learning to walk he started with small steps started with crawling you moved on to walking just one baby step at a time and improvement you want to try to things just as if you're a kid one notice these little things about yourself and then to try these little things don't go for the big mile run start with a baby step I have a question for you do you think you're charismatic? I guess my next question is what if charisma corresponds your personality shining through sometimes we're just a bed chai we're not comfortable in our own scan feel comfortable know who you are and you will shine through and you will be charismatic thank you laurie how strong do you feel today do you feel empowered? Do you feel like you're really part of your center and a part of the group? What if I come over and sit like this? Are you listening to what I have to say? Are you intrigued? Do you care at all about? Do you feel like I'm connecting with you at all? Body language is fifty five percent of our presentation standing at the beginning and feeling empowered and feeling like you belong versus slouching in a chair makes a huge difference. Only seven percent of our presentation is words the rest is up to you. Have you ever given a presentation and people are nodding off falling sleep, maybe drool coming out of their mouth? Or maybe they pull out their phone and they start checking their email? Well, how do you how do you fix that? You have to get you have to paint a picture and bypassed their filters so you can go straight to their brain and you can get the message across. Do you guys want a lot of hard to motivate people? Way can't put emotions into people, we can only draw them out and here's a tip when you experience an emotion, your audience with mirror it and that's a great approach to get people to feel the emotion you want them to feel all right. How could you have done that when you started the day when we gave you the blue cards? Could you have done is brilliantly, if you all just did. Sure you could've who stopped you, who stops us know ourselves, and we put ourselves in the boxes we put everybody you meet into a box when you meet people, you always have to put them in a box to make sense of who that's the way we make sense of the world when you all put me in a box. So that's, bill he's, our trainer guy today, when you step out of the box, was the world usually do tries to push you back in because it doesn't fit our structure. One of the reasons we love doing these trainings is all of our team members is every single group, every single time you make incremental progress, and if you watch the downloads every time we get to keep learning more, more things, getting better, no exceptions, but sometimes the progress is incremental, sometimes it's transformative. It is the coolest thing to see somebody everybody thought was shy. Turns out they weren't shy, and they are bold, strong, confident people or somebody that everybody thought was for both. This person does not know how to shut up, but they learn how to become powerfully. Concise and people start to hang on their words you can see these jumps but you have to be willing to get out of your box if you use some of these techniques next week some people tease you oh did you watch a communication seminar on creative live? Did you go to all in the room training or something? What they're really saying is go where get where where they want you to go back in your box if you refuse to go back in your box, what is the world do? It will build a new box around you it's really amazing how it happens but you can't have commit you have to commit to your own strength going very quickly watch and this time we're going to speed round for feedback after you're done you've only got thirty seconds total for feedback so twenty seconds positives ten seconds improvements superfast and team won first person what sound does a cow make and what does a cheater do when it really wants to get that antelope for dinner? It runs and what does a human do when they have a goal and they're trying to get to it? What would you do that something I want you to think about and this technique is really not about what you say but about what you asked the audience to do whether it's the answer question or think about an answer in their own heads okay whoever's ready get ready to jump right out thirty seconds ago when you engage from the beginning and you created a picture for all for all of us to follow and I love that I love your passes the way talk to you what you enunciate and I shall stop right now great thank you so we're gonna be concise without questions I don't think other quick another one more positive I think the questions were engaging I mean it just drawing instantly great thank you. And now feedback repeat back the answer so that's right they move that's right? It runs its a nice bridge into him very good. Okay yeah you have a gorgeous hair day but very good alright, next first power pulling class I took said that there's a rule of thumb for powerpoint slides you need ten slide twenty minutes and uh thirty something around right but the whole presentation was done like this here's the rules of thumb for power point you use bullets it's ten slides it at that. All these rules of thumbs are just that the rules of thumb what you really need to do is connect with your audience and give them the information they need your face and your eyes you talk with them thank you I like when you went to the screen and you really acted out the boring and exaggerated has exaggerated effect extremes create extreme feelings nicely done uh, good body language says patty thank you. Alright second question what can I do to improve your back was turned toward us for a significant portion of time that it was part of the purpose we saw that but probably longer than needed to be okay, I will probably speak a bit louder and enunciate a little more older and that so you've been driving with the brakes on with your voice but let it out a little bit more. Okay, I will do that. There was a bit of weak language who has commented from a couple different people. There are a few sentences you cut out almost all of us had somebody had a few sentences if you did it again, you cut those out. So one quick thing is richard's coming up to watch his is ten twenty thirty rule for power point there's no hard and fast rule everything situations different but ten slides say it with me. Ten slides, twenty minutes presentation thirty minutes discussion when you get more than ten or fifteen slides, what starts to happen where two filters go, they go up, we've all done fifty two slides, all of us what do we do it? Because we want to say so much put so many things in there that sometimes issues noise it's a mix of good reasons and not good reasons and good reasons are we want to be thorough there's a lot to cover we care about this stuff but what's the real reason why do we want to show everybody I want to show everybody how much good way how much way have dog hard words look boss I have fifty two sides it must have worked all weekend don't you think so? I give you ceo secret when you're young, your job is to impress everybody has a role that your role impress the boss impress the customers and pressure piers that's your job as you become more senior it's not your job to impress everybody anymore now it's your job to be impressed to let other people impress you when you leave time in the meeting for real discussion for other people to have ideas for the boss to accidentally be right once in a while for the customer have a decent idea while it's actually pretty clever when we let go of the need to show how smart we are, you get promoted from smart too wise it's a lot more fun let's watch richard stop shooting your audience we have a power point don't use bullets power points are used to support your emotions they're used to evoke we used to punctuate what you're talking about, get rid of the words they come out of you yes absolutely anywhere you started I like that it was engaging the policy how the pause made it much more powerful everything that made that echo minute resonate but ripple and grow alright specific things improve please think you could have shot the audience bull moon thought you started off a bit aggressive aggressive yes now if you do that if that's your island and you need to step out and say the reason I started so aggressive with this so you can build a bridge back from almost anywhere you go so if you do it for effect but then explain why you did that all right thank you when you were a kid and you were just learning to walk he started with small steps started with crawling you moved on to walking just one baby step at a time and improvement you want to try to things just as if you're a kid one notice these little things about yourself and then to try these little things don't go for the big mile run start with the baby step what did you like about this presentation? You're great pauses and also your hand movements really matched what you were saying and emphasize everything that you were saying awesome thank you you were smiling with your words to it was good thank you dream life on the internet the same that you look very much that you were in control all right everybody repeat the following sentence I say exactly already online I want you do the same thing repeat the sentence exactly ready I really need you to think e now do it with your hands as well as your words ready go some people say oh body language bill I loves me to have body language oh there by late this isn't body language its body noise it's good because it's energy but it's only half way there until it tells the story teller show me how do you say I with your hands how do you say you how do you say think put it all together wayne when you just have good content it comes to the brain mano when your hands tell the same stories your words it comes in stereo twice as powerful in terms of memorable that's what jennifer did well so what do you do with your hands open what I do in my hands easy whatever you're doing with your words if your words are angry your hands or angry if your words are relax your hands are relaxed all right last question quick question actually for you the rainy day store does bill know sign language just seems like you uses signing when he's speaking I know very few signs my wife's sister is deaf so I've learned a few but no in fact you know that every country in the world has different languages of sign we couldn't even all agree on that so what could I do to improve move around a little bit you're very uh stationery yeah, I have a question for brian the producer and jen did we pay for the whole room today or just this one spot right here so we pay for the whole room or just this one spot right here the whole room the whole room well, budgets are tied let's get our money's worth so step into the audience use more of your space say well if this is my whole room I'm only using one percent so if you stepped in walked with me step into the audience whenever you change your subjects you're stepping into a new spot creates energy for you sometimes people get nervous you see them walking around there like this they got the whole rain man thing going on that's not what you did but it's just an indication if they have a lot of energy and you released the energy by giving it a place to go all right, jennifer greatjob juice also points out that you lower your head a bit too much when you're speaking sky burger was saying echoing that same maybe make your movement a little bit more natural great and next to a couple more I have a question for you do you think you're charismatic? I guess my next question is what if charisma corresponds your personality shining through sometimes we're just a bed chai we're not comfortable in our own scan feel comfortable know who you are on you will china through and you will be charismatic well guys like the gestures that you're using thank you anything else you're just very natural you onstage versus you outside just chattering is the same person thank you you're the master of pauses what is charisma star trek like great humans must andi I believe you believe it and that makes me believe what you're saying thank you okay now let's get the juice out how can I improve please people from the audience can you help me please what could make it even better if you were to do that one again we'll be jones is saying don't forget it let your hands rested your side in between hand gestures or something that they're from the internet there okay but he also saying that you know this is very positive comments here there's actually very little that's critiquing and becca's saying you look so like you really care about your audience I do so thank you we've got marion oh who said maybe a little bit less overbearing and you're a little aggressive okay there's a saint and religion love covers many sins and in speaking passion covers technical flaws when you really care about the subject you really care about the audience but always temper that passion into where you wanted to go all right couple more how strong do you feel today? Do you feel empowered? Do you feel like you're really part of your center and a part of the group? What if I come over and sit like this? Are you listening to what I have to say? Are you intrigued? Do you care at all about do you feel like I'm connecting with you at all? Body language is fifty five percent of our presentation standing at the beginning and feeling empowered and feeling like you belong versus slouching in a chair makes a huge difference only seven percent of our presentation is words the rest is up to you what you guys think I love it when you use the whole area the wayyou for trade when you were saying I think was really good you set up different zones for each of the things that you were talking about and that was effective to help me transition from each of the zones so when she changed subject, what did she change? Let's see her position on the stage and as richard pointed out it's a really effective way to create the compartmentalization in your mind bull moon says you did not use much weak language and mary lou says you had a good use of the stage I like the extreme gestures to like you have such an amazing personality and you are confident in that and it's so enjoyable for us emotion uh what can I do better I believe probably it's no this speed we're probably the annunciation again you know I did understand everything it was really good but I think you can be so much better you know I think you could have had more movement in the second part which was the more serious part we're trying to relay that message you could involve the movement in that part I believe you're delivery could be more powerful if you incorporate more positive yeah very good I'll show you something about pauses everybody turned to a partner you'd be my partner and I tell them a any phone number tell them any phone number ready go okay now and if you're at home say your phone number out loud all right now turn to your partner and when you hear their partner talking pretend to write it down like you're listening to a voice mail but pause long enough that they finish writing so let's watch lot shawna new year's go ahead two years first all right see how long the policies need to be givers you ever read a voice mail and they said they're full number too fast how long does the paws have to be all right this time do your phone numbers again and do it long enough that they can write it go find one seven nine one three six nine five five one zero you weigh one six two and if and if you have questions by the way any time like three in the morning you can call john or russ that would all right. Okay let's stop there first shawna thank you so much round of applause thie last three we're gonna watch on the brake here so we make sure everybody gets that feedback we get step out and close on module to now exercise on strong language. Who has the most colorful shirt jacket or sweater in the studio right now who's the most colorful shorter jack it's better than okay. All right learning to mind come on up here and help me with something I need you to put on your jacket. You want me to just the jacket first? Learn that extra jennifer I'm have you come up me my warm up so in and then brian I'm going to pull you and I need you to come on up here so very quickly in boring language. What color is this and boring language type in what color this is inborn language purple in strong language where you paint a picture or evoke an emotion what color is this? Merlot merlot? What else you can use multiple words don't think feel when you look at that color where are you? What do you do? It said is one of the color of the sun some somewhere on the clouds where I am good now think food's think drinks fiery purple I'm there a lot that's my kid's grave you stained all over the carpet. All different things. The more memorable is the more sticks of the brain. Okay? And sunrise. Okay, jennifer, you're off. All right, brian so what color is this shirt in? Strong language. Okay, let's, get to interesting. So plan make it more interesting. Italian table cloth, italian tablecloth cowboy the wilderness lumberjack needs to do is laundry. Now, if you were to put this on three weeks from now, you pull the closet. What would you remember as you look at that now, uh, lumberjack italian this's strongly. Okay, off you go thinking this producer everybody that is brian lee most our line producer on this course. People were wondering and he is the star. It makes all this happen along with all of our other produce. Jenn everybody okay? Very quickly. Now, when I say go turn to a partner online, we'll have a gentle competition. See who can come up with the most creative phrases or gestures to describe the color of this and our supermodel is going to walk around the stage. You have twenty seconds turned your partner, come up with the most creative when you can roberto partner applejack begin supermodel walked the stage online folks put your words in what would be really creative and russ and john are going to be the choosers of which ones are most memorable to share out loud remember this is a family rated training said she rated show five seconds left three two one turn back this way all right when I point to you tell me what you came up with but don't just imprinted under her brain and that will share a few online and then I asked her the next time she takes out the closet what will she remember first you want what you came up with to be what sticks in her brain remember good bad or ugly whatever paints the most vivid picture or evokes the most emotions in her mind is what's going to become memorable for her all right what'd you guys come up with jack roberto melted blueberries and melted blueberries and milk be gone blue peacock blue nice sky blue uh on a sunny day going to a field trip okay tropical candy blue tropical candy blue online we've got matt lock with sea blue eyes that you could fall in love with on a first date on drina love this very lyrical once here question has said it's the bright blue sky that you can see is you flying on air balloon on air balloon clearest bluest azure waters of the caribbean says mona mine was smurfette why is she the only girl any other last ones? The cool and beautiful color of toast has kissed by the sky. We've got some real bullets online. Okay, now close your eyes. Now imagine a few weeks and now you're gonna pull out the closet when I say go, you're gonna open your eyes, look at the color and don't think just feel what's the first phrase that pops in your mind open your eyes look at the color I see images I see blueberries I see skies I see the whole thing making more very good all right, robin applause first. Alright, bill what's this have to do with presentations whenever you paint a picture, you have to go for that memory centre will be built on presenting number slides, data facts and figures. Same thing. If you can't paint a picture with the numbers, you can't remember it all statistics are pictures and emotions. Any sports fans in the room give me give me any number you remember in sports. Forty four forty four. My son and I just watched the movie forty two. They create pictures and emotions for us.
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Sheryl Mendoza
Super love this course! It's powerful, very engaging, insightful, and truly amazing! There are always golden nuggets on each class that you can implement right away! So grateful for this course! Lots of blessings to you, Bill! Thank you so much CreativeLive!
I am just of the 8th module and cant seem to have enough...i wish there were more hours in a almost feels like binge watching...its gotten me so hooked!!!!! Love it, great course Bill!!! Would recommend it 200%. So practical and really such great techniques!!!!!!!!!!!
a Creativelive Student
This is the best online training program I've ever purchased! At such a low price, you get a 3 day training from a master teacher in his field. I find Bill's sessions to be lively, engaging, and lots of fun. I've learned enough from just Day 1 to lessen some of my fear of public speaking and agreed to a new speaking engagement. I highly recommend this program, and will look into Creativelive trainings in the future. Thank you so much!
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