Day 1
1Open Your Eyes to Waste
15:44 2Do You Know Your Market & Customer?
35:45 3Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 1
31:59 4Define Your Current State
28:48 5Define Your Value Proposition
40:03 6Establish Your Baseline
28:45 7Data Collection Questions
25:53Summarizing Your Current State
31:29 9Getting Better...But Not Quite Right
35:23 10Create a Reality Tree & Causal Circle
42:39Day 2
11First Solutions Might Not Be Best
46:02 12Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 2
37:16 13Systems - Thinking Towards Innovation
35:50 14Flow Kaizen & The Kanban Process
23:52 15Simulation: LeanSigma Game - Round 3
16:58 16Variation Is The Enemy
28:05 17Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 1
56:14 18Error Free Performance
37:54 19Simulation: Catapult Exercise - Round 2
37:19Day 3
20Get People To Take Me Seriously
46:00 21Shifting to Empowerment
46:34 22The How Of Wow: Business Planning
40:09 23Standardized Work System
19:54 24The Control Phase of DMAIC
44:22 25Hot Seat: Jane Dolan
15:34 26Hot Seat: Kat Papadakis
10:00 27Hot Seat: Susan Judd
14:33 28Awaken Your Inner Zentrepeneur
52:10 29Heart Coherence
29:01Lesson Info
Hot Seat: Kat Papadakis
Caroline so kat give me an issue are that concern a challenge you have and let's see if we can okay so the first day when when you talked about the first day I was so motivated I went home and I I created up waste of while my customer onda put it in there like a v I p club letter that I wanted to show you the break the second day I went and I I wrote all the processes from beginning to end and who gets assigned to eat and then I was looking at it appear excel works it and I see a lot of white space and I don't know how to get rid of that that's a great question because so often we get out we define and we measure we collect the data we like it laid out and we even analyse it perhaps you've start maybe some of the analysis we don't and we don't know what to do that is clue number one for get help right? So get help so this is where you'd say now this is a process that involves other people that work with you and for you actually have cat maybe introduce what her businesses and shoe in a...
size of the team that you're managing so so my my website is good agent that orc and I work for jairo cliff really doors in the space and we have a team of four people but I also have a team of another I don't know eight people I have my stager have my photographer have my title company I have my mortgage people I have my um uh 00:01:57.131 --> 00:02:02. my inside lead coordinator who is in manila I have 00:02:02.41 --> 00:02:08. my um my my buyer's agent so we all have thanks we 00:02:08.65 --> 00:02:13. do of course but I think there is a lot of chaos 00:02:15.47 --> 00:02:20. well you think or you know I know I seem very calm 00:02:20.16 --> 00:02:23. but there is so this is where again yeah this is going 00:02:23.22 --> 00:02:25. to sound like repetition after awhile but what what 00:02:25.71 --> 00:02:28. am I likely to say show me the data so show me the 00:02:28.96 --> 00:02:30. data and you've you've been collecting data you've 00:02:30.79 --> 00:02:33. been massing things out you've been you've been identifying 00:02:33.36 --> 00:02:34. the white space 00:02:35.24 --> 00:02:38. well court yet well but that's the d d in the formula 00:02:38.81 --> 00:02:42. for change the d a degree of dissatisfaction the more 00:02:42.45 --> 00:02:45. I look and dig dig up the data whether I'm doing a 00:02:45.15 --> 00:02:47. time management study and looking at how much time 00:02:47.73 --> 00:02:50. I'm wasting or the white space in my process for the 00:02:50.55 --> 00:02:51. chaos 00:02:52.5 --> 00:02:55. that should it should be disturbing because that's 00:02:55.6 --> 00:02:57. part of motivating change 00:02:58.32 --> 00:03:01. now does it disturb the people that you work with 00:03:01.78 --> 00:03:04. a cz muchas it disturbs you are they also aggravated 00:03:04.8 --> 00:03:07. by this process this white space do they feel it 00:03:08.67 --> 00:03:10. all right so then that's the next step is how do I 00:03:10.88 --> 00:03:15. get the people to see it and feel it because if I 00:03:15.71 --> 00:03:20. see it and they don't and I try to make change and 00:03:20.83 --> 00:03:24. they don't understand why. And I see this vision of 00:03:24.45 --> 00:03:28. a better state in the future, and they feel the pain 00:03:28.07 --> 00:03:30. of disruption. And while cats changing these she's 00:03:30.85 --> 00:03:35. moving the chairs around again and she's she's frustrated 00:03:35.18 --> 00:03:39. and she's mad at us and she's, so we that's misalignment. 00:03:39.62 --> 00:03:42. So how do we, how do we get a line way? Get them to 00:03:42.36 --> 00:03:46. see what you see I creek. I call it a collective mind. 00:03:46.04 --> 00:03:49. I think you're right. Like, say, I have a new listing 00:03:49.87 --> 00:03:53. if my title company and my photographer, if they could 00:03:53.2 --> 00:03:57. all see that I have a new listing and they knew the 00:03:57.07 --> 00:04:01. role that would take a lot of the wife space away. Sure, and we create that's what we create standard work systems. So how you they know instantaneously. Almost in this day and age, people are getting more and more familiar with instantaneous information. It just it pings them in their pocket, so cats got a new listing, so what is my pre program to response to that? My standard work response to that? It shouldn't be like I'm not scratching my head. I'm your photographer, you know, I don't know what to do. I guess maybe I should call you up now. I'm interrupting, or I should email you. Now. Maybe I'm emailing you because I haven't got a standard recipe, so to speak. So if you're gonna work in, uh, cat's business with cat, we're going to follow up a standard work routine, which is a win win for all of us. So when there's a a new listing. Here's what everyone does and here's the time you have to do it so you managed to a attack time a drumbeat this is like what amazon does when they order something from from my company books okay it's it's a forty eight hour confirmation time a seven day delivery time and it's it's like it's the expectation they've now set will all of their vendors and then they qualify those vendor so you qualify your photographer you qualify your mortgage person you quality qualify these people to work with you and for you by following your standard routine and it gives you that catapult type experience rather than what I think I heard you talk about was this chaos with all this white space and and confusions that makes sense um I think I already see like light I could share my gmail calendar with all of them could be us easy as a text template to all ten of them this is the address and you know what to do because I've given you your job description yeah yeah it's just it's not sista job description there's job descriptions for for different roles this is a standard operating routine or standard operating procedure for something it's a process so starting with the new listing what are all the things that have to be done like a project plan okay in order for us to really wow our our client okay what's it going to take and every one of the team members has to understand that and agree to it and believe in it hopefully commit to it not just agree to it and they're more likely to do that if they help you design it just think about this what if you pull them all together for a mini kaisa and you said look in the next uh half a day with lunch or something like that we're going to map out our current process or we're going to look at some of the undesirable effects we have today and we're going to come up with a new standard process we're going to test it okay so it's not etched in stone yet because we want to test it to see how everyone likes it and see how the customer the client likes it I will come back together again and we'll revisit it to see if we need to tweak it a little bit more kaizen it again so to speak by involving them helping them see the problem take ownership for solving the problem instead of it being you fixing the problem then what exactly it's it's a very powerful technique and getting people excited about change and is opposed to resisting it well thank you thank you good good good anything else I know but it's not the word in your dictionary but 00:07:59.788 --> 00:08:04. I have ah I am very trying to change my time minus 00:08:04.52 --> 00:08:07. wrinkles I am polly chronic and greek so I tend to 00:08:07.66 --> 00:08:12. drift so everything is in a continuum I think I just 00:08:12.61 --> 00:08:15. heard yeah but did I just hear you have but I'm greek 00:08:15.48 --> 00:08:20. therefore yeah okay so I'd have been butting my emails 00:08:20.8 --> 00:08:23. and he has made a lot of difference instead of having 00:08:23.97 --> 00:08:28. them papa okay and I have to I don't act in reaction 00:08:28.09 --> 00:08:32. anymore just bust them at the top of the hour and 00:08:32.44 --> 00:08:36. deal with him then okay you organize them at the top 00:08:36.78 --> 00:08:39. of the hour okay as opposed to you don't batch him 00:08:39.64 --> 00:08:43. once a week no okay because that would be that would 00:08:43.3 --> 00:08:47. be a big dangerous mistake okay so you're just organizing 00:08:47.01 --> 00:08:51. them and cycling through smaller small amounts but 00:08:51.18 --> 00:08:54. at a pace it sounds like almost a top of the hours 00:08:54.24 --> 00:08:59. attack time yes yash yeah okay yeah yeah yeah ok well 00:09:00.1 --> 00:09:03. it's been great good good well alright good so you're 00:09:03.56 --> 00:09:06. going to get your team together and you're gonna say 00:09:06.22 --> 00:09:08. you could do a little mini kaizen and you're going 00:09:08.0 --> 00:09:10. to evaluate the current state with data including 00:09:10.99 --> 00:09:13. the white space and then you're going to come up with 00:09:13.45 --> 00:09:17. a pre programmed response and a standard routine to 00:09:17.82 --> 00:09:21. test the next time you get a listing to see how it 00:09:21.77 --> 00:09:23. works for everybody and what you're searching for 00:09:23.71 --> 00:09:28. is better faster leaner and more user friendly for 00:09:28.97 --> 00:09:31. for your people if they come back to you and they 00:09:31.24 --> 00:09:35. go well it was and most important of the clients. 00:09:36.31 --> 00:09:39. Wow, that was that was a wonderful experience. Can't 00:09:39.76 --> 00:09:42. wait. All right, good. I wanna, I want to hear about 00:09:42.29 --> 00:09:44. that. You know how to reach me. So you tell me how 00:09:44.75 --> 00:09:47. that goes. Thank you. All right, good.
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