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Shipping, Legal and Tax Settings

Lesson 17 from: Shopify Fundamentals: Set and Run an Online Store

Damiano Raveenthiran

Shipping, Legal and Tax Settings

Lesson 17 from: Shopify Fundamentals: Set and Run an Online Store

Damiano Raveenthiran

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17. Shipping, Legal and Tax Settings

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Lesson Info

Shipping, Legal and Tax Settings

shipping, legal and tax settings. You've reached this lesson in the Shopify fundamental scores In this chapter, we're going to cover how to set up your taxes, your shipping and your legal pages which are required for any e commerce store to ensure protection for you and your customer base. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to navigate these pages flawlessly and update your settings as your business needs grow. You can add or generate default refund privacy in terms of service policies that will be linked to the footer of your checkout pages, templates for your store policies are available in the Shopify platform for you to use as well as in the resource guide in this course. Now, when it comes to success in e commerce, your store can largely be impacted by how a product order is fulfilled and whether shipping is optimized for profitability. Shipping is considered the final step of the transactional customer experience, the speed of delivery and overall shipping experience can...

affect repeat sales, reviews and word of mouth recommendations. Landing on the right shipping strategy often requires a lot of research which ultimately involves deciding how to charge for shipping, selecting the best fulfillment option, choosing packaging and branding choices and choosing a carrier that works for your business. The real challenge when figuring out your shipping strategy is determining a solution that cuts into your margin as little as possible and yet remains attractive to your customers whether you are self shipping, warehousing or drop shipping. You can set up your preferred shipping method from the shipping settings, page you also have options in how to set up your shipping rates in the Shopify admin. Such options include free shipping carrier calculated shipping Flat rate or a combination of any of the three before you launch your store. You should have a plan for handling back orders and returns. If you choose to track inventory with Shopify and allow over selling for sold out products, you'll need to consider the customer service implications and create a communication and fulfillment workflow to address these cases don't allow over selling. Instead you can create certain customize ations on your storefront so that people can sign up for back in stock notifications as your business grows and the order volume increases your storage. Shipping strategy will eventually evolve and you'll need to increase it. This may require the support of warehousing solutions or inventory apps with shipping capabilities. To further automate fulfillment workflows. Take the time to explore shipping and fulfillment apps to find the right strategy for your business available on the Shopify app, store in your file settings. You can upload, manage and delete files built on the Shopify content delivery network. This allows you to use images across the store without having to re upload them. At each point. You can use uploaded files in your themes, blog posts, products and collection descriptions depending on where you live. You may need to register your business with a local or federal tax authority to handle taxes for your store. It's important to know that Shopify doesn't file or remit your sales taxes on your behalf, but it does provide calculations and reports to help you stay organized. When it comes to the time of filing your taxes. You should seek specific tax advice from a local tax authority or a professional accountant. The Shopify admin makes accommodations for advanced settings in scenarios where you need to include taxes in your product prices, override default tax settings and charge taxes on shipping rates. Now, depending on where you are going to be selling, you may need to enable one or more additional sales channels. Each of them opens access to a new marketplace where you will be able to display and sell products and services outside of your Shopify store front sales channels such as Shopify pos, facebook or instagram may have a cost associated with them, but new ones are constantly being added. Now here's a quick knowledge check before we move on to the next portion of the course, we'll see you there

Class Materials

Bonus Materials with Purchase

Exercise - Create an Engaging About Us Page
More Recourses Part 1
More Recourses Part 2
Build a Successful Business with Outsourcing
Shopify Resource Links
Shopify Glossary
Creating an Engaging About Us Page
Create your own Site - Final Project
Business Model Checklist

Ratings and Reviews

Kiera White

Outstanding course for shopify store fundamental

Shani Athalage



Amazing course for learning basic Fundamentals of shopify

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