Everything is figureoutable.
-Marie Forleo, on exploration and courage
The world wants to put you in a box. It wants you to be “an accountant,” “an engineer,” “an artist,” or whatever other neat, tidy label it can put on you. And it wants you to choose just one— because people who don’t fit neatly into a single box aren’t as easy to categorize.
But as Marie Forleo can tell you from experience, fulfilling your true potential often means breaking that mold, like she did when she transitioned from success on Wall Street to choreographing hip-hop on MTV to founding a digital education company named in the Inc. 500.
About 30 Days Of Genius
In this free video series, renowned photographer and CreativeLive Founder Chase Jarvis joins 30 of the brightest creative and entrepreneurial minds of our time for inspiring and informative interviews.
30 Days of Genius unlocks the big thinking and breakthroughs that allowed these geniuses to break the mold, with the goal of igniting the genius inside you.
You'll hear from Mark Cuban, Arianna Huffington, Levar Burton, Richard Branson, Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tim Ferriss, Ramit Sethi, and 22 more gamechanging geniuses.

Market & Launch Your Next Big Thing
with Tara Gentile

Overcome your fears and
start your business today
Let’s face it: starting an online business can be scary. And the scariest part is the big launch: you press the “go” button, hold your breath and hope for the best: What if nobody cares? What if everybody thinks my product stinks? What if I’m annoying everybody?? We’ve all been there— the fear is real!
But starting a business doesn’t have to be scary, and it’s not as complicated as you might think.
The secret is that it doesn’t matter how shiny your website is, what software you use, or how many Twitter followers you have — the only thing that matters is whether you understand your customers. That’s it! The rest is just execution.
Knock down all the fears that are getting in the way and get your business off the ground TODAY with this amazing class from Tara Gentile.
You'll learn:
- Tara’s “Quiet Power” strategy that helped one entrepreneur re-launch her product and generate 5 times as many sales at a higher price point
- How to sell without feeling sleazy (SO many people struggle with this— you’re not alone!)
- 12-step guide to creating amazing sales pages that will convert brand new visitors into paying customers (including a fill-in-the-blanks sales page template to get you started)
- Tara’s matrix for developing “Key Insights” about your customer that will help you create breakthrough products and sales messages
- 5-step process for creating powerful email marketing campaigns (you probably already know that email is by FAR the most important part of your marketing strategy)
- How to connect with influencers and enlist their help (wouldn’t it be awesome to get that Instagram-famous girl/guy to promote your product??)
The world's best education platform for creatives + entrepreneurs
CreativeLive is the world’s largest and best online creative education platform, with more than 10 million students and 2 billion minutes of video consumed on its platform. Featuring classes in photography, video, design, music, and entrepreneurship - CreativeLive classes are taught by the world’s top experts-- Pulitzer-, Grammy-, Oscar winners, New York Times bestselling authors, thought leaders and legendary entrepreneurs.
Launched in 2010 and now reaching every country on the planet every month - CreativeLive has created more than 1,500 clases, 25,000 lessons, 2,000 articles and over 10,000 hours of highly curated HD video education since its inception. A combination of live and pre-recorded classes allow never-before access to the best teachers and a global community of students. Live classes allow free, real-time interaction with these experts and students AND pre-recorded videos allow students to learn at their own pace.