The minute you turn vanilla, the world abandons you.
-Ramit Sethi, on staying true to your vision
If you’ve signed up for his emails, read his book “I Will Teach You To Be Rich,” or taken one of his courses, you know exactly why Fortune Magazine calls Ramit Sethi “the new finance guru on the block.” Ramit has the rare ability to simultaneously give you a pat on the back, a kick in the butt and make you laugh-- a fun and inspiring combination that’s often imitated, but never duplicated.
How many times have you told yourself “I know I should _____, but [insert excuse here]”? And how much progress would you have made toward your goals if you were able to silence that voice and get rid of the excuses that keep you from putting in the work that you know you should? If you’re like most of us, you’d rather not answer those questions— but as you’ll learn from this great conversation with Ramit, the answer is simple: change your habits, and you’ll change your life.
About 30 Days Of Genius
In this free video series, renowned photographer and CreativeLive Founder Chase Jarvis joins 30 of the brightest creative and entrepreneurial minds of our time for inspiring and informative interviews.
30 Days of Genius unlocks the big thinking and breakthroughs that allowed these geniuses to break the mold, with the goal of igniting the genius inside you.
You'll hear from Mark Cuban, Arianna Huffington, Levar Burton, Richard Branson, Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tim Ferriss, Ramit Sethi, and 22 more gamechanging geniuses.

How To Make Money
with Ramit Sethi

Start your side business
and achieve financial freedom
Like Ramit says in this interview, there are no gatekeepers except the ones in our own minds. We don’t have to wait for anyone to give us permission to build the rich life we want. All we have to do is put in the work. And you can start right now.
If you’re ready to turn your passions into income but aren’t sure where to begin, take the first step toward building your business with this class. What are you waiting for?
You'll learn:
- The 16-step roadmap for earning your first $1,000 in freelance income on the side (and why deciding what NOT to do may be the most important step)
- Ramit’s 4-step method to finding a profitable idea for a side business— even if you’re starting completely from scratch
- How to grow an email list and build valuable relationships with your audience that will generate income for years
- The “Ask without selling” technique that can help you raise your rates to 2x, 5x, or even 20x what you think you can charge (Ramit used this to raise his own rates from $20 an hour to $3,000 an hour)
- How to use his "Demand Matrix" to assess the profitability of your business concept
- How to combine all of this into a Profit Playbook that’s your roadmap to a rich life: a snapshot of the market, a strategy for how you’ll approach it, and the specific steps you’ll take to execute that strategy
The world's best education platform for creatives + entrepreneurs
CreativeLive is the world’s largest and best online creative education platform, with more than 10 million students and 2 billion minutes of video consumed on its platform. Featuring classes in photography, video, design, music, and entrepreneurship - CreativeLive classes are taught by the world’s top experts-- Pulitzer-, Grammy-, Oscar winners, New York Times bestselling authors, thought leaders and legendary entrepreneurs.
Launched in 2010 and now reaching every country on the planet every month - CreativeLive has created more than 1,500 clases, 25,000 lessons, 2,000 articles and over 10,000 hours of highly curated HD video education since its inception. A combination of live and pre-recorded classes allow never-before access to the best teachers and a global community of students. Live classes allow free, real-time interaction with these experts and students AND pre-recorded videos allow students to learn at their own pace.