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Build a Love Affair With Your Customers

Multi-Class Bundle

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  • 4 complete classes
  • Exclusive bonus content
  • Lifetime access, anywhere, anytime
  • Streaming and downloadable files
  • Available on desktop, mobile and tablet
  • Watch offline with iPhone & iPad
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
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CreativeLive makes inspiring creative classes accessible to everyone.

They are the most valuable, least understood customers of our time. They buy over $4 trillion in life-improving products and services every year. If you serve their deeply human need to continually improve their lives, they will eagerly engage with your brand at a time when most people are tuning out.

They are Transformational Consumers, and no one knows them like Tara-Nicholle Nelson. Her Transformational Consumer insights powered her work at MyFitnessPal, which grew from 40 million to 100 million users in her time there. 

Nelson has worked with the biggest brands to engage hundreds of millions of consumers and she has developed a framework delivered across four classes that will teach you how to understand and connect with this important customer base.

After exploring their brains, emotions, and behaviors, Nelson will inspire you to shift your focus from simply making products to solving your customers’ problems.

You’ll learn her framework and hear cases studies from every industry in these fours classes that can be purchased individually or as a bundle:

  • How to Build and Market Products That Change People’s Lives
  • Rethink What you Sell and Who you Serve
  • Build a Customer Journey Map that Drives Engagement
  • Rethink Your Content Marketing Strategy

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