Lesson Info
Animating 360
Okay so let's go in here, we're gonna do this Spherical Panorama and we're gonna do some, just wanna let you know that you can do animation. So, Sam here, that's a really grizzly pose. But that's alright. I'm very serious taking this picture, no matter what. Okay. Alright so, let me get into the Spherical map. I'm down here and I'm gonna do, let's go to Camera Raw Filter, might make this look a little better. And if you don't know how to use Camera Raw Filter, I just did a whole session on it. You guys were here. And so it's part of Photoshop week. Check it out. Alright so there we go. And we're gonna there. Do the blacks with the shadows. Okay that looks better, right? You guys like that better? Okay, no, okay. (laughing) well why don't we apply a funny, one of these funny filters. Remember we created that. If you wanna know how to do that, should've been here. Okay so click okay. And so now what we've done is we've got this kind of, we've done all that color correction and everything...
. And just to prove to you that color correction does go through, wait for it to update, boom. See, there we go. So that proves it right? (laughs) So whatever I do in there is gonna update in the main image. Alright so why don't we do something really fun like animate this. So what we wanna do is we're gonna get up onto here onto the window and we wanna open up the timeline. Um duroot doot doo. There it is timeline right there. Wow that's a tall timeline. Okay lemme just pull that down a little bit. Okay so I don't know if you guys are aware but Photoshop can do video and it can do animation. Did you guys know that? Alright cool. Now you know. Alright so, that it there. And that's the timeline. So what I wanna do is I'm just gonna save this. 'Cause this is just a flat image and I don't wanna do a 2D animation. I wanna do a 3D animation. So we're here inside of the 3D, 360 degree photo. So Photoshop, since Photoshop CS6 Extended, has been able to do 3D animation. So not only does it do video animation, it does 3D animation. So this is a 3D object we're working with right now. So what we wanna do is we wanna first of all, make it work in video. So see that little thing that says create video timeline, you wanna click that. And now we have a timeline. And if we look across here, we can say here's our timeline. One second, two seconds, three, four, five. I could make this go all the way around if I wanted. Pretend I did that. 'Cause I'm not because it's gonna take too long for me to render it to show you. So I'm just gonna take a little snippet and move it a little bit. But just remember you can move it around as much as you want. But I just wanna do a few seconds 'cause I wanna actually be able to render this for you guys and I don't want it to take forever. So I just shortened it to two seconds. Okay. So here's how it works. If we open up the background here. And we click it up. You've seen position, opacity and style but now 3D options are there. Whoa, where did they come from? Remember, whenever you see this little icon here, that means we're working with a 3D object that little cube, means we're working with 3D object inside of Photoshop. And when you see that 3D object, now we can animate these properties. Now the only one we're really gonna animate is camera position. So we're just gonna click on that little stop watch. Now the camera, you know when we move around, that's actually called the camera. That's moving the 3D camera so that the camera is the view port. So what we're looking at is what the 3D camera is seeing. So it's not this 3D camera, it's Photoshop's 3D camera. So it's like the view or the framing of that particular shot that we're seeing at the time. So what we do is we're adding a key frame. What does a key frame do? A key frame means that we're gonna change something over time. So we're informing right now, Photoshop, hey Photoshop, we're about to change something. No, I did a whole course on this. I did a whole day video and animation in Photoshop and that's available on Creative Live. If you wanna really get into depth and see what's possible video and animation. I covered all of that in a full day class. Right now, we're just gonna do the basics of key framing. And I just want you to understand that Photoshop is a very very capable tool of animation and video. A lot of people don't know that. Okay so what we've done is we see that key frame. And a key frame is saying this is the position that I wanna see. But I don't wanna start with me. I wanna start over here. You know, looking at this. And I think that would be an epic place to start. What do you guys think? I mean that's a nice way to start an animation right? Alright I think it's pretty nice. So notice that little yellow diamond down there. That little yellow diamond says there's a key frame. Now a key frame by itself does nothing. All a key frame does is it's whole purposes in life, a single key frame is to look for a partner. So that is looking for another key frame. It's whole purpose right now is where is another key frame? Give me another key frame or I ain't doing nothing, right? So what happens is when we add a second key frame, whatever changes between those two key frames is what's gonna be animated. So we can do animation for positions. So let me make it simple. So like say this drone is here. And I create a key frame. Then I move the drone over here and I create another key frame. Photoshop 'tweens or in betweens and it will move it over time between those two key frames. So what it will do is it will do it every time. The tweening comes from comic books and animations. Not comic books, from animation. From animated features, comics. So basically the key artists would create the individual frames. And then they would give them to junior artists who would create the in between frames, which would be the, you know, the animation. You've all seen how it all works. So it's the same thing except Photoshop does all the tweening for you. So all we need to do is say, you know what, this is where I want it to start. And I want it to end on me. But I need to change the times. So I'm gonna go forward to two seconds in time. So I'm clicking and dragging the play head. Now this is struggling 'cause this is pretty heavy file (laughs) and so now I'm two seconds into the future, right? So now we've moved forward. That there is our timeline. So zero, two and it goes all the way to the end. So that's our timeline. So what we need to do now is just change something. And what are we changing? Camera position. So if we choose a new camera position, by clicking and dragging on here. And let's go this way. And we zoom into me. And let's go in the middle so I'm not distorted. And I release it after a second, a second key frame will appear. See that? So now what's happening is in time, as you create animation, now don't expect me to just move this, you're gonna get, you know, a live update. But you can see (chuckles) it's gonna, 'cause like this is heavy competition. This is 3D animation. See that? So as I'm moving this around, it's going oh so it went the other way. That's nice. Okay that's fine. Okay so we created the animation. It decided to go the other way to me rather than that way, which is fine, I don't care. So the camera's animating around right now. In order to see this, what we need to do is we need to encode it. But before we do it, this is a huge file. I'm gonna drop the size of it down. So I'm just gonna choose image size. 'Cause I'm show you how, I'll put this as a video and an animated GIF. I mean how much cooler would that be to get a 360 degree camera and create an animation and animated GIF. That's just, you know, it's too much, okay. (audience laughing) Alright so we're gonna drop this down to let's say 30%. And we're gonna click okay alright I mean, all these things you didn't think were possible in Photoshop, right? Okay it's smaller. Maybe it'll play a little better now. No it still can't handle it. It's too much. Okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna output. See ah there we go. Did you see that move? There we go. See that? So this what the animation's gonna look like. What I wanna do now is I want to export it. I'm gonna choose file export. And I can do this two different ways. I'm gonna render a video first just 'cause we can. So we're gonna do this as a video and oh by the way, notice that down to the size I dropped it down to which is 2000 pixels. Originally, that file out of the camera before I resized it, that was 4K. We could've actually created a 4K 3D animation. Really cool looking but as you can imagine it would be some pretty heavy, we'd be here, you know, past my plane took off to for it to render. So that's why I dropped it down a size. So it's not that it's incapable. And you can change the 3D quality. All that kind of stuff. I'm just gonna select a folder here and we're gonna drag it into 360 Editing and we're gonna call it whatever it's called. We're gonna choose it. Why don't we call this one 360. 360CL, alright and now we're gonna click here. We're gonna hit render. The 61 frames is rendering. How did I know that? I peeked, I looked. And it's (chuckles) rendering right now. So why don't i get to that folder. And I have a feeling by the time we get to that folder we're gonna be good to go. So here we go. Let's go down here. Creative Live, Photoshop Week. And... 360 Editing and there it is. Okay you guys ready? I sure hope it worked. (laughs) Ah! No i didn't wanna do that. Okay it's launching. So I changed my default program. Don't worry. That was actually I'm just embedding it into a web page. Don't need to do that. Okay I'm just gonna hit the space bar and it'll work. Okay so there's a video and look at that. Tadahh. So you know, of course, you could do different things with it. Change the speed and all that kind of stuff. And like I was saying, I would normally do a longer animation that that. Maybe all the way around and keep it looping but it would take longer for it to encode. We don't have the time for that right now. But here's what we'll do for an animated GIF. So we're here. We want a GIF. We're gonna choose File, Export, Save for Web. Right there. I know I moved fast. I spoke fast but I move slowly. So that's frozen in time. File, Export, Save for Web (Legacy) Alright so I'm gonna get out of there. I hope they don't take it away any time soon. It's coming. It's thinking. So this is a, yeah it's a pretty heavy computational thing we're doing right now. Anything with 3D is like it's okay. Uh huh, and here we go. So we've got it right now. Why don't we drop the size down a little bit. Let's maybe drop it down like say so it will fit on a web page. And or Facebook, of course. We always love to do this on Facebook, don't we? And I'm just gonna resize. And... Almost there okay. So JPEG. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna convert that to a GIF right there. And if you look under here, we got looping options. Once or Forever. So we're gonna keep that looping forever. We'll do a boomerang thing. We could go in between the frames and we could do all that stuff right there. See that? That enables us to move around the frames. We can compress it. We can do all kinds of things. And I'm just gonna click on Save. We're gonna drop it back into here. And we're gonna call it CL360-gif.gif Save and this actually saves really fast. It's done. So all the thinking actually happens inside Save for Web. And we get back in here. Photoshop Week. 360, I'll drag that in there so we'd never have to wait for that again (laughs). And where's that GIF? There it is. And there we go. You have this GIF that's just gonna keep going forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever (audience laughing) and ever so make you seasick. But you can see, you know, you can do all that. I mean, I don't know. I think that's kind of cool. You know, it's fun. Oh that's you. It's someone with a microphone. You're gonna sing karaoke? I just have a little question (laughing) so when you render that MP4 out, is it gonna retain the meta data that Facebook needs to recognize that as a 360? Or is this just gonna play as a regular video on Facebook actually no this just gonna play as a video. Okay. So, we render that as a video. If you wanna put it into Facebook, it's actually a lot easier than that. Super easy. What we do is we just under here we choose 3D, Spherical Panorama, Export Panorama. And if we go here, we just click on there. And we'll save that file right there, hit Save. Boom and you just upload that to Facebook. All the meta data and everything is in there and then people can move around and look at it. So it's, so it puts it back into that panorama that Facebook recognizes. So super simple so you don't have to like do any of that. So that was one part of it. I now have got time for one quick last thing I think. I know I went really fast. I should probably show that again 'cause that's a really important thing. This is the 360 photo. Forget the animation, forget the timeline. Just forget about that. Let me just close that. 'cause this is more about, you know, here's the photo. Forget the animation. So this is the 360 photo that we're working on right? So that's it. Here's our 360 photo. We've made all of our adjustments. We're like yup, that's awesome. So what you wanna do is just set it here to the position that you want Facebook to start on. So I want this to start maybe on me or maybe I wanna start on the Palace of Fine Arts Building is probably. You know, let's be honest, it's better looking than me. Alright so we go there. And maybe that's the frame I wanna start on. So then to get this into Facebook or wherever you wanna share it. As a 360 picture, we're just gonna choose 3D, Spherical Panorama, Export Panorama. So essentially, what this is gonna do is this is gonna go right back into the format that we started with. So when I took this with this camera here, you could upload that directly to Facebook and get the VR experience. We didn't go into Photoshop to create the VR experience. We went into Photoshop to edit it. So we could remove things, so we could retouch it, so we could adjust it and then we're gonna export this out and it's gonna go back out to this format but now it's gonna look nice 'cause we've done all our adjustments and stuff inside of Photoshop.
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