How to Use CC Libraries in Adobe Illustrator CC
Lesson 25 from: Adobe Illustrator FundamentalsDaniel Walter Scott

How to Use CC Libraries in Adobe Illustrator CC
Lesson 25 from: Adobe Illustrator FundamentalsDaniel Walter Scott
Lesson Info
25. How to Use CC Libraries in Adobe Illustrator CC
1Class Introduction to Adobe Illustrator CC for Beginners
02:15 2Class Exercise Files for Adobe Illustrator CC Essentials
01:20 3Getting Started with Adobe Illustrator CC
4How to Draw in Adobe Illustrator CC with Shapes & Lines
22:34 5How to Draw Using the Shape Builder Tool in Adobe Illustrator CC
07:29 6How to Draw a Fox Using the Shape Builder Tool in Adobe Illustrator
10:10Drawing - Quiz
8How to Draw Custom Logo Shapes Easily in Adobe Illustrator CC
04:53 9How to Draw Anything Using the Curvature Tool in Adobe Illustrator
13:09 10How to Draw Using the Pen Tool in Adobe Illustrator CC
13:19 11Drawing with the Pencil Tool in Adobe Illustrator CC
13:11 12How to Use Brushes in Adobe Illustrator CC
12:56 13How to Draw Lines with the Width Tool in Adobe Illustrator
09:15Type & Fonts
14How to Use Type & Fonts in Adobe Illustrator to Design a Postcard
14:17 15How to Curve Type Around a Badge Using Adobe Illustrator CC
12:52 16How to Break Apart & Destroy Text & Fonts Using Adobe Illustrator CC
17What is RGB & CMYK Colors in Adobe Illustrator CC
03:59 18How to Steal Colors from an Image Using Eye Dropper in Illustrator
03:41 19How to Find Amazing Colors in Illustrator Using Color Theme
04:50 20How to Make Gradients in Adobe Illustrator CC
06:04 21Color - Quiz
22How to Mask an Image Inside Text in Adobe Illustrator CC
07:08 23How to Cut Holes in Shapes Using Compound Shapes in Illustrator CC
10:39 24Masking - Quiz
CC Libraries
25How to Use CC Libraries in Adobe Illustrator CC
10:28Effects & Patterns
26Making Things Liquid & Distorted in Adobe Illustrator CC
08:01 27How to Bend & Warp Shapes & Text in Adobe Illustrator CC
05:32 28Drawing Amazing Repeating Shapes in Adobe Illustrator CC
05:11 29How to Create Repeating Patterns in Adobe Illustrator CC
08:53 30How to Vectorize an Image in Adobe Illustrator CC
11:53 31Effects & Patterns - Quiz
Capture App
32How to Use Adobe Capture App with Adobe Illustrator CC
11:23Free Templates
33Using Free Templates in Adobe Illustrator CC
34Exporting for Print
05:59 35How to Save Your Illustrator Files as Jpegs for Websites
05:21 36Exporting - Quiz
Real World Exercises
3732. How to Redraw the MasterCard Logo in Adobe Illustrator CC
04:50 38How to Redraw the Instagram Logo in Adobe Illustrator CC
07:50 39How to Redraw the Kodak Logo in Adobe Illustrator CC
11:23 40How to Redraw the eHarmony Logo in Adobe Illustrator CC
10:40 41How to Redraw the Tinder Logo in Adobe Illustrator CC
06:08 42How to Redraw the BP Logo in Adobe Illustrator CC
07:47Next Steps
43Cheat Sheet for Adobe Illustrator CC
09:43 44Course Conclusion for Adobe Illustrator CC
01:14Final Quiz
45Final Quiz
Lesson Info
How to Use CC Libraries in Adobe Illustrator CC
Hey there, illustrator lovers. It is time for CC libraries. Okay. We've ignored it. It's this panel over here next to properties have ignored it this whole course now. It's time to get to grips with it. Find out all the perks, the colors, the free images, the sharing. Ah It's great. Let's go and learn how to do cc libraries now. Alright, so it's time for libraries now, if you can't see your libraries, go to the library tab, if you can't see it, still go to window, go down to libraries. Now. I've been purposefully avoiding libraries during this course, I guess it's hard to know when to get squeeze everything in. But it's time for libraries now. Now by default, you've probably got on my library. Okay. At the top here, if you have a user like me, you've got lots of libraries. Okay. So we're gonna start by creating a library. My library is like gets full of junk like my windows. Okay, so let's say I'm working with a new client. I'm going to click on this and we're gonna go to create new li...
brary. Okay. And in here says creating a library and I'm going to give it a name, say it's a client name. I'm working for myself. Daniel scott click create. There's nothing in here. What goes in there. It's quite clear. Dragon drop. So I've got this Fox here. I'm gonna drag and drop them in and also know that I'm working from the CC libraries file. You can open it or just work on your own files. It's up to you. I've got this thing. Okay, called artwork one, I'm gonna double click it and call it Fox. So I've got a bit of artwork now. Why is this useful? It means that um if I open up a new document in illustrator completely new one, it doesn't matter. This library is still active. I can drag it out and start using it there. It is there awesome. Huh? Okay. What's also really nice about it is I can go out to, it's missing a chunk. What is it missing? A chunk? Just didn't grab it when I dragged it across. So it's part of a Fox. Okay, so and what I'd like to do now is show you kind of one of the perks is that it's across software. So I open up Photoshop and I want to use my Fox. My part Fox in here. I can go to my CC libraries. Okay, So I'm gonna go to window and go to libraries. Where are you there? And At the top here, I've got all my libraries and there's the new one called Daniel Scott and there's my 0.5 Fox and drag him in. Okay. And position him return and it's brought it through its vector. It's awesome. You can do it the other way as well. Okay, I can click on this background image and Photoshop is more of an image processing program. It would be more appropriate to be dragging images into the library from Photoshop, going to click him drag him there, he goes there and this is my bike awesome. And now if I go to illustrator, I've got my bike and I can drag it out and start using it. Okay, so same within design. If we go to in design and open up a new document, um c c libraries here, it is there Daniel scott here. These guys are here and drag them into this. Now I use this for after effects. All of these X de animate muse dreamweaver to a degree, definitely premiere and after effects. Not so much character animator, but lots of these ones. Okay, dimension. Really good for using CC libraries. Nice Interconnection. Another big perk for it is say we've used it in a few products now. I'm going to go to illustrator and actually what I'm gonna do is I'm going to double click on the library item because I started over here. Okay. And first of all going to copy the bits that I lost. Okay, actually gonna grab the whole thing, copy it. And so this is not connected anymore. That was kind of like the parent, it created this guy here, Fox, but then no longer connected. So if I just this, it doesn't change this one at all. Okay, but if I double click Fox, it'll open up in illustrator. I'm going to add the rest of my Fox. I'm going to select all delete him. Okay. And the rest of my Fox, get him to fit in the little box. He's got it's safe. And hopefully now actually let's do some other adjustments. Let's do some color. Where are you color? Here we are. Um, I'm just gonna use color and got partially blue dog and I'm gonna jump out in design magic, Photoshop magic there all adjusting. So it's really handy if you've got a graphic that needs to be consistent across lots of designs. May be a logo. Yeah, there are times though we like don't update please. Okay. And the way to get around that is in all of the programs is when you're dragging out of the library, hold down the option key on a Mac or the old key on a pc. And what that does is it breaks the links and now if I go back into illustrator, okay, I'm still in that edible. You kind of know you're in the edible one either by double clicking it or it's got this kind of crazy name. Okay, so I'm going to go back in here and I'm going to undo it. Put it back to what it was. Hit save and jump back into Photoshop and you'll notice that that one updated down here. But this one didn't because I used the belt or option when I dragged it out and that's true of all of the programs in design illustrator Aftereffects any of them. Just hold down the option or bulky and that will break the link. Other cool things you can do is from any of the programs. Okay, but let's say this one here, I want these fox colors to use them for different products. Right? So I can select on this chunk and I'm going to go down here and I got the option of adding the graphic, like instead of dragging it in, you can click on add graphic this way, I don't want to add the graphic, I've already got it. What I want to do is add the fill color and it's actually a swatch you can see there. It's got its hex to decimal number. I'm going to go through you. I want to add yep, I can't work out how to do it all in one big go yet. I don't think it can. Okay, so I'm just going to individually you cook on the different pieces. Those are all the colors I want to use and it means that again, like Photoshop, here's the colors, you can start working using these ones across them. All. Another cool thing you can do is you can jump to color dot adobe dot com. I'm going to jump to it now. Now for me for some reason when I sign in today, of all days, when I'm recording it doesn't want to log me in. Okay. And for some reason just with adobe color but when you are logged in you can find a color that you like. So I'm at a color dot adobe dot com And I've gone to explore and it's great. Fine colors, click download and when you log in it says would you like to save it to a library and you say yes and you pick your Daniel scott library and it downloads it and it magically peers in here. Okay. Like some of my other libraries and said, look I M F. Okay, you can see there's some of the colors. Okay, that have gotten here. Okay, so it'll just appear there. Trust me now. Another cool perk for using CC libraries. I'm going to go back to our file here, click on this text once and down in the plus button here. I can add the text. I could add as a graphic and we'll just be like a picture of the text. Whereas this is actually the raw text. I can click add and it means that I can go to some of these other documents here and drag it out. And not only is it a picture of text but it's kind of like restyle, herbal reshaped. You can see it's a editable text. It might be good for something like I use it mainly for things like terms and conditions or something like our dress that I use quite often. Okay, so yeah, that could be handy. Same with this. Um there's an also like this text fills actually a strange gray color that I use. So I can add that as well, you can name your colors if you like. Another perk for the libraries is up here in this like little hamburger menu, click on him. And there's one that says collaborate and that's cool because I get to share it with other people from adobe or not from adobe, other adobe users. So say I've got people that I work with, other designers. I can go to that and share them. This library, we all work from the same library. You can kind of tell, say stock images I share with one of my colleagues. You can see the double head there. Same with adobe logos because we, as a company, we're certified Training Center so we all share some of these colors and all these logos. So one person just adds them to the library. We all get to share them. Okay. It's perfect. One last thing and it's not technically the libraries, but it's kind of all tied together with the amazing Creative Cloud Nous is up here on my Mac, this creative cloud icon. If you're on a pc, it's kinda in the bottom right somewhere. Okay, So I've got this one and we're gonna go to assets. We're going to go to market. This is really handy for illustrator. Okay, because it's these are commercial use images. Okay, that adobe you've given to us that I can use for my business for free. Okay. And they're just really good illustrator style stuff. So mainly good for things like logos and icons. So saying I need a picture. I've got to draw a picture of a house. I don't know why I came to mind, but you can see in here all of this stuff ready to go okay. And you can scroll down and actually there's a load of houses in here. So find the style you want. Okay, you could obviously draw one pretty easily. But let's say we want this house, click on it. What you're really looking for is that it's not a Jpeg. You're looking for one. That's an SVG. That's the kind of scalable vector graphic. It's a it's something that illustrated likes if it's a Jpeg, it's kind of mainly for something like Photoshop where it's kind of pixels but SVG is the magic one. Click download. It's going to say what library, click on that one and magically over here. Hopefully we'll go to Daniel scott, there's my house. It's an SVG and I can drag it out. Okay and it's a check out this. If I drag him over here, he's all bits and pieces so I might right click him, I cannon group him. We're going to run into that problem. We had a little earlier. He's still not grouped. How do I break them apart. K we could just go to object and we get a compound path and release or go to the white arrow and I can just click on individual bits in here, let's say the color. I want to change to one of these new look at us using all the library goodness downloading stuff. Changing the color with our library colors. Okay. And we can use those commercially. There's loads of stuff and they do searches mainly for icons and kind of yeah, kind of clip art style graphics. But there's a lot there's a few other things in that market as well. One last thing for free icons. That's it for libraries. But there's one last thing that market thing is amazing for icons and there's one other side I'd like to show you. It's this site here called icon finder. I use it quite a lot. Um the adobe market is brilliant. But this one here, so I need a house and it hasn't one extra perk. Okay, first of all there's some paid stuff I'm gonna like by default. It's any Any. Okay, that's what it comes up with. So you can spend all of $2. Okay. And get an icon. I go to victor because I wanted to be ready for illustrator and I wanted to be free and the option down here is I want it to be no back link. Okay. That means it's commercial use and I don't have to attribute anybody and just use it. Okay. And in here what I like, same kind of thing. Lots of icons. But let's say I like this house here, I like this house. Okay. But when I click on it, if I scroll down a bit, it's often part of a larger icon group. And that's um, there's some really handy stuff. Okay. The way there there's a bunch of them that you can find and use. So yeah, I can find this pretty cool. Adobe market is brilliant. That is going to be it for CC libraries. They're pretty cool. Huh? Bye now.
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Ratings and Reviews
Roz Fruchtman
BIG COMPLAINT... I'm just starting this course. I have Illustrator CS6. My BIG/HUGE Complaint and I only watched 2 1/2 brief lessons... Is that the FiVRR LOGO (top right) is RIGHT ON TOP of the Illustrator Panels and YOU CANNOT SEE what is under it. IF one is just learning, they need to see what everything looks like in Illustrator (or any class). I STRONGLY suggest that FIVRR and CreativeLive find a better place to put the FIVRR Logo instead of putting it where it BLOCKS ESSENTIAL course visuals! Not sure I can get through this, but I'm not giving up quite yet. I like the course previews and IF I can learn how to get around Illustrator I will be thrilled... I am a Photoshop person, and Illustrator makes me feel like an incompetent! ;) Perhaps IF I can learn Illustrator I can use it for some of the visuals I create! Thanks in advance. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE find a better place and size for the Fivrr Logo. ~Roz Fruchtman aka @RozSpirations
Annie Kerr
This was a great class that covered the fundamentals really well - some of the instructions were out of date if you are using Creative Cloud but wasn't anything I couldn't get around. I loved the format and Daniel is a great teacher, who made each video interesting and fun to watch!
Christi Peace
This class is AMAZING!! Daniel is a very thorough, entertaining and easy to follow instructor. You DO NOT need to take any college course on Illustrator because this is the whole thing right here!! You will be a pro once you complete it. I only wish that Creative Live could send me a diploma for it once I complete it! BUY THIS CLASS! IT’S WORTH EVERY PENNY!!