Lesson Info
1. seen, heard, loved
Look at Me
1seen, heard, loved
08:35 2knowing your butt
06:07 3why we're here
05:55 4your work is a gift
04:45 5a song to sing
6love (the assignment)
07:42love (the crit)
28:49Always the Other
8the ass divot
01:48 9like tarantino
04:30 10always the other (the assignment)
12:06 11the cliche
11:12 12always the other (the crit)
45:13Explodes in the Brain
13Explodes in the Brain
30:32Big Nothing Little Nothing
14big nothing little nothing (the assignment)
01:54 15don't fall in love
04:35 16big nothing little nothing (the crit)
53:23There Ain't No Rules
17ain't no rules
01:16 18yesterday, today, tomorrow
08:33Allow Freedom
19allow freedom
01:41 20show & tell
22:29Born (wildly) Creative
21born (wildly) creative
01:48Subscriber Bonus Lessons
22do the work
34:35 23show & tell (part 2)
16:04Lesson Info
seen, heard, loved
This is called Born Creative. Because where it comes from is we're all born creative. I say in the first line of my book, Effect Perfection that we're all born wildly creative. Um We're all born with, with um energy and spirit and play and joy and fun and love. Those are the things that we require um throughout our lives. And when we're a child, we almost demand it. We're constantly asking, hey, look at me, look what I can do. We're constantly pushing boundaries and that's what creativity is. It's constantly pushing boundaries. That's why creativity is dangerous, right? Because it does, it always signals something new, it always pushes. Um And what I would like to do is help people understand that that innate creativity that they're born with is still inside them and they still need to ask to be seen and to be heard and to be loved and quite frankly to be paid for that. Thank you for being here and, and welcome to Born Creative. It's a great title because we made it up like yesterday. ...
Literally, we had other titles. We've been working at a working title, we changed it and it makes so much more sense to me now because in fact, perfection, my best selling book, um um the first line says we're all born wildly creative and some of us just forgot and I think even like, like, you know, high end paid designers have left so much of their creativity on the table still, right? Um Because uh so I'm a dad and I see creativity all the time. I see it in my kids and it's so fucking beautiful because there's this idea that keeps coming up again and again and again and again and again. And I, and, and, and, and um I talk to Shannon about this all the time. I talk to my friends about this all the time and it's that creative energy. And I was writing a piece recently. I started a piece recently that I have to finish because it's like this, it's like this whenever I talk about creativity with my kids, I'm like, oh my God, I love my kids creativity. It's so great. It's such great energy and I wish they would fucking stop because it's constant, it's a gushing fountain. Like if they just keep ratcheting it up and up and up and it just gets tighter and tighter and it goes like this. So I've got two of them and they're constantly like, you know, here and the way they show their creativity is something that we have lost and we have to get back to and it goes like this daddy, look what I did look what I can do and we can't do that anymore. That's so hard for us to make work and put it up and go this. Look, this is awesome. This is me. You know, I was thinking, I was listening to music and working the other day and um the, the, the rolling stones came up and I, and I was thinking about the stones and I haven't thought about the stones in years, but I was thinking about them and what kings they are still. And I was like, can I have that? Can I just be like, Mick doesn't fucking ask nothing, right? He's just him, his duck strutting and his crazy dances and stuff. Still at what is he? 100 and six I think, right? Like we need that in our lives still. So born creative is awesome and it's easy to be born creative because we're all born with that sublime energy. We're all born, born with potential and energy and all we want is play, right? Kids just wanna play and school shuts it down and parents shut it down because it's annoying, right? Creativity is dangerous. That's its fucking job. Creativity pushes boundaries, that's its job, right? So we want to be born creative. We wanna maintain that creativity and not let parents take it out, not let school take it out and fight for it. Like you guys have, you know, to come this far to be here in this room with us, right? Fighting for your creativity saying, you know what I've got it more in me. So the public is so numb and so devoid of creativity in their lives because they've given theirs away and they're surrounded with pablum and oatmeal and it's so hard to recognize sometimes. But, but when they do see it, when they do see that authenticity and feel that vulnerability, that ignites them, I think the public is dying for you, dying for your voice, dying to hear what you have to say and you have to trust that. And if you hold it back, you're cheating yourself and you're robbing the public, you're robbing quite frankly, your audience of your voice, that's the fun part. You know, it's like, it's like when we're creative, when we're kids, it, it, it at certain, at a certain point. I remember, I know, I remember when it became a target, you know, I was called creative by teachers and my parents and it wasn't a compliment. It was like, it was like, yeah, he's creative, you know, like watch out for this one, right? Um So our creativity became a target at some point or we become basically one of the huge reason why we don't express it all the time is because of fear of what other people think, right? Fear of how it's gonna be uh um reviewed. Fear of if anybody's gonna buy it if we're gonna pay for it. How much do we charge all that stuff? All that stuff that has to do with other people. Right. It's an interesting idea. So that energy that we had as kids because we're all born wildly creative. How can we be creative adults? So, what we had as a kid, the interesting thing is now you wanna get paid for that, that's some front line shit right there, right? That's putting yourself out there. And the only way you can do that, the only way you can be on that front line and put yourself out like any top level creative that you can think of including Mick or, you know, for me, it's musicians, you know, um is if you believe it, that's it is if you believe it, if you just have it inside and go, you know what I'm fucking Impenetrable because I believe in my stuff. I know that I'm good. I know that my work has value. I know it has meaning for other people. I know it can be um sexy and memorable and powerful and that's what we're here for. And that's what I'm gonna show you when we're gonna go through these assignments and I'm gonna show you how I can give you the most ludicrous assignment, these abstracts that you're like, I feel like I feel like when I give these assignments, I'll write it on the board. I'm gonna say, OK, see you later. Good luck. You know, and I'm gonna walk away. You're gonna go, I feel like this mad scientist like see you later suckers, right? Because you're gonna look at this and go, what am I doing this? Huh? What? You don't even know what it means. Because if I said, you know, reggae album or milk, if I, those two things are a great example. I say milk, you've got bing bing, bing bing ideas, words, colors, images come up, reggae ideas, words, images, colors come up. If I say these assignments, there's nothing, nothing comes up. But I'm gonna show you that I, you can take this, this, this, this ludicrous assignment and I'm gonna show you go all the way through the line. I wanna ask you questions. We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna work on it back and forth and at the end of the process, I'm gonna show you, you can come up with something based on that that we can turn into a worldwide campaign and you can entertain, educate and enlighten the fucking world because it would have meaning and be powerful for other people.
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Ratings and Reviews
Richard Lynch
I really enjoyed the frank style that the class was delivered. Jealous of the 4 students who were in person. I work as an Aerospace engineer and am trying to find a way to relearn to be creative. This class and the exercises made me think and I have noticed that I enjoy taking different perspectives during boring meetings and drawing doodles that make me smile. Unexpectedly, my coworkers have said my work has improved lately. I think because I have become more open to possibilities outside of the tried and true.
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