Lesson Info
Sew the Handles
All right, so we have finished the exterior and we're going to move on to making the handles. So and let's, look at those for a second here. All right, so this is a very basic handle and very basic way tio attach it. Um, it's just inserted in the same. Are you getting excited? Um, it's just inserted into the scene at the top between the lining facing and the exterior of the bag and there's lots of different ways to do handles, but I like this one because it's like a double folded strap that encloses all the raw edges. It's pretty easy, tio, get regular and straight on and it's pretty easy to attach in the scene. So we'll talk about that now and the way that we're going to sew this incan be used with lots of different kinds of handles that are already made it's just like a easy, easy way to insert it. So this handle is five inches by twenty five inches, and I'm using my accent fabric, which is the sambre this happens to be ah, a blue version of it, but it's the same um conlin in fabric.
And what I've done is I put interfacing down the center. And the reason why I did it down the center is because I want some stability and support of the interfacing but I don't want it to be super bulky on so this is kind of a judgment call based on what fabric you're using if you were using some really stiff canvas, you might just forget the interfacing completely or if you wanted more of like a patted feeling to your strap you could make this be the fuse herbal fleece and have it be a little squishy er it's just all a matter matter of personal preference and experimentation you can also see that I pieced my interfacing it can be kind of expensive and it's only twenty inches wide and so I save every little bit that I have and then in certain instances you won't see the fact that this was pieced so I overlap it just a tiny little bit um in a situation like this and then just fuse it and it's it's fine, I might not do that if if I was making this in quilting cotton or something really thin, I wouldn't piece it like straight across the middle of a bag or some place that would be obvious spent in the strap is fine, so the first thing we're going to dio is after we get the stabilizer down the center is two fold it in half lengthwise and then press that crease in and then you're going to open that up and then you're going toe fold the raw edges into that crease so that creases your little guideline and this kind of goes back to like layers upon layers building up um I like to give it just a tiny little breathing room like I don't fold that raj right dot onto that fold I just just a smidge less and then if you do that on the other side that when it's all layered up its not is lumpy uh it's hopefully nice and crisp and I'm going to give a little squirt on here the only thing that's nice about this technique is that there's no turning I mean there's there's some instances where you have to so in turn but handler a strap and there's reasons why you d'oh um but it can be kind of fiddly and this way it's pretty nice because you can get kind of the same result if not better and there's no turning and they'll do the other side so I've been mostly using water to spray what I'm depressing, but I also have that spray start that I mentioned in the beginning and that is very helpful if you just feel like you're not getting a crisp seem or crisp press and you want to get, you know, a nice fold it's just adds just a tiny little bit of stiffness and it's a nice result and you can use it when you're all done because when you're sowing your bag and you're turning inside out and right side out it can get kind of like a little worked over could look a little rumbly so it's nice to use a spree search like at the end too when you're giving in its final press ok, so now we've done this like triple fold here so that all your raw edges are tucked inside and it's going to take it from a stroke it's going to take this to the machine and stitch about an eighth of an inch from the edge so because this is kind of an air of thing and I'm and I'm stitching pretty close to the edge aa lot of times I'll move my needle position because I could I could position this in a way that I'm simply just stitching an eighth of an inch from the edge but you can have more control if more of them of the foot is actually on the thing that you're sewing so instead I'm goingto have the foot be completely on the strap. Well here I'll show you I'll show you what it could do I could have it here so that you know just two thirds of the foot is on the strap and you know, a little bit hanging off over here or which works fine have done that tons of times or for a little better control is to set the whole foot on the strap and then move your needle over towards the edge and get your eighth of an inch that way. Another trick that I have when I'm sewing something long and straight and I wanted to be straight is, um, you find a spot in the machine and use and you stare at that, like, instead of looking at the thing that you're sewing, you look at whatever you're lining your thing up with, so either it's the spot in the foot or it's the tape you put on the machine or whatever it is, but, like, look at that and not like, you know what? I'm oh, here comes on, and then that way, you get all over the place, so, um, just find a spot and and let it just, you know, slide through your fingers, okay? And then we have to sew up the other side, okay? So we have our strapped done and because we're sewing this into a scene, we don't have to worry about this and being finished right now already have another one. So let's, make sure that the same length, yep.
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Ratings and Reviews
Lynnette Simpson
5 stars +++++ I thoroughly enjoyed the whole course. I found that these classes gave me the understanding and confidence of sewing 'any' tote with both a slip and zipper pocket, etc. After watching these classes of Betz I'm able to put together my own tote without having to refer to patterns or instructions. I started as a beginner not able to figure my own dimensions. Now I have confidence to do just that. Yes, very happy I purchased this class and am happy with the confidence it has given me. Thanks Betz and creative live Cheers Lynnette
a Creativelive Student
Betz is organized, pleasant, and interesting. I am enjoying her courses. I watched a free preview, and that sold me on getting all of her classes. Love you, Betz!
I enjoyed this class very much. Great class for the beginner who wants to fine tune their techniques. The instructor is very knowledgable and guides you through the ins and outs of making a better bag. I am looking forward to her next class, I believe it airs the end of January. Thank you Betz