Lesson Info
Refining Profiles
We got to fifty seven profiles on this let's. Go ahead and let's plug in the other night. Let's, make a profiler with mike. Any questions? So far, we're doing all right. We're doing good gold. All right, so I'm gonna go ahead and use this royer I'm just by itself. I'm not gonna blend it with anything else. We're just going to make a profile of the royal okay s so we can have a cool example a little later to show. So cool. We do have one question while you're sitting that it ever created a profile and then swapped the profiled cab out for a cab impulse response? If so, what are you thoughts on doing this? Yes, I have, I haven't even done too often, but I've been recently doing when when I ramp later in segment three, I'll show how we will swap some calves and we'll try that, and I'll show that. But, yes, that is one of the core unique features of the campers, the ability to swap other impulses, my friend paul, who runs the website guitar camper profiles? I don't think so. Basically, he ...
was saying, uh, the cab is, like, almost like, like fifty to seventy percent of town, and amp is the other fifty, so the ability to switch the cabinets is like a really cool thing and a really unique feature of the campers so cool we've got that plug into the camper let me just go ahead and monitor this and make sure I got that going right and on table this guitar cable here all right it's going to just a level and I want to make sure that we're not clipping in here, right? It's not profiling this so same process oh, I want to say something these guys who make all these metal records you got all these, like really cool chug moments we spice up things and stuff why has no one made a cool profile noise chop moment with this crazy alien towns? So please someone do that because this alien sounds so cool and it needs to be in some sort of mental breakdown or something so let's profile this gold all right, so let's, just start running this refined in pro process. All right? Now we're the staircase last part let's start chucking now. All right, cool let's, go ahead and I'm just going to listen to that right now. Sounds pretty identical. That sounds awesome. I'm going to store that and we're going to make one more so let's say let's call this jamie m ribbon hey there's, answer here j m rib, eh okay, cool someone ahead store on let's profile this guy again I'm just going to show our level school listen this and compare cool let's go ahead and let's profile this hell yeah all right, let's we find this now it's to the staircase now it's drugs cool let's go and save it. I'm into that. All right, so I'm going to say that as b I'm again I wantto point out that we are going to upload these profiles so if you're gonna sound for this class is profiles are making right now we're going to give to you for free because we're all best friends like that and we're learning together, so yeah, and he was now the next step in this process is ah, before I get a move on a lot of talking about the last thing in the refining process here is the optional one is that you could have the guitar player play his material from the song. Now if you wanted to further refine that would probably be the next suggestion I would say we've we've supplied every way supplied our amplifier with all the harmonic content, the type of dynamics and excursions and sustains and things like that I mean, if you needed to pinch harmonics and and if you're if you have kind of weird things for your guitar, I would say supply that information into that amplifier so that it responds accurately anything like things like harmonics and staff you know so that's where that's an option that you could dio I find the less refining after at this point the best it is I definitely originally what I would start it just kind of make a profile without three five just compare that and it never sounded good when it didn't refine at first I was like kind of maybe I like it better I don't really know but I usually like the refined ones better ninety nine point nine percent of them so like this refining process here is this this process that I've been doing is my most consistent and fail safe way of accurately matching the profile that I've been able to develop and stumble upon so hopefully this works for you if you have other techniques, apply them and or invited me as well I would love to know what s so we're going to move on I'm gonna go ahead and plug in both these microphones into pro tools and we're gonna we're gonna blend the lawyer and the fifty seven and make a blended profile so again we've checked her phase on that we've made sure that our mike is in phase we've paying very close attention tio ensuring that we have a microphone as close to possible and on the other speaker way flip their face now that's at least much better than doing anything else there's more things and you could get into andi I'll show you that later when we do some revamping to show how to accurately blind some things, but for now we're just going to run these to mike's into pro tools out of pro tools into the camper and make a blended profile. I want to say that it's recommended that you some these mike's externally and ah, a lot of people say, well, you could sum them in the box and then spit it out of there out of pro tools and into here, and I did that I was having more bottom and issues then when I've actually some them with an outboard mixer. So in my experience, something these mike's analog provides a better tour, a profile of the town but doing it the d a w way it also is exactly the same way as well, like I'm talking five percent difference is really nothing to make her break, so just worth noting that if you do have a way of analog something your mike's before it hits the camper, I would highly suggest you do that because that's how I do it at my place so I'm going to set up these profiles on most of these makes if you have questions, I could take some of them now too um jordan wants to know that there's he's realized that there's a bunch of impulse responses flooding around on the internet that wants to know what a good sources you've mentioned, a few of them. What? What are some good ones that people could go check out a thousand profiles that float around the internet? Yeah, to some impulse responses, I would say that, well, the kemper community has some they have ah, if you got the website, I'll show you later how you can, like, find some profiles on there. Also, when you buy a camper, you could go the web site and download all of these free ones is comes with, like hundreds of them, like I was overwhelmed there, not a profiles I had access to, and I was immediately like, all right, I'm just going to put those in a folder that I will probably never get to you because there's so many even that exist, so I'm ah, but that being said, I, I got in the camper because I wanted to capture my guitar tones, so that's, why? I don't haven't really done much research about the profiles, but there are so many options, there's something you buy, their very inexpensive some are also very expensive, you can hire people from making profiles who actually make like you're having people toe design a profile for you and so I did a profile so there's there's lots of cool options out there but there's a lot of free options and inside the camp a community so yeah it's awesome in fearing face says eyes a comment from the internet says I like how sam goes for being different and his mic choices instead of the usual suspects every engineer I know has the right or wrong opinion on mike's like love it or hate it, right? He says I love this guy in all caps thank you I get that highly okay, so I am gonna drive cable here. I just need to kind of sort of what I got we'll use this tourists were going basically what I'm doing right now is I'm running an output out of the way apogee quartet they're using here I'm going out of analog five I'm going to go directly into our camper, I believe that's right? Yeah, cool perfect. So taking this cable, how did we go into our return input? So both our microphones are going to go into pro tools and then they're going to come back to this camper and we're going to monitor those microphones through the camper after we first get them set up incredulous up court were made that patch plugged in let me now get the microphones pulled up in brussels again we're going to use the uh I'm gonna name this everyone knows the one, twenty one and thirty seven so I mean this is going to get that fifty seven yuan again you want to make sure that these things we're seeing negative ten because negative ten is your best friend now I'm going to check this really liked by itself why is that not working on that and put one second here rhythm microphone into well, I think out of our thing into our other best friend which was channeled to and I don't have an output going because I don't look cool now we're good signal flow it's the most important thing so you can troubleshoot any issue cool you guys all right? That's canceling out so much we're really in phase right now carol it's sort of like a bottom and sounds like the most nasal e disgusting and once we do this guitars bag I'm gonna play with my favors here on gonna get a good blend of this going on let me pull now what I'm gonna do is I'm going to test this in the mix so we can make sure that we got a cool guitar tone heading hard with our saber tooths down the tones here so let me solve these drums cool we're so over the drums on let's go and let's play along and I'll do a little bit knicks tonight balanced it's got just enough lohan sounds cool all right so now we're going to send these out to oh I just kind of realize something but I think is going to find this is what I need to dio because I cannot do this on a track I need to make an auxiliary track in order to make this work otherwise in order for me teo no we're all right let's do this I'm going to run the make this ssl inactive when the group these too so we can control with one favor instead of here uh it's our cool awesome cool so now we're going to run this out number five cool so we're going into our camper this is harry cool we got a good level coming in at a negative twenty three point eight because that's our other best friend all right so now let's go ahead and let's make a profile of this some of the press next on the press start profiling now we got a profile someone go and put on my headphones I'm gonna just listen let's make sure it worked it definitely works so let's run through our refining process again we pulled but that tab for so we know what we're doing I'm gonna do it I'm gonna start off with strumming picking staircase it's the only and socks and can't go back to that because I was going to hit the wrong key so let's do this so this is the blend someone a name it combo here we go come let's do this all right store new profile let's do it well thank you yes all right now we're just going to a judge cool let's go ahead and let's listen in and bear sounds great sounds great okay, so I'm going to store that and we're going to make this really call this be all right uh now we have made a few profiles I want to make one more because we're friends cool so let me just turn on this story for second we're basically trying to fan of power going to do the exact same thing except we're gonna do with the sea so we could make a profile of the s e microphone blended with fifty seven again this is the microphone that's sitting right next to the fifty seven as opposed to being on the other speaker perfect cool let's get signal to then play phantom to our active ribbon booster that is in line and I'm gonna go ahead and monitor that ah I want to do this really quickly it's going toe take this out I'm gonna call it s e I'm going to send us to my master bus real quick just so I can on ly monitor it and pro tools right now so we could make sure that a ribbon sounds good and that will check with r fifty seven we'll send it back to the camp for one second here. All right. All right. Cool pretty much there said the cool thing I like about this uh one thing I like about this sc michalak most germans really dark that's their advantage obviously this one has like an extended top on it and it sounds really nice has got a nice top and it still retains some low the lawyer definitely has just a little bit more a little bit more low bite and this has a little bit more top presence by but it's really like that too so I'm going to make a profile out of it I'm gonna blend with fifty seven and I'm just kind of play along and I'm just gonna make sure it sounds good so let's do that first thing we gotta phase issue looking face way solve that phase issue I'll show you what it sounds like out of phase now lastly I'm just going to play along to the song I'm gonna make sure that this turned down sounds game that is a great blend so let's go ahead and let's send that to our camper no, I'm gonna sold those I'm going to make sure we send that to our output five that is feeding our kemper want to turn this down and I'm going to monitor the kemper now there's two ways that you can adjust the level into the camper union get a good level here and then you also have the return level knob right here essentially what your level is uh just don't want to hit the red and cameras going to make it loud and it's going to make it sound good at the end of it so make sure it sounds good on the headphones make sure it's not clipping out of pro tools and make sure you're not hitting the red light on the output there was return level to do so and your will be all right cool let's make a profile this and let's do this headphones make sure actually let's run through our refining process so I'm gonna pull these directions again and let's be refining, by the way it's important to mention that I pressed finish between each of these steps so that we can make we're going to focus on one aspect at a time instead of trying to overloaded with too much information because it saves each one of those little snapshots that's where a lot of people think that you should be able to you confined like two hours and like make a lot better than really now just refined like a few times maybe like four to five times in fifteen or twenty seconds max and that's like enough information for it to respond well so don't do all of these things in one refined process make sure you step one twenty seconds that press finish now want to step to you which is a single picking part gold last part when they travel let's go and listen to this let's compare that is our sc one let me go ahead and let's say that c press store we're gonna call that combo s e all right story cool. So now the next and final thing that I'm going to do here is we're gonna go back to this browser month. We got a bunch of these profiles in here we just made on the back of here have a usb key it's a little pandan usb stick on dh eso if I go to an external storage on the front of it we got external storage. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna export all the profiles in here, including one that we just made and I'm going to get that on the computer and I'm going to show us how to upload that and name it that weaken store it and put it on the web site for you guys done with so let me do that so we're gonna press export it's going to say export current rig or all wigs export all the rigs so it's now exporting right into the u s speaking on duh that's not so that basically debates segments you were cool first in q and a now and when we get back I will start off by showing us how tio name these profiles we'll start with that don't pull up the savings on the session we have, and we're going to start ramping guitars through these profiles that I made, and also new profiles that the profiles I made of their amplifier so we can compare on dsi how similar the tones are, we're gonna complete different studio, we don't have our artists, we don't have the same math, and if we can make it sound pretty identical with our profile, awesome, we got some good questions coming in from the chat room. Um, curious, what do you think of amp? Seems like guitar rigor amplitude I like them. Uh, if I were to use them, I would want to use a cabin pulse because I'm on. I traditionally liked him like a cabinet, because that process is part of my sound. Eso with that being said, I do like those things I also do like to track, like the eyes through and stuff I've also heard I've why is first start recording? I used to use a guitar pick a lot when I don't really have any tones didn't have like a box or didn't have any, like cool, clean amps, and I had this really cool band called the butter khun gang and because he was using this really cool strategy just like nam, a fifty one fifty is not going to work for this franz ferdinand type of killing that you're going for. So let's, open up this box profile and that was a great town. And like when I listen to today I'm like man that's that's great. So you can make things sound awesome, it's all just tweaking it and being being cool. So I do like those things personally, though I like making real guitar tones with the cabinet and that's. Why? I like the campers so I can capture and create digital models of my signal change awesome. Can you profile and has a modulation effect on no, you cannot cannot profiles with time. Best things that's the only problem. Not a problem, but basically one time I did a profile and there was like some line noise that was that was in there. So it was like it was getting radio stuff so you could hear, like some radio things through the speakers are going talking things. And when so I just made a profile of it anyway is just going to whatever they say it is and that sound a clip of it just kept looping over and over and over so it's, kind of like that that helped me understand what a profile as a profile is, like a segment of time where it's and then it's kind of looping itself and it's, allowing you to play within this. This thing that it has. So it was. You can't do like a delay or a river, because it would sound weird. So awesome. That answers that.
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Ratings and Reviews
I feel obligated to write a review due to the, quite frankly, ignorant review left by mr stemast. Sam does a great job giving you an intro lesson into making profiles with the Kemper. He goes through the unit fairly thoroughly but it is best to have at least a small understanding of the unit before you watch this to get the most out of it. I have had my kemper for about a month and there were a few things i had not picked up on that were made clear through this video. Now, the best part of the video is just getting to see how sam captures his guitar tones. It is a very educational watch when it comes to seeing how he simply mics up a cab to record. So even if you do not have a kemper i recommend this course due to its low cost. The only gripes i have are a few times Sam misunderstood the question being asked to him from the audience, but that is very negligible. This is a class taught by SAM PURRA, and that should be enough for you to be interested in it. It is how HE uses the unit and how HE captures his guitar sounds. If you are a fan of any of his work, obviously this is worth your money.
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