Lesson Info
9. Students Identify Tools and Q&A
29:16 2Move from Dreaming to Doing
21:44 3Why Is Networking Important?
13:06 4Getting Your Head in the Right Place
21:45 5Identifying your Target
27:48 6Students' Targets Explored
36:30 7Blasko Interview Clip and Q&A
12:24 8Networking Tools
26:48Lesson Info
Students Identify Tools and Q&A
So now none of you folks are in college and you guys are internships right anybody okay and he took an internship okay um and how did you get that internship for clear channel I just searched on their website there uh for a kiss and starr and I just looked on the website and I applied and they interviewed me and that's how I got in and then first ash I just looked online for promotion internships for our shell okay internships that's one of your tools and you're sending out the notes and all that stuff look as your I'm sorry nathan why don't you like the sarge hey let's shape up okay long as you're you're talking about internships yes I mean doing stuff for for the show I remember seeing a posting emailing cody and I think the post said something about applications due on this specific date or you know our offend I just I put in the email I want to help out when do we get started why are we waiting till this give you something to now I think I have an assignment the next day yeah so re...
aching out and just being open and saying this is I'm here let's let's get something going and not waiting and waiting for it to be a presented to you yeah right freaking now okay he by the way interesting story here folks mr lu desmond here I remember sent me an email or something or a tweet or something somewhere long line talking about asking and getting what no you don't have that was just kidding it's when you wouldn't have approved here brian okay okay but maybe next time okay right freaking now is what we talked about in our office when everybody's waiting I go I don't want to hear but I want our ff right freaking now I don't you know that's the mentality you gotta get speed and all that stuff so you became an intern but and it's what then she's going to talk 00:01:56.519 --> 00:02:00. about you at lunch that you came in and you you figured 00:02:00.77 --> 00:02:03. out how did not sit there and send e mails to me you 00:02:03.86 --> 00:02:07. sent one to me and then you got in the back door or 00:02:07.6 --> 00:02:10. another door by dealing with cody and not going well 00:02:10.84 --> 00:02:12. I'm only going to talk to the boss and that's something 00:02:12.75 --> 00:02:15. that's smart because the boss may have eight thousand 00:02:15.39 --> 00:02:19. things on their mind just getting in the building 00:02:19.64 --> 00:02:23. first maybe the better plan and said it like thinking 00:02:23.43 --> 00:02:25. you got to talk to the boss he's like that one 00:02:26.71 --> 00:02:29. there you go all right so good stuff they're all right 00:02:30.03 --> 00:02:32. who else has got a tool that you're that we're talking 00:02:32.97 --> 00:02:33. about here 00:02:35.22 --> 00:02:38. seeing we talked with nathan azua what do you what 00:02:38.08 --> 00:02:41. what is that? These tools are you using to get your 00:02:42.26 --> 00:02:46. songs and performances out there? Well recently I've 00:02:46.02 --> 00:02:48. been promoting a lot on twitter because he told me 00:02:48.95 --> 00:02:51. he didn't have much of a presence but you do so I've 00:02:51.64 --> 00:02:54. been trying I've been building followers uh my only 00:02:54.38 --> 00:02:56. concern is that I hope that it's not like an annoying 00:02:56.77 --> 00:02:59. kind of promotion my friend taught me how to do it 00:02:59.02 --> 00:03:02. and so I just hope that it's it's a way to keep an 00:03:02.71 --> 00:03:04. audience instead of just getting their attention and 00:03:04.63 --> 00:03:07. then there's a way to have a conversation and I had 00:03:07.58 --> 00:03:12. to have some people that at least on paper oh sherry 00:03:12.31 --> 00:03:15. there somewhat attractive I mean you could have followers 00:03:15.05 --> 00:03:17. I'm sure they're all not like having real friends 00:03:17.13 --> 00:03:19. and real supporters but it's a place to tell your 00:03:19.53 --> 00:03:24. story and to keep going okay alexa he's so quiet back 00:03:24.2 --> 00:03:24. there 00:03:25.82 --> 00:03:29. next time I was seeing that front row manager okay 00:03:30.32 --> 00:03:33. yeah well how I started was I've been reading alternative 00:03:33.36 --> 00:03:39. press magazine gosh almost half my life and one day 00:03:39.28 --> 00:03:41. they just posted that they're looking to start a street 00:03:41.64 --> 00:03:45. team a real street team and private you know not everyone 00:03:45.22 --> 00:03:48. conjoined and so I sent them an e mail and I just 00:03:48.87 --> 00:03:51. said you'll probably be surprised I'm so shy I just 00:03:51.64 --> 00:03:54. said you just need thio hire me because 00:03:56.22 --> 00:04:00. I know I can do this no okay and then the next day 00:04:00.87 --> 00:04:02. they just emailed me back and said you're on the team 00:04:03.49 --> 00:04:05. now your manager you're gonna now you've got to go 00:04:05.69 --> 00:04:08. out and get over the all press and you know what next 00:04:08.23 --> 00:04:10. time I see you I don't want to hear the all press 00:04:10.31 --> 00:04:13. story is the sole news done right been there done 00:04:13.23 --> 00:04:15. that now you got to move on and so you try to figure 00:04:15.21 --> 00:04:17. out and when you're talking about artist here and 00:04:17.72 --> 00:04:20. meeting artists the ones that you're going to be talking 00:04:20.56 --> 00:04:23. to you not going to meet him on email okay you know 00:04:23.66 --> 00:04:25. maybe you could get it but you're going to go out 00:04:25.6 --> 00:04:29. to clubs and watch them and see who you think can 00:04:29.37 --> 00:04:32. actually get you somewhere because just managing a 00:04:32.35 --> 00:04:35. band or managing an artist that doesn't have songs 00:04:36.21 --> 00:04:39. doesn't have the ability perform and as we now know 00:04:39.94 --> 00:04:42. you the smart managers will be making an assessment 00:04:42.95 --> 00:04:46. of their attitude do they? They have what it takes 00:04:46.02 --> 00:04:48. to go through all the bullshit is ever going to be 00:04:48.2 --> 00:04:51. able to go through all the bullshit to find out if 00:04:51.9 --> 00:04:55. you've got what it takes because that's that's what 00:04:55.45 --> 00:04:58. you're up against right? So that's your next step 00:04:58.34 --> 00:05:00. here is going out and putting that personal touch 00:05:00.39 --> 00:05:03. on you gotta question there evelyn we've got a bunch 00:05:03.07 --> 00:05:06. of questions coming in from social media actually 00:05:06.28 --> 00:05:08. let's start with a question about social media we've 00:05:08.83 --> 00:05:11. got trinity guy how would you approach social media 00:05:11.01 --> 00:05:13. since it seems so important to the music industry 00:05:13.01 --> 00:05:16. today and then jail ganske thirty for steve your show 00:05:16.02 --> 00:05:18. is open me up to a ton of new people to follow especially 00:05:18.33 --> 00:05:20. on social media for info on new opportunities in some 00:05:20.95 --> 00:05:23. cases I've reached out directly via social media you 00:05:23.57 --> 00:05:25. recommend doing this ahead of a personal interaction 00:05:25.76 --> 00:05:28. email etcetera to develop some room poor or is it 00:05:28.75 --> 00:05:29. too impersonal 00:05:31.34 --> 00:05:33. if they have a twitter account 00:05:34.54 --> 00:05:36. kind of understood they get the rules of engagement 00:05:36.97 --> 00:05:40. right? I get all kinds of tweets some I respond to 00:05:40.59 --> 00:05:43. and some I don't the ones I think I respond you have 00:05:43.81 --> 00:05:46. some hot button, some words, something in there that 00:05:46.91 --> 00:05:52. catches my attention right and so that that that's 00:05:52.35 --> 00:05:54. part of it for this whole idea of social media should 00:05:54.74 --> 00:05:57. they using also here's the greatest thing about social 00:05:57.94 --> 00:06:02. media in my my opinion in its the same is true whether its website your facebook your instagram, your twitter whatever the tool is is that as an artist or a professional you have a chance to tell your own story in a way that a resume can't do it for example right you can post a block we'll talk about all these things but then have some opinions about things and make observations about things and somebody might stumble across your blogging I like this person they're actually it's smart that's a great comment if you're sending note we've had some people on our show right and maybe that's one of them that when we had a guest on and we post there their twitter handle my friend neil jacobson will see how many people are paying a tent today at bagel mafia okay is his people have contacted him? We had mark cam pana from live nation the head guy who runs the company and he gave out his email address right now I don't know I didn't go ask all the kids who followed up because the cynic in me says the ones that are paying attention the ones that they're trying to get the yes that are worried about whether mark campaign is going to be offended not when he gave them their email address you know are the ones we're going to score now if you send him an email going well, I have all these problems and I had this going on in my life and my mother threw me out of the house and she hated the fact that I played guitar and then it about you know, those are the ones you're goingto jesus christ already have a wife and kids enough all right? You know I'm saying and I've gotten some of these things we're all set in the first contact I've got is this purging of their soul and I'm going wow, man, I just wanted to say cool you know and after so you've gotta be measured about it but yes, you can contact him because they put themselves out there to be contacted we'll talk a little bit in the last segment here today about how to network without being 00:07:59.498 --> 00:08:02. annoying because but you already know how to do it 00:08:02.65 --> 00:08:04. so I'm going to say what you already know and you're 00:08:04.8 --> 00:08:07. gonna nod your heads and that's going to remind you 00:08:07.37 --> 00:08:10. that you have the answers it's back to that big stuff 00:08:11.2 --> 00:08:14. you know and doing asking the questions and getting 00:08:14.17 --> 00:08:16. the answer so what else you got over there ever shut 00:08:16.97 --> 00:08:20. master has a question true master one o one shred 00:08:20.29 --> 00:08:23. math red one no one what are the best online tools 00:08:23.9 --> 00:08:26. for bringing band members together aside from craigslist 00:08:26.54 --> 00:08:27. do you have any 00:08:29.18 --> 00:08:32. I'm gonna defer to greater authority a musician 00:08:33.92 --> 00:08:37. you know craig's lis honestly hasn't brought me anyone 00:08:37.42 --> 00:08:41. that I've seen working musician gone now what's brought 00:08:41.17 --> 00:08:45. me that is just going to shows go see your local bands 00:08:45.69 --> 00:08:50. go see anyone around town and talk to him I mean I 00:08:50.32 --> 00:08:52. just go up to people after they get offstage and I 00:08:52.69 --> 00:08:54. talked to him and say hey how long have you been playing 00:08:54.72 --> 00:08:57. for blah blah blah are you interested in doing another 00:08:57.22 --> 00:08:59. band you know anyone if you're looking for guitars 00:08:59.33 --> 00:09:02. or drummer just ask me just ask anyone that's how 00:09:02.44 --> 00:09:05. I found every musician I've ever worked with for a 00:09:05.56 --> 00:09:06. long period of time 00:09:07.78 --> 00:09:11. azua would you concur absolutely craigslist is like 00:09:11.47 --> 00:09:14. the only source and it's not a very good one I got 00:09:14.84 --> 00:09:17. pried off of it but besides that there used to be 00:09:17.45 --> 00:09:20. a magazine in l a called music connection right was 00:09:20.13 --> 00:09:23. a musician's mag was about how to get in here's guys 00:09:23.03 --> 00:09:25. that are looking vocalist looking for band and I'm 00:09:25.84 --> 00:09:28. sure that what's chicago what do they have in chicago 00:09:28.11 --> 00:09:30. what's the equivalent chicago reader chicago reader 00:09:30.78 --> 00:09:32. and melbourne they must have something there's all 00:09:32.62 --> 00:09:35. kinds of art with sections okay, so the point of it 00:09:35.32 --> 00:09:38. is is that craigslist has got all kinds of bad voodoo 00:09:38.89 --> 00:09:41. going on over there but we have three musicians in 00:09:41.34 --> 00:09:44. here I don't use craigslist I think the moral of the 00:09:44.56 --> 00:09:47. story for my friend is he asked me a question thinking 00:09:47.47 --> 00:09:49. I'm supposed to give him the answer but that's a better 00:09:49.58 --> 00:09:53. question to go ask musicians and you're in your city 00:09:53.27 --> 00:09:56. okay I'm not a musician I get bands that come to me 00:09:56.94 --> 00:10:00. when they figure that out all right? So another question 00:10:00.21 --> 00:10:03. rustic then so dense chicago what tools could help 00:10:03.02 --> 00:10:05. identify people like you the people behind the scenes 00:10:05.72 --> 00:10:09. such as business managers ok looking agents its center 00:10:09.32 --> 00:10:11. I'm going to state another one that we never bought 00:10:11.78 --> 00:10:17. a record there kate a record uh I don't know I don't 00:10:17.34 --> 00:10:19. know you're supposed to say ok let me show you what 00:10:19.72 --> 00:10:23. one of them looks like here folks reaser records uh 00:10:23.65 --> 00:10:26. let's see what we got here demare okay dinah's short 00:10:26.95 --> 00:10:28. jesus okay, well 00:10:31.84 --> 00:10:34. did you kill let me know let here's here's how you 00:10:34.45 --> 00:10:37. know okay you have body you're just saying that to 00:10:37.05 --> 00:10:39. make me feel good I know it did you buy income is 00:10:39.25 --> 00:10:42. records okay on the back of those in campus records 00:10:42.28 --> 00:10:45. that I know you now that you bought it'll list the 00:10:45.28 --> 00:10:50. producer in a list the label it'll list the lawyer 00:10:50.66 --> 00:10:55. it'll list the dog's enlist everybody okay and I didn't 00:10:55.31 --> 00:10:58. invent that okay so when I again I'm not trying to 00:10:58.23 --> 00:11:01. be testy with these people what but what this generation 00:11:01.44 --> 00:11:04. of people that think you can google it christ you 00:11:04.02 --> 00:11:08. could google that okay give me the twenty its biggest 00:11:08.1 --> 00:11:11. managers in the business somebody google that right 00:11:11.05 --> 00:11:14. now online see when you come up with okay folks you 00:11:14.51 --> 00:11:19. know the answers okay you got to decide to d'oh okay 00:11:19.15 --> 00:11:22. so the point is you can find those people right they 00:11:22.18 --> 00:11:24. may not have their email address but they may you 00:11:24.49 --> 00:11:27. confined mark cuban on twitter or if you give me an 00:11:27.06 --> 00:11:29. e mail he'll stand your email back of it's entertaining 00:11:29.55 --> 00:11:32. and interesting right so it's there for you so if 00:11:32.83 --> 00:11:35. you know all that stuff and you're asking me I'm going 00:11:35.9 --> 00:11:38. to be a jerk and say you know what come on man you're 00:11:39.7 --> 00:11:42. do it you know what to do do it another question now 00:11:42.83 --> 00:11:45. you scare him out of here I know course we've got 00:11:45.29 --> 00:11:49. plenty of questions let's go with yeah yeah yeah I 00:11:49.58 --> 00:11:52. have a networking schedule example do you make it 00:11:52.98 --> 00:11:55. a habit to reach out to everyone in your network once 00:11:55.07 --> 00:11:57. a month to keep a calendar how do you keep direct 00:11:57.82 --> 00:11:59. question great question 00:12:00.9 --> 00:12:04. in some u city much better at it when I was more on the mission and then I got like all the fat cats get things they're working really well and you know our world was fairly predictable but I still do in some ways christmas card you sent out christmas cards, holiday cards, birthday cards those kind of things those kind of ritual reach outs you know are important they're our people and our little use of these better job in our contact files when I was thinking about I'd send an email id note the date that I sent it to him right particularly if I was on a mission about something I've got something I want to do and I and I'm looking to make those multiple contacts without like you know, doing a tsunami of you know information on somebody so the answer is yes okay and I think if you were ritual about that you have all again all these great tools to do it when I started in the business you literally had a role addicts I found a picture online that some kids sent me of some magazine article that I had done at some point and I literally had an old looking you go but I have an old roll index and spinning around pulling that card, rip it up, right, and then we had the file of facts right, this bible that you would carry around with you and see you scribbling. Then somebody invented computers, right, and you could put all that stuff in one place, and the answer, that question is, yes, I'm not as good as they used to be, but I know some people that are assassins about it, and what is it helps you ritual eyes, this keeping in touch and that's a good thing. Not everybody does it. I'm mohr disorganized, but joe lilac, the guy that works for me, does self. Alexis. We talked about the tools you're using her, did we? We did their way. Ok, you've got questions about tools, how to use him, anybody. Let me talk to one again. Ok, then. Well, we'll get some more questions coming from folk internships. You've got an internship. You try to get an internship. Lots of people. You guys were figuring it out. You know, cody, ron has figured out all the people, but lots of folks out 00:14:02.54 --> 00:14:05. there are not. They don't understand how to get it 00:14:05.13 --> 00:14:07. itches. I get tons of emails from kids going on home 00:14:08.44 --> 00:14:11. an internship. So I wanted to play you a clip here, 00:14:11.53 --> 00:14:15. right from a gal that your name is lenny rosenbloom. 00:14:15.15 --> 00:14:19. Right? And I met her online. Somehow she contact me. 00:14:19.05 --> 00:14:22. I don't even remember how, oh, I remember how she 00:14:22.44 --> 00:14:25. sent me an email suggesting a segment that we should 00:14:25.48 --> 00:14:28. do on our show that says, you know, you should do 00:14:28.62 --> 00:14:32. a segment on how to get internships and because lots 00:14:32.2 --> 00:14:34. of people are interested. And strangely enough, lenny 00:14:34.93 --> 00:14:37. suggested that she might be a good person to talk 00:14:37.72 --> 00:14:41. to write. So I want to play this clip from the queen 00:14:41.03 --> 00:14:45. of internships, miss lenny rosenbloom who's now working 00:14:45.09 --> 00:14:47. at warner music group. Take it away, lenny. 00:14:50.84 --> 00:14:54. You have a number of internships tells how you did 00:14:54.22 --> 00:14:54. it lenny 00:14:56.16 --> 00:14:58. well I basically made it a point to track down the 00:14:58.85 --> 00:15:01. right people it makes a big difference to hunt down 00:15:01.34 --> 00:15:03. the right first new address your cover letter tio 00:15:03.94 --> 00:15:07. um I also have experience working with what my favorite 00:15:07.75 --> 00:15:10. bands in my hometown keeping riley and I was like 00:15:10.23 --> 00:15:13. a street team are for them for about three years and 00:15:13.45 --> 00:15:15. so help that I had a passion for music and I've found 00:15:15.91 --> 00:15:18. that a lot of companies that want interns you don't 00:15:18.85 --> 00:15:21. necessarily have to have previous experience or not 00:15:21.57 --> 00:15:24. a lot anyway but so much passion for music that's 00:15:24.54 --> 00:15:26. what they're really looking for to start and then 00:15:26.35 --> 00:15:29. you can always learn more well I'll give you the rest 00:15:29.42 --> 00:15:32. of lenny got about you know seven different internships 00:15:32.93 --> 00:15:35. that she was doing a multiples when she was back and 00:15:35.63 --> 00:15:38. cods and the great thing about these internships for 00:15:38.16 --> 00:15:40. people are on the outside trying to get in is that 00:15:40.72 --> 00:15:44. they give you a chance to go out and show your stuff 00:15:44.26 --> 00:15:47. right they give you a chance to infiltrate the building 00:15:47.05 --> 00:15:49. and make yourself indispensable right and again for 00:15:49.82 --> 00:15:52. you folks here that are musicians it's tough to get 00:15:52.1 --> 00:15:54. a musician's internship so I hear what you guys let's 00:15:54.62 --> 00:15:57. try to make a practice but we've got for you know, 00:15:57.71 --> 00:16:00. three musicians here and a couple of people that are 00:16:00.72 --> 00:16:03. using internships that have gotten so omer because it gives you a chance to show your stuff right and if you're taking an internship and people keep letting you go I'm going to go and say you're not figuring out what in the room needs to get covered you're not doing what my friend cody romney's did which thought ok, I will clean out this closet that I heard the boss crying about right or I will go in here and grab the vacuum cleaner and do the back me those are not the things you're thinking about unless you're thinking about okay I'm goingto do some things that I could do some damage out so I'm not saying testing that vacuuming is a key to the top but nobody would have thought about being a carpet salesman either so okay any more questions from the internet right now stevie music eleven is looking to get into tour management says one of the best tool for someone pursuing artist or tour management to network or find people in a city where the music scene isn't as big a c l a or new york okay, we'll start with the tour manager because the location I want to talk about a little bit later in the tour manager okay let's figure this one out right? So you want to go and be a tour manager? Okay, so that means you're going to be working for a band right? And you've got to understand who hires the tour manager anybody in here know who hires the tour manager okay the regular manager ultimately does how would he find out about tour managers that I don't know okay I'm gonna tell you let's go all the way back in the food chain right toured a kid's book okay band going to show up hopefully right band's probably gonna have a manager hopefully right okay and this may be a level of two above but the manager if it's during a real touring band that's going to pay a tour manager versus you're the tour manager and the manager and the bus driver right this thing wishing those is gonna have an agent right and the manager might have one client like may write thie agent I have a man in ages but they only got one client so they got a hundred clients so you so you follow in the food chain here so where would you get a tour manager gig well you could network with bands okay but the manager is probably going to make the higher the agents got a hundred people so if I'm looking for a tour manager right I'm going to call up other managers hey you got a good tour man yeah my guy were taken off the road we got a great time it happens to me all time when my guys get off the road I'm talking about touring personnel. I tried to hook him up with other gigs and if I can't talk to other managers I call up the agents okay who are have other bands that all have tour manager's out on the road and failing in that I might call up your friends that live nation who are the guys that the tour manager comes in and settles the show within all of this stuff so that's how you figure out where the fish are and then you've got to start fishing so to answer your friend's question those are all the points of contact we've talked about the networking tools so if manager acts or agent acts or label person x or or even label people deal with the tour managers were also put that one on the next you find out who those people are and you figure out how to count of email their phone number there twitter however and that's where you have to be industrious because it's tough we talked about oh god that's good it's tough but it's not impossible, right? I'm telling you stuff you already know everybody's not on their head and sometimes that's what managers do is say the unsayable or say the obvious when people don't want to see it, okay let's see what do we got next year? I want to finish that thought back and I'm looking at bouncing around on my side to that whole notion so I was asking about social media that idea of telling your own story right and putting your best foot forward there's nothing better than social media to do that right you know because it gets you those opportunities before you get to sit down in person right so when you have a chance to tell you story thing about it so that when you finally do meet that person that you've been looking to me whether it's me or somebody else that you've thought it through put yourself in their shoes ok are you going to inundate him and given him a tsunami of stuff or you're going to trust that you're coming back and might get another crack are you gonna figure out what it is if I had sixty seconds to tell my story to steve rennie or corey carter jim garino or picked your pick your big what would you tell him in which you leave him with that thing can I give you my phone number can you know do you have an email address or you are you on twitter make it innocent and you could make those connections and so that telling your own story is an important concept you know and something I talk about with the band guys all the time when we do a tweet or where we put something on our facebook and enemy or rolling stone magazine who used to have I'd have to have a published go and talk to him right and send out a press release they're taking the band's words and putting it up there how many times you hear on the news now where it was reported on chris brown's twitter page like that would be a good source of honest information this this or that happened right not to pick on chris I know he's got a temper er you know that's okay sorry chris really just getting uh you know you get what I'm saying you know you get a chance to make those connections so there is my my bid on social media all right let's talk about some other stuff here any more questions for you books right now how many of you folks go teo industry conferences thirty minutes got it taking your head ok was there a question earlier about industry conference is definitely okay does that one worth answer and I think so all right. I'm looking to you for guidance system okay? Industry conference somebody asks a question before he left you know about industry conference I know people they go to industry conferences all you ever been to an industry conference you have which one? Well okay when you went to an industry conference how was it for you kate uh first little overwhelming and then you kind of just roll with the punches and it's fine. Okay did you go there to learn about specific things which is typically what goes on at these music conference? Where were you there to see certain people or both mostly be there and learn certain things okay so if you had a chance to go to a big industry conference to come here to creative live which would you choose notwithstanding the fact you get a check from this place creative life okay of course okay well even if you weren't getting a check here you know because I know she means is that these kind of things are kind of rare but the industry conference is a place where people are there because they have the same interest in mind they have a chance to meet people and so forth and so on and so that on paper is good here's the doubt say that costs a lot of money okay if I was speaking on a conference and there's two hundred people in the room and they go okay after the conference is over you get to go over here and sit with speakers right and allison I'm standing the table with four other people and there's two hundred people okay trying to get your attention the best you're going to get out of somebody hey nice to meet you that's cool getting my cd sure you know I don't even waste the time but I'm not taking your cd if you had done your homework you know that hey I could probably get his card which will probably have his email and he was going to tell me don't send me a cd just sent me a link to your website where you see your picture your video your music and I have a sense of how you present yourself you know do you have an idea of what your true north is is an artist or or a business person all of those things so the downside is you don't get personal time they cost a lot of money now people have asked me all the time hey randy do you go to these conferences since I started this web show inside I went this year to meet him the mighty medium conference in cannes france this got conned me into coming to cannes I'm just kidding he'll be watching today and it was a lot of fun but I'd never or been to meet him in my life and people go oh my god red I can't believe you've never been to meet him and I said I can't work and I go well I was too busy doing I wasn't looking to do homework I was you know I that I was doing it right this year for the first time I went to south by southwest great conference you know has been going on for thirty years I told him I got my first time unbelievable it's your first time south by south I can't believe it I'm thinking yeah hard to imagine how it worked out if I'd gone to south by southwest the last thirty years right now was fun I got to meet some new people and I got some contact there but all those people that came piling up I didn't get much time with them but a few gave me their cards and a few followed up afterwards so they're good things to do with new music sema I'll tell you a funny story I started my very first conference when I was your age that young twenty two year old guy with hair and a little gleam in his eye right went to new york city my first trip to new york city and went to the new music seminar and I printed up my cards and I had a took out a little ad and billboard magazine I looked at it the whole time I kept looking over at it because it was this big and I felt big and it was great I member is going there with bill silva a big time promoter mansion we were there together going on forty second street and looking at this large woman that we figured out was a man and go wow, this is unbelievable man this new music seminar well, I hadn't gone back until this year okay, so the point is they're good things to go teo but you know you gotta have a plan when you go there. So anyway, from your folks that are really just starting out there are more on a learning mission than a networking mission. I say they make some sets, ok professional networking organization there out there in your cities and markets and so forth big ones little ones local ones regional ones whether producers you know record district have been touring people in all of that stuff so they're they're they're good things too to dio and they're they're they're good places to be but 00:26:04.641 --> 00:26:07. not as good as you guys doing your homework being 00:26:07.62 --> 00:26:10. industrious figuring out who you need to get in touch 00:26:10.82 --> 00:26:13. with and then using some of these tricks to get there 00:26:13.96 --> 00:26:19. question here michelle so I have one of my relatives 00:26:19.82 --> 00:26:23. in a band and he been playing a lot of local gigs 00:26:23.61 --> 00:26:26. they played pft opened up with the local stage stuff 00:26:26.39 --> 00:26:29. like that so I've been thinking of approaching them 00:26:29.95 --> 00:26:34. should be a manager but I'm not sure about it just 00:26:34.53 --> 00:26:37. cause I don't think I don't know phil be able to trust 00:26:37.5 --> 00:26:40. me because all my background is just promotions and 00:26:40.5 --> 00:26:43. marketing and that's all I've done so I don't know 00:26:43.13 --> 00:26:46. if I can I don't know if I have the right tools to 00:26:46.83 --> 00:26:47. be 00:26:48.43 --> 00:26:52. circling glynn here okay first things first okay 00:26:53.89 --> 00:26:54. this is not 00:26:55.65 --> 00:26:59. the church and you're confessing okay the last thing 00:26:59.65 --> 00:27:03. an artist wants to see I think is a manager that's 00:27:03.41 --> 00:27:04. not sure 00:27:05.42 --> 00:27:07. all the arguments I've had with my friends and anxious 00:27:08.09 --> 00:27:12. never were because I wasn't sure they may be not like 00:27:12.08 --> 00:27:15. the fact that I was so damn sure about stuff right 00:27:15.42 --> 00:27:19. you know so when I kid around the time when I look 00:27:19.14 --> 00:27:21. at different managers I'm saying if I was in a band 00:27:21.3 --> 00:27:24. I wouldn't want that guy being my manager right because 00:27:24.23 --> 00:27:29. you want them to be confident and because that confidence 00:27:29.78 --> 00:27:32. has to go out you're going to be the advocate for 00:27:32.37 --> 00:27:34. this band so with the greatest respect to your friends 00:27:34.6 --> 00:27:37. in the van the thing you should be most worried about 00:27:37.52 --> 00:27:40. when you talk to him and I was going to say what do 00:27:40.9 --> 00:27:44. you worry about that they don't have talent that they 00:27:44.06 --> 00:27:47. don't have ambition that they don't have what it takes 00:27:48.92 --> 00:27:51. no I think it's just me kind of 00:27:52.05 --> 00:27:54. I don't know I guess I don't know I really like how 00:27:54.83 --> 00:27:57. to be a manager like where to get started I think 00:27:57.18 --> 00:28:01. that's the thing like okay where to begin basically 00:28:02.13 --> 00:28:05. well we finished that here's you can learn on the 00:28:05.24 --> 00:28:09. job oh hey do they have talent do they have great 00:28:09.72 --> 00:28:14. songs are they great performers okay now if you had 00:28:14.17 --> 00:28:16. an artist with great talent and great songs and great 00:28:16.89 --> 00:28:19. performance what would you do with them promote the 00:28:19.56 --> 00:28:22. hell okay where would you start what is a great songwriter 00:28:22.79 --> 00:28:23. need to have happen 00:28:24.94 --> 00:28:27. er hit how they're going to get a hit 00:28:28.98 --> 00:28:32. make up make a record make a record okay so you're 00:28:32.09 --> 00:28:34. figuring this out of the shell put it on a piece of 00:28:34.26 --> 00:28:38. paper okay and if they had a big hit okay were they 00:28:38.63 --> 00:28:40. going to make some money after the big were all the 00:28:40.59 --> 00:28:44. big bands making money today toyne touring ok that's 00:28:44.29 --> 00:28:46. where we've read your first gig live nation where 00:28:46.96 --> 00:28:50. they d'oh put on concerts okay so you answer your 00:28:50.21 --> 00:28:53. question there right that's what you need to be doing 00:28:53.49 --> 00:28:55. so you're getting okay how do I get him a record deal 00:28:56.19 --> 00:28:59. okay how do I get him gigs now you're not going to 00:28:59.12 --> 00:29:01. start with live nation not gonna necessarily start 00:29:01.53 --> 00:29:04. with a big record company but they've got great songs 00:29:04.68 --> 00:29:07. how do you get him out there you record the songs 00:29:07.23 --> 00:29:10. right you put him on youtube you put him on soundcloud 00:29:10.16 --> 00:29:12. you put it wherever the hell you get him right and 00:29:12.88 --> 00:29:15. then if you do that you get a little attention then 00:29:15.17 --> 00:29:17. maybe you get a record deal right for all the chatter 00:29:17.47 --> 00:29:19. about big labels I don't want to be a big label I 00:29:19.59 --> 00:29:22. want to be indeed that's that is a vote of naivete 00:29:22.46 --> 00:29:25. me tell you mostly motivated record label springs 00:29:25.5 --> 00:29:27. money they bring expertise they bring infrastructure 00:29:27.85 --> 00:29:30. in they bring experience to the party remember we 00:29:30.71 --> 00:29:32. talked about you've got to move fast in the music 00:29:32.97 --> 00:29:35. business you want to be put together all those things 00:29:35.53 --> 00:29:38. on the fly hell no you don't take me that's how you 00:29:38.65 --> 00:29:41. get this look on your face so you know what two d'oh 00:29:42.44 --> 00:29:46. but I'm telling you you cannot convince a bad to be 00:29:46.2 --> 00:29:47. there imagine when you go 00:29:49.04 --> 00:29:51. what have you got on a plane I got on the plane down 00:29:51.02 --> 00:29:54. flying home tonight kate the guy goes hey steve I'm 00:29:54.54 --> 00:29:57. a little nervous about landing up here in san francisco 00:29:57.27 --> 00:30:00. I because I'm going to go well tell you what you just 00:30:00.95 --> 00:30:03. keep that thing in the air until we're way over so 00:30:03.71 --> 00:30:06. I'm flying in here today all kidding aside I'm thinking 00:30:06.92 --> 00:30:09. oh shit okay someone and I want to go up there and 00:30:09.73 --> 00:30:12. not going to go you got to sing off on open you can 00:30:12.22 --> 00:30:15. really fly this thing candy man okay and so I swear 00:30:15.99 --> 00:30:18. to god I had in my mind I know the pilot is because 00:30:18.81 --> 00:30:22. we came way and I'm thinking okay now we gotta put 00:30:22.0 --> 00:30:24. this thing down sooner or later and he put that thing 00:30:24.12 --> 00:30:26. down thing while he was going to drop it in the ocean 00:30:26.36 --> 00:30:30. right so my point is if the pilot got up there all 00:30:30.09 --> 00:30:32. right folks this is your captain speaking I'm a little 00:30:32.18 --> 00:30:35. nervous about this thing I said let me get off this 00:30:35.48 --> 00:30:37. plane right now so you know what you're going to be 00:30:37.79 --> 00:30:41. the pilot of their plane then you may be scared shitless 00:30:41.67 --> 00:30:44. about dropping it in san francisco bay but man don't 00:30:44.49 --> 00:30:46. share that with the band okay 00:30:47.93 --> 00:30:52. that makes sense okay, way have some conversation 00:30:52.1 --> 00:30:55. going on in the wanted teo just with you kelly the 00:30:55.98 --> 00:30:58. music wants to know what you think of competitions 00:30:58.46 --> 00:31:01. like tv's american idol the voice it said our talent 00:31:01.83 --> 00:31:04. shows like that were also kind of more local like 00:31:04.38 --> 00:31:07. a drumming contest it guitar center you know I've 00:31:07.26 --> 00:31:09. seen somebody much yeah that sort of thing always 00:31:09.03 --> 00:31:12. start with the big ones right I used to detest the 00:31:12.7 --> 00:31:16. idea of american idol it was it was countered everything 00:31:17.06 --> 00:31:21. that I had grown up thinking you know artist development 00:31:21.11 --> 00:31:23. brick by brick the things that we did with incomes 00:31:23.5 --> 00:31:25. they wrote a song that went in two or three hundred 00:31:25.8 --> 00:31:29. twenty record gigs on their first album they play 00:31:29.94 --> 00:31:33. seven eight nine days in a row on the road in a freakin 00:31:33.43 --> 00:31:36. van brandon's driving mikey's driving all that so 00:31:36.76 --> 00:31:39. here comes american I'll away they're manufactured 00:31:40.86 --> 00:31:45. stars right and I said that that this is crap I hate 00:31:45.16 --> 00:31:49. this right and then what happened was is that there 00:31:49.42 --> 00:31:52. started to be some real talent there and what became 00:31:52.19 --> 00:31:57. obvious to me is that when you show up on tv for fifteen, 00:31:57.99 --> 00:32:02. eighteen weeks in a row you can't get that much air 00:32:02.53 --> 00:32:06. play in the real world that is big time massive exposure 00:32:06.46 --> 00:32:10. right so they've had awesome turds I bond board some some duds on who is there the guy with the gray here taylor not taylor taylor hicks the other taylor right you know hey had his big mo who was the big black kid roof is or you know, reuben reuben stoddard right you know they've had a bunch of them that were kind of one hit wonders they were there and they were gone who is the kid adam lambert right who had a nice little moment in the sun and kind of went away but then they've also had carrie underwood right? They've had a bunch of ones that have actually graduate so here's what I said and you said you are in america now before I would have never ever thought about but I've actually told people if you think you can handle that whole ride of american idol go ahead and do it you know but the smartest guy there was what was the kid that he's had a couple of rockets chris daughtry right remember he was the guy that bailed out before the end and got a manager because the contract was like when those fifty's kind your american idol you're going to go onto our we're going to pay you maybe five grand a week to go out be part of the show and what they were doing was selling hey we're going to sell that you get to big star for a moment but we're keeping all the money okay simon cow that's when it iss okay so that's how they do it so the smart ones got bailed out before they had to actually win the thing and now I think they've tightened up that's so not withstanding that the deals that have happened from those are oppressive and that's why kelly clarkson some of these people have kind of had to almost sued to get out of them the exposure is amazing right as far as local competitions I think if you're just starting and you haven't had a big hit yet every place that you get a chance to show your stuff okay is worth doing and then people say to me all the time and well you are artiste go well I don't want to do that you know because that's not who I am and I've said it a million times I'll say this to every young artists out there looking today that are worried about I'm not sure that's how I want to be presented in the early days for you to even write the risk of improper exposure in the early days when nobody knows who you are is so overwhelmingly dwarfed by the fact that nobody's going to know you at all then you take the chances to get the attention that you'll get a chance to make it up in the end I remember when incubus got on oz fast we're no in the middle but I could guys let's get out here we'll figure this out we played on the area one tour with uh with moby well moby I'm not kind of like moby but that that was weird and wacky and we were there nelly furtado in the outcasts and all that and we did it anyway because people showed up and nobody remembers that okay because income is going on to be a headliner van halen one of my favorite bands opened for the runaways can you imagine okay there was another big band jimi hendrix the guys you were playing on the way and j he opened for the monkeys ok nobody remembers so get the exposure out there okay let's see what else can we talk about here want to talk a little bit about this whole blogged thing and then you know any questions from you guys here no I've got quite a bit is ready to fall asleep okay all right anything I love it love it over there behind the wall okay all right let me talk about a couple go ahead teo expression how can you get I am more people who watches that justo you are both going to figure that out because I don't know I can see I'm not being flip about that there's some magic to getting views and that might be maybe that's one of your next seconds get one of these little youtube jockeys up here that's got ten times more youtube talent and they have talent because I'm convinced there's some technique I see it to the guys in the office they were probably all not all here he goes I go eyes weren't doing some wrong there's clearly something wrong? We got the biggest people in nobody what are we doing wrong you got to go out and figure out so I don't know the answer to that but I know this youtube collects tons of people there and the fact that it's jumping dogs and all kinds of wacky stuff going on that jimmy kimmel thing the girl that was twerking and caught on fire turns out to be a gag they did speaks to that if you catch the right little wave you khun do some unbelievable things did you see this you heard about the girl that was twerking she fell on the table and pants caught on fire yeah and it was all over on every news story again the youtube leading the news not the other one oh my god here's twerking all gone rob first started with miley now people's pants are catching on fire right well it was the whole gag done by jimmy kimmel and they put it out there quietly twenty million people watched this video is on every news broadcast it was a total gag right holding so the point is youtube is a powerful tool and when you're a manager right there's a amount of philosophers you khun tell right I'm not interested in the fairy tale of things that's not what I do I'm interested in things that work all right and just because I didn't agree with him I didn't think that they were something that made sense to me to you about twitter or whatever if it's working remember what I said if it's working too maur if it's not working to less you don't need to go to harvard if you need to have your old man pay fifty grand to figure that out it's just simple stuff the best answer is right in front of you but you got to read the writing on the wall okay okay all right any questions there I know you guys getting tired or I'm getting tired out but you know what just you guys are lucky I'm not thirty five anymore you really be getting scared okay don't talk about blog's for a second right this again new phenomenon telling your own story painting in your own authority new phenomenon there's a guy that I've picked on in the past named bob left it's right and we've become buddies now a little bit better but this is a guy in the music business who started this newsletter's before they even call them blocks there is called the left sets newsletter where he went out and made editorial comment on things in the business and talked about things that were going on and now fifty or sixty thousand people are you know, listening to his newsletter every day and he has great waiting authorities become well connected through this ing the point I'm making is is that that's a new phenomenon where you can go out and paint your own authority now I'm not not agree with everything bob says but what I do know is he's up to speed he has an interesting look on the music business he keeps up with the trends and so forth but he's done something on his own okay that he started out his own told the story on his own and it worked and he built some authority for himself now not everybody's going to be able to do it but there was a kid named derek davies you had a sight with his girl lizzie and I forget lizzie's last name she's the singer and miss mister you heard that yeah okay gotta big they started a little web site called neon gold okay a blogger where they talked about records that they liked okay, now derek had you know, riel pension for promoting and finding artists just like you like finding artists and all that stuff in instead of the record company hiring him okay to be in an ar guy he got a label deal with him because he would finding acts that turned out to be something so it's a new phenomenon there that people like yourselves can go out and have an opinion you know and expressing my friend neil jacobs and he did the wacky video to get somebody's attention that's something again where you're telling your own story so for you ava that's out there trying if you write to song you get that video think about how you would present even to the world right and the things that you do because once you get signed to a label you're going they're going to do all that stuff where you take my word for better that you have the idea then wait there go okay now tell me how I'm supposed to dress and what I'm supposed to dio and and you know just spin me around and have your way with me that's you know some for some people it works for some it doesn't so I say take advantage of these tools because it's powerful stuff out there and you can make a difference you got a question alan you just kind of light up when there's a question we're getting a great deal of questions here they might not be so much on topic for what we're talking about right now so I'm thinking maybe we'll let you get through this and okay him up in a bit through that is a perfect way also if we want to make finn happy we do have a couple holes on the board there that he's gonna want filled in tim okay uh ask him then where would you like us to put in there? We've got tools alexa even looks like need to fill it. Okay, relax have filling a slot there? What tools are you going to be using to be a manager? We're going to start with a little volume on the boys no. How you going to connect with that artist? You need to get an artist at your target, right? You leave here tonight, them what? Talking to them after the show, you have, you got some artist and why that you're thinking about today, then you think you're cool. Once that you'd move in with, for, bravely speaking, get married to make him your kids. Make him your husband or wife, huh? Yeah, okay, thank you. When you close your eyes, you think they can be big or whatever, you, whatever, you're dreaming in your head, okay, so what you gonna do to contact him today? Twitter than e mail them and scanned where do you see these people can you actually meet him okay then remember what I said at the top all the twitter that this isn't that great stuff I'm going to say it's a little gutless okay if you could actually go in meeting so if some of these acts are playing at a club right because they're not big yet that's probably where they are right don't twitter him go meet him you could be their manager not to pen pal okay not their twitter fan on twitter the guy's an incubus I call him okay and when we got together was face to face just long enough for brandon decide I was the worst man on the planet but stayed in there long enough from the know that ok no I get it we're working different sides of the street and I write the songs and I write the music and I'm in charge of the conscience tee's in charge of getting that money and getting these other people brandon would come and say dude sometimes you know you pound on the desk even you yelling people sometimes I don't know if you know what I go yeah I freaking know it because I'm dealing with some people they're not getting it okay if I could get the subtlety window to work, I'd go there but if it's not working, I will freak and bring whatever we need to get their attention you write songs I'm going get to happen so you need to go meet the people right because you're gonna be living with him I'm not kidding about this you know I kid around that I've got either six wives or six sons or whatever it is it's it's it's it's personal so it starts eyeball the eyeball and I got a twitter you wait with this bum me out you got to do that I'm not kidding all right help me out here dave uh don't tell me you're going to start to eat I don't believe you okay in all humility I think my best tool is my personality great just to get out there okay love talking to people okay so what do you need to make this abney the producer you need money get both yes on both yes money man okay let me give you the producer may work for free but if he loves what you're doing I've seen it happen at the highest levels okay you've got a friend at that studio yep right let me tell you some every week somebody's rent in that studio for x amount time for free why not you this is true this is true right tell me you don't throw me down nobody's in there at three o'clock in the morning but if you're the guy goes I can't go in there three o'clock I'll good! Good you come into nine o'clock three grand I'll be there at three okay that's the mentality that you need to have all these people have home studios that you could record on a freaking match okay doesn't necessarily be the greatest but that thing has more horsepower than then george martin had to work with maybe one of the best record of all time sergeant pepper's right yep do you need a studio to do that? No nope would it be a cz greatest going to the record plant or you know pick your studio x wires, eh no but if money's the issue today and you make that the excuse for why you can't do the next step I'm just sitting there saying you are well you've heard it a million times that's the deal right it's about being a do er so if you take away I want and you know and understand what you need is different than what you want and when you can get what you want god bless you you know I mean if I couldn't go play golf at my favorite club tomorrow because I freaking went broker did something crazy I find another place to play or I'd find a friend that could get me in right which is what I do so it's about doing it's about making it happen so he needs to do what I say you just need to get busy you put that under begin get is he okay? Well I think I also need to get busy on news internet. More like this, you clip that brian, lovely ryan, them helped film. Um, yeah, stop, since you got to show you could hand it to those guys in there right now on the fourth wall, and I'll tell finn, you're overruled way right now, that's. Why, he's, not you're, you're okay. Because he becomes somebody right now good kitchen on their sense to me and we transfer right now yeah you can make that happen if you wanted to write okay any more questions over here we definitely dio let's go with one from music gal what do you feel like you feel about music sites like band camp and soundcloud why would people by music if they can listen for free or do you view it the same is radio listening so let's talk about as a tool do you see use for those sort of sites as you are getting started yes and the reason is because those are really simple relatively inexpensive ijust spent fifty thousand dollars on a website with these guys we're gonna build this website and it reminded me of building a kitchen for my wife where where we started and where we have if we're not the same place and all I dio is have my cereal in the morning in my coffee and I could have done it out with duke on the floor okay my dog okay so they're great because they give you some tools band camps reverb nation all these places are tools that allow you to distribute your music out there right is it is great is having a big you know well finance well motivated record label no is it is good is having a great manager with a great roll index and great experience and a great agent all that no but we're talking about where we're are where you are in the food chain right? So that represents a great way to get your your music out there and some of those sights have some unbelievable tools to make that stuff happen right? So I say yes to that in is a placeholder until you can find something better right? You know sound clouds become a great tool for musicians to use to send clips back and forth to each other great place to learn about music great place to be able to embed your music on your site and easy ways so those are all things that are huge in the record business now we don't send email, you know, records and cds back and forth people put their music up on soundcloud with a link and I said that I think brandon boys put got a new record out I haven't seen a single cd out from my office kate you're good you know it's good uh but I've been sending links you know, to all these people right? And they go and everybody's got number well, is this safe and I'm going to save helmand we've been sending out cds and people been bootlegging for we're gonna worry about safe now come on this is it just makes it easy, right? So those are great to that person's point about well, what would you put it up there if nobody's going to buy your music anymore what you know I didn't start that one okay and I feel really strongly for all these kids and said we know it's going solitude that shouldn't matter music should be free I want to meet those guys when they go to law school there dental school they come out and the first person goes I don't think what you did is worth I think it should be free but I'm a realist that genies out of the bottle so I'm not gonna waste any time bitching about it's a reality here will they pay okay if you care about the artist that you d'oh if you understand that this is what they do for a living there pouring their heart and soul in their guts out over it okay then you would be maurin klein to support them as a patron okay if you're an artist and you understand that people could get your music for free right then what do you have to make it have value personal touch right because they think you give a shit ok they think you care about him right that's why you would pay is a band like it was ever going to sell five million or pearl jam ever going to sell five million records anymore probably not the biggest records in the business now you take a del out of the equation nobody can sell two million records anymore. You used to sell three million records and that would be like a bee b minus in some years you know ten million was a b plus twenty million who off the charts that used to happen fairly regularly so to the question of why should they pay they should pay because when their own world one there somebody flip that one on them they would understand what it's like but I'm not gonna bitch I'm not the internet cop that I get it okay so artist but make it personal make him believe you care make him understand that you know what I just paid ten bucks for a beer at the san francisco giant game and I'm running to the bathroom and ten minutes later and that feels like it's okay right or that live nation I'm gonna buy a twelve dollar beer ok but that's ok but I won't pay for your music man that's bullshit what what is that all about okay that's what pisses me off folks out there for all you that guy right? Well where are you working that enthused got us all worked up before we go on break though let's hear what we have in store for us when we come back hopefully all run out of gas uh we're going to come back and we've kind of started to get together a little bit of a plan here and I think what we're going to try to do is figure out a little bit more about what I think people are going to start to find out is that there is this isn't like some of these other things where your photographer I'm going to get the thing just right and if I just do this this and this I'm going to get this ending it just doesn't work that way I wish it did but it doesn't so we're gonna try to put together a little bit more of a plan I'm going to share a few more big picture thoughts with you about attitude and things that make that happen and then hopefully by the end of this you guys will go out of here today and you'll skip those notes and buy for a mere twenty nine dollars okay that little video that will spare you all that stuff all right, how about you, kate? Any final thoughts thing he's done a fine job you know I'm just looking for into the next segment all right, let us go without sharing some quotes from the internet with you they're terrific trinity guy says does everyone notice all the people he networks with are in high end dream jobs definitely shows he knows what he's talking about and harrison wells timer says steve thanks you're giving a great deal of information and justice importantly inspiration and the way that just listening to stay for a little bit builds them up and that's what we need sometimes because what do we know about this business this business is tough now.
Ratings and Reviews
a Creativelive Student
Unbelievable course. Steve easy to listen to. He's funny, easy going but incredibly smart. I'm not a musician but have worked with many in photography and this man knows his stuff. Any creative should take this course and take notes.
a Creativelive Student
Just do it!!
Elle Espiritu
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