Class Introduction
27:29 2Before the Negotiation - Assess Your Assets
13:58 3Before the Negotiation - Diagnose Their Pain
20:47 4Before the Negotiation - Do Due Diligence
17:42 5Before the Negotiation - Interest Matchmaking
10:08 6Before the Negotiation - Prep Purposefully
12:20 7Before the Negotiation - Bring Aids
17:27 8During the Negotiation - Prime Value
09:00During the Negotiation - Ask, Ask, Ask
21:37 10During the Negotiation - Leverage Agreement
14:42 11During the Negotiation - Money Talk
20:50 12During the Negotiation - Money Chasers
13:42 13After the Negotiation
04:31 14Bonus Lesson - Email Negotiation
07:14 15Bonus Lesson - How to De-Escalate
11:28 16Bonus Lesson - Dealing with Deadlock
08:56 17Bonus - Case Study
38:30 18Bonus Q&A with Vanessa
29:14Lesson Info
Bonus - Case Study
Let's go into a case study, shall we do a case study? So I have, first, before we go into our actual audience case study I have a little example that I wanna walk through. So today we've been talking a lot about earning, like, you wanna earn more money. I wanna show you how the exact same sheet works for buying, or saving. So I thought we'd do it for a car purchase. We buy lots of cars in our life so let's figure out how that works. So I wanna show you how it works exactly the same way. So, you're gonna go buy a car, and you know, you've looked at your budget, and your goal is to spend about $190 a month on a lease, or maybe a down payment and a lease, but ideally a lease. You know that you would really like to have a four wheel drive, it's not essential, but you'd really like it. You would love seat warmers, not essential, but you would really like it, maybe thrown in. And you really want blue or black. Color actually matters, I don't know if you ever bought a car but they charge prem...
ium for colors. By the way if you ever see someone with a poop brown car you know it's 'cause that was not their battener. They did not care about the color, right? 'Cause color is always extra, I dunno why, the cool colors are always more, I don't know how that happens. So, you would do your research first for this one, I like to do research first when I'm trying to save money. So you would know end of the month is when they reach their quota. That's a good time to go in, either the last day of the month, or the second last day of the month. You know that there's a new model coming out soon. You want the Ford Escape and you know that the 2017 is actually coming out, or the 2018 is actually coming out in October of 2017. So you know they're gonna have these new models coming in and they're gonna want to clear inventory. So you'd be better off waiting until the end of the month right before they get all these new cars on the lot. And everyone else is waiting for that new one but you don't care. You don't care if it says 17 or 2018. They are competing, you know, 'cause you did a little bit of research on Kelley Blue Book that the Ford Escape 2017 is really similar to the Toyota Rav4 2017. You know that that's their really head-to-head. So you want to make sure that they know that you know that that's the competitive car. There are also three other dealerships in this little area, in this little pot. In fact you'd be better off going to a dealership that's right near the other dealerships. Instead of going to a Ford dealership out in the middle of nowhere, no, go to the Ford dealership that's right near three other different car dealerships. Then you could say, "I'm gonna hop across "the street, check out that Toyota. "I'm gonna hop across the street check out that Cadillac." If it's close together, they know that you can literally walk across the street. So you go to the better location. You also have two other cars you've picked out, you don't like them as much but they're pretty good. And you know the kind of basics, what they cost, what they include. This one's your favorite. Assets, your asset is you want a car today. You are ready for the car, you're gonna go in and you're gonna need that car. That's a good thing, you're ready to buy. A lot of car dealers they don't know if you're actually ready to buy or just shopping around. You wanna switch brands, so that's actually a big thing. I don't know if you guys know this but if you do your research you'll learn that people will actually give you a switch bonus if you bring in proof of your other car. So when I went to go buy a new car I was switching from Ford to BMW and I was like, "What will you pay me to switch from Ford?" And I showed them proof of ownership, that I had owned a Ford my last car and my car before that and my very first car was also a Ford. So I was like, "I have a lot of brand loyalty to Ford." Now what he didn't know is I was totally done with Ford but, I was like, (audience laughter) "I have a lot of brand loyalty to Ford. "My very first car, my baby car was a Ford, "and I don't really want to switch. "What can you offer me?" They had a $3,000 switch bonus they were offering, for switching, okay? So that was an asset that I was willing to switch brands and become a new loyalist, that I was done with Ford. I could put more down. So I was willing to put a little more down to have a lower monthly fee. And I have really good credit. I knew they would have no credit problems. So when you buy a car, it's back and forth, and then you have to go to this back office and sit back there and they run your credit. It's terrible, it's like they're taking your new born baby, it takes forever. So I knew that I would not get, I would get the offer if I wanted it, I had good credit, so I could literally buy that car and walk out with it today. The pain point that I was trying to solve for him is I know he must have some kind of monthly quota at the end. I know he wants to clear off inventory for the new model based on the research and I know he wants to beat out Ford, like I know he really wants to. So here is the notes that I had from before. Agreements, we both want to sell me today. I want a car, he wants to sell me a car, we can agree on that. Toyota, Ford convert, what are you converting from? You don't want me with that other brand, you want me with this brand, you want a new convert. That looks good for you and you can talk to your boss about it. I'm direct and I'm fast. I'll tell you exactly what I want, we don't have to spend all day. You only have limited hours in a day to sell cars, I'm only going to take an hour of your time if you're willing to work with me, right? Like, let's both make our time efficient. You want to sell, I want to buy. So what I did was, at the end of all these agreements is you can go in, oops, sorry guys. Okay, so I have all these agreements and I go in and I know that the very, oh by the way and I bring all the printouts from my other car dealerships with me so that they know that I'm shopping around. Do I share the first number or not, what do you think based on these things? Yes. So what I think is I think that I share a range. So if 190 is what I want to pay my range would maybe be 150 to 190. Now I know that that's way lower than their monthly cost but I'm anchoring him to lower. So I'm giving him my range 'cause I know my range and I know that the top end of my range is actually the number that I want. And that anchors him of like, "Ooh, I better figure out a way to work with her." 'Cause I can say, "I want to buy today, "I have really good credit so we don't "have to worry about that, "aren't you about to hit your monthly quota? "How close are you?" Like that's actually how I negotiate for these cars, right? So this is an example of how this sheet works with buying or selling, does that make sense? Okay, so, all the car dealers are like, "Oh God, I hope she never comes into my dealership." (audience laughter) But now you all will have this negotiation cheat sheet and you'll be able to use it. So remember here the when, the who you bring, like I had to bring my husband 'cause he's a car guy, right? That's also the who, who I come with me, what time of day I go, Tuesday morning. I researched online that the slowest time for car dealerships, Tuesday morning, that's when I'm gonna go in. All those things give you leverage. That's what got me my power windows. That's what got me my heated seat warmers, that's 'cause I went on a Tuesday morning, it's worth it. So let's do a real life case study. Juliann please come and join me up here. Woo-hoo! (audience applause) So, please take a seat, please take a seat. I also want to shake your hand, I like the honesty. Okay, good. So Juliann, I was talking to Juliann over lunch and I said, "Would you be willing to be a case study, "I want to fill out your sheet together?" So tell us a little bit about your business, your pivot, where you're at. So I recently left my full time job at the clinical hospital, I was there for 10 years. I left in February, so I'm two months into my own private practice. So right now what I'm trying to figure out is how to negotiate with potential clients. I wanted to stop selling in these one time appointments and start selling bigger packages, more for two to three months because I felt like that time period allowed the client to gain traction, to establish those healthy habits, and then I was happier as their coach seeing them succeed. So in terms of the pitch I get them on the phone and they're excited and then I give them the price point and I think that's the-- That's the rub. Yeah. Okay, so, when we talked about this pivot we talked about how these pre-calls do well and then you mentioned the price point, it's bigger package, it's not just a one off call, and there's like, "Ooh, not for me", or, they're like, "I'll think about it." You follow up on email and it doesn't happen. Which means somehow we're not explaining the assets up front. So because this is a new kind of pivot for you I thought we could fill this out together and if we need help as we guide, and by the way, as you watch this I want you to start filling out yours. Hopefully us going through it will help you solve yours. So, let's start with, tell me a little bit more about the research side, since I don't know your client as well. What do we know, who is your, like, ideal client? My ideal client is more so a middle age woman, wife, mother, busy, wants to lose weight, kind of has lost a sense of who she is. Wants simple meal planning tips. Okay, actually we're getting into pain points, I'm not gonna put this in research, hold on. Tell me more about her. So tell me a little, oh behind you by the way I have sort of our prompts. So who is my partner? Okay, so, middle age mother most likely. What are his or her values, so what's getting her up in the morning? She wants to provide for her family, she wants to provide healthy meals. She wants to have energy so she can contribute fully as a wife and as a mother. Just putting energy as like mom, cook. My client normally works full time so she's very busy. Okay, so time is gonna be scarce. So how do you think is the best way to approach them? Are they usually a talker on the phone, do they like in-person, are they email, what kind of approach do they usually like? Normally they contact me first either through phone or email. So they would be a warm contact 'cause you're not contacting them. So I'm gonna ask you a couple of personality based questions which we talked about in Master People Skills. There are five basic personality traits. Openness, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. So I'm gonna ask a couple of questions about the personality matrix of your clients. So, first, openness, does she like new ideas, is she adventurous, is she creative, or does she like habit, routine, and ritual? I feel like more of them are habit, routine, and ritual. Right, so we're gonna say, "Low and open", so that means she likes routines. This is gonna be a really important thing. Pitching a low open person on a bunch of new ideas, not gonna work. That makes her really scared. Pitching a low open person on how you're going to adapt to their already set up routines and schedules, "Ahh", makes them feel really good. So now that I know that I'm not gonna say, "new ideas", "totally new way of shopping", "totally new meal plan." For a high open person, they're like, "Yes!" For a low open person they're like, "I don't wanna pay for that, that's a lot for me to do." Alright, so, conscientiousness is next. Conscientiousness is how they approach lists and details. Do they like details, routines lists, or are they a big idea person? When I get them on the phone I kind of feel them out. Okay so maybe. Yeah, everybody's different, some people like very detailed meal plans, some people like wide wide structures. Love it. So some of my clients have eating disorders to the structure, ritual, drives them crazy. Or they need that so really through that phone conversation is where I really suss them out, see what they need and then alter my pitch. So remember how I said I want at least two bullet points per section blank? This is the blank one, right? Perfect, you're trying to figure that out so you know exactly what you're trying to fill in. Next one is extroversion, so this is a little less important for your client, but it's how they relate to people. Do they love being around people, are they really chatty, or are they more reserved, more quiet, more introverted? I feel like 99% are introverted and quiet. Okay, so they're low in extroversion. Now what does that mean? What does that mean? From the audience, if someone is low extroverted, how would that change your interactions with them? They might need a little bit more time to respond. Great. So, yes, yes. And look at their non-verbal communications because they don't do that right away. If they're comfortable with face-to-face, yes. So the big one is actually right here, which is, Erica, you said, "That they're gonna need more time to respond." Extroverts use more words per day, they're more chatty. They have less of a filter, you ask them a question and they're happy to answer it. Whereas introverts want to take a little bit more time before they think, they're a little bit more inhibited with how much they share. I think, by the way, that video that we watched earlier where she flashed fear, it was too personal of a question too quickly. An extrovert would love answering that question but an introvert is like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, "I have to think about it for a second." So asking a really difficult question, especially if you're talking about eating or eating disorders, right on the call to an introvert, is gonna make them really uncomfortable. They're gonna be feeling all kinds of fear when actually you're trying to say, "No, I'm gonna give you comfort." So accidentally put them to fear. So for them a pre-survey is gonna be really good. So sending them all the questions they can answer on their own first, saying, "Here are the questions I love "to answer on the phone, "if you'd like to answer them on the phone "leave it blank, we'll do it all together. "But if you kind of wanna think it through "or if you wanna send it to me ahead of time "fill in all of these questions so I can review them." That way they tell you so much before your phone call. If they wait, probably low conscientious, right? They didn't fill out all the details and maybe low extrovert. That might fill in that too. So low extroverts this means they need a pre-survey, I'm gonna put a question here. Another thing that I do with introverts, on the phone or in person, if I didn't have time to send them something ahead of time, but I have a personal question, what I will say is, and I've even done this with you, you know, "I would love a little bit later "to talk about X, Y, Z that makes you nervous. "I'm gonna go over some things first "but at the end of the call I'd love to review "this X, Y, and Z thing that makes you nervous." 'Cause it gives them 10 or 15 minutes of me talking to think about their answer. And then I say, "Are you ready to talk about "that X, Y, Z thing that makes you nervous, "or should we wait?" And they'll tell, "Yes, I'm ready", or, "Urrrr", and then you're like, "Oh, you know what? "No worries, if you wanna think about that "you're welcome to talk to me about it later." So, okay. Extroversion, a, is next, agreeableness, so this is how someone relates to cooperation. Specifically do they default to no? Like, "Oh no, that won't work for me", or do they default to yes, like, "Oh, yeah, sure, I'll try anything"? On the phone in these initial interactions I feel like they are very agreeable. Okay, and that leads to a problem, right? That leads to a problem of they say, "maybe" or "yes" to you on the phone but then don't-- Right. Book it. Okay, that is a very common thing with sales. So they say "yes" but it's a question mark, we don't know if we can trust their yes. You were telling me earlier... Some of the times they're so excited on the phone and they're like, "Yes, let's work together. "I'll buy that package." And then a few days later then I'll get an email saying, "Oh, actually, the more I thought about it "right now it's not a good time." Yep, so this is a really important thing to know. First of all it's nothing about you, right? So we were talking about not taking things personally. If this is her, if this is their normal personality matrix then saying "yes" on the phone and "no" later has nothing to do with you. It has nothing to do with, that's how they go, they tend to say "yes" and then say "no" later after they've thought about it. That's not personal to you. But what's good to know is whatever "yes" you get on the phone you are not done selling. The post materials you send, the video you send, the proof you send, the followup you send, is still part of the sales process. So even though they say "yes" it's not the final "yes". Last one is neuroticism. So neuroticism is how we relate to worry. So high neurotics are a little bit more emotionally unstable, they're a little moody, they worry about all the what ifs. Whereas low neurotics are real calm, they usually have very little mood change, and they're like, "Don't worry about it." Certain clients that I'm getting more have eating disorder backgrounds, so are very high on that list, high on that scale. So for them, psychological safety is key. The more psychological safety you can give them, and I guess that, my guess is that why they're saying "no", is they are afraid, as neurotics do, I'm a high neurotic. We worry that if we spend all this money and we don't work we will be a failure. We'll both be out the money and we'll be the failure. That's the worst possible thing for a neurotic. And so we have to think about how can we address that fear of, "I've spent so much money and I'm a failure." Right, the both, so failure, and money. And by the way I have all the personality traits in weeks, days 10, 11, and 12, in Master People Skills, if you wanna dive into those a little bit deeper. Okay, am I missing anything from the research? Any other background info that I need to know for them that you put down? I feel like my competition offers just standardized 1,800 calorie meal plans. Like, "These are the foods you eat", it's given in a PDF. So no customization at all? Yeah. That's a good one to know. What's the last question? I said I wanted two blanks, there has to be one more blank. What's one other thing that you typically like to find out on an initial call, what's another blank? The things that motivate them. Mmm, okay. So what has worked in the past. I'll say motivations, drivers, and maybe health history? Like what's happened in the past? So these are all blank for each time she meets with someone. I like to know when they're successful with something how that kept fueling their momentum? So then I can know how to speak into that. Oh I like that, yeah, their success history. So all these blanks are like you're waiting, those are the perfect rapport building questions. So let's devise a couple of rapport building questions for you. So in my notes section this is your blank section that you fill in. What are the three questions you might start with at the beginning of a call? First of all what emotion do you wanna elicit from them? Trust. Trust, okay, so what's the first question that you think would be a nice one to start off with? Help from the audience is much appreciated on this. Trust building question. Well normally I start off with, "How would you like to feel?" Ooh, that's great! I feel like if they can't envision their future healthy self then whatever I'll do is in vain because they need to be able to see how they wanna feel. I love it. This is a great question, a great opener. It's actually got future promise. Yeah, and it's allowing them to envision what they want. And that's like a great motivation right? Like trying to fix something. Alright what else do you ask? My second one is "How do you currently feel?" So I wanna provide that gap. Yeah. And the gap is really important, the difference between the two. And a third one? "What have you tried in the past?" Hmmm, and that helps give you your health history. Perfect. So the reason why these questions are fantastic is 'cause they literally perfectly fill in the blank. Also, the answer to this question is gonna answer this question. If they say, "Oh I've tried every diet in the past, "I used to keep a really religious food journal." High conscientious right? Now you know. Or like, "You know, I dunno, I keep buying diet books "and, like, I just never finish them." Low conscientious, right? So these questions are great 'cause they're gonna answer these different things. I'm gonna leave a fourth one here because I want us, I always want us to have one question that's gonna get us back to agreements, if I can, optional. Okay, let's go into your assets, let's do a little worth audit. So why are you worth the price that you are charging? Tell me about that. I offer individual nutrition coaching. So it's a customized plan based on their food preferences and fused with whole health nutrition. I have the clinical and the education background, 10 plus years. I think that's a really, 10 plus years of education. I worked in the hospital so I have a wide breadth of understanding for the different disease conditions if someone needs a special diet. Yes. Yes these are all so good. I have a past clinical history of working with eating disorder patients. And by the way this is all great 'cause it differentiates you from your competitors. Right? Right. I do customized meal planning based on their food preferences. I give them recipes. How many? Five different breakfast options, five different lunch and dinner options. Alright, so five and five. How many diseases have you probably worked with? A lot? Yeah diabetes, CHF. So you can even say, the 10 most common diseases that are out there, right? I'm just trying to add numbers, we're trying to add numbers now. So let's say like, the 10 most common. How many years have you worked in the hospital? 10. 10, right. 10 plus years of education. How many customized plans do you usually give them? Over the course of working together how many different emails are being sent out? Weekly, with every follow up. Right, so once a week, and it's how many weeks? My packages are four weeks or eight weeks. Okay perfect, so four to eight weeks. How many emails are sent in those four to eight weeks? Well I offer unlimited email or texts, which is huge. So I would say unlimited, and, by the way, unlimited is okay, but what I'd rather say is, "This is an average of 80 texts per week", or, "This is an average of 100 emails per week, no problem." The fact that I allow them to have that personalized contact with me, I think, is huge. If they're at the grocery store or they have a question they can just send me a text. Well now we're getting to it. And that's really helpful. And that's what I wanna tell them, is like, "I am your coach, I'm here for you." And that honesty picture of if they have a question I'll answer it. So on average how many emails or calls or, if you had to average. Totally depends on the client. For one client probably like, three emails a week. Yeah. Four texts, nothing totally out of control. Right, but you could, all these numbers help quantify and I would actually say, like, people usually go to the grocery store once a week, "I'm kind of your on-call person "every time you go to the grocery store." That's a very specific painful point if you're trying to shop and buy groceries to say, "I'm there for you even at the grocery store. "You can send me pictures of things "or I can read ingredient labels for you." Now we're getting into a very specific pain point. Hearing, "you can talk to me unlimited", "Mmmm." Saying, "I am on-call when you go the grocery store", that's pretty good, right? Like, that's the difference. What kind of grocery lists do you provide? Just the main food categories. Oh I heard something, you said, "just". No "just". "I provide all of the main food categories." Yeah that's exactly right, you have a food list with over 800 different kinds of food on it over the course of eight weeks. So I'm just trying, I'm just pulling out, you don't have to mention all of these but it's not "just", you've gone through all of your favorite food brands, you give them 800 different food items they buy. It's 15 different emails every week. It's an average of four text, right, like all of that helps you also justify your pricing for you. So that's all the food lists, right, and we can basically fill this up. What am I missing? Oh, I also offer hiking and-- What?! Trail follow ups. I mean athlete is one, I think nature is totally huge in terms of part of the equation of health. So not only is it the one-on-one consultations but the follow ups are walking in nature I feel like there's a camaraderie piece walking side by side they're getting the phytum sides from the leaves which help their immune system. So it's really like the coaching combo. That's saying, "I'm a former athlete, "we can do sessions while we're walking", okay, what's a pain point there, how can we turn that into a pain point? Well they get their exercise in, it's stress relief. And you are saving time for them. You're saying, "You don't have to do a call "in addition to everything you're doing." "We'll get your workout in. "We'll do your follow up." And there's the pain point right? And you'll feel better. "I'm gonna get your workout in, "I'm gonna do all your meal planning for you, "and you don't even have to do an initial coaching call "it gets all done at the same time." And research has shown that nature reduces your blood pressure and helps with your immunity. Helps with stress. Forest fading right? Right. I do forest fading. So, you see we turned that into a pain point? We started off with, "I hike with you." But actually it's, "You don't even have "to take extra time for our calls. "I'm gonna get your workout done "while we're doing your calls." For a full time person that's a huge pain point. Pain? I provide easy meal planning tips. Okay, so, no you're right, you're right. So easy meal planning tips could be, I could read a blog on easy meal planning tips. What's a really more specific? Customized recipes each week. Even more specific? Yes, yes, help. I'm sorry I'm being hard on you because I want to get it, I want to get it good. Customized menus based on their health conditions or what medicines they're taking? With your hospital background it seems like that would be good. Okay that's a great one. So you can say, "customized meal planning", but in pre-literature that you send out, or in additional literature if you didn't have time to stay on the phone, you can say, "I'm taking your medication history, "your symptoms", I'm just making this up 'cause I don't, did I spell symptoms right? How do you spell symptoms? Symptoms. Right, "I've taken your medication, your symptoms, "your food preferences", right? And you could even say, "If I were you", preference. My spelling is not my strong suit. Yeah? You might also take into account their ability to cook and the amount of time that they can devote to it. Yeah, so what I would do if I were you, is I would have a one sheet that says, "My formula for meal plans." And I would have every single variable you put into your personalized thing so every single variable actually becomes a pain point. You could say, "Medications, time that we need, "food preferences, health goals, weight, "age, children's age, proximity to grocery store, "time that you can shop every week." I would have at least 10 things and then you can say, but show, "Here is my algorithm, "here is my algorithm for how I created this meal plan. "This is not just like drag and drop a couple of recipes, "I literally have a framework for you that I do." So I would actually create a little algorithm with all of those things, I'm putting dot dot, 'cause that a lot of things that you do there. What else, what other pain points? I give them more energy by telling them the correct foods to eat. Great. Help them lose weight. And we talked about specific things earlier like afternoon slump, that could be a pain point. You could ask them like, "When are you the most tired during the day? "Is it the morning when you get up? "Is it the afternoon? "Are you having trouble with bedtime routine?" So really specific with our pain points. And then sleep 'cause when people eat healthier they sleep better. Which by the way, people will pay anything for better sleep, right? So this is a pain point that you have to figure out how do I hammer this pain point home? So better sleep sounds great, right? A pillow could offer better sleep. More sound sleep? Okay, let's get even more specific. Restful sleep? Restful. How about asking the question, "How many times do you wake up in the night? "There is research that shows that the kind of food "you eat affects the amount of times "you wake up or your restfulness. "So if you're waking up 12 times per night "my goal is to get it to one or two times per night." That means that every time that person wakes up in the night and doesn't pay for your sessions they're going to think about you. So yeah, sound sleep is great, restful is great, but "Every time you wake up I want you to think about "what you've been eating 'cause I want to make sure "that you are not waking up all those times." So this is what you mean by actually priming them, thinking about you while you're not even with them? Exactly you are tying, again, your worth is equal to the amount of their problems that you can solve. So if you say, "You're waking up eight times per night. "Every time you wake up I am "telling you that's preventable." So every time they wake up they are now thinking about, "Ooh, I really should have, "I really should have booked her." So basically your sales happen even after you're done selling. So every time they hit an afternoon slump, they think of you. Every time they wake up in the middle of the night, they think of you. Every time they go into their dress and they feel a little bloated, they think of you. These are the things that I want you to actually tie those painful moments to your assets. So I like this, we actually have three buckets here, which is great, people love the number three. So we have food, energy, and sleep. Is there any other buckets that I missed? Probably like long term health. For their children, yeah that's a vitamin, and themselves, for their family. And then the creation of long term habits as well. Yeah, habit forming. These are all vitamins, which are very important, but some of them are gonna resonate. So this is, vitamins are really great for after materials. Great to list in an after material, in a brochure that you hand out 'cause that's not as urgent but they know that they need it. That's true. It's good for you. Yeah? Are you helping people save time? Right. That's a huge one. Mm-hmm. How would you help people save time? I give them the specific meals to create and then I also look at their schedule and then have them schedule in when they're gonna go grocery shopping, when they're gonna do their meal prep. And have them schedule that in. Because that's a huge offer. As a busy person, that is so helpful. So what I would say is, "On average how many hours "a week do you spend meal planning, "shopping, and worrying about food?" "X number of hours." "Great, I want that to be 20 minutes." Or, "I'm gonna cut that down to five minutes. "One email and I'm gonna look at your "schedule for you and plan it in." Telling someone, "I'm gonna take five hours "out of your schedule" is a huge offer. So asking about how much planning they do and I would even say, "On average my clients spend "three to five hours a week worrying about grocery shopping. "After they work with me for only four weeks, "not one session but four sessions", so they know that it's a package, "I get their time down to 10 minutes on Sunday afternoons." That is something that I am much more willing to pay for. Right last thing, do we have alternatives for your package? What are alternatives that you can offer to make it easier? Not providing the email and text as often. Okay. So that's limited. Right, that could be, you could put a cap on it. And then the hiking followups I could take that out and just have the normal followups. Mm-hmm. Yep, those are good ones, anything else? Any other ideas? Fewer meals per week. Maybe, how about this? When they travel you give them a discount for when they're gone or out of town? Or you give them a travel meal plan where you throw in extra travel ideas for them if it's a busy person. Or the kids are on spring break you give them an extra set of meals for spring break, those kids. So vacations or travel. Just giving you other things that you can throw in there. Last one is the yes ladder. So, where do you think that you agree most? And I want to base these on these questions. What's the first agreement that's gonna come up? I want them to feel healthier and happier. Feel, give me better than healthier. Radiant, energized? Radiant, that's so much better. Like, women wanna feel radiant, right? Healthy, yeah, radiant, yeah. (audience laughter) Okay what's the next agreement? I want them to have the ability to have the long term habits in to play. Okay, so let's break that down more. So the agreement would be you wanna make this easier? Yes, and when they finish their coaching package with me that they have the tools to continue. Okay, so that's actually a different agreement. That's, "When we do this you have the skills." "This is not a constant medication you have to take "it is a thing we can actually fix and finish." That was an offer I made to you guys at the beginning of the course. Once you leave the course, you're done, you have the skills. So, that's the agreement of, how would be word that? Long term staying power, right? Like it doesn't go away, the investment stays, basically. Sustainable lifestyle. Yeah, yeah, sustainable. Or something to do with habits as well. Yeah. We have to play with the wording. Remember they don't see this, this is just what you're kind of gearing up for. Last one? Commitment, I feel like I'm fully committed to them for these two to three months, and so in a sense I expect the same from them. And it's almost like, I don't like this wording, but it's almost like best friend for hire in a certain sense. Like you're literally like, you're there for them. You're not gonna say, "Oh, you didn't email me enough", or like, "Oh, I can't reach out to you." Like you are there. I feel also what I offer is more of an empathic coaching structure versus another dietician who could just say, "Oh here's your meal plan." I really listen to what's going on in their life, their stresses, what's going on with their family. So it's a friendship but also a coach and mentor relationship. It's comprehensive, it's friends, it's mentorship, it's coach, and so that would be kind of the last agreement, is like, "You need help. "I am here to help you." "But I am here to support you "and it's more". Right. Yeah, that's how I work. So how do you feel about this sheet? Kinda long, kinda very messy. Is there anything missing on it? I feel like we covered all the bases. So with this would you feel more comfortable going into your next negotiation? Much better with all of the specific assets and the pain points that I'm hitting. So the great thing is that your next step is to take this and then on your next call begin circling things. "Wow, this was a really big one for her." "Oh wow, the work, the time, "is really a pressure thing for her." "You know what? "This question was really important, I learned a lot." Start circling those things and then when you're done on that phone call you know that whatever you missed you send up in the follow up. "Hey, I'm so glad we had that call today, "here's a video for you where I covered "a couple of other things that we didn't "get to touch on on the call for you to think about. "And here's a packet you can send to your husband." Right? The other person who has to buy into this is the husband or if there's another provider. "Here's something you can send to them "'cause they didn't get to join us on the call. "Here also, here's my algorithm, "all the things I do for you and here's "a sample meal plan for the week for another client "that you can kind of see, you could even use "this today if you wanted to practice with it." So then what else do you have to send after the fact? Any questions for me? You've been very helpful. Okay, alright, give her a hand. (audience applause) Thank you. So now that she has this sheet, when she's on the initial call with someone, would you suggest that she says, "Okay, I've got my four month program for X "and my eight, four week program for X, "my eight week for X", and then stop, or do you give the three different levels? You mean these? [Red Headed Woman] Yeah. Ah, I usually do not offer my alternatives unless they push back on price. So I will say like, "Here's my program for four weeks, "here's my program for eight weeks, "talk to me about how that feels for you. "Talk to me, is that in your budget? "Is this what you had in mind?" So getting a feel for, and you can also money chase it, right? So you've offered it, and so don't offer the alternatives actually offer more proof. "So the four week program I see "an X number of results with my clients. "The eight week program I've seen "X number of results with my clients." So I don't offer the alternatives unless I have to play catch. Okay, and do you, do you go through, "Okay, this is what you get in my eight week, "this is what you get in my four week", and then you say the price later? That's a good question, that's totally, personally up to you. I typically like to say the price earlier on just so that they can get an idea where we're heading. Otherwise I know they're in so much anxiety about what that price is they're not really listening to me. So I will typically give just enough to build rapport up front, that one third of back and forth, I give them a little bit of proof, I state my number, I chase it with some really good proof. And then we start having the back and forth, typically. And is it important to give the bigger, just talk about the eight week, more expensive thing first, then the least expensive? The research has found that you always wanna do the higher number first. I haven't always found that so I would say experiment with it a little bit. But the research says yes, you wanna give the higher number first. [Red Headed Woman] Thank you. Yeah yeah. So, I want you to do this on your own, I want you to play with this and I actually had a really good question over lunch that I'm gonna address now. If you have different personas, you have a middle aged mother who is working but you also have a man who is trying to get his weight back and he's trying to really get fit, those are two very different personas. Create a negotiation cheat sheet for each persona. So that you can pull it out and have it based on those two different personas. So you can create multiple ones, I have two or three, I have the corporate HR manager, I have the corporate sales manager, and then I also have a meeting planner, a conference meeting planner. Different, totally different kind of sheets. So I have all three of those that I keep and then I make individual ones based on the people that I'm with. So I want you to take this, I want you to see what you can do, you can send me email questions. And hopefully you will find out what that sweet spot is. Make sure that you fill all of your batteners, that's the biggest thing, don't go in just with your number.
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Ratings and Reviews
Vanessa is such a life changer. I feel so priveledged to have discovered all the wisdom that she shares. My dream is to be able to afford an in person training course with her. In the meantime, I watch the courses and purchasing them so that I can listen over and over. Wish my mom, who is now on life support would have been healthy and alert to have listened with me since my mother is my inspiration to seek how teachings from people like Vanessa. Mom, hoping that you know that I am continuing in your footsteps. Thank you Vanessa and hoping one day to learn from you in person.
Michele Gibson
What a valuable course! I appreciated Vanessa Van Edwards turning negotiation into a learnable skill. She lays out, step by step: * how to prepare for a negotiation, including a comprehensive worksheet, * what to say (and what not to say) during the negotiations, and * how to follow-up in the most effective manner. I learned skills applicable to complex work situations as well as getting my kids to do more chores. She teaches you how to turn an adversarial negotiation into a "partnership" which not just sounds good, but it is good and she gives you detailed, insightful guidance for how to do this. The 116 page workbook is crammed with practical insights. The 3 hour class and bonus materials are jam-packed with information I can use right now. So worth the investment.
Kaeli Sweigard
This was the perfect course at the perfect time for me. I have a lot going on right now and I know these skills are going to help me out every step of the way. They are transferable to so many situations! I can't believe how much awesome stuff there is in the workbook. Every question I have is answered, and there are so many examples, it's insane! Everyone should do this course.