Lesson Info
Using the X1 Touch Strip & Q Points
Below here I have touch strips, so for anyone that's used the original x one, you'll know that this is not a part of the original x one. I don't have one of those with me, unfortunately, but, um that's okay? Because we're focusing on this and with touch technology and I really want you to I think with touch technology not, um it's a lot easier to think touch versus say, for example, just loading this on real quick say, for example, um touch strip, we call it a touch trip, I like to think it is just touch technology and if there's anything that we learned native instruments from releasing tractor deejay, which is our iowa sap, that touch movements are very fun and there's a lot of things that we can do a touch technology, they're simply not possible with john wheels and traditional circular deck motion, another reason that we added touch trips wass digital music is created and manipulated in linear form, so we can see here left to right. This is navigating through the track if I'm in it...
unes it's the same thing right left to right if I'm in a pro app like pro tools creating a track it's left to right, so linear form is already something that we're used to, so to continue to add circular deck controls on our controllers uh no longer made sense to us we wanted to have something that freed up more real estate so we can add more features so what can I do with the touch strip if I have the decks stop actually scratch track tio all right if I hold down the shift I can seek needle drop through the track so if I wanted to go here and drop the needle right there boom e can also nudge my tracks so when I say nudge it turned out of a new york it's really not that loud boom all right so what's gonna happen way and in the middle of my phase meter is obviously perfect and say I need to nudge the track a little bit so what I'm gonna do is actually mix these two straps together we'll have number two hit play on deck a I'm gonna start right now the tractor not in temple I simply move my finger a little bit to the left and they became in perfect phase on and you can even see on the controller itself that there's a little red dot in the middle of each deck all right that represents that the tracks are in perfect face and theblaze walid's will light up a little bit telling me that this track is a little bit ahead of the bee so all I have to do is move it forward and then boom I'm right where I need to be so very helpful visual feedback right on the controller telling you your track is in phase or not say I want to control just deck a with the entire top strip I don't like to have this split up in half I want to control the entire track but I could do then is place my finger in the middle and then you'll see that the blue leads then disappear and I could then stretch what's happening in deck a all the way over to the end um at first I thought it made sense to kind of have thought this was a german thing where you have to have everything inverted although the germans like to do things backwards sometimes so let's put our finger and then drag us all the way over and then I have full debt control so right now the ali bey's air telling me the track position where I am in the song I held down shift I can navigate needle drop through the entire won't charge a track play a little out of place to do deck b I pressed my finger over here and stretch out to the other side and now I have deck b and I can assign other things to the touch trip as well effects and even looping so let's do that next to assign the effects to loop I'll place my finger in the middle which will put the touch trip in a sign mode and then I'm going to tap the looping coder after that the leads then change representing each different lips eyes so let's look at the led I know I'm in lupus sign because there's three dots blinking on the top of the display and then I can place my finger below the different leads and then it's going to display that loop size to demonstrate this I'm going to activate flux mode and flux mode is a looping effect that will maintain the original play head position before I activated the loop so if I don't have flux on and I activate a loop wasn't happiness my tracks just gonna loop over and over and over and when I deactivate that loop, the play heads just goingto start wherever I deactivated loop for is in flux mode again it's going to keep a second play head going let's actually just show you I think that's the easiest way toe demonstrate this on watch on the deck isn't being a second play head going I like the way it goes back to that position and I didn't do that with that that trip let's do it with the touch trip all right cool so now I have it in the sign mode again pretty cool stuff you can already imagine you could do with the top strip let's assign it to in effect I can assign it to a group effect we're going to sign into a single parameter of a single effect, so I'm now in a sign mode and I know that my top effect here on affect one is reverb. So let me go ahead and tap that now with the touch trip would be adjusting the reverb size so what's first activate it and you could see the automatically activates and when I move my finger from left to right is controlling that knob two fingers right so I can jump between duty to different sizes if I want now may not make sense for a river, but something like a gator it definitely does so the gators my third effect in this group effect so now it's assigned and I only have five different sizes here, so the activate the go back to the original just simply press that knob right there. I'm sorry pressed the effects three button and I'm back to my original mode so that's the touch trip I'm could do a lot with it, but it's also pretty simple to follow below this we have our key points so I was adding key points in the first tutorial and now let's go over how to add q points with the hardware itself, so it's very easy all I have to do is go to a position in the song that I want to keep point and I'm really quickly delete key points just so you know, deleting key points this shift select a key point and adding it is just this easy so let's stroll to position in the song where I want to keep playing stay right here and then just tap unopened key point and then boom it turns blue and that's that you point say I want to move to a new section of song and add a second key point again you could move by holding on shift and and twisting the moving coder and then let's activate a loop and then hit key point you and it saves that loop now hit play I can jump between those two key points say I had something like a load q so let's go to your key point three here and go into our q and change it to a load cue again these are things we've been over in course one now it's going to turn the color of a load cute so I have blue, green and orange. It might be a little bit difficult to see right now, but in a dimly lit club which is where most people are going to be using something like this it's plenty bright so color coordination is really important um and all those types of things really help um, save time when uh, navigating through your track with the controller so I have four q points by default, but I can have up to eight on the x one and how do I get to those? Well let's go into preferences so command comma and on my tree I have all of my different controllers here at the bottom so there's a number of them and I'm gonna go to control x one mark two and then here I have the flux button so the flux but and again is that leaping effect and the primary purpose of the flux button is going to be flux mode that makes sense the name of the button this flux you might want it to be flux mode but I can change that I can change it the cop toggle between hock use one through four and five to eight and I can also change it to absolute and relative which are made for timecode vinyl no need to get into that since we're not doing uh tutorial on that by secondary function which is shift flocks set to hockey's five to eight I can also have that be flex mode again which makes no sense since my primary focus is that and I can also have a be tapped tempo which if I wanted tio change the tempo quickly of my sink to track I wanted to be five to eight so now whenever I hold downshift and plus flax mode you're going to see it seeing a light up blue and then I have for mork you points that I can and save money so that's five to wait we can see on the software display that these air now added to quickly delete the hock you just hold on shift and then press uh the correspondent key point and they're going to delete how do I know if I'm on hockey was one three four five through eight simply hold downshift and if the flux button is lit up that means you're on five to eight if it's not, that means you're on one through four so again hold downshift so a lot of these have second functions blow we have a drop q a dropped you will drop a q point wherever I press and then I keep impressing the key point and it's going to start from that point this is different than a hawk you ah ha kyu you set before hands and it's at a specific section of the songs you can have multiple hawk use throughout your track and a drop q is kind of something on the flies like I want to queue up my record at that particular moment so that's a drop cube now we have play very self explanatory and above that we have sink, which I explained already which is sinking your tracks to a specific tempo and that pretty much sums up the tractor control x one. Next, what we're going to do is get mohr into customizing this. So we know that it can do these primary functions. But we wantto customize thes.
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