Lesson Info
8. Pre-shoot Yoga
Lesson Info
Pre-shoot Yoga
so you're going to start at the top of your mat. Spread your feet wide. Put your feet right below your hips. Tuck your pelvic bone under sucking your core shoulders down and deep breath in and deep breath out over time. Deep breath in and deeper without folding forward. Deep breath in look with a flat back, deep breaths out. Hands down into a plank. Deep breath in and deep breath out, either knees, chess, chin or chattering. Gah. Inhale the upper dog. Exhale. It's a downward dog. We're going to get right into this here to really get your blood flowing. Loosen up your joints, go ahead and take your right foot. Cross the underneath your left. Let your left hip stretch nicely and put your foot back. Did the other side left foot under the right letting your right hip stretch? You could be fluid about this. You don't have toe Hold still. I'm putting your feet back. Just a couple of Ben Street. Bend straight and look up. Walk or jump your feet forward, hang down, then inhale up and exhale pr...
ayer. We're gonna flow a little bit faster through those movements. Go ahead in hell up and exhale down. Inhale flat back. Exhale blank down to chat. Ranga Inhale Upward Dog Exhale Downward dog. Inhale your right foot forward. Come up, tore your one really getting your hips forward, Pushing your back weight to the outside of your foot and getting your front knee over your foot and exhale were you're too Inhale back and exhale Albert Knee arm up. You can extend from here. If you wanna put your hand down, you can also bring your arm over, and there's always the option to bind and hands come down. Go ahead into Runner's lunge and you're going to push your foot back. Stretch your hamstring and come forward no matter where you are. Flexibility wise, you can always come up on your fingertips. You can bring your feet closer together. We'll just go back and forward. Bringing your front foot to flex is you go back so you're just warming up your legs. Good. They're gonna bring feet together. Inhale flat back. Exhale, fold. Inhale arms up and exhale prayer. Inhale arms up. Exhale, fold. Inhale flat back. Exhale blank to cheddar Franco, Or remember you can do needs chess. Chin inhale upward. Facing dog. Exhale downward facing dog and inhale left foot forward up in the warrior one. Big, deep breath in and exhale or you're too deep. Inhale. Come back and exhale elbow to knee, hand on the floor or you combined. Remember to be breathing deeply. Hands down, coming into runners lunch and again. You can move your foot up more if you want. Do a nice, nice rocking motion going back, warming up the legs, stretching out the hamstrings and breathing. Yeah, good. Step your feet together. Inhale flat back. Exhale, fold. Inhale arms up and exhale prayer. You should be nice and warmed up now, so let's go ahead and warm up those body parts that typically get used a lot. You're gonna put your hands in prayer behind you or just grab onto your elbows. Either one. Take a deep breath as you open your chest and look up Theune. Exhale with a flat back leans toward. This is great just for starting off with good posture, strengthening and warming up your back muscles that you'll use a lot and, of course, stretching your hamstrings. Go ahead and inhale back up and you're gonna turn both your feet towards the right. I'm gonna go into sign angle where you reach forward as much as you can until you really feel that stretch in your hip and then come on down and you may come down to here or a little bit lower. But we're warming up the side of our body here. You can have your hand over if you'd like that. Stretches aside a little bit more. We're up stretching her hip or a t band. All things we want to stretch get warmed up, Go ahead and come back up. Come back to center again. Inhale up this time Exhale all the way Hands down to the floor And from here you're just gonna walk over the one side and then through the middle, walk to the other side and while we're time and over again to the left, back to the middle and then lift up and exhale prayer. Go ahead and point your toes to the other side to the left. Reach your arms out, stretch as much as you can over that left foot really popping out your hip and then bending forward. Get nice stretch on the other side. This is also great for warming up your back, stretching it out. And of course, you can move your hand if you want a little bit more of a stretch and feel free to look down If looking up strange your neck, inhale back up and exhale prayer. You can go ahead to the back of your mat just for fun Inhale up and exhale down Kind of just have you step right into downward dog because I wanna have us go into dolphin So we wanna make sure upper backs are strong as well as stretched. And this is gonna help us out with that. So going into downward dog, you're gonna slowly place your elbows down. You really feel this strengthening in your upper back. I think a few breaths here and then go ahead and you might need to do one at a time. But straight back up. Take this time to make sure your shoulders are away from your ears and you can choice your elbows a little bit more out rather than in out is a little better. Go ahead and lower down again. You could get one arm out of time. Take a deep breath here on exhale. Go ahead, push back up and come on down to all for us. Let's go ahead and stretch. What we just strengthened. Inhale your left arm up. Exhale it through. Uh huh. To be outside, Take a nice deep breath here and exhale. Inhale and exhale. Go ahead and lift all the back up and please sit hand down. Go ahead to the other side, lifting up and exhale. Bring it through, inhale up and exhale. Yeah, inhale and exhale and go ahead and inhale right arm all the way up. And let's warm up our entire spine. A couple cat cows here. Let's go ahead. Inhale arch and exhale round and inhale arch and exhale round. It's 21 more inhale arch and exhale round and push all the way back to child's pose. Yeah, just take a second here to relax and breathe and come forward and put your feet in front kind of warm up our lower back. We're gonna go ahead, put your hands wherever they're comfortable and really almost arch your back a little bit as you breathe in and then exhale round. Drop your head. Breathe out. Inhale up. Sounds like cat cow but in a pipe, position really gets to the lower inhale and exhale. Homer time. Inhale and exhale. Good. All right, going Thio. Get our hips ready. You're gonna bend your front foot Number four, position over your left foot and then bend that left foot and set up nice and tall. You can bend wherever you're comfortable. The more you straighten your back and sit up tall, the more you'll feel it in your hip on your right hip where we're trying to stretch deep breath in and deep breath out deep breath in deep breath out and then go ahead. Let that footfall over to the side as you wrap your right foot your left foot around first seated Spinal twist. If you're more comfortable, you can always put that 1 ft in front. I'm a little more comfortable this way. Go ahead, plant your right hand. Is your support for your spine inhale? Lift him up. Exhale bring it to your knee and twist. Inhale up and exhale. Inhale in Exhale Hummer, inhale and exhale. Give yourself a little counter twist. Oh, and maybe a crack. Go ahead and put both feet back out. And this time we're going to bend your left foot over your right and bend your right like up. Give yourself a nice hip stretch. Deep breath in and deep breath out. Make sure your foot is close to your knee, but not on top. The closer it is to you need more of a stretch, will get in your left hip. Yeah, One more deep breath in and out. Go ahead and drop that foot over and again. You could leave your right leg straightened if you want for your next spinal twist. Left arm goes back deep. Inhale up, has your right elbow touches you left me and twist deep breath in and deep breath out. Deep breath in and the breath out. Inhale and exhale. Come around, Give yourself a little counter twist and a crack again. Lucky day. Go ahead and put your feet out in front. We're just gonna strengthen your spine as well as get it loose. I mean, go in the butterfly position e lean forward on her, exhale and then on our inhale hands Go back. We lift our hips up. So exhale forward. Put in help back and up. Exhale forward, inhale back. Exhale forward Inhale back one more exhale forward and inhale back. Actually, let's end. Just going forward and hanging your head Good. Come on, back up in the criss Cross our feet on end with a nice inhale up and exhale to the right Inhale up and exhales that left in hell Up and twist to the right As you come forward Inhale up around and then exhale to the other side Inhale to the middle Go ahead, lean your neck to the right Bring it to the middle Clean the left to the middle Twist left and right And if you want you do a couple little circles just going around the front Don't go back It's a great for your neck Just a couple of times to the front, Okay? Deep in hell up and exhaled him No mistake
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