No matter how far you've gone down the wrong road, turn back.
-Caterina Fake, on making course corrections
If your career path has been a little meandering and unpredictable, you’re not alone. On the way to becoming the co-founder of Flickr, Caterina Fake explored everything from graphic design to writing novels-- like so many of us who try (and quit) many paths before finding the one that ignites our passion.
As a co-founder of Flickr, Caterina was at the masthead of Web 2.0, developing many of the Internet features we take for granted today: social networking, tagging, and content surfacing algorithms. Her list of accomplishments and involvements is impressive. She is the founder of Findery, a geotagging company that helps people share local knowledge and stories about the world around them. She is also the Chairman of the Board for Etsy, a board member at Creative Commons, and on the board of advisors for the Berkeley School of Information.
She joins 30 Days of Genius to discuss why we all have a mandate to educate ourselves in order to forge our own path.
About 30 Days Of Genius
In this free video series, renowned photographer and CreativeLive Founder Chase Jarvis joins 30 of the brightest creative and entrepreneurial minds of our time for inspiring and informative interviews.
30 Days of Genius unlocks the big thinking and breakthroughs that allowed these geniuses to break the mold, with the goal of igniting the genius inside you.
You'll hear from Mark Cuban, Arianna Huffington, Levar Burton, Richard Branson, Seth Godin, Gary Vaynerchuk, Tim Ferriss, Ramit Sethi, and 22 more gamechanging geniuses.

Book Yourself Solid
with Michael Port

If you're a creative professional,
you need to master the art of selling
As many aspiring freelancers and entrepreneurs discover the hard way, if you're in business you've got to SELL. Whether you're a photographer who wants more clients or an entrepreneur looking for partners, new business isn't going to fall into your lapó you've got to put yourself out there and chase it down.
This isn't easy for anyone, especially creatives who are often introverts and would rather focus on their craft than selling. But the good news is that you don't need to be an extrovert or have a big network, you just need to be willing to put in the work.
You'll learn:
- How to take 6 people that you know right now and turn that into a network of 50+ relationships and potential clients
- The "Red Velvet Rope" method that Michael uses to select only the most profitable and inspiring clients
- The BYS Direct Outreach strategy for establishing relationships with brand new people who are outside your network (including the RIGHT way to ask for an introduction)
- How to build an automated "Keep In Touch" program to maintain a network of 100+ in just 15 minutes a day
- The "4-part Simple Sales" formula for getting from the first conversation to a signed contract, one step at a time
The world's best education platform for creatives + entrepreneurs
CreativeLive is the world’s largest and best online creative education platform, with more than 10 million students and 2 billion minutes of video consumed on its platform. Featuring classes in photography, video, design, music, and entrepreneurship - CreativeLive classes are taught by the world’s top experts-- Pulitzer-, Grammy-, Oscar winners, New York Times bestselling authors, thought leaders and legendary entrepreneurs.
Launched in 2010 and now reaching every country on the planet every month - CreativeLive has created more than 1,500 clases, 25,000 lessons, 2,000 articles and over 10,000 hours of highly curated HD video education since its inception. A combination of live and pre-recorded classes allow never-before access to the best teachers and a global community of students. Live classes allow free, real-time interaction with these experts and students AND pre-recorded videos allow students to learn at their own pace.