Lesson Info
18. Sampling & Remixing: Impulse and Clip View
Ableton Live Overview
14:35 2Sound Design in Ableton
29:50 3Quick Tips for Beginners
10:44 4Physics of Music
40:01 5The User Interface
28:37 6Sound Design: Building the Palette
14:37 7Sound Design: Kicks and Bass
10:31 8Sound Design: Lead Synth Sounds
09:35Sound Design: Pads and Pianos
16:51 10Sound Design: Collision, Tension and Effects
16:03 11Composing & Arranging: DJing in Ableton
22:15 12Composing & Arranging: Step Sequencing
18:22 13Composing & Arranging: Hatching Ideas & Songwriting
23:21 14Composing & Arranging: Riffing on Loops
18:14 15Composing & Arranging: Genre Hacking
10:26 16Sampling & Remixing: Sampling with Simpler
09:31 17Sampling & Remixing: Building Drum Racks
17:19 18Sampling & Remixing: Impulse and Clip View
14:26 19Sampling & Remixing: Slice to MIDI and Organization
18:07 20Sampling & Remixing: Remixing and Mashups
25:22 21Advanced Techniques: Modular Components
18:46 22Advanced Techniques: MIDI & Audio Effects Racks
13:24 23Advanced Techniques: Clip Launching
23:41 24Recording in Ableton
15:05 25Mixing in Ableton
36:46 26Mastering in Ableton
29:45Lesson Info
Sampling & Remixing: Impulse and Clip View
On the topic of lightening things up if you do say they're on the road and you're just you're just wanting to do some makesem headphone music um and uh, you know, you might not have a super strong machine or are many controller I really like to use the impulse drum machine for sampling any kinds of sounds really on definitely drum sounds too, so I'll pull one of these in real quick I've got a couple there's something the default wakened chilling that's a good preset so we're just here wicked chilling with impulse now and I still have my aarp educator that swing is kind of fun. So um and that's one another cool thing in the aarp educator that you can do is add swing I added it on the sixteenth swing sixteen and I've got the rate at a sixteenth right now and I'm I'm expanding the gate and if you bring the gate open up two hundred percent basically makes the note length that it's sending llegado um with the aarp educator so that means that they'll be the the notes should all be touching e...
ach other. You can also use the steps, but the thing about using a steps with the with the impulses that there's not there's only eight sounds here holds eight sounds the cool thing is one another cool thing is that these air all mapped out to see major so just a s e f g h I j k l and you can just drum things out on your computer keyboard if you're under a laptop and headphones and it's super fun to use uh it runs a little hotter I feel like than a drum machine like the think the velocity is a little, uh, more sensitive straight out of the water because I think it is it's designed to be triggered from like a computer keyboard instead of a you know something with velocity sensitivity so it's not it comes out of the gate swinging with the velocity another wants something that's really that's unique about it is it actually has this a stretch feature and you can you know if you if you select each sound there's there's some different things that you control you can control the drive and had a little saturation you can apply a filter to each sound that's unique and then there's a section for all the sounds and and you can also get some sort of digital you know that grainy uh time stretching effects in that too if you're looking for that but and with the same kind of time dial and I don't I haven't seen that in any of the other samplers so that's one of the unique interesting things about um about impulse if you're looking for a digital kind of time stretch sounding effect you can get a sort of time stretch digital effect with uh with clips and stretching audio it's not quite the same though this is definitely got it it's unsound yes oh and you can you can adjust the the loudness you can transpose it's a really quick and easy way to make a beat which is often the best way so quick and dirty it also runs on thin air ah it's very very easy to use you khun you khun stack tons of these things and um no problems like is that you can time stretch and it's in the scale of c major so it's just all of the sdf thk well whenever you have your um you don't want to make sure that your keyboard trigger is activated up here let's hop right corner of your status bar their toe make sure that you're getting the middie from your keyboard all right it's going talk about clip out a little bit um no I can't sing before sampler is also a really um or excuse me a bolton is also a really by the fall it's really a really awesome sampler because the session view is essentially a database full of clips whether that be audio or many so you cannot transpose with rain matching range mapping in clips um however you can transpose from the clip view now silly me I'm going to go to an audio clip here and if I were this is actually assembler this is an audio clip ok that's all right so there is this transposed dialled inside the clip you and that all and let you change the sound in semi tones and then below that is a d tune value it'll take youto think fifty cents oh you can just keep cycling and it will actually take you through the cemetery range I don't do a whole lot of detaining and clip for you usually with with that I do use the transpose and to get the transposed to work you'll need to either be in you will need to be outside of the re pitch algorithm transpose it does not work in their re pitch over them you can you can transpose a sound in the re pitch algorithm you would just the way that that works is you would actually just stretch it or or compressed the time because that's how that algorithm works so if you slow it down like a record it will be a lower pitch he speeded up it'll be faster ok so there you can also in clip uh in clip you there's also envelopes so you can put you khun program automation and which is really cool I'm gonna find I'll a sample toe work with real quick like maybe like a drum liberal quick don't see I love these kids soccer mad beats I'm gonna go in here and grab some of those so here's an acoustic kit well looks like we're working at ninety five b p m so let's see what kj's got for us here's the ninety five awesome cool all right so so now that we're um and hear it the clip view it looks like right now might have follows the re pitching over them I just like the way it sounds uh but I wanna work with this this a little more regularly another one that sounds really good is the beats the beats algorithm for time stretching and something cool that the beats algorithm we'll let you do in the envelopes has something called sample offset so and not only can we go in here and automates the volume or any parameter that we might touch say I've got eh we're not just choose an audio effect by random here so I've got this reduction in effect and I've I've clicked it so basically what you do is you select the sound and I shift I did a shift tab toe and you can shift tabal alternate you between your a a device area or effects on on an audio track and your clip view or if you've got an instrument on a mini trach shift tab will take you between the clip and you're your device or many instrument so I'm going to actually I basically just clicked and touched that this down sample rape and I can automate and what that does is it by default will bring up the automation land for that clip envelope and what I'm going to do is just create well that is just powerful so I'm gonna back off a little bit on that cell nc that's kind of cool I like where where it's going there so actually I'm gonna wanna see if I can do some rhythmic effect maybe I will invert that though virtual financial it out just a little bit ok so I've got a few different lens there and what I'm going to do now is I can you can actually just highlight the area and duplicated across your club so I've got my still have my volume automation and blow up in there I want to clear that out so I'm just gonna highlight it and had to leave little wipe it out for us so that very ducks effect is really loud I'm gonna bring the overall volume of these drums down now that's got some of that digital distortion we're looking for on there now and um actually but you know what? I'm not too sold one this this last part of the rhythm I wantto want to change that so what's really cool is there is a there's a sample offset envelope in the beat um and in the clip information ah in the clip envelope you going to find its sample offset modulation so every every little like, every time I take it up, it will move that part of the grid a sixteenth. So I'm going to do it on this snare, which is happening, um, on the downbeat here, and I'm gonna move it. So for demonstration, I'm just going to pop that read x effect ofthe you can sort of by just drawing these clips and, like just using your pencil tool, you can remix the rhythm of the drums. Sound instantly. It's really fun so something I might dios that's certainly a really broken. So maybe I'll bring it back to earth by just keeping those sort of those down beats more on time. Super powerful and fun way to add some variation to create, fills um, and then just a nice way to work with audio in the and a really sort of different wayto to re sample. Um, a lot of power there in the, uh in the clip envelopes on the automation, we talked about transposing envelopes and then sample offset. So it's, actually, yes. So if you go into the clip, the sample offset modulation and hours of fun right there.
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