Using Smart Objects And Warp Tool In Photoshop
Lesson 5 from: Create Mixed Media PortraitsKhara Plicanic

Using Smart Objects And Warp Tool In Photoshop
Lesson 5 from: Create Mixed Media PortraitsKhara Plicanic
Lesson Info
5. Using Smart Objects And Warp Tool In Photoshop
Class Introduction
02:34 2Working With Brushes And Pattern Overlay in Photoshop
23:12 3Using Pattern Overlay And Pattern Fill In Photoshop
19:14 4Creating A Painted Background In Photoshop
15:33 5Using Smart Objects And Warp Tool In Photoshop
06:40 6Creative Ballons Using Shape Tool And Pattern Overlay
15:53Lesson Info
Using Smart Objects And Warp Tool In Photoshop
next, we're ready to add our dancer, so we'll go grab our dancer. Here she is now. I made a selection of her just using the quick selection tool. Um, so you can do that just like we've done earlier. Or just for time. For now, I'm gonna use the selection that I saved in this file. So you can also do that select load selection and choose dancer. Click. OK, and I'll just copy again. Commander Control. See? And Commander Control W will get rid of that file. Just clean up our workspace and move back here. And Commander Control V to paste her in now is always a good idea when you paste in stuff like this to convert it to a smart object before you transform it all over the place, just in case. Maybe we shrink her down and we want her to be big again later. So to convert her to a smart object, I'm going to right click and shoes, convert to smart object right here on the layers or right click and convert. Smart object. Now we can string her down a little bit, Commander controlled t and shift dr...
ag from a corner So the reason that we made her a smart object is because when we're done with this whole thing, if we decide we want her to be bigger, we would have lost all that information if we didn't save it in a smart object. Otherwise, when you scale things, you forever lose the original information. So that's going to be handy. So maybe about that size will click to commit that. So that's commander controlled t to transform scaling from a corner while you hold the shift key. All right, She's looking pretty good, but I feel like her skirt could be a lot more fun. So we're going to give her a skirt made from this cupcake wrapper, and that's a really fun easy to do. Well, you there quick selection brush. I don't remember that. I saved this one. For whatever reason, I left you on your own here to make the selection of the cupcake. So grab that with your quick selection brush, and then we'll copy Commander Control. See, Commander Control. W close that out and I'll pace it in here. Command or control the Okay. So we have this cupcake, um, rapper and we could make this a smart object too. If I right click and choose convert smart object and we need to flip this so I'll press commander Control T to bring up the transform box. Now, while we're in transform, we can take advantages of of a number of different things we can do to this. I'm just going to right click and shoes. Flip vertical. So we're looking like address here a little bit. I'm gonna hold down, shift and scale this to a more appropriate size for her. At least make sure I'm covering up her underneath skirt, zoom in and pressing Commander Control Plus to zoom in a little bit. And now I want to warp this Really? So I'm going to right click and choose Warp. And now I get this mesh grid on here. So while I'm in this transform box, I can now warp it, and I'm just gonna, like, wrap it. It's kind of like melts it around her so I can bring it into her waist. That actually looks pretty good. I don't really have to work too much other than here at the top. That looks pretty good. I'll go ahead and commit that. And next we have to create the back side of her skirt. So we're going Teoh duplicate this layer by pressing commander controlled J. So we see two of it here in the layers panel, and I'm gonna grab the move tool and then scoot it down a little bit and we need to move it to the back. So we'll grab this in the layers, panel this copy of her cupcakes skirt and drag it below her. So she's layer three right here. Let's rename that while we're at it, double click and we'll call her dancer. So she has a one couple come one cupcake skirt on top in the layers panel and one cupcake skirt layer below her so she's sort of sandwiched in between their So I want to target the bottom cupcake skirt and I'm gonna press commander Control T again and right, Click or control click again. And she's warp because now I need this to come down in the back. Should have left it probably where that was on the side. So something if like that, There we go. All right, so about like that and then we'll click Teoh, Apply that and for one little bit of realism in this whole fantasy portrait. Ah, we should put a little bit of a shadow inside this skirt a little bit. So on this background, um, the back side of her skirt. We want to target that and click effects and choose Grady and overlay. And hopefully this is still set to our black toe white Grady int. If not, you can go back to your, uh, reset radiance. And, um, if you need to, you can also choose your black and white over here. But hopefully it remembers grating overlay. And this time we went a linear Grady int, and we'll keep the blend mode. We'll change it to multiply. And we need to inverse less. I think there we go. So I can actually drag within the image to move this Grady in around, which is pretty cool. Uh, oops. Did I just lose it? Here it is. If you drag the radiant off somewhere and you lose it, just hit reset alignment. So with this layer style dialogue open, I can actually click in the image. I just think that's so cool. So I don't have to know the exact angle or settings and all of that I can just visually drag it toe where I like it
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