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Working with Models: Etiquette and Considerations

Lesson 3 from: Bring Light to Street Photography

Joe McNally

Working with Models: Etiquette and Considerations

Lesson 3 from: Bring Light to Street Photography

Joe McNally

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3. Working with Models: Etiquette and Considerations

Lesson Info

Working with Models: Etiquette and Considerations

we're gonna be working tonight with models. Models are wonderful because they know what they're doing in front of the camera. You don't have to be pulling teeth, you know, and telling people what to do with their hands and coaching them along. Theoretically. Anyway, the model is gone to kind of work with you and project the mood that you want them to project. So you have to think of yourself at the camera as a little bit of, ah, film director. And they're in your movie and you want to create a mood. So we're gonna have a male and a female, and obviously the light is gonna be different. You know, the mail is kind of angular, dark hairs got the Pierce Brosnan scruff going on and all that sort of stuff. I haven't met him yet, but I'm thinking that he could handle a hard light pretty well. I'm not going to do that to our female model. Probably like her a little softer, maybe try to do something approaching a glamour or beauty light out here on the street in an impromptu way. So definitely ...

the quality of light that I'm gonna bring for the two characters or individuals in front of my lens. Tonight is going to vary with those particular individuals. I'll make my specific choices later on when I actually see them and get up front with them and kind of sort them out. One of the things you have to do, even with a professional model, is make them comfortable, right? Keep them safe, make them comfortable. Give them breaks, give them water. Your talent in front of your lens is your most valuable resource. So you have to take care of them. Treat them well, treat them like human beings. Don't kind of fussed with the ref stops endlessly while they're out in the middle of the street. You know, dodging traffic, pay attention.

Ratings and Reviews


It's reeeeeally a fabulous course to lead me through the entire photo shooting process, getting to know how a professional team operate and especially how the photographer prepare for and sort of work like a director to make things done. Great course! I'd love to share it with my friends~~

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