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How to Make Multiple Lines Using Offset Path in Adobe Illustrator CC

Lesson 42 from: Adobe Illustrator Mastery

Daniel Walter Scott

How to Make Multiple Lines Using Offset Path in Adobe Illustrator CC

Lesson 42 from: Adobe Illustrator Mastery

Daniel Walter Scott

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42. How to Make Multiple Lines Using Offset Path in Adobe Illustrator CC


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Lesson Info

How to Make Multiple Lines Using Offset Path in Adobe Illustrator CC

Hey there, we're going to make multiple lines from one line, it's called offsetting path. We're going to start with this kind of first guy where we expand them out and do some cool racetrack looking stuff, We color it in and then we do a little bit more elaborate where we both do the outside, like this kind of drop shadow effect here plus an inner line here so we can slice out and lots of straight lines. Alright, let's go and learn how to do that now in adobe illustrator. Okay, let's start with a really simple thing. Let's draw anything you like. I'm using the curvature tool. Okay, I'm trying to convert you across as a double click four corners. Double click for a corner. Even hold shift. Okay click once for a curve. Double click for a corner. What am I drawing? I don't know, I just kind of made this up before I made this tutorial seem kind of cool shape. So double clicking and I'm gonna go back this way a little bit. Double click for a corner. Double click for corner. Now I've got min...

e is kind of weird because it's gonna feel so I'm gonna get rid of that Phil goodbye Phil and add a stroke using that kind of limey green color, awesome. So I've got this now I want to go and create those extra lines. It's really simple with my black arrow. I'm going to go to object. I'm gonna go to path, there's one that says offset path. Okay um I'm gonna temporary on to see what's how, how far apart it's going to be depending on your measurements. Yours might be said two points or inches, you can adjust this. One of the things you might do is the joints here. Now basically what you're looking for is the ends and where these corners change so might it is a square corner round obviously is a rounded ends, it might be cool or bevel kind of chops them off at the sides. Okay you can decide what you want to do. Great. So it's created this kind of extra separate line with that selected you can just keep going. I'm gonna make another one. I'm gonna go to path and go to offset path. Leave it the same dimensions. Okay now I've got a few of them. Cool. My drawing wasn't the best even though I'm trying to like show you how great the tool is. Okay, the curvature tool is doesn't matter, I should have spent a bit more time in the beginning. What I'm gonna do now though is just extend this off for no reason other than that's what looked kind of cool let's say you want to fill these lines, let's select them all use our shape builder tool and which is that guy there if I went a bit fast. Okay and I'm gonna pick some colors and start filling it in you outside is going to be that, you're going to be that and maybe That is going to be that one. Okay maybe you'll get rid of this stroke. Goodbye stroke. Alright, so that is phase one of offset stroke. Let's look at doing that slightly more advanced than we saw at the beginning with the text. Okay, so I've just made a new outboard on the side here, I'm gonna pick a font. Okay, I've picked a brill. It's another april fat face. It is another one from type kit. Okay, You can download that for free if you've got a Creative Cloud subscription, type a word, type, my name. I'm going to give it a fill of white and for this to work, it needs to be outlined. So I'm going to make a duplicate over here just in case I forget what the font is and to outline it is, object sorry, type and it's down here create outlines. Cool, so for this to work if I leave it with Phil um and no stroke, it doesn't quite work. So we're gonna flip those over super short cut time, it is, shift X will toggle whatever you've got in the field with the stroke or just change them manually. Okay, so I've got a striker on the outside, no Phil now I can go up to object, I can go to path and I can go to offset path. Okay, like exactly like we did earlier. Alright, make sure previews on and uh choose an offset. You can just click in here and use your up arrow and down arrow just to kind of find where you want this thing to be. Okay, how far out you want it to be? This is the outside bit where we kind of lob off the sides to kind of make it look like a drop shadowy line thing. Okay, so that works for me. Okay, And I'm going to click ok, let's do the internal one as well. So I'm gonna click back on the scent, like this thing is all group now, so I'm gonna right click it and say one group. Okay, I just want the center of these Ds and S and M. Cool, same thing, edit same thing, object path, offset path, and we're gonna do negative, so I'm just going to the exact same but with a negative at the front turn preview on, check that it's always gonna be some weird, but you might have to tidy up with the anchor points, okay? Like that, and and they're, everything else looks okay. Okay, cool. So those, the inside parts and the outside butts, let's slice the holes out of the middle and then do the drop shadow. So it's a little bit messy. I'm going to grab these outside ones and I'm just gonna turn that stroke off so it makes it easy for you to see what I'm doing still later. So what I wanna do is I'd love to fill the outside shapes. Okay, remember a shortcut shift X. Okay, switches the fill in the stroke around. Okay, and I've still got these internal ones. Okay, so this is where we're going to slice them out. So I'm going to hold shift and actually it's gonna be a little hard with these outside lines. What I might do is just grab them, give them a fill again or a stroke again. Just move them off. I'll be able to line them up again perfectly later on, don't worry. Cool. So I've got these lines I've gotta fill and there is this stroke around the inside. So I'm gonna use my shape builder tool. It shift em or grabbing the shape builder tool and just hold down the old key on a Mac, sorry, on a pc or the option key on a Mac and just click them and that kind of slices the holes. What we might have to do before we do this one here. I'm gonna go to outline mode. Just command y on a Mac control on a Pc and there's just this that needs to be tidied up. So I'm actually gonna grab my pen tool and just get rid of these points. Go back to my anchor point to and just tidy these up. You, your name might not be dance. So you might not have these dramas. It's really good at extending itself. Smart guys are really good. I love them. Cool. So out of outline mode again. Okay, and I'm going to select this guy shift em awesome. So those are my insides. Now, what we're gonna do is the Outsides and we wanna kind of slice parts of it off because we just want to kind of like dropped off to the right, okay. And what I'm going to do is show you a couple of tricks. One is first of all it's painful when that one is joining. Okay so I'm just gonna kind of move them across so you might want to track it out before you get started. There's two ways. Uh Let's look at these two ways. Okay I'm gonna make two copies. One way is the scissors tool. This is a tool is one of those weird ones where I never use it and then I sometimes grab it. Okay so it is. I know it's the c tool there is there, so it's underneath your eraser tool scissors tool. His job is to go snip and snip, then grab your direct selection tool, click off, click back on and delete twice and kind of get rid of the junk you don't need. So you can keep doing that right? Is keep just kind of guess where the drop shadow would fall. And what I like to do. I'll leave that one there. What I like to do is let's say we'll do the d first okay I'd like to grab it, make a duplicate by dragging. Okay so while I'm dragging it holding down the option key on a Mac or a Pc. And I'm holding shift as well because it goes down on a 45 degree angle and it's gonna kind of work for me. So we use one as like a slicer and one is the results to make it easy for you to see. I'm going to make the slicer green. Okay? So we're going to delete all of the green stuff, we're just gonna use it and we're gonna go back to my favorite tool in the world. The shape builder tool. Cool. And now what we're gonna do is we're going to say we don't need that line. I don't want mm that line, I do want that line down the bottom here. Yeah, great then, so I want him, I want and it's really trying to decide where the drop shadow goes can be tough. I don't want this green thing go away. I don't want that bit, don't you now. Cool, I'm gonna take off now. I think those are the bits that I want left and I just used my black arrow to select those. Cool. So now I'm gonna grab him and that bit's done okay. It can be easy to line back up smart guys just seem to want to be super smart. Okay. And you're gonna do the same for this one. Okay, so I'm not going to do the rest of it with you. I'm going to go do it when this video is over and it's class project time. I would love to see what you've done. Okay. You don't have to use the word dan unless your name is dan. Okay. And I'd like to see what font you used if I was gonna do it again. Now, I'd probably make this inner path bigger because I feel like it's yeah, it's not doing what I want. You can put like stripes on the inside of these. Okay, You do what you want, Pick your font, pick your colors. I'd love to see what you've done. Post your projects here on this website. Also send me, you know, tag me in on instagram, bring your own laptop or on twitter. I'm at dan, loves adobe and yeah, I'd love to see what you've done All right onto the next video.

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