Chapter 1: Introduction
1Class Introduction
02:03Chapter 2: Importing, Organizing and Filtering
08:04 3Organizing with Collections
06:52 4Rating, Flagging, and Filtering
07:24 5Face Tagging
02:33 6Quiz: Importing, Organizing and Filtering
Chapter 3: Editing Your Photos - The Develop Module
7Crop and Rotate in Lightroom Classic CC
05:10 8White Balance in Lightroom Classic CC
07:53 9Exposure in Lightroom Classic CC
06:17 10Color and Saturation in Lightroom Classic CC
08:37 11Sharpening and Noise Reduction in Lightroom Classic CC
06:39 12Vignettes, Grain and Dehaze in Lightroom Classic CC
05:31 13Exporting in Lightroom Classic CC
09:37 14Lens Corrections in Lightroom Classic CC
04:58 15Split Tone in Lightroom Classic CC
05:12 16Removing Blemishes with the Heal and Clone Tools in Lightroom Classic CC
07:39 17Graduated, Radial and Brush Adjustments in Lightroom Classic CC
09:53 18Adjustment Brush Presets in Lightroom Classic CC
03:02 19Range Masks in Lightroom Classic CC
05:26 20Quiz: Editing Your Photos - The Develop Module
Chapter 4: Editing Your Photos - Advanced Tips & Techniques
21Using, Creating, and Importing Presets
05:24 22Color Profiles
04:14 23Speed Up Your Editing Workflow
04:04 24Panorama
03:33 25HDR
02:43 26Automatically Fix Exposure & White Balance
01:40 27CC 2020 Updates
04:25 28Quiz: Editing Your Photos - Advanced Tips & Techniques
Chapter 5: Advanced Portrait Editing Techniques
29Enhance Eyes and Change Eye Color
08:20 30Whitening Teeth
02:47 31Smoothing Skin
02:16 32Removing Wrinkles
04:31 33Enhancing Lips & Changing Lipstick Color
03:05 34Enhancing Cheeks & Face Contouring
07:42 35Full Portrait Edit
06:58 36Quiz: Advanced Portrait Editing Techniques
Chapter 6: Full Photo Editing Sessions
37Portrait of a Woman
19:37 38Night Edit
14:36 39Long Exposure
14:04 40Product Photo
11:56 41Nature
09:01 42Action
08:06 43Landscape
12:11 44Travel
12:33 45Couples Portrait
17:37 46Architecture Photo
18:12 47Aerial Photo
09:04 48Street Photo
14:04 49Macro Photo
09:54 50Pet Photo
09:45 51Maternity Couple Photo
12:27 52Interior Nursery
13:07 53Portrait of a Man
18:35 54Sports Photo
09:32 55Quiz: Full Photo Editing Sessions
Chapter 7:Map, Book, Slideshow, Print & Web Modules
56The Map Module
04:19 57The Book Module
09:45 58The Slideshow Module
10:21 59The Print Module
08:14 60The Web Module
05:56 61Quiz: Map, Book, Slideshow, Print & Web Modules
Chapter 8: Conclusion
62Conclusion and Thank You
01:39Final Quiz
63Final Quiz
Lesson Info
Interior Nursery
Welcome to a new lightroom editing session. This time we are editing this interior nursery photo. So this style is great for bloggers for anyone that does their own website, great for people who are doing, real estate photography. So really there's a style of editing here to make everything bright and a little bit bold, warm, nice colors. So we're starting with this photo on the left. If you want to follow along, it's the interior nursery photo and this is of our nursery for my twin boys. This is the cleanest you'll ever see it. This is before they were born. And so let's dive right into it. So the first thing I always do is play with the crop. Now the crop and the angle of this photo is kinda wacky. It's because we are using such a wide lens which is typical in interior space photography when you have a small space and you want to make things look bigger. You use a wide lens. The problem though is you get these bowed lines of the walls and just of everything really in your photo. And ...
so there's a couple of things you can try to do uh and I'll do that first before we actually crop. But automatically there's a couple things that bug me that I definitely want to get rid of like the ceiling line right here that I don't like. But there are some things I'm just gonna have to live with a little bit of that boat edge is going to be impossible to remove and make it look good. You might say, okay Phil go down to your transform tool, take your upright tool, draw a couple of straight lines for the things you want to be straight lines. We want that to be a straight line, we want that to be a straight line. We want our cribs to be straight lines. We want our dresser to be a straight line and yes, when we do this and we constrain the crop. Everything is a straight line but it's so warped that it doesn't look good. So we are going to delete that and undo our upright. We're just going to click off. There's another thing we can try to do which is enable profile corrections. Now if you use a camera and a lens that is a smart lens and a smart camera, it will know what we used which was a tow kina 11 to 16 millimeter lens. It was about at 11 millimeters. So the widest sink goes now doing this does a couple of things. It tries to unwarranted the bend that we get around the edges. It also improves the vignette NG for this photo. I don't like the vignette ng. So I'm actually going to boost the vignette in here even more. Now when I do this it makes the edges, it increases basically the exposure of the edges which is different than going to the effects and adding a white vignette or a light vignette that's not the Stalin going for. I just want to make the edges a little bit brighter. We can also go in here to the distortion and try to basically unwarranted even more but it's not really doing much. So I'm going to have to live within this image, these bowed lines. What I can do to make it better is crop it a little bit. So I'm actually going to use a 16 x nine crop for two reasons. One, it's easier to crop out that top. Uh just because it's a little bit skinnier. And also because I don't need the full image in the shot, all of the detail, all the information I want to show is in this 16 by nine frame we have the top of these pictures all the way down to the bottom of this quilt on the crib. All this information down here. I don't really need in my frame. So I'm happy with something like this. Now, what I do want to do is try leveling a little bit. Now what should be level for me, what is most important is this dresser and these picture frames right here. I want those to be as level as possible. Now if I do that to the dresser, the picture frames look completely off. So let's try the picture frames. If we do that, that looks a little bit better. So I'm again going to have to live with the dresser being off And this, that's because I took this photo at a little bit of an angle, It wasn't straight onto the wall. So that's something if you are taking the photos yourselves, pay attention to those things because if it's going to bug you and post, you definitely want to make sure that you're uh you're fixing it while you're photographing it. So I'm actually gonna play around with it. Custom, I want to get the entire top of this as much as possible in this curtain rod. Actually, I'm going to bring back down a little bit. I think this quilt is a little bit more important. Cool, so that's looking good next onto our exposure. So that was a lot with the angle and crop, which I usually don't spend too much time on. First things First, I'm going to bring up the shadows, going to bring up the highlights Now for this style of edit, I don't care about something being overexposed, This light coming through the window, it's just gonna be overexposed, but it's a style I don't mind. So, I brought down the blacks just a little bit to bring back some of that contrast. Now, overall, I'm actually gonna drop clarity, I want this to have a little bit of a sort of dream Equality, soft quality. And that's because this is a nursery photo. If this was a photo of your man cave or, you know, your rock band stage, you might want to boost clarity, but for this boosting clarity doesn't work. I want to drop clarity in terms of vibrant saturation, I'm gonna leave that as is, I'm going to play with the colors individually but I might go up here and boost the warmth just a little bit, just a little bit. It's already pretty warm because the light coming in from this curtain was pretty warm. But I do just want to boost warmth just a little bit. I'll keep my tone curve for later just in case I want to add any contrast, but I do want to add some color and saturation, especially to this teal and the blue and this poster to make that pop. So I'm gonna take my saturation picker, click in that teal boost that and now that I see that the aqua and blue are being selected, I can just go in there and drag those up and down. I might go into the map over here and see if there's any other colors that are being boosted and that's the green. So now I can go into my sliders and kind of one at a time, boost those. Now this color of this pillow, it's a little dark so I could go into my luminescence and see if that helps and it does a little bit and it's not really affecting much else. So I don't mind doing that. I could also just use a little brush and brush over this with a range mask for that color and boost that a little bit more. Cool. So overall looking good? The bottom half of this image is a little bit darker than the top half, especially this quilt right here, which I want to make a little bit more pronounced and easier to see, not just in the shadows. So I'm going to use a graduated filter, click and drag up to select the bottom half, just checking to make sure. And then I'm just going to bring up the shadows when I bring up the shadows. I'm going to also bring back down my black just to keep that contrast. But that's looking pretty darn good. So now with this on and off, you can see overall the exposure for the entire room looks pretty even we don't have a dark bottom like we did before. Cool, so that's looking pretty good now. And that also helps with the pillow as well. So let's click done. One thing that I lose when I am increasing the exposure like I did is a little bit of the detail in these images up here of these animals. So I'm actually going to use a brush with auto mask on and I'm going to increase the contrast and play with the exposure of these animals. So let's just click in here. Try to select the elephant. It won't matter too much if you get a little bit of the white as well and the reason is because we're just going to be playing with the blacks and the shadows and that's not, it shouldn't really affect the white background of these images too much. So, see here in the zebra, how I'm selecting some parts that are in the background, that's totally fine. Same with this draft, It should be fine. If not, we'll fix it later. Now that went a little bit too far. So I'm going to go erase that top half or that little top brush Now, this is just something very subtle. It's not a huge difference, but let's turn off our mask overlay. Let's bring down our blacks automatically, bringing down the blacks. Makes these animals pop out. We're going to bring up the clarity also makes them pop. Also bring up the saturation again, makes them pop, highlights are whites. Let's just boost those as well. That's looking pretty good. So let's zoom out. Turn this on and off. Pay attention to the animals. Just makes them pop a little bit more. Now you can do something similar with these animals down here. We could even just take our brush maybe turn down the density and brush over our animals down here. Turn our and our mask overlay to see while we're selecting. All right, go off. And now let's turn off and on. Pay attention to the animals in the bottom left. Pretty darn good. Now, with these ones on the left, we might want to go in and just do a little radial filter, invert it to select what's inside and we'll bring up the overall exposure just a little bit just kind of highlighting this quilt right here. Cool, that's good. And that's pretty much all I'm going to do. I'm going to go back play with my contrast. I'm going to add a little bit of medium contrast overall just to make things pop a little bit more and that's looking pretty good. The last thing I'm going to do, which I don't do often is go into our color profiles now because this is sort of a blog style photo, something to go on social media sometimes making the colors a little bit more creative can help. So if you go in here you have all kinds of different filters basically that you can add that play with the overall colors. So what you can do, you have your camera matching filters. These are the ones that within your camera. Each camera's different, but they have these different color profiles such as faithful landscape neutral. If you just hover over these, you can see what they do in the image. Nothing happens unless you click it. If I go down, you have more. These are some more sort of specific ones and I'm going to choose Modern four, it's the color stay relatively the same. It just adds a little bit, I don't know what it is. It's kind of actually making it not as warm. Just making things a little bit brighter too, which can happen when you play with the colors and I like that. So I'm going to click that and now if I go up or close this, what you see here at the top of your basic settings is the slider, so if I drag this down or drag it to the right, it increases or decreases, sort of the strength of this effect. So that's something that you can do at the very end or you can also do at the beginning, which is a good idea to before you play around with your own colors too much. But it could be something at the end that you just kind of throw on there as a final filter. Most people will say that you should actually play with it in the beginning but I just knew that when I was editing this first that I played with those at the end and I like that kind of final filter that I added. I hope you did too and I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions whatsoever, please don't hesitate to let me know, I would love to see your edit for this photo and of course all the photos that you're editing on your own, so make sure you post some of them to the course, make sure you post them to social media, to facebook instagram, twitter wherever you can find me at Phil webinar or at video school online on most of those platforms and tag me and make sure that I check it out and I definitely will and let you know what I think awesome. Thanks so much for watching this tutorial and we'll see you in another one.
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