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Color Correcting: Product Photography

Lesson 3 from: Advanced Color Correction in Capture One

David Grover

Color Correcting: Product Photography

Lesson 3 from: Advanced Color Correction in Capture One

David Grover

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3. Color Correcting: Product Photography

Lesson Info

Color Correcting: Product Photography

Now we know how to edit or select as such to find those really critical color ranges. Then let's see how we can actually apply this to some of our images. So let's go to first category, which is gonna be product. So we've got a bunch of different product shots here for example, let's take the first example. And often with product we just wanna tweak the colors just a bit to be more representative of the product itself, especially if it's a prototype product, maybe it doesn't have the exact right colors in for example, maybe the camera hasn't reduced it properly, maybe the art director wants something to look a bit bolder and stronger anyway. So on an image like this we can see there's a lipstick mark just here like so, which maybe looks really faint, doesn't have much color in it at all. But again, you'd be surprised just what's in the raw file. So if I tap here, again intuitively we probably know that if I turn on view selected color range it's pretty damn good out the box because the...

re's no real other neighboring colors close to that. So now I've got that selection, I could quite easily make that darker. And you can see it's changing really nicely and independently, maybe up the saturation a bit and change the hue slightly. And when we're changing the hue we're actually taking our central dots and then moving it in one direction or the other. So walking it around the circle sort of 30 degrees one way or 30 degrees the other way. So it just gives us the opportunity just to tweak the hue a little bit. If we grab another color pick, let's go down here, and every time I pick you see it makes a new entry. So if I tap lots of times you see it's just adding the same entry like so. So let's tap there, gives me a new entry. Turn on view selector color range and once again we can intuitively probably guess that's pretty good right out the box. So once again I don't have to really do any sort of changes to the color range selection. So in this case we could bump up the brightness, give it a bit more saturation so it's more visible. Don't forget of course to turn off selected color range once you've made your selection. That just gives the ability again to see if there's anything else happening. And then sometimes you see this one at the back here, we've just got a little tint there, zoom in a touch and select that. So turn on view selected color range, once again intuitively we can see that it's a pretty tight selection and then we can even, if we find that to be distracting, take this lightness and saturation down and then we can almost remove that as an element from the shop. So it's good to get in your mindset that the color editor is not just something to take one color and change it into something else. We can use it in all kinds of different creative ways for not only enhancing color but removing a distraction, especially in this case. Changing the color to represent the product a little bit better again. If we take this example, let's reset the color editor. This is a case where expanding the color range is a good idea. Because if we think about the leather strap, let's pick on this, turn on view selected color range. If we zoom in a bit more, if we're not careful we might just loose a little bit around the edges. So when we come to adjust it then looks a bit obvious. So in this case I would expand and then just tease it out a little bit like so just to make sure I got all of that particular color tone because there's nothing worse then sort of clipping a bit of the data and then making an adjustment and it not looking so great when you come to edit. But you can see we've got a pretty good selection there. Turn this off and then we can brighten or darken that of course and just make it look a little bit stronger. You'll find that once you get used to the color editor you'll pretty much know as soon as you pick a color whether you're gonna have to do some additional edits or not. I can see picking the face of that watch I'm pretty much okay to, so in this case we're just affecting a little bit of the background as well, so what I could do, let's just take that one out. We could do a very quick local adjustment. Let's make that a bit bigger, we just choose the watch face. Nope, let's make a new layer, call this face, just do this. Again, doesn't have to be super accurate. Go to our color editor, take our picker, pick in the face, and then we can just easily adjust that like so without any influence over the background or any other potential tone in the image like so that's matching it. So you'll see we've got quite a lot of scope for adjustment there and we didn't have to be super accurate with our mask 'cause we don't have any sort of neighboring tones that match those on the inside like so. Last one for product. Let's grab this one here. For example, super simple one. We wanna just enhance the color of the wood. One tap, darken it down, bring up the saturation, job done. So some things can be really fast, which is why it's I think good to impose on you that don't always think that everything color related you then have to jump out into Photoshop and do complicated masking, selections and so on. Quite often just a couple of taps and a quick adjustment in the color editor is all you need to enhance a particular bit of color.

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Ratings and Reviews


Can you get all this stuff online? Probably, but it's great to have it all in one place and it's pretty comprehensive. David doesnt waffle it's pretty much pure content so it gets a thumbs up from me.

Jakob Lehner

I use CP1 for about two years now being pretty happy with it and my color editing skills. So I thought, nahhh not for me I know it all... After some time I bought it on sale and I couldn't be more wrong. I learned much more in the first 40mins than in the last 2 years from YouTube tutorials. This one is really great, highly recommend it!


David's knowledge of the color correction process in CaptureOne is amazing! This class has not only adde to my knowledge of color correction, it has shown me how to do it with a quicker and easier process.

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