Sanding & Polishing the Final Product
Lesson 4 from: Beginning Sawing & Piercing for Jewelry MakingBonnie Heras

Sanding & Polishing the Final Product
Lesson 4 from: Beginning Sawing & Piercing for Jewelry MakingBonnie Heras
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4. Sanding & Polishing the Final Product
Lesson Info
Sanding & Polishing the Final Product
We're going to start sanding you can do this by hand by using the sanding sticks down here is basically just sandpaper that's been wrapped around a paint stick ok, we're using four different grits two, twenty three twenty, four hundred ten, six hundred as you can see their various course levels and that basically a the two twenty gets the file marks out and then the two twenty gets the scratches that the two three, twenty left and so on until we have a nice soft in the surface now I can use a fancy little tool on my fleck shaft too speed up this process so this is referred to as a split mandrell okay, so have a little slit in it and we see that much bigger tools and you open up my flock shop quite a bit slipped this in this center and I've pre cut some sandpaper to slip into this he's kind of clear a little space for ourselves so you can work so now sam paper around this with she can see will fit into your tool soma grab myself paris safety glasses and have a seat. Um a lot of what you...
do is done easily when you're sitting down opposed to standing okay, so I'm going tio take a piece of sandpaper with the grit facing me and starting at the top here I'm going to fold it back kind of just roll it with the curve going to support my peace here and turn it on notice to catch is if you put in the opposite direction it won't catch it'll flocked to the other side where the great isn't so I can kind of go over my shape like this quickly and clean it up now if you don't have a fleck shopped you can take that sandpaper and actually saw this by hand now sandpaper unlike the files and unlike the saw can go in both directions doesn't really matter now there are tapered split mandira ls that are good for doing an inside of something like a form like this but using your fingers and it's just a piece of sandpaper and a hand works just fine so also noticed that we got a little pink color on our brass nobody noticed that how the brass turned pink it was yellow before so it's copper plating because press is an alloy so when you heat it up a neil if it can get this film the copper oxides that air inside the metal kind of rice the surface and creative plating you can just sand that off as you can see it's not a very thick plating so just so we can kind of see all the steps here to grab myself all my sandpaper now we're going to do a polish on this so we to go through all the steps to prep so that means we can't skip the step you ago some people try to find a way to go so I have to use all the grids is it that important and actually it is it makes a difference to finish so working on just this edge here I did the two twenty first and see how it's got a lot of scratchy lines now gonna go over with the three twenty see how it starts to look a little less scratchy little more smooth right? They're moving on to the four hundred starts getting more smooth something you could actually feel the difference too when you touch it it feels less course and then last but not least six hundred give us a nice clean but it actually starts to even shine the piece you may notice a big difference right big difference so now we're ready to polish that area we're gonna be using the fleck shaft again for that kind of get all this out of our way for the moment now there are two different types of compound that you're going to be using sort of like the idea of using lubrication on your blading to add compound to your buff so we have tripoli buffs and we have rouge buffs tripoli is this brown compound rouges this red compound tripoli is a cutting compound so that means it um basically has a little bit of abrasive in it so that it uh kin take away find scratches but we'll get rid of some of those deep scratches they don't think you can't stand up to six hundred so I just put my buff of felt buff when I started these buffs here looked like this they're nice and clean their felt there's muslim may different types this guy's been used a few times so what's again safety glasses we're going to start with the tripoli's aaron a load are buff like that president gets the compound and then we're just going tio press it against the metal first the compounds going kind of transfer onto your medal it's gonna look a little dirty at first and you see it starts to come off when we start to get a basic shine going now let's kind of get that compound off by taking a cloth and just rubbing it just like that and now we have a basic shine so what we're going for here by using debate doing a polish or using the tripling the rouge is a high polish as it's referred to so believe it or not get brighter than this now because tripoli is a cutting compound you don't want to use a different compound a rouge on it so once use a buffer a compound it's always used for that so that's why I have these labeled here so trip these air always tripoli buffs this is always going to be rouge buffs on switching buffs also, make sure your medals clean, like I just did there by wiping off any extra compound just so that we don't mix compounds. Okay, now, once again, I'm loading it see little red kind of pop onto your buff right there and the same backward motion being mindful there's a lot of friction happening here so the metal can get hot, it becomes too hot to hold just put it down for second, let it cool notice that I'm not going crazy fast. You don't need to be going super fast to get the result. I'm just kind of pushing down as I moved back and forth moving back and forth so I don't actually create a debate so we see how shiny that could get really nice and bright. Now you're gonna dio those steps on the inside and the outside of your piece, and then you're pretty much to the results you see sitting right there, let me show you howto attach your your wire and then we are finished, so I'm using premade here wires here you can make your own were wires that's a conversation for a different class, but to add the year wires is very simple gonna take two pliers take a chain knows which is this one here tapered point, but flat jaws and going to take a flat players like this hold the tip here in one tool grabbed this edge here open it up like that then we're going to slip this on just like that through the whole domed side facing out and then we're just gonna bend that back in place looking at in the front make sure that it lines up with the front wire so it's nice and streamline and there you have it yes did you see what type of metal you use for the ear wire? This is sterling silver either wire okay, so stealing suffers a good kind of staple because it most people don't have allergic reaction to it so something it can make direct contact with your skin as you go through all the steps you eventually will have that so you see if we kept going through and finish the whole thing it'll be polished on both sides in the your wires already polished so we don't need to publish them any more questions before yes for someone who's beginning I know is there's a lot of tools and materials that are are involved is there a place where we could get anything that we could start with you know as a beginner? Or is this more of an intermediate this's gently beginning stuff most of these tools I'm using things that you don't necessarily have to use now it comes to a polishing you're going to need a machine either affleck shaft or a professional like bigger polishing machine, but everything else, they're all hand tools, you don't need all this space, you can have a tiny version of this block. You can have a little hand torch like I mentioned you can, uh, everything else is very small. It takes a very much space and actually it's, fairly inexpensive. Believe it or not, some of these other fans, your stuff, such is the discoverer. That is a little bit more of an investment for people who are kind of, um, basically have practiced this quite a bit already, um, or know that they're going to do a lot of work. But, like I said, there are kind of ways around it.
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