Finding Your Core Message
Lesson 7 from: Brand Naming Bootcamp: Learn How To Create Memorable NamesScott Lancaster

Finding Your Core Message
Lesson 7 from: Brand Naming Bootcamp: Learn How To Create Memorable NamesScott Lancaster
Lesson Info
7. Finding Your Core Message
Introduction to Brand Naming Course
01:58 2The Secret to Creating the Perfect Brand Name
01:23 3The Three Brand Name Types
02:56 4The Neuroscience of Making Your Name Sticky & Memorable
02:25 5The Most Dangerous Brand Naming Mistakes
02:14 6Getting into the Right Mindset for Brand Naming
01:35 7Finding Your Core Message
03:36 8Deciding Your Name Type
05:13Creating Names with Different Naming Methods
05:18 10Using Chat GPT to Create Great Brand Names Faster
03:22 11Brand Names That Rank Best on Google
01:36 12How to Do Worldwide Trademark Checks
01:45 13How to Get a .Com Domain for Any Brand Name
01:55 14Setting Up Your Branded Business Emails
04:25 15Securing Your Social Media Handles
00:52 16Time to Show How Great You Are - Brand Naming Assignment
01:35Lesson Info
Finding Your Core Message
Now your brand's core message or the unique value your brand can provide is always where we need to start when developing a great brand name. And this message or unique selling point is what we want customers to think when they think about your company. And Apple is actually a really great example of this. For example, most technology companies either want to be more efficient, faster, stronger, more technological or better value. But it doesn't really matter because the target audience that Apple want to sell to appreciate how Apple thinks. So as a persona, they actually think that they think different. So you can see why the Apple brand is so desirable to a certain type of person. Now, one thing you might be wondering is what has Apple got to do with computing or technology? Apple seems like one of the worst brand names in the world, but it worked for Apple because they've been around for so long and back in the day when they first started, they were actually called Apple computers. ...
However, over time, they've obviously grown their brand and people knew what Apple did and who they were. Therefore, they eventually dropped computers from their name and were known solely as Apple to call your name. Something that abstract in this day and age is very risky. And it will take a lot of advertising spend to actually get across what you guys do and why you can help people. And as I showed you before, there are only two simple ways to have your brand name be remembered. The first is a lot less expensive and it simply means connecting your brand name to a pre existing long term memory the customer has. And the second approach is spend a heap of money on advertising and repeatedly drive form what your company is and how you can help people. And as I'm assuming you don't have the marketing budget to do option two, let's focus on the first approach. Now, in order for you to find your core message, you simply have to answer these three questions. Firstly, what do you do better than anyone else in your market? Second, why would a customer choose you or every other competitor? And lastly, what positive impact does your brand want to leave on the world? Write down as many words as you can and we're going to do this with a real life client that I'm working with right now to show you how I do it. So the client that I've been hired to help is a cyber insurance company that helps corporate clients secure their internal networks and keep their data safe. This is a brand new start up. So we're starting from scratch and I asked the clients to answer these three questions. And these are the words that we came up with throughout the brainstorming session. As you can see, the brand's unique selling point is their ability to foresee future threats before anyone else. They are therefore more secure and safe, which inspires trust and makes them more reliable. Which is one of the main reasons why a customer would choose. And lastly the positive impact that they want to have on the world is they want to give the clients that they work with complete peace of mind that their networks and their data are safe so they can focus on doing what they do best as a business. So now we have a list of words and phrases that we can use to create a great brand name later on in the process. Let's imagine for a second that the brand naming process is like painting a masterpiece apart from it's not thing like painting a masterpiece, but let's just pretend that it is at this point, we have the message that we want to communicate and that's kind of like knowing what we want to paint. So in this case, let's imagine, we want to paint a dinosaur egg, but now it's time to decide what color we want the dinosaur egg to be. And by this, I mean, what type of brand name do we want to create and we're gonna cover that in the very next lesson.