Setting Up Your Branded Business Emails
Lesson 14 from: Brand Naming Bootcamp: Learn How To Create Memorable NamesScott Lancaster

Setting Up Your Branded Business Emails
Lesson 14 from: Brand Naming Bootcamp: Learn How To Create Memorable NamesScott Lancaster
Lesson Info
14. Setting Up Your Branded Business Emails
Introduction to Brand Naming Course
01:58 2The Secret to Creating the Perfect Brand Name
01:23 3The Three Brand Name Types
02:56 4The Neuroscience of Making Your Name Sticky & Memorable
02:25 5The Most Dangerous Brand Naming Mistakes
02:14 6Getting into the Right Mindset for Brand Naming
01:35 7Finding Your Core Message
03:36 8Deciding Your Name Type
05:13Creating Names with Different Naming Methods
05:18 10Using Chat GPT to Create Great Brand Names Faster
03:22 11Brand Names That Rank Best on Google
01:36 12How to Do Worldwide Trademark Checks
01:45 13How to Get a .Com Domain for Any Brand Name
01:55 14Setting Up Your Branded Business Emails
04:25 15Securing Your Social Media Handles
00:52 16Time to Show How Great You Are - Brand Naming Assignment
01:35Lesson Info
Setting Up Your Branded Business Emails
Now there are so many ways to set up business emails online, but I always use Google's G suite. The reason I always do is because it's cheap, it's easy to manage and it's just awesome and how to set it up is also super simple too. Please keep in mind you do need your domain to be secured before you set this up just to make things nice and easy. Ok? So the first step to setting up your branded emails is to go to Google and just type in gmail business suite. Once you type this in and press search, you should come to something that looks a little bit like this. This may be different depending on which country you're in. But if you click this and it looks a little bit like this, then we are off to a good start. Now, the next step is to basically click, get started. Once you click, get started, you'll be asked some similar questions to this. Now, please keep in mind that depending on your country, it may be slightly different. Ok? So they may come in a slightly different order. This is just...
Google testing for different countries because they think that people from different countries will work in slightly different ways. So please keep that in mind. So let's just put your brand limited. Ok? Then just put just you then obviously type in whichever region you are currently in. Then in regards to the first name. So I will put Scott Lancaster my current email address. So this email address is the email that they're gonna send you maybe a recovery email if you get logged out or locked out. So Scott Lancaster at Next. Now when you come to this page, you're going to have two choices. One is that you actually buy a domain through Google. And the second is if you already have your domain, you can actually use it through Google and connect it through Go Daddy or wherever you actually bought the domain from. Go Daddy is usually the best option. So I'm going to just click this and then what's the business domain name? So this is the not the email address, this is the domain name. So let's say, yeah, Ok? So let's just type this sorry, your So this is the domain for my actual business. Perfect. So it's just shown me emails will be sent to will not be affected until you sell an email. Ok? So in regards to this, it's just asking me I want to buy this email of this domain instead. No, I already have it. So next, we'll send you occasional emails. No, thanks. No, thanks. You use your user name to tag in. So your user name, for example, um Mostly you use things like either support or obviously, if it was uh my personal email within the business, then you got. What I usually do is when I'm just starting a business, I just usually put, you know, support or hello or um or maybe admin if it's uh my, you know, online university. When I first started that, I just put admin and then I basically had admin at um Laodab for Lancaster Academy of Design and brand and then just basically put a password. So yeah, perfect. And then obviously you can check the password and check the higher case and everything. Click this. Ok? Ok. Then what it's gonna do is it's gonna bring you to a page much like this where it's basically going to give you different plans. Now, I'm currently in Thailand right now. So this is in Thai Bath. So this is around kind of $10 or something, something like that and maybe $7 something crazy. So there are two different ways to do it. It actually makes a lot more sense to go for the flexible plan. So choose the flexible plan. This is going to give you everything that you need. It's no long term commitment. You can cancel a downgrade at any time and it really gives you everything that you need to really start setting up your business and getting your business email in check. You can also try it for 14 days, absolutely free. So yeah, this really sets you up really well. And then once you click this, it's basically gonna ask you for your card details, which obviously I can't show you because that's something that's gonna be very personal to you. And there you have it a fully branded email ready to go. So you can look super professional and credible from day one. Having a business email just makes your brand look super legit. And another thing which is super important to build a trust is to have social media handles which we'll be securing in the very next lesson. See you soon.