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Lightroom: Auto Adjustments

Lesson 13 from: Capture and Edit Photos of People in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

Jared Platt

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13. Lightroom: Auto Adjustments

Portrait retouching has become much simpler with machine learning: learn how to make auto exposure adjustments and fine-tune your images.

Lesson Info

Lightroom: Auto Adjustments

What we're gonna do is we're gonna go over to the right hand side where all of our adjustments are and we're gonna click on the main edit adjustment, and that drops down all of the tools that we have available to us for global edits to a photograph. Even though it looks complicated, with a bunch of different tools, most of the time you're gonna use just a couple of them. It's really quite nicely exposed to begin with, but we can make it look a lot better from our tools here in Lightroom CC. So the first tool that you need to be aware of is this little auto button in the top right hand corner. Most of the time people fear auto because auto doesn't usually do what it should, but in the case of Lightroom CC the auto button is actually very, very good because it's actually using machine learning to do it. So when you click on that you can trust that it's gonna get you right in the zone as to where you wanna be. So let's click on auto and see what it does. Look at that, that is fantastic, i...

t did such a great job at getting us right in the zone. Now what I found is that the auto button tends to want to make it a little less contrasty than I like, so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna quickly, right after that auto button is pressed, I'm gonna come back down here and I'm either gonna bring the shadows or the black down. So I'm just gonna grab this shadow and bring it down just a little bit and bring the black point down just a little bit so that her dress is back to where it was supposed to be. But that's all I had to do, and otherwise auto did a great job.

Ratings and Reviews

T. Goss

I enjoyed this quick tutorial. A very good introduction to how to use lightroom.

Andrew Hunter

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