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Lightroom: Gradients

Lesson 16 from: Capture and Edit Photos of People in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

Jared Platt

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16. Lightroom: Gradients

How do you help move your viewer’s eye to the subject in an image? Jared models how he uses gradients, as well as the small adjustments he makes to control their effect.

Lesson Info

Lightroom: Gradients

You may want to enhance your photograph even more. Like, let's say that we want to brighten up her face just a little bit and we wanna bring attention in to the girls a little bit more. So what I'm going to do in that regard is I'm gonna go over to the right-hand side where I have other tools available to me. One of the tools that I have available to me is called a radial filter. So that radial right there, it's a gradient, but it's in a circular pattern. So I'm gonna click on the radial gradient, and I want to just kinda darken the edges a little bit so that our eye goes in to the center where the girls are. But they're not quite in the center. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just take exposure down on my settings, and I'm going to grab a gradient. So I'm clicking right in the middle of the girls and I'm going like this. I'm just dragging out the gradient so that everything outside of them is getting a little bit darker. Not much, but just a little bit darker. You can see how it's d...

arkening up here on this side and a little bit up in the corner? But because it's free from constraints of the actual photograph, I can move it around anywhere I want. So wherever the subject happens to be, that's where I can move my gradient, and then everything's gonna get darker as it falls outside of that gradient. I can then change the feathering on that gradient, and I can make it a really small, a really wide feather, which means that there's no effect in the center but it slowly gradates out all the way to the edge, or I can have no feather whatsoever, and it will look like that. You can see that it's got a hard edge on that line. Of course we don't wanna do that, so we're just gonna kind of find the happy medium. And then what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna control the edges of this. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna move it up a little bit and grab the bottom edge and bring it up there. So I'm making it a little bit more of an oval shape. I can put this gradient such that it's going to keep their faces light, and then everything else is gonna get darker as it falls away from that angle.

Ratings and Reviews

T. Goss

I enjoyed this quick tutorial. A very good introduction to how to use lightroom.

Andrew Hunter

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